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Wantea. A LLoTMENT wanted, in or near PonJTaL sonby or Stount Eden Eoad&—Address, with.. pirlicnlare, 8., Herald Office, ALADY, with very limited means, Irishes for a home as Companion to a Lady . who is much alone, as part payment for her board.— Westoti. Po-t Office. Anckland. BOOT TRADE. — Situation Wanted hy an all-ronnd Clicker, wholesale or bespoke.---R.L., Hehald Office. LEGAL.— Wanted, by a young English solicitor, just arrived—A situation in Cojdaial office? general experience athonis.—X.,General Pqst , Office, Wellington. "OAKENERSHlP.—EnergeticYoungMan, JL with £2W to. £250, would like Eartnerihip in going ce::cern. Principals only.—Address, liii,, Office. , ' OES PEC I , ABLE Boy wanted, for Office.— ■ JL\l Apply to W. E Walker, Core-street. TO" S U It V E Y 0 RS. A Gentleman, lato in the Madras Government - Survey, will undertake the computation of Traverses and Calculation of;Atras ».ddfess Surveyor, care of j. B. Graham, Solicitor, Shortland-.street. 1 TO BOOT MANUFACTURERS.—Harried. Couple., without encumbrance (per Doric) seeks Employment. Thorough experienced business ' people. (Jou!d manage Shop, warehouse, or fill any -■ place of trust. Both good sales people. Not. afraid of Kpork. Colonial references or security.—H.C, Mr. Kpwe's, Tho Avenne, E>ien Vale Road, Mount Eden, t mo MERCHANTS, STOREKEEPERS, JL AND OTHERS.—"Wanted, by a middle-aged Alan, oi Sober, Energetic, and Business Habits—An * Engagement; competent to take charge of a Branch Business in Town cr Country; good reference?.for ability and character.—Apply to A. I)., HeraLp , Office. . ■ W~ HANGAREI HIGH SCHOOL. "■. c Wanted for the Whangarei High aqualified : Tehcher. Applications, enclosing certificates and references, to be addressed to the Secretary up lo November 1 t JBB3. t : WANTED to SELL—a Lafrn Tennis Set; price Two founds.—New Zealand t ; Tweed Company, Qneen-street. _, , W"AN TED—Engagements for following servants, excellent relereiicee — House-parlour £ Maid (3 years), Housemaid, good Dressmaker, Parlour- „ maid, 9 good Generals, Laundress, Cook CP rivate )> Housekeeper, first-class Man Cook (hotel), sober,, steady, recommended; also, first-class managing a Waitress or Housemaid (hotel).■;_ These aro all good.-- j Mrs. Elsmore'a ' . WANTED to Let for 6 months—A Eiirniahed House of 6 rooms, situated in : h Si monds street. Can be viewed ou Monday or Wed- 1 neaday, from 2 to 4 pim.—Apply lo P, L. Prime, ; House Agent, 28, New Zealand Insurance Buildings. • WANTED —Property-holders in the city 2 and raburhs wisbicg to sell may find ready C buyers by calling with particulars at Central land ; Agency, corner of Queon-etrcot and Yalcan-lan6.— Qoorge Frascr, Manager. ........ "Wl ANTED Known—Colonial Ovens at. s T V 12s and upwards ; Side and Portable Ovens -1 Kitchen Ranges, Stoves,, Grates, and Portable Boilers, general smiths' work in all its branches at correa ponding prices. Country orders promptly attended a to.—Address, R. NlchoU. 32.6, Queen-street. Auckland f WANTED Known— Men's Coloured Bows, 4d ; Flannel Binding, IJd : Holland Pinafores, lid; a few Ulsters left at 2s 6d; Black °: Satin Is Ud; Colonrjed Tassels, 3d; Baby's JDfaper J Pinafores, G<l ; Toilet Quilts, 3s. vAt Dampier's Wake- 1 field-street Shop. ■ . . ' ;, WANTED . Enp-ffn—That ;we delivei £ Taupiri, Bay of Islands, and Nowcartlo Cos! also i'ltowood, to any pr.rt of tho Cily pr Suburbs at 1 Lowaat Oa.ies.-r W. &'U.-.'V?in«torKJ,'dutembnnw. itreet. . . .".- .-. < .■.:■-. ■. . ■. L __ . n WANTED— Teachers, Scholars, and the Ladies Of Pon3onby to be in sympathetic accord with the 25 3d Corsets now on sale at Robsons, Ponsqnby. . . . , \ WANTED Known—Spfiqg Tape Mia- l ! sures, 2d; Sil&Eea, 3|d; Glass Cloth, 4Jd; "< Shirt Buttons,.3d a gross; Piak And Blue Hose, 6d, slightly laded;■ Toilet Sets, fid; Green Window a Holland, Is Id; Straight Busks, 2d ; at Dampier s. js WANTED to Buy — Lefc-otf Clothing of every description, for C3sh. Parties waited on, P.S —Wanted Known—For H re, Trap I and Saddle Horses Apply Thomas Hill, Clothier I and Draper, Parnell. . ; "TTTANTED Known — That P. Louis, V V Watchmaker and Jewellery has opened in 8 those premises lately known as the Wharf Pharmacy.; a Queen-street Wharf. First-class Workmanship gua 1 an teed. , WANTED Known— Snajte Bracelets, 6d ; * Silver Bracelets, 0d ;. Needles, 4d for 100 . (half price); Damask Table Covers, 3s Cd; do., White -< Linen, 43 6d; Splendid Table Covers, 8s J Small Tooth Conibß, li IOddoz ; at Dampier's. s , ANTED Known—That T. Cam has *> returned fronj the South and. opened a 1 business in Rutland-street with Robert Irving as Wholesale ConfectSonere, where he hopes to see his ti old friends. ' ' ' '"' ■■'" ,;, ' ■" :, ""■ ' '; ii WANTED Known—The Auckland Tim- ° ber Company (Wholesale and Ketail) supply O.U applicntion, new Price List of Doors, Sashes, Sash Frame* Moulding, etc Aleo, Illustrated Priced Sheets of Mantelpieces, Gates, Turnery, Brackets a etc. ■■ ■■ ■ ■■■' '■ -■ ; :■ i ■ WANTED Known—Hair Pads, 3d pair ; n Orinol'nei fid eatih ; Rack Conjba, 4d; Poll Combs 2d; I'uff ]ioses. Is; Diaper, 9id: D.mity, R\- Indian Muslin, Is; Infants Bootees, M pair; 1 Knitting Cotton, Is G1; Infants' Mother Hubbard C Bonnets, 2sDii; at Uampier's. . . ■'■•....■■■ L W ANTED—Purchasers and Tenantß for Houses and AJlotnents, Farms, Land Improved and Unimproved; terms arranged. I have a T list of Tepanta wanting houses. Money lont on j freehold and personal security. Bills Discounted. - Loans T. Ho SB , next Union Bank... - 187. Queen-street, "y ~-.■:-..■:■, ■■■.-■ -,-.. TED Known—Men's Dux Collars, * Vγ 8d a box ; Hen's Linen. Collars, 0d ;. Brown Windsor Soap, 8 for Is; Boys' Dimity Collars 4,1; Frilling Id-Table. Damask, lid; Uoller Towelling, 3jd; at Dampjor's Wukefield-strcet shop. ...... ' WANTED to Lease for Twenty YearsTwo Firms, capable of carrying from twenty to thirty head of cattle, must bo withio fifteen miles of Auckland; stock at Valuation.—John M. Hamer, Eetato.Agent, Newton. ' ' '' ;""■■' :--"'.gANTED Known—Toilet Pins, 2 for Id; Crewsl Wools, ljd skein; Egyptian Antlmacnssers.ls6d; Ivory Buttons, 3Jrtdoz.; Men's Boalinc Hats, Is lid; Lace Kibbed Hose, lid; Crochet Cotton, 2Jd; Splendid Cretonne, Is Cd ; Turkish Towels, 7d. At Dampier's. ■■. , W' ANTED Known—That I have a Good Stock of Tweeds, Cloths, <md Coatings always on hand. All goods well shrnok. Fit and style guaranteed. Prices Low.—R. Stow, Tailor, 86, Victoria-street. ' ' ANTED Known—lnfant's Bibs, 3d; Silver Buttops, 3ddoz,; Youth's Straw Hats, lid . Whalebone Seta, 2 for Id; Scoured Grey Twill Calicoes, 7di Beautiful Hearthrugs, Ta 6d; Coloured P'Oyleys. 4d. At Dampier's. WANTED Known'—Money to Lend, On personal aocurity. . ~ :,, Persons bOrtowing £5 receHe iA 10a . ?:*■-' .■■•■■■'■ Persons borrowing £10 receive £3 ■■■' ■»'.< Persons borrowing £.20 receive £18. borrowing £50 ie?eive£4e Strictost secrecy. Bills discounted oaily. -London Loan and Discount Company, Uigh-street, two doors South of Vnlcan Lane ANTED, by a Leading and thoroughly Established Mutual Life Company in Australia, the services of a gentleman competent to establish and manago aßracch of this Company in the liew Zealand provinces Applications, with resti< monials and full particulars as to qualifications, &c, to be sent, oh or before tho 30ih pr..ximc, addressed ■' Mutual," care of Gordon and Gcoch, Melbourne. Melbourne, August 24,1883. "YSTANTED—The Ladies to look into W Punne, Hall, and Co.'s window, 218, Qtieenstreet and they will seo aottie New Spring Goods, jnst irrive'd—beautiful, usrful, wml ornamental—at very fow prices for the QUAMTY OP THE GOODS. We would also beg to say our dressmakers are turning oat some very beautiful Spring Costumes just how. Ladies' o*n Materials made up i-B the bsst manner. Opposite Messrs. McArthnr's Warehouse. WANTED KNOWN. Cas a Good 7nmu be too Widely Ksotvn ? Testimony daily to hand to the ■ unmistakable efTects of our ■ LI VE R TON IC, . . For Headache, Indigestion. islUmisnMs Piles, and Costiveiiess. Is Cd and 2s a bottle. Is it Round Worms or Thread Worm t that you are OR .. TONIU SYKTJP. Iβ it Taps Worms J-Our remedies aro safe and certain, AnRH<EV AND - DYSENTERY, ' : No;ly ihould be without our Mixture, either Pnwilfrr nr Liauid. Is Each. ■ ■ ; Powder or MFOUSD SA r SA t>aRILLA, Of the best aad purest quality, for all impurities of the 2s Gd BOTILE. All orders pro.iptly attended to. Consultation, personal or by letter, free of charge. '"NEIL & CLIFFORD, Botanic Dispensary, WEitssLEV'St. East, Auckland. _^__ ~~lj Tf O B H— To RoTh'b Public Hot. Cold, and Shower Baths, Victoria-street East. Charge, Omc Shilling. Open all weeV days from 7 a.lo. to 9 and Sokdav MonSiNofrom 6 till 10 a.m.. The Bath-rooms are aU private and suppllod with every convenience,. Turkish towels, flesh and hair brushes, combs, respirators, so»D etc Select bath-rooms (private) for Ladies every day, at all hours, with female attendance, Oke Shilling. Please note the address: Victoria street East above the tSeyhound Hotel, and neit the Cheap Bedding and Fnmituie Mart,.Auckland. ~

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6817, 22 September 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6817, 22 September 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6817, 22 September 1883, Page 1