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Nsw Zealand Hbbald Office. Thursday evening. Thb duties to-day amounted to £1152. Business during the past week assumed a somewhat brisker tone, consequent upon order 3 coming in from the country a little more freely. The importa during the timo named have been heavy, caused by the arrival of the steamship Doric from London, with a cargo valued at £13,G00 for here alone, and also by the goods put out by the ships Zealandia and Grasmere, both from the same port as the Doric. The duties paid into tho Customs during the last five days amount to £6149 8a Gil, which is a sure indication of the large amount of goods passing forward in stock. The principal goods passed for are drapery, &c. For flour there still continues a good demand, and the various mills are still kept fully employed to meet the demand. The building trade continues brisk, and all the factorios are now working full time to enable them to fulfil orders upon hand. The fine weather of the last week has had a stimulating effect. Contractors are now able to push forward all outside work.

Our remarks made for the last three or four weeks upon the kauri gum market apply with equal force to the week just past. No noticeable alterations are reported, and prices remain unchanged. The barquo Glance is expected to clear for London to-morrow, and she will take with her % large consignment. The supply for the month up to date is 31S tons.

In farm and dairy produce we notice little alteration, except for butter, which has declined still further. It is now quoted at lOd per lb. wholesale, and 1b per lb. retail, and it i in plentiful supply. Eggs remain at last . ;ek'3 quotations.

On the 15th inst., the s.s. Doric, from London, came into port, but having measles on board, she was delayed until Monday before berthed at the wharf. The Alice Muir, from Newcastle, with coal, the Magellan Cloud, from Lyttelton, with grain, also came in. The nextdiy the Matautu .irrired in ballast from Tonga, followed on the morning of the 17th by the mail steamer Australia, which siiled again for Sydney the same afternoon. On the 18th the Manapouri arrived from Melbourne, via Southern porta,and the Wairarapa, from Sydney, also put in an appearance the same day. The 19th saw the departure of the Manapouri for Sydney, the Makea Ariki for Rarotonga, the s.s. Penguin for Fiji, and the schooner Kate McGrcgor for the same place, via Mercury Bay. THE GLANCE. The following aro the total quantity and value of the cargo of the N.Z.S. Oo.'s barque Glance, which clcared outwards at the Customs, yesterday, for London :— Gum, 2132 cases, 472 t ns £22,912 Pearl shell, 14 tors 1,218 Cotton, 3 bales, TGSlbs 23 Flax, 23 bales, 5J tons .. 110 "Wool, 100 bales, 73,5001bs 4,335 Leather. 35 bales, 21,8301b3 1,593 Copra, 328 tons 5.494 Tallow, 93 casks, GlOcwt 1,003 Hair, 1 bale, COOlbs 30 Sundries. 52 packages 140 Bark, 35cwt 12 £30,878 THE AUCKLAND MARKETS. Garden* and Orchard Produce.—J7hole«at«i Apples, 9s to 15s por case; Pears, Id to 2Jd; Lemons, per doz.. Is 6d to 3s; Onions, por lb., Id to IJd; Celery, per doz., 2s to 3s; Garlic, 3d to Gd per b ; Pumpkin, per lb., 3s Cd to 43 per cwt; Cocoanut3, 8s per 100: Oranges. Is 3d to 2s per doz.; Bananas, lsd to 2}d; Pine Apples, 8s to fis Od Retail: Oranges, 2s to 3s per doz.; Lemons, 2d 11 3d each; Onions, per lb., 3d; Apples, per lb. 2d to 6d ; Pears. 4d to Sd; Celery, per bundlo, 2d to 6d; Pumpkin, per lb, Id to lid; Bananas, Od to 8d; Garlic, 8d to 9d per lb.

Preserved and Dried Fruits. — Wholeiale: Dried Prunes, Cd to Sd; Crystal ized Pine Apples 1b to Is 3d per lb; Preserved Ginger, Is to Is 2d; Peanuts, IJd to 2d; Barcelona, 6d to 8d per lb.; Shelled Nuts, 9d to Is; Brazil, 6d to 9d. Retail: Drio i Prunes, Sd to lOd; Crystalized Pine Apples, Is 9d to 2s per lb.; Preserved Ginger, Is 9d to 2s; Peanuts, 8d to Is; Barcelona la to Is Cd; Shellod Nuts Is to Is 6d: Brazil. 9d to Is.

Farm and Dairy Produoe.—Wholesale: Butter fresh, 1 Od; Butter, salt, 7d to 0d; Cheese, good local fid to (id: Canterbury, do., 6Jd to 7d; Eggs,per dor.. 8d; Lard, per bladder, 6d to 7d; Bacon and Hams, Provincial, ed to 8d; Hams, 8d to 9d; Canterbury Ham and Bacon, Bid to UAd, in cloth ; Hams only, Is; Jams, per ca3o, 5 doz., £1 17s Gd to £118s 3d : Fowls, per pair, 2s Cd to 4s; Feathers,baked, clean and selected, up to 2s per lb. Retail : Milk, per quart, 4d ; Batter fresh,ls; salt d0.,10d to Is; Cheoso,colonial, d0.,9d to lOd; Eggs, per doz.. lOd ; Lard, per lb, 6d to 9d; Fowls, each, 2s to 3s ; Ducks, do., 2s to 3s Od; Geoio, do., 5s to 7s; Turkoys, do., each, 5s to 8s 6d; Bacon, per lb., lOd to Is; Hams, do.. Is to Is 4d

Hay and Corn Market.—Wholesale : Malzo. local, 2s lOd to 3s; Oats, 2s 4d to 2s Cd; Wheat, 4s Cd to 4s 9d; fowl. 3s; Barley, 2s 9d to 3s 3d; Malting liarlej. 5s to 5s 3d; Hay, meadow, per ton, pressed, £0 to £6 ss; Lucerne, do., £6 to £0 10s (nominal); Straw, per load, 18s to £1 10s; Chaff, mixed, £5; Oaten Chaff £0; Hay. oaten, £5 to £0 ; Clover. £5 10s to £6; Potatoes, por ton, £3 15s to £4 ss. Retail: Maizo, 3s 6J to 4s; Oats, do., 2s Bd to 3s 3d; Bran, por lOOlbs., 6s; Sharps, per lOOlbs., 6s; Wheat, fowl, per bushel, 3s 6d to 4s; Barley, feed do., 3s Cd to 4s; Hay, por cwt., 6s 6d to 7s; Lucerao, do., 7a Cd to 8s ; Oaten, do., 6s to 7s; Straw, do., 3s to 4a Chaff, do., 6s to 7s 6d.

Kauri Gum and Flax Market. — The gam market is quiet at prices auoted below. Receiptß for month to date, about 318 tons. Tho following quotations approximate to present rates :—Ordinary, £32 to £37 ; good ordinary £40; East Coast, £50 to £51. Flax, per ton, £1S to £21; Tow, do. £7 to £9; Fungus po lb., 2Jd to 3d; Cccaanut Fibre per cwt., 153 to 17s Beeswax, 9d to lOd lb.

Coal and Firewood Market—Coal: Newcaat e (ship's sido), cargo, 30s to 33s per ton; yard, 32a to 365. Bay of Islands, at yards, 275, scarce; screened, 20s; ditto at tho mino, 13s; aliip's sido, 25s to 20s. Waikato, 8s to 12s; in Auckland, 18s to 225. K&mo, 12s per ton at loading ground. Taupiri at mine, 8s Bd to 12s; at yard, 18s 6d to 225. Wliangarei, at mine, 9s 6d; yard (steam), 17s; housohold, 21s delivered 235. Firewood: Uncut at wharf (cargo), 9s to 10a per ton; delivered. 14s; cut. 17s tu 18s.

Floor Market.— IVholeiale: Superfine Flour, silk dressed, per ton, £14; do., do., household, £13; hundreds 55., fifties 10s., per ton oxtra, sacks and bags freo: Southern, do., £10 to £12; Bran, por ton (sacksincluded), local. £6 : Southorn, do., £6 to £510s: Sharps, £6; Cabin Bread, do., £18; Oatmeal do., £13; Poarl Barley, do., £23 to £24; Bread, por 21b loaf. 3id.

Seeds. —Lucerne, Is 3d ; White Clover, por lb., Is to Is Id ; Red Clover, por lb., 9d to 10d; Cowgrass, por lb., Is to Is 2d; Alsyke, per lb., Is to Is 2d; Trofoll, per lb., 7d to 8d: Timothy, per lb., 7d; Rape, por lb., 4d to sd; Purple-top Abor. Turnip, per In., is 3d; Groen-top Abor. Turnip, per lb., Is 3d; Green Globe Turnip, per lb., Is; Prairie Grass, per bushol, 7s to 8s; Ryegrass, per bushel, 5s to 6s; Cocksfoot per bushol. about Bs.

Building Materials. — Timber: Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., 10s to 15s, best dressed, 18s to 19s Cd; second class, 9s to 12s 6d; rustic woat'nor boards. 17s to 18s. Mills : Cargu, best, 12s to lis 6d ; socond class, 6s to Bs. Balk, 6s 6d to 7s. Bricks (at Whau), 35s to 40s; Town Yards, £2 Bs to £2 10s per 1000. Drain Pipes, por 1000, 0 Inches bore, 30s; 4 inches, 14s; 3 lnchos, 9s; 22 inches, £2 5s per 1000; Socket Glared Pipes, 18 lnchos, 3s; 15 inchos. 2s 6d; 12 inches, 2s; 19 inches. Is 3d; 6 inchos, 8d; 4 inchos, Cd per foot

Butchers' Mi:at.—ltelail: Rcasting Beof, per lb., 4d: o Gd; Boiling Beof, do., 3d to Cd; Mutton, hindquarter, do., ■Jil; do., fore-quarter, do., 8d; fork and Veal, por lb., do., 5Jd to 7d; Stoats do., 6d to Sd; Chops and Sausages, 'Id to 6d. WhaUzale: Tallow, mutton, por cwt., 48s to 60s mixed, do., 250 to 355. MiscELLANEors.—Korosone. from Is 7d to lsßd ordinary brands. AVoolpacks in quantity, 3s 3d to 3s Cd each Corn Sacks, 6s to 8s 3d per dozen. Fencing Wire .No. i, 7, and 8. assorted, £14 10< to £16 10s por ton Lime, slacked, Is per bushel; Quick Lime, in stone 8 (id to 2s. Now Zealand Palings, sft., 7s O'l to 10a ; oft., 13s; Ti-trco Rails. £2 10s to £4 por 100: Puriri Posts £6 to £7 ; Shingles, 133 to IGs Cd por 1,000; Hobart Palings, 6ft„ 15s to 19s; 6ft., 17s to 21«; Ilobart Rails, 75s to Sss. Buying and selling quotations. Manures. — Bonodust, Sydney. £9 10s to £10 according to quality; Boneflour, £9; Auckland, £7 to £8 10s ; Peruvian guano, £18; Maiden Island, £8 ; Huon Guano, email lots, £5 to £6, bags inclndod; Hurst's Chemical Manure, £1410s. New Zealand Flax Rope.—Prices subject to trade terms. Ropo of all sUes, per ton, £40; Tarred Yarn, do., £40; Wool Lashing, do., £38. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. AUCKLAND. Mb. Alfked Euckland's Weekly Report.— At the Ha/maiket, on Ftiday last, fodder scarcely maintained previous prices, beat values were from i 1

9d to 5s 3d the cwt. Oats, varying with sample., from 2s Gd to 2s 8d ; maize, 2s Gi to 2s lOd the bushel; inferior bone manure, £4 tho ton. The horse; market was fairly well supplied, and late prices obtained. Strong medium draught, £30; a medlum-sizgd four-year-old entire colt by Lord Derby, £80; and a similar colt by Loch Fergus, £80 ; were among those hold. At the hide and skin sale, on Tuesday, sound hides ranged from to the lb., tallow, 25s the cwt.; butchers' sheepskins, 4s and 4s ljd cash ; station skios, Is Id to 3s 4d oach. At Pokeno but few cattle were yarded, but at Drury there was a largo muster of stock of all kinds, and a full attendance of buyers, hut no improvement in values over late markets, but the inquiry for good young cows near calving continues. At on Thursday, dairy stock ranged from £4 to £7 each. Grazing cattle were in better inquiry. Fat cattle in lets than usual number, but with no. improvement on last week's values. Prices ranged from 21s l o 27s per 1001b3. Averages wereJ. Wallace, Wainku, 23 steers, £8 17s 6d ; Waikato Land Association. 21 steers, £9 lis; James Taylor, 8 steers, £9 8s Od; J. Dingle, JMow Plymouth, 30 steers, £10 8s; J. Hornyficld, 0 oxen, £12 ss; J. Cavorhiii, Hawera, 45 stoers, £8 19s. --heep were in moderate supply, and at lato values, about 3d per lb.; lambs ic brisk enquiry, and brought from 10s to 20s each.

Messrs. Hooter. and Nolan's Weekly Report —Horses: There tas been continued animation in the market. Notwithstanding that a good many have been brought forward prices did not alter materially. At tho Unrham Yards on Friday there was a good muster and steady competition throughout the sale, hut no noteworthy alteration in values. Wool, hides! aHd skies: There was brisk competition for hides and skins, and prices wore fully sustained. Hides fold at from 2Jd to 3jd ; skins, from Is 9d to 4s scl eachCattle: There has been a large supply of stores, and also of dairy cows, but as a rule the latter have boon of inferior description. Fat beasts wore insuihci*nt for requirements, and resulted in aii upward tendency in prices. The Newmarket yards were filled with stores, and quite the usual number of dairy cows wero offered, but fat beasts wore scarcely in average number. For dairy tows bidding was slow, and inferior animals wore difficult to dispose of, A large number of stores wero disposed of at prices showing an advance of from 2s to 10s each, Sheep : Tlioro has been good supply, and prices had a tondoncy to recode, averages being scarcely up to previous week. Ewes and lambs sold at l!>s ; fat owes, from 14s Cd to 10s Gd; wethers, 19s to 22s Cd; lambs, from JOs 6d to 17s. Pigs were again in short supply, and prices had rather an upward tendency. THAMES. Mkssiis. Banks' and Co.'a Weekly Report (By Tolcgraph].—At Parawai, on Thursday, fat cattle were plentiful, and of choice quality. Prices were steady, at about 24s per lOOlbs. Sheep wero ip small supply: good wethers made ISs 9d to 24s Od each. Lambs wore offerod much in excess of requirements, and wero much lower than last week; best pens made lis 9d to 15s each ; smaller ones, 5s to os.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6816, 21 September 1883, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6816, 21 September 1883, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6816, 21 September 1883, Page 4