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Rtou Watbb, tv-oiif.— Auckland !i :;0— 9.50 Hiau "A* . ' Manukiiu 0 2')- 0.45 Sn'v _-Ri?k 4.59; sets. 7.S Moon.- Lostquarier, Hth, 7Ai am. AKKITALS. Tai»iP!>. s .'-> McGillivraj, from Levuka unci Suvi Piissengeis : —Saloon : Mrs. and Miss <*rev7u* Mrs. J. M. Butt, 2 children, nurse and nai'ive servant, Mrs. McCulloch, Messra. Lan.'tKiiir Colo, Witherue, Mills, K™y, BlKt'l<-J. Aiulirrson, .ind Captain Frost. ate*r.i"e : Messrs. !I. Armstrong, Zimmerman, B B. Mnrtin. FiMflw, Home, Gahill, Mr. and Blrs. H>ll. - Union S.S Co., agents. G-m, pcliooner, Pearce, from Ngunguru.— Blaptrr, afcent. Roil Hoy, cutter, B.issett, from Pafcana. — tlxater, a^er.t. Atilant», bclioouer, Donovan, from Ngurguru. —M;.jier, » K ent. Spitfire, cittor, Olson, from Whangnpou*.— Blaster a"ei:it. Minn, cuttt'r, Baxter, from Tairua. —Master, agr-it. Rcatrioe Havener, barque, Havener, from New York. — H. P. Barber, agent. DEPAKIT/KKS. Reward, schooner, Anderson, for Whaagarei. — M. Niccol, a<?ent. Onwiiiil, schooner, Paakau, for Euseell.— Master, ajjent. Ojiotiki, schooner, Collings, for Ooroniandel. —SI. Niccul, agent. Christina, schooner, Evanson, for Kussell. — Mao-er, ngriit. E'bd, luisnntino. Yates, for Mi-Iboiirna, via Mauubu.—G. W. Oxon ar.d Co., ngenta. Argyle, e.s., Crawford, for Wbangarei.—A. »g»nt. barque, White, for Newcastle.— Stone Bros , agents. Di-vtriiu, cotter, Cullingn, fur Whangarei.— M. Niccol, Hcent. Erieiiibil>l>!, schooner, E.ithurst, for AVhaBJ»roa. —Master, agent. Finny, brig mtiiir, Stevens, for Kaipara.— John Reirl and Co.. agents. Dream, cutter, Stephens, for Moroury Bay.— Master, stent. ENTERED INWARDS. Gem, schooner, -J9 tons, Pearco, from NguEgnru, with 23,460 feet iwn timher. Sovereign, schooner, S5 tons, Caitchem, from Lyttelton via Napier. Paku cutter. 32 tons, Oinz, from Sleroizrv B»y. with 24,000 feet timber. j K'siuoro, eohoonrr, 35 tons, Urquhart, from Tairua, with 24,778 feet timber, and 4600 i siiiu«li'-<. CLEAKED OTTTWARDS. Ktbel, bris'mtine, ISO tons, Tates, for Uaisnk-iu. Mercury, cutter, 30 tons, Yates, for Tairua, with 20 he«d cattle. F-m,y Kelly, ketch, 35 tons, Williams, for Whr.ngaroa. Adiib, ketch, 23 tons, Maders, for Tairua. Columbia, schooner. 4G tons, Couway, for Bu S >,<=il. Gem, schooner, 29 tons, Pearce, for Nyu.nguru. I'uku, cutter, 32 tons, Dinz, for Mercury Bay. T>;<n.!KnTKr> DKPAKTHKKS. London.—Barque Stracathro. early. IIKLBoiUiNK.—S.s. Ara<v:it:i, Thursday. Stdsxt.— S.a. Hero, Wednesday. Levoka. and Scya.—S.s. Taiaro*, thiee days after arrival. Gisiii-iisK. Sapii:s, and South. — S.s. Te Anau. Thursday. Taiunaki k .South.—S.s. Hhwc.h, on arrival of English mail. Ri-5 E i.,..-S.s. Wellington, Monday. VTmsOARKi and Mangafai.— H.J. Argyle, Tuesdays and Fridays. laijuamia.- s.s. Glenelg or Wellington, Mondays and Thursdays. jVlKiiouKT Hay.—, Mondays. m.vr.iir.ii.-S.e. Fiiig»l, Thursdays. HoH-XOi. — S.s. K;.-.veiii, Monday. Rg'.a .-*.s. n«u»li Mokau, Monday. Tapis .nga, ic. -Ore'i, Tuesday. Gisb">kne, ic—?chsoner Giaborne, to-day. VIiSSKI..-- - KXPKCTiiD. STEAMERS. Cry of N^w Vork, fru.-u S.m Fr.mcisco, Monday. H.iwpi, fiora Hoat'.i. to-morrow, at the Mauu-k-.u. Aniiw'-i, from Jfelboiiriie, via South, Monday. SHIPS. Romnn Empire, from Lundon, sailed Oct. 12. Bliy Qir-en, fiom L:m.lon, sailed Augu=t27. Wellington, from London, sailed October 2. BARQUES. Locii Urr, from Loiidun. sailed August 15. Cor.,ii :, from London, sailed September 16. Ciovr.-i-liop.', from I. >n.ion, loading. Dniicr.tif, frora London, loading. Arwti, from London, sailed September 8. Gwendoline, from New York, via Oamaru, sailed August 30. O. A. Littlufield, from N. York, sailed June 18. Arabella, from London, loading. BUISANTISEd. filyrtlo. from Siii-.od and Touga, sailed outward Octabei 20. Kyno, from liUud, sailej out Oot. 10. O*uiaru, from Oaraaru. SCHOONERS. Winifred, front Suri, sailed outward Jan. 19. Pirate, from Hu.ihine, sailed outward April 13. Sybil, from Tahiti. Belle iiiiii.lon, from Mitchell Island, sailed out October 26. Marion, from Noaniea, sailed out Sept. 2T. Atlantic, from Rarotonsa, sailed out Oot. 7. Kr.TCH. Peirl, from Rurotongi. IMPORTS. Per p.s. Tiisros, fiom Fiji: 850 bags maize, 3330 bunches btuanas, 150 boxes pineapple.", 200 coeoanuts, -J3 tiles, and sundries. Per barque Beatiice Havener, from New York : — 33C0 kerosene oil, 25 cases tpirits turpentine, 28 cases axle grease, 12 cases greasr, CO bundles pUster, 66 cases agricultural implements, IS cases kirchenvrare, 3 cases hardware, 3cises harrow-, 4 cases mowers, 3 cases tinfoil, 6 cases sewing machines, 20 cases tools, 104 reuls wire, S iron safes, 39 packages s'.*te pencils, 4 packages machinery, G cases firoirms. 7 casbs trucks, 2 eases rakes, 33 handles, 201 esses chairs, 33 cases organs, 10 cases brooms, 300 cases clothes pins, 33 cases wng2on«, 57 cases clicks, 8 cases woodenware, 48 bundles shoe ]i? 23, 2G bundles trunke, 12 poles, 99 bundles washboards, 50 bandies rime, 2 bundles poles and .shifts, 1 case brushes, 1 case oarrUgeware, 1 buggy, 42 cases drugs, 50 Oises S'irsjpaiilla, 33 cases manufactured tob«cco, 15f cases manufactured tobacco, 2 caseg and cigarettes, 73 casks see 3, 15 racks merchhnilise. 93 merchandise, 27 cases punting*. 22 cases plated ware, 12 cases harness, 3 cafes leather, 13 packages drills, 9 packages lampware, 7 packages mattresses, 3 cases specimens. 3 cases watches and toys, 3 cases saddlery, and 3C planks. Ijcwards Coastwise.—Four Sistere, cutter, from MahuraDgi, with 36 toos firewood. OonviSDa Coastwise.—Four Sisters, cutter, for IJahuratigi; Tiiad, cutter, for Ohinemuri, ■with 100 telegraph poles; Nancy, cutter, for Thames. Tiie Union 5.3. Company's s.s. Arawata should arrive from Melbourne yia Southern port» about 11 a.m. on Monday. She proceeds to RuMell it i o'clock the lame afternoon, and returns South at 10 a.m. on Thursday. The Union Company's s.s. Hero will probably arrire from Sydney on Monday afternoon. She ia announced to return thither on Wednesday. The JTsw Ze-land Shipping Company has eight vessels either on the way to, or loading for this port, Tiz.: — From London: Loch TJrr, sailed Au<;uit 26 ; Coromandel, September 8; Boman Empire, Ostofeer 12 ; Crownthorpe, Norember ; Pareom, December 1; Arabella, loadine. From Liverpool: Alcestes. From New York : Gwendoline. H. M.S. Aiaeritry arriyed at Levuka on November 8, from a lurveying cruise. She left on the 12;b for Sydney. The nchooner Timuni, cleared at Levulca on the 2Cth ultimo for Auckland, with the following Cirgo : 310 neks maize, 33 cases pines, 32 bag* peanuts. Passengers : Mrs. J. Phillips and child. The schooner Winifred arrived at Suva on November 2G, with 74 recruits. The Wesleyan mission schooner John Hunt, left La»uka on Noreraber 12 for New Britain, with the usual annual supplies for the missionaries located there. By the same opportunity several of the nstive Fijian ministry and teachers, together with their wives and families, prco»od to that land cf heathenism, to reinforce the hand of workers at present located at New Britain. The Union S.S. s.s. Taiaroa arrived from Fiji this-morning at 12.40. Captain McGillivray report* leaving Auckland on tho 16th November at • r? 2 p " m - for B, y c£ Isla nus, took in coal and leU for Levuka at 3 p.m. on the 17th. Experienced frenh lI.E. and N.W. Tvinds till arrival. Sighted Kundavu at 7 p.m. on the 21st; continued and ol easy steam till daylight, arriving nt quarantine ground, Lovuka at 6.30 »•"•- on the 22 " d - Remained in quarantine till 6 a.m. on the 2Gth; steamed alongside Government wharf and discharged cargo. Sailed for buva on Sunday, the 27th, at 10 20 a.m., arriving there at 3.50 p.m. Left Suva on Monday at 10.5 p.m. for Levuka arriving at 5.30 a.m. Left again at 7.40 a.m. for Bt Hirer, with His Excellency Governor Dβ Yceax and Ruitp, arriving at 5 p.m. Remained_ there till Friday, the 2nd, at 12 noon, and sailed for Levuka. Camo to an anchor in jj» Bukadara B\y on account of the weather. Weighed anchor next morning at 6 a.m., and arrived at Leruka at 10.17 a.m. Took in cargo, and sailed for Auckland, Sunday, 4th December at 9 30 rt.rn-; experienced Btrong souther)} winds with nasty bead sea up to making land or- Friday, the 9tb, at noon thence fine weather to arrive • We are indebted to Mr. Weir, *u« e r, for latest file*, uni the fore S oi a3 re- °™,' T,:. ro , on Tuesday laat, spoke the The c.e.. on }n l ]~titu.le li-^sTm-SSE. , All well. Strong southerly wind blowing. , urj(l er date of Iu its item ° f "^ n 2 ea i a nd journal delivers i,: 3 vessel Pα™**"?* Pre-oifiely. Capgoing round Botumaß. Hns i ie s m parrrXpUfremePmberthat the ,ext

timu they start from Suva for Levuka they will do well to eechew the stnrhoird tack nnd do tbe voya K e by going round Kotumah. It may lengthen the trip by somo 700 miles or so, in a straight line as the bird flies, but that's the way the New Zealand geographers want it; therefore sensible skippers will govern themselves accordingly. 1 When such benighted ignorance of the relative 8 positions of these islands obtain amongßt a class 2 of men whose businese it is to know better, • and who are, so to spe:;k, nrxt door neighbours, • who cm wonder at tho absurd mistakes made • by antipodean journalists.—Fiji Times. . Messrs. W. Howard Pmith and Sons have con--1 tracted, says a Sydney exchange uf November 24, with Messrs. James Jack and Co., of Liver- ' pool, to construct for them another steel steamship of the highest class ut Lloyd's, to bo ■ capable of carrying 2700 tons dead weight, or about 3000 tons measurement, upou a compara- • tively light draught of water. The vessel will have a. double bottom and several watertight " bulkheads, which will a.ld to its safety at tea. The engines will be upon tbe most modern pnn- • ciples of the compound Riirfacn condensing type, cipnblc ef developing 1300 horse-powpr. winch 1 nhould give a rato of speed, with a minimum consumption of fuol. The passencer accommodation will be in the best possib'e style, . and there will be baths, smoking-room, social hall, ladies' boudoir, and everything necessary - for the comfort and safety of those travelling. This is thn second steamship in courje of con- . struotion for Me.««r.«. W. Howard Smith »nd Sons, forming portions of their intended additions to their present fleet, all of which are or will be employed in the intercolonial service. i Captain Guiraud, of the Messagerios Maritime Company's steamer Volga gives n somewhat lengthy account, in the Hongkong Telegraph of one of the severest typhoous evor • experienced on his voyage from Japan. After describing the voyage from Yokohama, whence • he sailed on September 11th. to off Gape laa, on the morning of tho 12th, he says that they ■ proceeded until 7 o'clock in the roorninp, whon the Bqualls became heavier from the S.E.. and ■ the barometer fell 1 mm. within an hour. Preparations wore made for bad weather, and ■ at 9 o'clock a violent squall eent the barometer down 2 mm., the sea becoming more boisterous. Observing that they wern in the presence of a typhoon, and that it was impossible to make for the coast, 30 miles off, Captain Guiraud steered for the centre of the typhoon, having previously prepared to receive it. At midway it blew a hurricane, and increased in violence more and more, with the barometer at 740. and the sea breaking over tho »hip with j such force as to raise tho bridge. The baroI meter fluctuated much between the hours of 12.30 and 2.30 p.m. At 2 o'clock the sea was enormous, the captain being unable to see from one end of the ship to the other, and tbe fearful noise of she wind and sea rendered the orders to the crew difficult to understand. During the typhoon the square foresail and the two fore-and-aft sails were torn nnd split in their gaskets, the fastenings broken, and the crossbar of the helm damaged ; but by good fortune they had the necessary tackles ready to replace the ciossbar. Altogether, the Volga was tossed about somewhat roughly in this typhoon, but she appears to have been very well handled under the circuuistancf-s.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6261, 10 December 1881, Page 4