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House and LandTTiTx o m & go is HOU*E LAJm AND ESTATE AGENTS S, XEW ZEALAND INSURANCE JIUILDIXGS, Montr to I.en«l on first-class security rrope'rti.a Valued A GOOD EIGHT-ROCftIED HOUSE ii Graflou Kn.-.d, witli vcr-iiid.ih »nd lmlcouy. larp garden, two-Mall stab!", ic. £250 can remain 01 A mOrt \VKl"l' S - BUI LT SEV EN - ROOM HI HOUSK. with a qu .rter of a* aero of land, in i good h«ltliy altu:ilion. with crery convenience fo a faiuilr I'rice, tftJO. AN EIGHT-ROOMED F OIILY RESI DES'JE in j-mond street, freehold, with larg. •WELUBmi!l'°S EV EX-ROOM ED HOUSI in C'-irlton Road, with every' convenience for ; fninilT. plenty of wnt-.r, large allotment, aud ver sfx-RoVIMI'n'cO'J'TAGE, with Outbuild inrs and Ian;o garden, in Kolmn-strcet. I'ricc A £4 ?i'<>OD -riIREE-ROOMED COTTACU w-i:h All.o.".eiit, at Newmarket, for immediate sale Vcrv (he.p. A FIVE ROOME1 1 COTTAGE in Newtoi Kosd, nii.l I-\i:ir-rn.-im«l Cottage with Scullery am Workshop, in Lichik-ld-street, freehold Allotment A cuwl ii:T.-stn ent SMALL FARMS of 5 and 10 acres, on tb< Ijike Kovl, ' ort'M Sh.ive. ill lol.s to suit purchasers FOUR-ROOMEI> Verandah Cottage, vitl Inrcc Al'"tmsr.f and well. Due view; neal Upper Hyinevids-siri'o:. ST<J!\ivS' POINT—2O acres of good Land, aH j.lout:h.iMo. and good asiKCt for orohard, well slx-RO'.JvKn'cbrrAGE in Willow-street off Napier-street, next the Police Station ; fruit anr flower L-ardon. good w.-11. etc.. LAND at this North Shore, on Lake Road, HOUSE in the best part of PamelL servant's room, pantry, etc. Gas Li il en ; plenty of water, nud even.- convenience ; Lin;,; trochoid -.llotment; suitable for a pro-SYMONDS-STREKT—A Shop, with Dvrel!ingh"U«u. In the best part of symonds-street: gas good we 1, ar,d al in good order; also, a threeroomed ' ott -go : 1 allotment. PONSONBY RO-i) —A new and wellfinished Fimily UesMer-cc, with large garden ; a'th'h'ke'rOOMED COTTAGE, and two two-roomed Cottage*, "ith good well, and well drainoil ; top ■>! Ho'jsnn-strcet. GOOD FARM of J4i acres at Takapuna ; good hnr.'C on-hard, ami plontv of water. 50 ACU K.S. W ;l ipu. DRAK Iv.STREKT— Corner Allotment for sale or lease. NELSON-STREET—Lar-e Allotment, good view NAI'IEH-STRKr.T—Allotment. 110 ACi'.KS, Liltio Muddy Creek. 120 Tai-.piri, Waikato. 81 ACHES, Pakunniga, good bush. 60 ACRES, Vironpia. ALLOTMENTS at Waikomiti, close to RailAIToTMEXTS at Xewmnrket AN EXCELLENT FARM of about 3GO acres, fii milo* from Stolie.- , Point Wharf, good buflianil well-watiTi-.t, frontage to salt water creek, coal h:u iiecn fou-.ui on tLc land. 120 ACRES of g.M.-.d Land on lianks of Waitematr. l'.ive , water front.iije, good lauding, and well watt:r.'<l. A GOOD FARM of 204 acrw, with Dwell-ins-liduff. Hairy, S;wkyard. et\ ; 70 acres in grass goodl.toh: re.Vly •:..::-■ :!i.- pr,i;.crty feni-ed with pest »i-..l liiia-r..::.: «i:! ; in : in.-asy distance from iov.n ; L:n -<! ineta'.U-! r -id. l'ricc, C\ ]>er acre. A IiUILDIXG Al!' tment in O rat ton Road, spl.-ndid view, f.r.ft. l.v Urtft. SEVERAL very desirable rroportii-s for sale ul tiio N,ir:l. Vi : ..rv : Houses. Land, etc. Ti) 1!E LET. AVF.IIV NICK SIX-ROOMED COTTAGE SIX-'iTi'lOM"El) "(jiVi'TAGK in Alton Road, with i-ir.i.n. etc: w,--r laid on to shower l>:uli. SM W.I. SHOP. wi:!. Dwelling-hous". Kybw r.i«= !:■• ~1. HO USE—Eden Crescent, H. ASIiTON & SON S, X' -V Z'jv.hniil Insurance Buildings. Qi Ail U 1-: K ~y AIL E ; IIOU*E. La:<D. I>7ATE, ANE IJfSt'HAXCE SH CKTL \ M; - S T 11 K E T, AUCKLAND (Next to the Post-offiee). MORTi; s GES anri LOANSNegoti.-ited WONKY Invest«n on Kirst-class Security l:i:NlS ana I.NTEKKST Collected rinted of rrfj'erties for Sale forwarded on Application i£37.">.—ITiETTV Suburban liousc, con Tenienvly .stt--.\ ju'. nell-tinished, iNitk outliou-e f.n-i lar.-i- f;-i!i!e. garden s l'JO:"t., tastefully laidout. i.iid fully str>..--,-d. Terms casr. SO2 £850.—sfl'EHIOR Farm of 70 acres, fenced in f even p.idilcoks, the whole in grass and crop; with seVi-H-vorm:. •! Ijoiise, dairv, man's rjom. stalili". c--..ici.-h. us.-, c-.wshed, e'tc. ; situate 13 miles from Auckland; two miles from liailvray St .lion. SOG £2r,0. — COTTA(:E containinj 5 rooms, water laid-'.!:: Allotmcrjt x 100 fest; fire minutes'w..i;: i'p.ti '.Jiuen-street. SO4 £1000.—GUU1J iJnirv Farm of 70 acres, all fenced and siiSdividcd." all in :rra=s, well watered, v.-oi ;::!-;;-.■: ISmife of s-jren rooms, with nu:n-roin ' IMS \\;\,<'.:: ■■■ ; all level alluviul land; Id miles i"r.-.m -Mickl.v.d. Terms, ha I cash, balance £Go6.—PRETTILY-SITUATED Suburban lie.-id.-r.'.e, v.iih a a i view of the liarbnur. well built liou-J cf'J rc-.V.i-,. -.vash-hous", scußerj-, tank, well, et<-. : ■ 110-r.iL-r.: in;; x 122, fully st'.c-kt-d with ohuic" iruit and or;i:;me!i;.il trt-ei; S'J minutes from Port-o::ic.-. 793 £475.—G00D FARM, eontainiii£; SO acres, fenced in sevin ju;! ii>-;ks. .".0 acre 3 irrasn. 21 acres orclianl and ganieß ; level and r.nrliiUting 1 nd. lyinc wt-ll to the sua: liou=e of live, rooms, dairy, stable, cowsheds, c:.-. Ttrms easy. 705' £500.—CHEAP and Good Farm of 156 acres 5C acris sr.'.sa, S orchard and crop, 12 acre I bush, large run ::nj.i::iEg ; Una of two rooms Ehed«., etc. 79;5, £■2 10= PER AC] IK— I2SO acres of really good land, nearly ihe whole plocghable land, well-■watt-red and containing a small quantity of bush, about -20 acres in cr; Larye llwellins-huuse of 10 renin?. eU: Ten::■: v;ry easy. 734 £300.—HOUSE of 1 rooms, and kitchen range, tanks : corner ailotnicat C 6 x 100 ft. Only 20 £?>'■>. Choice Farm of 50 acres, all in arass, orchard, etc., soil ri,:h volcanic, land level and well-wati-r.j.l ; good ljve-r.-omc-d House, dairv, cow-shed, etc. : ti.ree ii.iiei frr n. Jiailway Station.' 777 £-450. —I'ARNELL. — Nearly ne%r House, ment I'J xl'lO.' '' '' " ' ' 77: i £•2600—FARM of 513 acres, about 200 acres in (rrass. 7 -acres orchard and ornamental plantation, Dearly ull level and u:i lu'.atin- land, poof, land on limeston-i formation, well wa"tere 1; House of 10 ro'-ii:s, with nit!i.-r..a« outbuildin-s, all in good repair, r0 miles fro::i Auckland. Large portion of purchase nionev c-.r. r»nriin at 7 per ceut. 773 £16 I'ER ACRE—Superior quality Farm, only 12 miles i>c..r, A ccUland, 130 acres (all fenced) in fi i.:nlfloc3ts, all i:; ;-ra-,and crop : good Dwellinghouse of 8 rconi,: ar.d kitchen, dairy, cowsheds, stable, etc. This farm t'ave 45 bushels of wheat per acre la=t sejion. 774 £b PER ACl'iL. — Conveniently-situated Farm, rontai:i;i:g f.-22 acres, the greater portion ferc-d, IDO acr trass, balf-acre orchard, M) acres mixed bud' level and undulating land, well watureii- llouae of 5 reoms, Stockyard, etc.; IS miles frc:n Auckland, and H miles from a railway £1200.—SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, commanding a most li'-r.utiful water view, with six orchard, and meadow; House of 7 rooin.s, .stable] coach bo-.i.-e. ri-<--'-. riiin", sheds, etc. Terms easy. £250.—NEW HOUSE of four rooms and pm'rv, veri-.'ii'i, ct;., with Allotment :« x 123 ft. Tcr;me in. l'w.:nty :iiii \t-s fro .\ the I'oit-ollice. £000.—CUE.-vPRUN, containing 3054 acres. The freehold will lie so d for £000 £S PER ACRE. — \ cry desirable and conveniently situated Farm, containing 380 acres, all fenced and suLrtiri'ltd, about IMacres gross, 2 acres orchard, SO acr-a by,!-,, remainder fern, fjirce and comfortable Uv-tlliiu'-house of 10 rooms, with outetc. Tlii.i valuable propertv commaads extciuire view- r.f ir,r.,t beautiful sce'ncrj-, and is only a fchor! disUr.-f from railway stations' £460. — CONVENIENTLY - SITUATED Dwelling-house, coiitaii.iaj; -even rooms, storeroom, back and front verandah gas, g.'ts stoves and fires, two tankr, g.-od well, etc., with large garden ; twcnty-flvu minutes walk from Post-office £'230.—PRETTY COTTAGE of four rooms, all well finished and fitted" with stoves, grates, and tanks. Allotment 42 x 123. Terms easy. £. r jou. —Choice Suburban Villa Site, containing aoout 2 ; acres, substantially- fenced, laid out in Brass, card-In walks, and fully planted with fruit and ornamental trees ; 40 minutes walk from the CONVENIENT. and pleasantly-situated Suburban licildenco, containing G rooms, with nun>cr..u3 r.utbuililinrs; together with r>s acres of "laiit V °d' jal Tei '"" * CU ,l:llced ' subdivided, and £7"25.--Huburbuii lu-sidcncc ol ten rooms, ■n-ltll sl'itei! roof, c.-iach-lioii'c stable live tanks tc. ; .-.!«.. fruit an ,l oroamental garden of nearly an acre :n extent. Tni, desirable property is con veniently situated near the Newmarket Railway Station £900—SUBURBAN FARM cf 40 acres good volcanic loam, fenced in five paddocks, all in grass, well-watered ; Ho- se of six rooms, Stables Sheds, ic. This property is admirably suited for sub-division. Short distance from Auckland, and near a railway station. Terms easy. £350.—FARM containing 130 acros, partly fenced 35 acres grass ; rood orchard, uolcanic soil; lunie run adjoining; Dwelling-house, Sheds, etc. Terms as agreed. £ic5Q Capital Farm of 366 acres, fenced in 10 paddocks, 200 acres grass, small orchard, ICO acit'busb, containing a large quantity of valuable nuriri • Dwelling-house containing six good rooms, ?our"talled stable, large barn, cowshed, dairy, &c. ; f 6 miles south of Auckland. Terms easy. j., r, c PER, <\CRE—Farm containing 1300 Lei partly f«'« (i alld ™l> r0 ™ 1 ' ,-ru* SEVERE UQUse of 9 «» m *. J t situ ated IS miles from ewe.*. w»» ai ' i>crcen, - for eight years. SAMUEL VAILE, X.OTJSE, LAND. AND ESTATE AOBT. s "o^ AS t,-stbeei next the

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 2