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Hotels. Fancy Goods. „ Seeds, Produce, &c. Building Materials, Fnel, etc. Dress and Fashion. " /CHARLES TZ"ELSEY & riO., t> j. CARBINES, mACTPIRI COAL MINING COMPANY , jpi RB A T QAV IN G i XV« PRODUCE A: COMMISSION MERCHANT, (LIMITED! VJT © IMPORTERS OF FANCY GOODS, DURHAM street, TO ALL WHO CAN BUY FOR CASH. , A QUEEN STREET, Wishes to inform his friends and the public generally i Desire to Inform their customers that their STOCK that h « hM commenced business as above, and hopes The Company are now supplying GOAL at their A DZCIUED advahtaoe may be had by all AJ £|fflP|ara9 by strict attention to business andcivility to toose Railway Station at the following READY MONEY BUYERS, as the Entire SfaTsOHl I'si I IB'! and ft will also be kept constantly well assorted by who may favour him with their patronage to obtain a 6 ' Silrft iSraffl Mil ® successive shipments of NEW GOODS selected by fair sharo of support. prices— Stock of ij [„,1. jrißHflgßHm thCir Lond^_ r i£l eaeDt » tlve - Country Settlers will have careful attention and M ' PLAIN AXD USEFUL GOODS. n&i fife F A variety of Uscfal a-:d Ornamental Goods prompt retama. Willi I I fMfflMttll ' styles Oats Steam (screened) 10, „ FANCY GOODS, DRESSES, MIUI. F "" eS * *»"" „„ T iZe SlMk - " " NERY, AND COSTUMES, DSK'iomtaW.. crib. So" In In bulk Are much-REDUCED IN PRICE to suit the time Rulers, &c. ""j™ 9 Ordor » fot Auckland, Nowmarket, and Onehunga An CH O R |_g OTE L, BELTZ^ I ENM 0 i m be S in cane and wire Oatmeal Grass Seeds will be received at the Company's Offloe, Fort-street, JU3T QPF.NED '* 1 Electro plate and B.M. Teapots &c, &c„ &c. FOR THE SPRING A&D STJMMEB TBADE. Patent Adjustable Chairs, suitable for drawing-room — Orders for other Stations, addressed to the MiaBread Platters and Knives, Butter Platters PRENCH MILLINEHY, COSTUMES CORNER OF QUEEN" AND MARKET-STREETS, Clocks, Aneroid Barometers, guaranteed to work . T -n Manager, Taupiri Coal Mines, Buntly, and accom- STRAW GOODS, SKIRTS, FEATHERS correctly Ti O K. C< A L Ili. j AUCKLAND. Jj panted by remittance, will be promptly attended to. FLOWERS, UMBRRTJ.AB, PARASOLS " FRANZ SCHERFF, UNDERCLOTHING, MILLINERY ' MUSLINS, PRINTS, PIQUES, AND OTHER ✓ ■4fi§s|r \\ _ . Secretary. WASHING MATERIALS JOHN ADAMS, Proprietor. 500 BAUS a s rae, mm, pr . 1879. XOO pieces new Japanese silks, to be , /Jgß? Ik T7" AU R I miMBER SOI,I> CHKAP HAMLEY'S AUCKLAND HOTEL. s ASclr _B_V X black silks, Manchester goods ACCOMMODATION \\V BEST SEED AND FEED OATS " (ALL SIZES), &C., &C.„ &C. for /FaKE from Worm, or Drad and Discoloured T R wmi Lege sample room S ' /jfSbuilding orders supplied at town LINABDRY>a J^JILLINERY BEST RESTAURANT IN TOWN. L ALSO, PRICES. Cartase Free. WE OFFER THE LARGEST STOCK AND Luncheon',! 2 tO to 1 ?2.30 to 7. * ' g f SHTVPTPS E " & CO.. OxEHUNGA. . LOWESr P * ICES IN * HE 01T £ •WINES AND SPIRITS O? THE BEST BRANDS. BAGATELLE BOARDS, of best make, in all sizes, "00,000 i5Et>T HEART OF K.AURI SPRING AND SUMMER STYLKS NOW In, Private entrance Queen street to Hish street- and with real ivory balls I ! J Large Billiard room with ctery comfort. DESK 3, Work Boxes, also the two com- V-/ DRESBMAKING ON THE PREMISES. OF, S U C H A very Choice Stock of China Ornaments, Crystal rrvr rurpirn ottddtv —— « (So long known m connection with the flower Stands, Vas o s. &c. JOSEPH CRAIG, TO LIMITED SUPPLY, _ rvAnnDv c Auckland and Waikato Rai way) Together with a large variety of other goods. T I UR Y & 0., Begs to inform his frieuds and the public that The Cheapest Household and Steam Ccala in the -*-i . V/ Ma7m?an|fX C b IMPORTING THEIR OWN GOODS DIRECT Fort-atreet. Market are to be had at the 204 AND 206, QuEKN-STREET, It is only a few k ours' sail from Auckland by the s.s from the English and Continental Manufacturers ™, r Armirrivn s Rose Casey'(Ci ptain Kasper). The scenery is unsur* C. K. & Co. are enabled to offer FANCY GOODS o IVAXiiAIO COAL DEPOT, AUUiiIiAWU. PRICES _ . Q N SAL E! ON SALE: Bres.water, directly opposite the Railway Station. lD «iU ar meet W with SpOTtillg. Ex 'Meo Merrilies,'loso Baos MAIZE J- EDWARDS, pDW I N TT OLIO WAY Civility, and Jlcanliness. ■ ————— 450 Bags MAIZE, Ex 'Gael Agent. B*J B ■ Horses on Hire * Free Stablin o ". A splendid Ex Energy,' 350 Bags MAIZE n Orchard and Garden, with all kinds of fruits. 100 BA ° S OAL! COAL! GOAL! 111 etnrßin S thanks to the Public for the liberal ,'|V WAT7P i \ n . T . . ."imTT" patronage accorded to him while Partner in PACIFIC HOTEL, . MAIZE ! I 3s. N0 ALTERATION IN PRICE 3. QUEEN-STREtT. AUCKLAND. maize'f Per P.usoel the firm of iIAJ/.e. .) UtJSOEL WAIKATO COAL COMPANY (LIMITED) MR JOHN GILLANDERS —Qg | MAIZE I Are now delivering HOUSEHOLD and STEAM HOLLOWAY, GABIICK, & CRANWELL, (For eleven years in the employ of Mr. Iff. Corcoran CJHOOTING CJ EAS ON, ISSO. Pep. Bushel]" MAIZE I Honsehold Coal by begs to solicit a continuance of the samelin hia at the Greyhound and Metropohtan Hotels) O O Stoam Coal by the truck .. .. 16s 6d per ton Begs to announce to his numerous ./"ends and the MAIZE ! | Qe RH lJnl verod at Auckland, Newmarket or Onefcung.i ivr-poo" i kttuhmtkt public that he has leased the above Well-known and MAIZE 1 i- uu -* Htaticns NiiVV 11 i) I A BLIbHMEKI, Centrally-situated Hotel, arid trusts by attention „ MAIZE!) Pkb Busbbl Orders ta be addressed to the Office Of the Comand civility to the public, to merit a fair share of JrOKiJiK & CO., o on 1 MAIZE' P»uy, corner of Queen and West Queen-streets Kbit to Hswiss', Geocers, their palronage. LICENSED DEALERS UNDER " THE ARMS ACT " aCI " f MAIZK.! Auckland; or, to the Mine Manager, Huntly. The Premises will undergo a ooMrtsTK renovation, „i T , c Per BhsrelJ MAIZE! H W. HEATH, Secretary. QUEEN-STREET. and Visitors will find all the comforts of a home. Beg to call the attention of Sportsmen to their . , ! L_ The Wixrs, Spirits, and Halt Liquors of the Annual ;^to Land«l. { e X M MAIZE ! I I miMBER ! fTMMBER ! rTWMBER ! Which he has Best Brands only. Doublo and Single Muzzle Loading Guns MAIZE!; Pbr Bushel JL A J. j P.S.-FiM-c'ass Stabling. Double and Sin s lc Breech Loading Guns Splendid Seed MAIZE) MAIZE „ ' „ „ „ „ Hills Self-extractor Revolvers . 0/ l !• MAIZE TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, COSTRACTORB NOW OPENED JOHN GILLANDERS, Revolvera 4S " 3d ' > builders, cabinetmakers, and with 8 very Pa ° PMETOR - HENDRY & DACRE, °™' , xtt* ™P ID Pigou, Wilk s & Lawrence s Sporting Powders The nnderaicoed he? to intlmato that the* ar« now A.NX) CHEAP STOCK ALBION HOTEL, Walker. Parker & Co.'s Patent Shot, in 101b and Cu3TOM-lIOu3E-STREET« ine unciersifnea beg to intimate that they are now 2Sib bsga —————— a position to receive and execute with despatch CORNER OF HOB3ON AND WELLE3LEY Eley's Percusi:on Caps Orders for every description of KAURI TIMBER OF GENERAL STREETS. Ws P CenS\fi"e S c:r a trid?cs Üb,C P ° WdCr FlaSk3 AND RASS LOWEST MiRKETRATES, to bedelivered Or fe J)* A ™ RY AND JIM'ILLINERY, JAMES PALMER BSftSsSsZ ON SALE, AT THE HA .MARKET P-of the district. bought FOR cash, Powder and Shot Measures (Of FIRST CLASS QUALITY) — 200 000 0F PIRST AND SECOND (late Of.IHE NEVADA) Cartridge Game Bags ' CLASS KAURI TIMBER IN STOCK Which will enable him to sell at a Gun tipples. Nipple Keys White Clover Rape . , Has much pleasure in intimating to his old friends eaners Clover Timothy Rough and Dressed Lining, SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE and the public generally that he has taken this well- Do- Whistles and Collar™ Flasks Alsyka Kentucky Bluegrass Ceiling, and Wideboards ; also, Doors, Bashes owgrass Red Top Mouldings, Architraves, Cement, Galvanised PRTPFS known house, and trusts to merit their patronage by . „ _ Iron Ridging, Spouting, and Builder's IronThe above are all from the Best Makers; and may be Lucerne Trefoil =■>■«• y "uwtuc u *» mongery. CiTitTjr, Arrtsnos, and Goon Liquors. had at vyy reasonable pnees. Pukekohe Cocksfoot Ryegrass-Perennial T7 ,. n „ T-. T»/*mrrnn D • at th„ Auckland ALBION HOTjsxj. e s- Green Top " T"" Xri Ir rT ™R-V EPARTMENT Corner of Hobson and Wellesley streets. QTJEEJ* AND HIGH STREETS, Swede Sc., i-c. GUTHRIE & LARNACH CO. (LIMITED), I a under the management of MRS. VARNOM, for AUCKLAND. AJso J. W. WALLER, Manager. ' ' QJTEAMEBS FOR THE NORTHERN -g». BONEDU3T, all degrees of fineness and quaUty —— __ several years with Mr. T. Short, of Auckland. WAIROA, OTaMATEA, GUANO—Peruvian, Mexican, and New Caledonian O A L S ! O A L S T t _ .. , , T And all Stations jx tue Kaipira District „ .m*'' ex British Empire and | j.' . Kainit, Superphosphates V V • stracathro start Irom the Wharf at the ' &c., &c.. ic. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON SALE— WINTER—New Direct Importations EAIPARA HOTEL WINTER—New Ulsters and Jackets, 12a 6i to 40s V-, ,T T •„ NEWCASTLE COAL WINTER—New Pompadours and Serges, 9d to 3a 6d Railway station, ille, WINTER—New French Cashmeres & Poplins, 2s to 6s J-. A. WALKER, Proprietor, ALFRED BTJCKL AND WAIKATO COAL WINTER—New Feathers, Flowers, and Ribbons WIN TER Cashmere Corded Silks, 9j, 14s pr. yd Where Strangers will obtain every informatio T"\ EVITT, Guamaker, 244, Queen TAUPIRI COAL WINTER— '* Warranted to Wear," 9s to 14s per yard guidance. street, Auckland, opposite the Market — ■ "WINTER—New Welsh and Saxony Flannels - house. Established, ISs9.—Always in Stock and to _ T - VTT . T -, . myTTI x rT onr, KAMO COAL WlNTifitt—New Printed Cashmeres for Dressing Tncpllpr* inrl inv mrt nf thp arrive by direct importation from England, made to CLOVERS & TURNIP SEEDS. Gowns, reduced •tfcdSEr Sm find firet-dass at this advertiser's own orders :-Chokebore Breech-loading i 3( . Embroidered Cashmere Hose. Is, 5s ■ p™'. B°°ble anl Single A'uzzle-loaders Breech- JUST ARRIVED, PER ' LOCH URR,' FROM Orders left at Commerce-street will receive prompt 6a 4i , _ , a*-;. , , , loading Revolvers, Breech-loading Rook and Babbit LOvnnv ermifotine of— r >v i«Ai.K—JNew leaver and batin Hats, aU prices A large and well-appointed addition has been made Game Bags> Gun Case?> / o wder Flasks, Shot . LONDOJ*, consisting of- attention ™>TTT/>rrcrr, v*- WINTER-New Dressl.g-gowns for Ladies, 20s, 40s to the Hotel. Pouches, and every at ticle necessary to complete the WHITE AJTD RED CLOVERS Vvli. CRuTCKSHANK. WINTER—-New Dressing-gowns for Gentlemen ] New and well-ventilated single and double bod outfit of a sportsman. An assortment of every do* COWGRAS3 AND ALSYKE WINTER—New Ulsters and Overcoats, 25s to 45s { rooms. scription of Revolver Cartridges, aad all the best TREFOIL AVD CRESTED DOGTAIL IOIARDER BROS. AND COMPANY, wJ5'£5S~5 CW n, nmb3n ' o °!r Sh l irt K-^' ra . we , r f' 3e 1 a^ aadWeU -~ dSittin? - room3Ul,3tair3 PURPLE TOP SAVEBE TURNIP Tile and Sanit ßc y Pipe - 1 „„„ . . their good quality. Cartridges for the Enfield, PURPLE AND GREEN TOP ABERDEEN 1 "™ ! r =- T a " d dmingrooms. Snider, and Teriy Rifle 3. Metallic Cartridge Cases, GREEN GLOBE TURNIP. HAV\E ON SALE, J. M. McLACHLAN, J The billiard room is new, and fitted wiih one of Chilled Shot, and other specialities always on hand. ALSO IN STOCK' Drain Tiles 2to 6 inches i Hopkins and Stevens* best tables, withe very requisite Country dealers liberally dealt with. Guns Re- MirrrrvT 1 riurspn -rvt? p'raw Garden Hnrder and Surface Tiles Opposite McAethdr's Largs Warehouse. far the game. stocked, Browned, &c., and every other kind of r timothy &p Glazed So.Ket Pipes, 3 inches and upwards — ! Ales, Wines, Spirits, Waters, and Cordials, of best firearm Repaired at reasonable prices. Notice.— COCKSFOOT, RAPE, TIMOTHY, <£C. Bends, Junctions. Chimnoy Pots, &c., which they _, , ; ~TZ 7, ] quality oniv. Just U> hand, a good serviceable C.F. Choke- j,i, BONEDUST are prepared to supply in any quantities to WatCliniaKerS and Jewellers. ' Saddle horses—Stabling. or ? Sfeech-Joading Guns, cheap. The largest stock TARTARIAN OATS. VETCHES, &C. suit purchase. ~ • < ® m Auckland to choose from. Also, in stock, a 1 * 1 „ „ , , n xTonRP-POR assortment of Fireworks of the best quality. Fish- Liberal discounts to large buyers, samples with oatw , n rr pa dx at, O LEARING ' OUT O A LE. <) N AL i) Mc(jaL{jUa i ng Tackle. price list forwarded on application. OR SALE (CHEAP) AT 1/ Q (Late o! the Auckland Hotel) OS. JAKINS JAS. BLAIKIE'3 YARDS, _ _ Has very great pleasure in annouocing to his friend „_, „ __ T t VICTORIA AND HOBBON-STRBETB, . and the public that he has taken that well-known, L Is S. I; N S. U N S. (Late Jakins and Willcox) , s oao Fire Briok3 of the best quaUty FOR ONE WEEK. favourite and conveniently situated Hostlery the VT VJ \J| Customhouse st»fet. i.QOO Casks of Cement (best brands), 21s per Waitemata Hotel, which he has, at considerable —^— barrel ' eipense. entirely renovated and refurnished, raakins w t. tT A-7A TJ n T 200 PapierMache Ventilating Centre Elowers PIANOS, the house second to none for comfort and convenience YV, J3. tl AZ A K JD. tj SALE fnr Womi or CAiiimrq in the colonits, and where, by civility and attention, GIIN"M\KEK O 190 Ca»k'ofP°aa t er (America, 8 HARMONIUMS, he hopes to receive a fair sharo of public patronage., nvc , nrlm - tot a vt-i rn»vn A first-class Restaurant has been added to the Hotel, WHOLESALE AJND RETAIL DEALER IN ±00 iu - s ° auu " lotjAiNL* UU AAU, WATCHES. where gentlemen who in the city will find every ftrit iij\ic avn f--TTV matwrh frnitoinin™ • a- 1 , deUcacy of the season, and attention paid to their FIREARMS GUN MATERIALS, Phosnhate of Lime " 711 Victoria Street. CLOCKS. AND comfort. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths, and every IG3, Queen-street, R?rh„i™tn nf Lim? " " *" " " of ==========— ' c '^ ve , li ! e^l ; t3 J? r travellers and fami ies, have been Bejs to announce that he has Just Received lakoe Soluble Salts .. .. !! 11 11 ™8 u« i n JEWELLERY, added to the Hotel. Wioes Spirits, and Beers, 4c., additions to his Matter, wiih ittle Ammoiia .. .. 14 1 BookseHerS. 4c., only of the best brands kept. Chargesmoderate. 5 tnr f Sf„ ' m i — ] —ifote the address: D. Waitemata STOCK or " ?'? -kt t> r\ t> i Castomb ™ e stceet3 B^nA S nH CZZ LELOA D .Ko sil . ous Matte s _L: . C COUNT BOOK MANUFACTORY. No Reasonable Offer Refused. ( n l7r po 100.0 A\ ) — ' E . vmvl ,„ Mckenzie 4 ro3s. XVE'.UI.'.EES, p JSTOLg Auckland, July 30, 1379. TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT TO CASK - • c '' c * The Proprietors of tne Herald iiavo now completed BUYERS. T mi^^—CHOKEBORE BREECH-LOADERS, EXTEN3IVE | iiy W. W. Greener.^T^Bland^Arsons, and other A C0 '' ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS |Z| OWDE N, | HOTEL, £s. d. IRON AKD BRASS CASTINGS DAILY. To their * SHORTLAND STRP.PT J. QUE EN-STREET, Auckland. B.L. PinFireD.BGuns from .. ..5 5 0 PREMISE* AND PLANT HORTLAND STREET. B.L. Central Fire D.B. Guns from .. .. 510 0 FOB SALE, PKbaiibta AiSD i'LAWi. j SKIYFCT BTT.T.TA'R'n rnntiinintrftnoAt >» Chokebores, by Greener .. 14 0 0 6,10,15 an 25-horse power Engine? and Boilers - , Bennett's Priae Tables, and best table in rL <,^.; m vu d' H „T B p " d 4 £ ° nS "X? In n Breakdown and Circular Samng Machinery new and For the purpose of Manufacturing all kinds of . Ne*- Zealand; and Alcock-s Eihibition Table that Good Serviceable S.B.M.L. Guna .. .. 110 0 second-hand; Timber Jacks 1 took first prize at the Great Exhibition of 1862, the ~'f D.B.M.L. Guns .. .. 217 S 1 Iron Turning Lathe, suitable for mill OEESENTS ! 13 RESENTS! handsomest table in the Colonies. The rooms are cfV t L vn 4 on X n n Best Charcoal Tramway Wire LEDGERS X JT , at" nde n d d to e b 7 lighted ' J° KERRI C GiN Iy B. L. Revolvers,"from .. 11 11 11 "? 2 6 WlnSes! Bono^ ' JOURNALS In WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY, 1 - j - KERRIGAN. Salo onßifles (Boys' Breech-loaders).. .. 20 0 Ships" Castings, Quartz Rat.ery at considerable reduction till farther notice. Havin, ' Cotton and Hay Presses, Turbm; Wheels; Sin. pipes. CASH BOOKS , , , , . ~ , 6 , Musical. Hc.ndbets of Gu.ns to Choose prom. — a lar?e stock on hand - and a fQrthor Shipment per TJT ASHISr MACHINES account books Rlngarooma, lamin a position to offer to the public 1 SELLING /~kEF ! CJELLLNG rf~VFF ! AMMUNITION AND SPORTING REQUISITES OF YV T ' sucll liboral discount that will defy competition. An 1 VJ K3 U EVERY DESCRIPTION u .,™ T w •nrn,\T! MINING COMPANIES' BOOKS nspection of my Window, and the prices marked 1 " jiALuuts. naust satisfy all. ! •£9OOO Repairs Promptly e=utcd on the B °° KS Sterling Silver Waltham Lever Watches, at 50s ' WORTH OP Baanston and Forsteb, Makers of the Patent MILL AND TIJIBER BOOKS Warranted. PIANOS, ORGANS, & HARMONIUMS, , x „T t. -r> r> <=. y 0„ , T & c & c j.™ Sterling Silver English Lever Watches (Capped and 1-ff u-IAAUo & oUNbj Fountain Machines, beg to call the attention of the * ' Jewelled), from £5. Warranted. HOFFMANN'S & SONS, STKEET ' public to the above. The qualifications of this These and all other Books are made to order, and to sterling Silver Horizontal Watches (Ladles' and Queen street, opposite the Theatre. attaLaau, ...... Gents'), from £6. Warranted. — A.ND Machine are, that no labour is required hejond that si2e, ruled to any pattern, are composed of the best The largest and best Btock in the Australian Colo- TANNERY WORKS, WfIAU . Ladles' and Gents' Gold Watche?, from £3 10s to nias is now offered for sale at cost. « r ........ _ T * of soaklne the clothes the night previous, in the materials, and will compare favourably with imported £25. W. HOFFMANN leaving Auckland will in conse- Maxltactorekh asc Impokters op all kinds or u au " b 1 qaence offer this valuable stock, comprising steel „„ T . ~,.,1 then nlai-in" Hn>m in lhe boiler containlne goods. Clocks (the Largest Assortment In Auckland) of Grands, with traversed strings and upright oblique COLONIAL, ENGLISH, CONTINENTAL AND umal way. then placm, them in ine Doner containing every Class and Design, from the Kitchen Grands by all the best makers, In Ebony and Gold, AMFprr.iv TTiTirroa .. , „„ The premises m Wynclham-atreet, formerly occupied Timepiece, at 7s 6d, to the DrawWalnut, Rosewood, &c. AMERICAN LEATHERS, the appsratus tor 20 minutes, when they are ing-room Clock, at £30. BORD P I ANOS, just landed, from £27. BOOT AND SHOE UPPERS, MILL BELTING, „ ~ , 1V , , ~. , by Messrs. Phillipps and Son, have been fitted up " fv^ r mH^ nd w D i' iPlan .° 3 ' Harmoniums, Organs thoroughly cleansed, without in any way llnjurlng p Gold Alberts, from 30a; Ladles' Chains, from 50s. tvery uttle worn) at low prices for cash or credit on GRINDERY, , , gosd security. , n,em >n,i roirW Mr wn'n»ini» with all the modem lmprovemeats for a Manufactory These large and spacious premises for sale or lease. BOOTMAKERS TOOLS AND MACHINERY, lnem ' * na relay lor wn nging. Before making your purchases please walk up to 256, uJd° o? a Mu a 0 S "d re 1 - &c ■ &C " Sold by all Ironmongers, whore all particulars may and everything necessary to the making of a book is QUee 7n^inUa?t P m I y C Windo e w l f atket, • paired. ' . HOFFMANN ft SONS, Price Lists on application. b^obtained. now executed upon tha premises! by thoroughly AT-ciT>i?r» at-du-Queen street, Auckland. •, ALcHqU ALEY, Sole agents for Mason and Hamlin's Organs. Country Orders carefully and promptly executed. BRANSTON & FOKBTER. competent workmen. WATCHMAKER asd JEWELLER. •

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5760, 4 May 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5760, 4 May 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5760, 4 May 1880, Page 3