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Meetings. .gANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Notice is hereby Riven that the Half-yearly General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Bank, will bo held, in the Banking-house, in Auckland, oh THURSDAY, the 25tb day of October next, at noon, for the purpose of receiving the Keport of the Directors for the Ifcilfyi;ar eliding the 30th inst., the Election of a Dijecl-or and for any other business that may be brought before the Meeting. »,,,By order of the Board of Directors, < D. L. MURDOCH, General Manager. ■ Auckland, September 14,1853. j Candidates for the Office of Director must give, notice in writing to the Board of Directors, each notice to be left at the Banking-house, Anekland, thirty days at least before the day of election. I Jg AN K OF NEW ZEALAND.' The ' TRANSFER 1 BOOKS of this Bank will be | CLOSED from TUESDAY, the oth, to THURSDAY, the 25th October, both days inclusive. j .i'i JJy order of the Board o£ Directors. 1 „ ;. D. L. MURDOCH, • General Maaagor. , .i: Auckland, September 14, 1883. ' OITY .GUARDS RIFLE VOLUNTEERS". ] ■ Iliflo Practice THIS AFTF.KKOON, at 1.30. Am- ] munition Issued.on the Kange. . ( By order. ... ALF. BAETEETT, 4 11 Hon, Sec. ' ~ Personal. i DEAFNESS! —Read my voluminous ' ■ pamphlet, with its very wilderness of testi- 1 menials from all parts of Now Zealand, Australia and Fiji, Stamps for reply. —T. B. Hannaford, Auckland, New Zealand. . J Lost and FoundSTRAYED, from St. John's College—A J J 'dark Bay Marc; white star on forehead ; should j der marked. Any person, returning the same to Mr. s James Scott, of West Tamaki, will, teceiye One Pound \ roward. j To'' Let:." nnO. LET.—Offices over Fisher and Co.'e i ® ' JL : " ? Queen-stfeet. —Apply to H. Ashton and Son, 8, j yew Zealand Insurance Buildings. TOLET.H-A very comfortable four-roomed ,i : Cottage, .Union,street; rent, lis per week.— t Apply to H Ashton and Son, 8, New Zealand Insur- j aiice Buildings.; - ■ c TO .;EE "LET, with immediate possession (AS A . stoke)— The Stone Building in Fortstreet known as Lamb's Mill,—Apply to J. Lamb, ® or tn W. Aitken, Land Agent. 6 TOMjET —- A seven-roomed House and ti Six Acres of Land, with frontage to the One- ! hunga Road and three miles from town.—Apply to W. Aitken, Sbortland-street. s fjli .. ■ : —^^^—■ P fHIO BE LET—With Immediate Poasea- ® B Bion, Olenorchard House, at St. Heliers, Con- J taining 14 rooms. —Apply to Capt. Clark, on the Pre- _ misea, or to W. Aitken, Land-agent. : TO with immediate a;;i possession—Family Rosicience Of eight roOms, j_ r'wtthrwashhouse, stable, harnes3. room, , and 'loft,—Apply, to: Frater 8r05.., insurance Buildings i ! mOILET, .at the North Shore—A Nice Cottage and Garden, orchard in full bearing, £ j suitable for a gardener.—Apfrjy to Air. Brown, Yaux- •, I hall Gardens; or JT. Ashton and Son, No* 8. New Zealand Insuranco Buildings. „ mo , LET—Shop and Dwelling-howae, at j *J. tho corDcr of Pitt ana Orey Streets ; first-class "* bumnc-s stand; double-windowed shop, plate-glass ■< wiiidowa ;' water and pas on, immediate posr session.—J: M. Lonfiox, Estuto Agent, Auckland. . i i ii • .» 1 . i i . . . 1 TO. LET—Large Warehouse in Custom- a HousQ'Street.; good cellar and back entrance ; * will be vecant shortly* Apply to H. Ashton and Son, 8, New Zealand Itisnrance Jttnildings* TO firat-clasa Business Pre- .t: mises, consisting of a largo storo and concrete cellar, situated in thjd best and most central part of a iJueen sUeet, lately occupied by thb Southern ProI duco. Company, and immediately ,opt>ositc to Messrs. I T, and S. Motrin and Co.'s shop. This is ono of the i best stands in the city.—=D. F. Evans,. Land Ageat, 0 I Queo.n-Btreot. ■.. . . . I j rj\ 4 : j>r ?: l . e I ! tV«nfnrtahlfi and Commodious Residence (lately occopied by J. A. Tolc, tsq;, M.U.R.), situate in ilamilton lload,' I'onsonby, s * The House contains 10 rooms, iltted with .gas and all 0 conveniences; nico garden, and boautiiul view. -i D F. EVANS, Land Agent, Queen-street.' r|T" : O ' L E T, I ■ ' SPLENDID. SETS vOF OKEICES *•? " - IN TIIB AUSI KALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY'S . > ./r :' EUiLDJNG (late Liicksoli r s). £ Apply to '••• Mil* A. SAUNDERS, g 2 Insuranco Buildings. $ Or, to Mr A. bidlTH, j Archucct (on the Premises}. EOWER TO LET, on 80 miles ot gas ■ ••• moini, in the city and suburbs of Auckland, . . Consumption ,of gas* frpm 18 cubic feet of gas pet |j indicated horie-power per hour fof the larger sizesj td , 25 feet for the smaller. Suitable for Engineers, Wood- j workers, Printers, Firewood Dealers, Boot and Shqe , Manufacturers, Fodder Dealors, MaJstera, Sausogo Makers, etc., etc., and. for Hoisting passengers and Goods. Over 8000 delivered. Advant igos: No troiibje with coal, ashes, smoke, insurance, wa ! :cr,. or constant \ attendance. No danger or risk of fire. Cleanliness, j Economy, Convenience, Safety, DflrabiUty. Cost, 2d 3 per horse-power per hour lor gas. Korty Oita C*as Encincaare now erected in Auckland. For tenns, conditions, and particulars apply to tho Secretary, Auckland Gga Company (limited)'. Fort-street. Sizes t ufluallv kept in 2, C, 8, 12 h.p. ; c ■■ . . ■' ■ ■ - 1 ' " Board EeaiileTice. ~ BOARD RESIDENCE,— by a i I«ady having a larger house than she requires— I Two Gentlemen, who will have a good home. Terms c 25s por Week.—Mrs. Ei.smore's Registry. r . MRS. ; DALTON has now accommodation for,lady and gentleman, or one or two gentlemen. Terms moderato.—Panama House, Lower , * Symonds-street. I HOUSE—Waterloo Quad- - •;<¥?. rant, opposite Government Gate. Promenade, Bath,'and .Piano; terms modorate, ERIVATE 1 Board and Residence fox* a * gentleman in Ponsonby.—Address at Hkhali> • ■ DURHAM HOUSE, near Victoria Wharf Nortli Shore—Comfortable Board and Kesidenco- Terms, moderate. " BELMONT HOUSK Vinoent-Hticet — Board and Besideiico tor Gentlemon requiring tlie Comfort of a Home. Booms doublo or single ; Baths plunge or shower; piano ; suites of apartments ;.•> cood tahle. Visitors to Aucklnad wnll find, this re- ■ Uting. and healthy combined with every convenience. Moderate tennfl. Mra Bastoti. j CAMBRIDGE HOUSE, Lower Vincent- < .street—Mrs. Riclimond begs to inform her friendß - that She has noW opened her new premises as a flxst-elasa boarding touße. Single and double bed* | rooias and suites of apartments. Plunge and shower baths, and every accommodation for viaitore. Two minutes' -walk from Opera House.—Terms ou apphcation. , WOMEN'S INSTITUTE AND ¥ BOAItDINO HOUSE, QUEEN-STRKKT. Oixin ilniiy from 10 a.m. till B.SO p.m. Dinner and tunchecn, frcmlS to 2 p.m. Tea, from sto 7 p.m. Boarding Houso for young lauwa "ho are owupiod during: tho day. Terms on application to the Lady Superintendent. Y.W.G.A. Meeting every ilonday, at 7.50 p.m. Governess Agency, and Lending Ijibr&ry- in connection with the Inatitn'tp. . GOVKRNOR BEOWNE HOJ'EL, , UOByOK-STRKIST. . .. Bgard andLoSging-. - 20a per vreok ' do. : ■ do. (single room)—.-.—Ms dp. A 8 II B URN H A L Li, . J\ WAIKAItI, DUNEUIN. ' James ntJ>iE, - ' '"private asvluh foe the insane, «■, , EPILEI'i'ICS, AND INEIiKIATES. , V}* flic liispector-General of Lunacy reports as. fol- '°" 1 li.we this day visited Ashburn Hall Licensed . House, which is situated in a very good estate Of about 91 acres at AVaikari, a short distance from. 1 Dnncdln. ~ . . ■ t •• The establishment is licensed for 40 patients, viz. i —22 males and 18 females. a " The- establishment la exceedingly well arrarged, - and olfera to its inmates all the somfoirts of a piivate country house, Tho sitting rooma are neatly and substantially furnished. Each patient has a ] separate, bed-room, tho bedding being all that could - bo desired. Baths an d closets Of tho most improved construction arc provided, in convenient situations. . " An excellout waggonetts with a pair of horses, is in frequent use for the patients, who are moreover well provided with means ofamuso—lOntin the form of games, books, magazines, and ii variety of illustrated and other papers. •'My visit gave liiei a very good impression of the general management and.arratigoVnents.. It is qtiito ( evident that neither trouble nor oxpense has... been sparedin making the.establishment accord with the modern Views 01. treating the insane;"

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6817, 22 September 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6817, 22 September 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6817, 22 September 1883, Page 1