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«Wanted. W^y D F^ I nrL J 9 0bi ' ing Ha"dw^Sh^j^^jApp^ Irou WANTED-An Experienced Gardener: testimonials in(!i.ipcmab; e .—U a I^aca 'ANTED-Purchaaors for W aste I'aper. Apply to the Publisher, UKRAi.pjji^e. W" ANTED- Au experienced Gardener- . i bl« ; -E_ L _A. Isaict" T\7-ANTED_A first-cTasa PJam»-er. — T T Apply Cranston -j Foster. Albert street. ' . TV" A H"A^ffi« mera "~ Applyl>ublieher '. 'yP'ANTED — A gond General Servant MluntEd'o 0 "'" TOOk "" h - ""• Ba '«". V\7"ANTED- A thoroughly good General Boad,rarnS: ant - A ' n " y to "" Coten -- B^htoa W "ANTED—A first-rate Clothing Hand, ■ , , or , a , JllDior of active and unahio-.' habit*' with good address.— J. M. AlcLachlftn. "•"»'»# WANTED— Six L;idies for the Chorus of " tho ilontisuo-Turner Evs ish . iperi Com? pany.—Apply at the Theftr.c to Jlr. Orlando ilazzo-WANTED-α -Cicneral Servant; wages, ]2aa-week; no ; one other servant kept.—Apply to Mrs. Lamb, a few doors the Eden Vine Hotel Known—That E. Henry, of Shortland House, Sliortlaud-stnjft. is appointed Auckland i,-r..nt for the Kur.i-icau and Australasian Labour and Employment Agency. WANTED —An Improver to crewel, lace and every Hnd of ,r:i-t!c work; must know something of the work. -Mr*. Austin fourth house below Y%TANTED — General Servants for Te mT in '^ 1m S"' Ml Te Awaamtu, Hcfenavile, mud, town.—h. Henrys Co^try. street. W A n' TK H Tγ Sitl,at 'on3 for fiVst-cl^ several General Servantsand vouncOirl"-■nan.-.Mra. Elsmorc's Ke g i ,iry, \fcf ANTED—Engagement for the foUowT , ..T '"f : El,lcrl - v «'"">.-.n, as Nnrso f or voung children take entire -barge : aho. Waiter. — Mrs, f.lsniores Itcgistry. Shortl ind-street. 'VSTANTED-A p.-rs-ni to Cook and make A^Li.wh^Hotr""" 7 " gcf "'- A "-'/ >'^ W r ANTED—A Good Collector: must know town v>l. and "nd socuritv.-Apnly by letter <>n!y, to Xesv Zealand Tim'.er Cmrip.ny." WANTED— \ l.'our or Five roomed Cotttge or House (in a g.-.r-Jen pref.rred) within cm°." u ° Ql "''"' 11 str " ; " " A ' l,ir "' i • , " , - IIKKtLD WANTED— A Marricl Couplr.:"the rnlTn as farm soiv.:nt and the wife a3 c.«.k and dairymaid. — !-<ir jiarsieiilars, apply at Mr. U Arlhur's Auction _.Mjrt, street ; or at Wesley College, W7 ANTED Kncvir— An uxo.-.-iu-nced Houk-ktope.-. j,:st arrived fr.m i:.,,-:a n d, uniiLTtakcs tradesmen i ».miii! S by the liayo;- ve;ir All kinds of ..ilice work duly attended to.-A.ldresa Accuuntmt, .'iiu, Quoeusireet. \ vrANTED ""to" "] the t ..-...l of T* January--A Ht.ue contttiniiiß 10 :noir.Bmust be in Rood n-.uir and situated in on- of Hie Snliurlw- Add.esc l:o\ 20. I'mt-ollicf. Auckl-nd. a.-.od lionoral Xervjuit, for H Die rust font: coiliforlable si-.iiafon — Apply Yi.ur.s M.-n'.i ot||'t'o£ Wellesley and Albert stre -ts, froi.i HI to II a.m. WANTED, at Hannaford's Auukland Itesistry. Esti.blifli.-d !¥«-Uv.c:i=uinVred I'arm CoiipU-s, wa-e» ts: ; Siiu-ie Karm ll:i':iU, :\r~eH ■JOs; Hoys able to milk an.l "ho useful, v.-a--« l?s : Cooks and L-Mindresses for IMnmnr» Parnell Ponsonby, North shore; r>ai-.10 i;en,.r-.l s-rvant and Hoiiseniaiil, for Hotel. Coromanle! • IlTtnaid and Female Servant fr.r UnM iii4born." si-v.Til Oeneral .Servants and youn- cirls, to b- .;-- fr.l. for Town ; Female -ervant for liusseli. WANTED Known— tho 7\V,v Zealand Timber C',m anv (r.imite!) hive rednecd th« price of ihtir Tim'>.r. Joe WANTED— Ladies to know that William P.attray has fi <UL;h: tli.i Ri ,bin S: .v.'ss of two wholesale houses ai!..l is now ofTei-ini; 1 '.107 yards of Plain and um:>r.; liibbon ai h lif-ptico, 17S, ISO, an.l IH'2, Queen-;!r. ft. ' WANTEB— and Squarers.— Aj.i.!ytu.Vcicurv P.av £»• 31111 Co, l'ortstreet. ' WANTED— .Scrva.iU ot ali classes.—Ap; ly lo Supc-rintendcnt of Young Women's Institute. WANTED— Two strong Boys, from 16 lo IS year.-' of ui;e.—Apply Sash a:id Uoor Company, .Alecbauics' i>iy. "57S^AN'L r General Servant; T t references required.—Apply to -I. Craig, Lower Symonds-street, hotw.'en tlie hours '.f 2 and 4. WANTED- Music Pupils l,y an experience.l teacher ; terms £1 Is per quarter. —Address, -Mrs. Pattern, .\iona \'iew, Karu:ij..haperoad. WANTED— Situation as Daily liovernusi, Eiißlish, Music, rirawing. 'Fnnull aad fiemun ac'iuired on the Continent.-Address, Mrs» l'atier.s...'i, Mom Vi..-.v, road. WANTED— Wholesale Customers for fore-«iii.irt(;rs, :.:d.><, or bcrly of ijccf. 2]d; sheep, 2.\d ; lambs, veal, and pork, at eiiurilly low pricJsand best quality. -G, llulme, butcher, (JueeQ. street. W' ANTED —Evervono to know that wo arc selling pure Kauri Cum Oil for Priming at 2s 9d per gallon ; :.ho, Mixed Paints for u*a in any quantity. Tho cheapen and est in tho town.—Atkin'on and Co.. Freeman's Ka-.-. Auckland. WANTED Known—That Mt-sic I'iiiST. isc, of sizes aihipted to Hymn-b .ok> sn,l tfco Pianoforto, is neatly cserutoil at tho fTr.i>..\rr. OIHc", Estimates given f..r Music-books arranged both for the Piano and in score \ ft; ANTED Known— J. Cosgravn and V 9 yo. are Sellin,' Men's Suits of the De3t Blue Scri;e at Ms «d; fashion ible WANTED— The l'ulilio to know that Crowther's 'Uu«c-s run every flft«>:3 miiiutea from S a.m. till can i>.r-.\.. to N'invniarkot via ParncU. WANTED Knov.'n—Tliat Mrs. Grice ie Agent at Newaiarket for the N'cw Zealand Herald. Auckland Weekly News, and Saturday Niyht, WANTED.— Everybody to know that the Auckhsii Satukday Niuiit is the oldest and tlie best family paper publish-id here, and has always the choicest..!;.! the barest reading matter Everyone should to ItT WANTED— Everybody to 15viy their Drapery and JliKinerv at E. T. Herbert's, Upper Sy«ionds-stre»t, is hn all hi-i-n-eU-iishortcd Stock, together v.-ith all the new Co-vls juit bought, lot spring and .uii.mev at cost pri-c, tba luiise of the property being i:i the maikct for poi : ::vc sale, The sale -.vill continue r.r.ti! the !c:>.s-j is sold, thus enabling one and all to oljidu any article at cost. Close at 0 p.m. ; Saturday, 10. WANTED— Everybody to use Professor GusscoU's Composition Powder, good for coughs, colds, an.! a nover-fiiilins remedy for liver complaints.—Shortland-r.treet, Auckland WANTED— Everybody to use Professor Gusscott's ointmont for ')ad legs, bad as a'perfcet cure.— ShortKnd'-atreet, Auckland! WANTED- Tiie Ladies to go where they will get Untriinmeii and Trimmed Hats cheapest at J. Gilniour's, L'p;i>t riymonds-strect. ANTED Known—That D. Uoltlie is Y V prepared to sell all kind* of P.uildiUß arid other Timber, including Hardwood, Spokes, Felloes' Iron Hark, and Blue Gum Shafts, Elock», I'ulinje. and Shingles at bis yards, AJbirt-street, near tiio i'nek, ac the lowest cash prices. Tho timber l.fir.rf ucder covo is better than that purchased elsowber*. XJST ANTED Known—E. Henry's llegistry > T Oilice, Shortlnr.ii Ilo.i'e, Sho-tla d-strcet, C3tabli?!»ed 1874.—The above ltegistry Or.ce having for so many years enjoved li:e patroua,'eu; ihe leaJiiii; familico of Auckland'and auiTouadlng tiis'-ricra, has consequently always th; most respectable clj« of both men and woiucn suitable tithir f r private houses, hotels, or farm worh, also ijovemosi- , -', housekeepers, clerks, tc. Strangers desi.-OJJ of obtaining the address of respectat-'m bcardin.j-luusw "• vlll 1 Jg" Udl*sV&|ulrVngmontl!ii I 'ViHrses. t "l , tase t iiota :lio address: Third house iioo\e Mr. Leocli \\7" A a for activv, H«\ft, T ¥ and sound !iav Horse. C ie:vrs oM, :"='' /••£ j:z • 'Si ai^v:" ihsr s^-^s trtater; to bV sold, us "w.vnor'liTs no fl^- h ,- r . I ;^'°, r them.—A]-.;>ly Mr. T. li»^'"' s - r ' LU Small Cottages tSn.l a w!?. r- w ; T"j l ' " Estato Agent, next lli:i:a___^ L-5 -'" ' \ V Taupiri. ,J "SV „ Suburi- i ' street . r

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 1