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(PER " HERALD" SPECIAL WIRE.) [fukss association.] LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. ToESDAY. In" the Council to day. after the usual routine matters were disposed of, and a lari;e number of members had given notice to move for leave of absence, There was a d-bate, for the third time, oa the case of Mr. Jackson. On the motion for the adoption of the Petitions Committee's report, which stated that Mr. Jackson had done nothing which justified his dismissal from the service, about a dozen members spoke from all possible uoiatd of view. The debate lasted an hour and a-half, and l:ipsel for the day at 5 o'c'ock, when, by a rule of the Council, Orders of the Day are to be proceded with. Through the length of time occupied on the debate, other notices of motion also lapsed for the day. A number of bills from the Lowor House were read a lirst time ; the second reading of the Rating Act Amendment Bill; and the third reading of the Auckland Loans Consolidation Bill, Harbours Act Amendment Bill, and the Otayo Roads Ordinance Amendment Bill. On the motion for the second reading of Mining Companies' Act Amendment Bill, tho debute was adjourned for a fortnight, on the plea that the measure was too important to be dealt with so late in the session. This is equivalent to shelving the t>lll. The Council adjourned from 5 p.m. till 7.30 p.m. The wbolo of the evening sitting of the Council was in committee on the Lands Act Amendment Bill. Many amendments were made iu the measure, the most important being that the ciiuso allowing optional resisuleuco by deferred payuieuts selections, was was struck out after buurg of debate, by 1& to 5. The Council adjourned at 11 p.m. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Monday. The Housj sat until 3 a.m. MAOKI BILLS. The Confiscated Land and Maori Prisoners Bill parsed through committee without material alteration. ritOFBRTY TAX BILL. The Property Assessment Bill, in committee, passed to clause 21. The only material alteration made was that agricultural implements actually iu use were added to the exemption clause. Tuesday. The House met at 2.30 p.m. STAMP DUTIES. Replying to -Mr. .1. B. Kisher, Mr. Oliver said the Government had had its attention called to the subject, and further inquiry would bj made into the working of the Stamp Act, and if further inconvenience to the publio arising thereunder ia found to be greater th.iu tho advantage to the revenue, they will revert to the ordinary circulating medium in payment of fee 3 of court. THE AUCKLAND ISLANDS. Replying to Mr. Bain", Mr. Rollkston Slid the lease of tho Auckland Islaudu expired last month. THE LINCOLN-HIKE FARMERS. Mr. Bain asked, " If they will recognise a deputation of Lincolnshire farmers, who are now on their way to New Zealand for the purpose of inspecting land, by affording them facilities for visiting the various parts of the colony ?" Mr. Rollehton" replied, and stated that tho Government had already given orders to the Crown Linds Commissioner and other officers to afford ever}' possible facility. FREE FIREWOOD. Replyiug to Mr. McDonald, Mr. RwLLKsro.v said he was not of any power the Government had to grant a bush reserve to the settlers of Opotiki, so that they may acquire firewood free of charge. WAIUKU RAILWAY. Replying to Mr. Hamlin, Mr. Uolleston said that the Government did not intend to direct tb? district engineer of Auckland to make a survey during the receo of the line of railway from Pukekohe to Waiuku. DISMISSAL FROM CIVIL SERVICE. Mr. Rekvrs asked tho Miuister of Justice if he will instruct James Maokay, Esq., ActiDg Reeident Magistrate, Greyinouth, to institute inquiries re. the dismissal from the Civil Service of Christopher J. Prank, formerly clerk to the K:M. Court, and gold receiver at No Town, Grey Valley. Mr. Roli.kstox said that he saw no reason for re-opening the question, as the case wan de-iid-d by the Governor-in-Council. Replying to Sir G. Gsey, Mr. Kolleston said it was not true that Te Puke block had bean disposed of to any person. OTAGO HARBOUR. Iα reply to Mr. Bakr>n, Mr. Uolleston said the Government hid no objection to lay before the House for further consideration the Otago Harbour Board Empowering Bill, a copy af the Order made by his Excellency the Governor-in-Council, on the 29th October, 1575, sanctioning the use and occupation oy tho Otago Harbour Board of certain landa fronting Anderson's Bay Road. A MAORI PETITION. Mr. Hamlin asked the Government, " Whether any action had been taken in regard to the rep irt of the Native AfF.iirs Committee, made on the 17th August, 1577, on the petition of Papa Te Wata, and if no action had been taken, whether the Government were prepared to give effect to the recommendati n therein contained?" Mr. BrYCE said difficulties had arisen in the way of carrying out the report, but the matter would be carefully investigated by the Government Replying to Major Harris, TAMAKI BRIDGE. Mr. Olivkii said the Government would not grant the piayer of the petitioners in the petition of 275 settlers and others in Auckland provincial district, that a bridge be erected across the Tamatd River, which petition was referred to thorn by the Public Petitions Committee, on the 25th November, the want of funds compelled them to tako that course. EDUCATION INSPECTORS. Mr. Hutchison the Minister of Education, " If he will give effect to tho suggestion in the last annual report of the Wellington Education Boar.l on the advisability of providing that tho inspectors shall be appointed by, and be under the control of the Educition Department, instead of the Boards ?" Mr. RoLLESTON said at present", the suggestion could not be dealt with. WIFE DESERTERS. Mr. Fulton a'ked the G ivernment, "Whether they will, during the recess,devisu a method for the more speedy apprehension and punishment of those who deserting their wives and children leave them a burden upon the charity of the public, aud w. ether they will endeavour ta secure unite 1 action with tho neighbouring Australian colonies in this matter. .Mr. fIAU. promised that the proposition wonld be f ivourably considered by the Government. TUE CAVERBIIAM INSTITUTION. Mr. Ftlton asked the Minister for Justice " What further provision he proposed t'» make for . the accommodation of children committed to the Caversham Industrial

School, seeing that tbat institution rnd now its full complement of 351 inmates ?" Mr. Rollfston replied that he wa3 aware of the injustice done in mixing orphan aud criminal children together in the institutions, 'rhe Government would see what could be done for the separating these institutions, so as to admit of better classification. In the meantime, it was necessary the attention of the magistrates should be directed to the irregularities in the committal of the children to these institutions. THE CHINESE. Replying to -Mr. Swanson, Mr. Halt, said the Chinese Immigrants Regulation Eill was one they desired to see passed this sessi m. Mr. Fulton* asked, " What steps they proposed to take towa'ds prohibiting the accumulation at the Caverjliam Benevolent Institution of the incurable patients from Dunedin ?" Mr. Hall replied that a sum of £1200 would be required for the purpose, and at present the Government could not make such [irovision. SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATION. Replying t.> Mr. Finn, Mr. Oliver, said the Government did not consider it uece-siry to take steps towards proclaiming a railway station between Athol and Kingstown. A lock-up. Replying to Mr. Finn, Mr. Kolleston said the Government had not taken step 3 toward Vie erection of a lock-up in tha town of Queenstown. THE lAPANUI RAILWAY - . Mr. Ireland asked, "If the Government had succeeded in making arrangements for the completion ol the Tapauui Railway, and, if so, ivhen the work was likely to be finished ; also, it were the intention of the Government to erect a Court-house at the Waikaia, as petitioned for by the residents in that locality ?" Mr. Outer replied that the Government had not attempted to make arrangement. They intend to ask the sanction of the House for the purpose. With regard to the second part of the question, the resident engineer has been asked to report on the subject. OTAOO OOI.DI-lELDS WARDENS. Replying to Mr. llkkvks, Mr. Oliver promised to lay before the House a statement shew 114 the sa'.-uira of the Wardens of the Oia£(o GoldlieMa and the amount paid to eich o:ito;' the Treasury for travelling and all oth. r expenses, for" tha year ondinj, the SOt'i September, 1S70; .-'lsn, the number of cases adjudicated upon by each as Itesileut Magistrate and Warden for the same period. SECURITY FOR LOANS. Major Tβ Wheoro askel, " Wlia* lands are given as security for the loans from Kll4Uuri. and whether the Maori 1 mils are included ?" Major Atkinson said that Maori were not given them more thau Kir < ROADS IN" NATIVE DISTRICTS. Replying to Mr. Tit Wueoro, Mr. Bryci" said the Government would not undertake to bring in a bill to provide that in future roads cannot be enforced through native lands that are Crown granted. Mr. Shepherd aiked the Government, " Whether it will make provision for paying the present rate of subsi'iiej to local bo lies for the quarter ending, 30th June, IS7O ?" Major Atkinson said he could not make the promise asked, it would be the duty of the Government to bring down a general proposition on the subject next session. STEAM SERVICE BETWEEN" HELENSVILLE AND TAUUOA. Replying to Mr. George, Mr. Hall said that the Government would not place on the Supplementary Estimates a sumof£Sofor a subsidy for a weekly steam service between Helensville and Tauhoa. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Replying to a question put yesterday by Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Hall said that the following was the order of business. Is was proposed by the Government that they would pass before the close of the session the following bills—Customs Duties, Tobacco Manufactories Bill, Revis : on of Statutes, Property Assessment, Land Tax Collection, Building Societies Act Amendment, aud the Electoral Acts Repeal Bill. The other bills set down would depend on the time of tho House. If permitted, they hoped, in addition to the above, to get through the Special Powers to Contracts Bill, the Counties Bill, the Public Reserves Sale Bill, and the Regulations of Elections Bill. They saw no hope for proceeding with the Hospital and Ciiarit-iblo Aids Bill, the draft of which alrea ly before the House, and would, during recess, be largely circulated amongst the various local governiug bodies interested iu the measure. The other bills on the order paper would be dropped, including the Representation Bill, the Electoral Petitions Bill, the Gaming and Lotteries Bill, and the Alienation of Maori Land* Bill. If members would condense their speeches as much as possible, the Government t'j be in a position to have the House prorogued no later than Saturday. PI:O(!RESS OF BILLS. The Revision of Statutes Bill passed through committee was reportod, road a third time, and passed. Tho Debtors aud Creditors Act, IS7G. Amendment Bill was reported, rea 1 a third time, and passed. The Special Powers and Contracts Bi 1 was, on the motion of Mr. Rolleston, read a second time. Tho Lsnd Tax Act Collection Bill was read a second time on the motion of Major Atkinson. The House resumed at 7.30. FUBLIC WOKKS. The Public Works bill, 1579, was introduced, and read a first time. After the Public Works Statement having been read, Mr. Macan-drevt said tho Public Works Minister w s to be complimented on the clear business-like ytat'-meut he had just made. He was alail to find that the policy as originally instituted was to be carried out in its integrity. The bill was ordered to be read a sicoud time on Thursday. PROPERTY TAX BILL. The House then went into committee on the Property .\scssment Bill. A motion was made 11 include steamengines in the exemption clause. The House divided. Ayes, 37 ; noes, 3S. The motion was lost. Sir Geokgk Grkt moved, as a further amendment, " That the words, ' and machinery of every descriptions' be inserted." Tho House divided. Aye?, 35; noes, 40. The amendment was lost. It was moved, as a further amendment, that the following be exempted: "Steam engines used for manufacturing purposes, steam vessels, and machinery for mills and agricultural pur uits, and timber industries." The division resulted : Ayes, 31; noes, 37. The amendment was lost. Mr. Seddon moved, as a further amendment, the exemption of "all property vested in persons for tho purpose of gold mining." Division : Ayes, 2S ; Noes, 52. The next amendment, by Mr. Seddon, was "The insertion of all property vested in persons for raining for minerals other than gold mining." This was lost on the voices. The next amendment was, "The exemption of draught horaes employed for farm purposes and dairy cows." Division : Ayes, 22; noes, 37.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5637, 10 December 1879, Page 5

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GENERAL ASSEMBLY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5637, 10 December 1879, Page 5

GENERAL ASSEMBLY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5637, 10 December 1879, Page 5