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In reference to the hilare of Messrs. Godiefroi and Son, in which several busi ness firms in Auckland are iuKreste-i a ttlegram has received in Sydney, which giv#s hope that the paper f..r whici that firm are responsible miy yet be paid. Tne telegram was to Msss-s. R-ybone, Feei and Company, Godiefroi's agents ii •Svdney, and is as follows :—" Goddetro are trying to make arrangements. Ths South Sea Island Companv will continue ai before :no alteration " We understand tba' well-informed persons in Sydney and Auck land have expressed their conviction tha' responsibilities will be met. His Honor Mr. Justice Gi'.lies arrived ir the Manakan yesterday afternoon by the s.s. Tai&roa, from the Sontb. The progress being made in the erection c: the Parnell Public School is very rapid. Thfoundations are in, and the studs of thf bwer story on the s>uthern side are all in I p:s:tion. 'it is expected the school will t* I opened early next autumn. Mr. Connolly is the contractor, and Mr. E. Mahone;. a:chiteet. We hive to a?'<novrlcJae the receipt c ; following papers ani b:Ks laid on the tab^ ' of the General Assembly :- Eeturas •:■ ' F-Jacatioasl Reserves; cor.-esp.nJer-ce r^la ! tire to c:nveyau;e of Government freight \ reports on native diiiarbiiic: at O-iarmuri j report of proceedings a" Paora Tui-aere": parliament at Orikei: r-turn o: licds pur cbase.i and leased from natives in Xort: I I.lacd ; interim report of Tariff Committee report of Committee: particular ' d citive laui t?archa;es ; reports oi Pubii. j Petitions Cotc-ni;t =e. Bii:s : Imprest S=p I ply (>"o. oj, Connscated Lands Inquiry an^ Maori Pr.sonrri Trals, Sosth Island's Xa tivo Huh Fencing, Kiecnrion Aiaiss i Keal £:tote, Civil L:s; Act Amendmeu Act. Another trsp accileat charred in Fort street, at a few m;nr:tes 5 o'clock ye-s torday afternoon, but the cjcsequencr: •were forturjat'ly not so serions as wen j those of the accident reported elsewhere. J horse to Mr G. B. Owen, at nched to a sprznj delivery cart, was ir F.Tt-street, and the driver, a steady mm. was in it, with the reins in hij The I reaching straps by some m-am loji'. and tHis startled the snima', which 'oo't-cd, the driver bjing naab;e t: restrain h m He brojght thr cirt ira'.i c.iUision vrith a lamp-post in F:rt-strert, <-ppc.iit-e Mr. A. Layboura"s store, with suet force that the lamppost was smashe i, ba: this did not :e=tra:n the friahtene.i animal. Fortunately the driver was not thrown ou; by the shock of the collision, sad he did hi* best- to puil in, bat was unftb'e to do so, although he no dcubt restrained the horse t_ some extent. When the horse emerged t; Qieen-street. a man named William M.\r'.-; yiuckily sprang forward, stized the horse's hcaJ, and broach: him to a A crowd c.llec'.ed round t'r.e spot, s-ii were much surprised to rind thit neithei m.irj. horse, nor cart ha A sustain;.! aa\ injury, snd thst the only thing vsa ijiured was the cast iron lan;p-pcst. died in the Aicklaud proviacial district intrstate duric,; the month of November, hav; been phced nnirr the charge of the Publi: Trustee :—Joha Bevan, Gisborne, estimateo value of personal estate, under £50 ; Michael McDonall, Auckland, estimated value oi personil estate, under £"2 ; Charles Petersen, Thames, estimated va'ue of personal estate, nader £50 ; Hugh Talty, Auckland, vj'ce ci personal tstate estimated at under £100. The following appointments in the Volunteer force have been gazetted : —William Burton, to be sublieutenan' ; and Jaiises Alexander Gordon, to b= sub lieutenant, in the Thimes Xaval the commissions to date October 9, 1579.

The Sytnr'j Morning Jl'.r-xll, i n an : . on lie banking reiarm, tzva :— •' -j-,, •>, ' binkiof i -u* d,in 2 ba.ia'-H i a taisZl^ ,, under the oblisitions of th* A." i, no* added the B» of Stw Z.alavi a nominal p* ; .l- 3 p eapiUl of a million *i, £.»4, ,o-J. rua*. to nirii a v^, to aUe increase of banking ca_,:t.l em ,i, "J within the colony for the ac-om4o* a-irTi the general public. Ia realitv, it m „ such thin.', for the ad-acie; wTr* ?° £290,7' 6, which i? a smillc-r sura bv V".M than ta» deposits. It follows that tv i» a ereattr demani for money i-i v"" Z«licd_ than in >ew SoaVa and this bank ii supplying tha**"'J J, mand uui of the deposits of" -*i?~ people of X-w South \Vi' t . ' u is another proof of the T" nection and mutuil dependence of th» • tralisian co!onie3 with each other. \ of prosperity cannot one witaoat iJlt reflected to the others, and the "? adversity similarly re-act from one toanot'e in proportion to the magnitude of th»i- J '"" r, mercial intercourse. ti.-iff/'jj" 01 * vasant financing, reckteis specalai{' n ll*j bad habits and cuEtoma ct basin*;: I.° common danger to them all, aad th»v o-~H to combine agaiast the danger by forcv"strong, united, health) public op : .c i ioD'."']>i> \ by the same criterion of the relation r/V posits to advances, the of v», < '"A" Wales has sent not only all its oij ~ % ™. ! capita', but also a million of its iic»y>«"*\ *■? j ass:st its operations in the other 'e "'o"n : '° and abroad. For the other cine bi*>jji .if balance was the other way, and for" a°l -t eleven together, the advances av.'-'-'i. £17,050,965, aad the deposit, to £\S,"-T'.'i'x> giving an excess of advance? o: VI-"-ly""' I quarter of a million, which is -.-'i.. I cUely equal to the amount of Cov^r-tirf ' securities, held by the Commerzriai \zl mVV I cantile Banks, and reckoned in th: : ,;V'*rf J advances." j On Friday last Mr. George Jo'izs: 2 ,-f ! Auck'ana, while fishing ia the river, caught; a young sa'mon <x:;u r..j fly. It was under a year old, a^'; E -=' j therefore have been the product <A> . placed in the river three year* fci Kev. E. McKinney and Mr." Palais. : of "thai J district. It was caught by the b.-'n- ) >z l i had fairly ri-en and taken the S\\ "'ijt* I Johnston saw hundreds of lei;:?, \;; t vj i fly used may possibly have b-.'ta i. »:,-.« j one, »s no more were caught. ' On reference to our adverti=emc-:t c-'.n^-c it will be seen that a sale of fr-c-iol: -ro- ; perty, with michinery, at the Thaxc-s, ;= to I be made by the Thames County CoancU. j The sale is advertised to take p'a:e oa the lGth instant, bat the partiozlirs notified are excessively vajue and e. intending purchasers will have 11 crnsci; j maps and plans in order to a?:Tr:ih:i'; locality of the site for machinery, for w-_.'j they are invited to bid. However, fnrtht: particulars may be obtained fr a ti? Thames County Cccncil office. We pre-;ne this is another phase of the " Lig^ump' , question. Xgakapa Whanaun;a,|a well-known chitf of the Thames district, is l-uildi--a » Ur;e house at Coromanilel, and ha= issued "a great number of invitations for a " tousewartaing,'' to come oa in the beginning of Januarv. I j A telegram lately pablishel .-.= to the ' registration of the Union Ba-.k of Australia 1 was somewhat obscure. We zve the followicg explanatory notice froa the Melbourne Arjui :—By private te!?:ri:n aa 13. portan: item of banking int<-ll:getce ba- jest been received. It is commun:;3te i that ! the directors of the Union Bank ■?:' A >::a'.:3, now an unlimited bank, inteiii ■ taie advantage of the Act recently passe": \? tie Imperial Legislature, and to regi.--- tie bank un : .er the Companies Acts, ;>l"2 to 1579, in;rei?ing the amount o: :;•. ?:;are3 from £"25, the present paid-up :■.■■: ust, to £75 each, the additional £'"-j per share being intentei to be nilnsively I guarantee or " rese.-ve" capital. L":.der the j intended reeistratioD, the pail up c.v.tal : w:ll be as at~pre=ent, £l,">!>j"i»j : "the paid- ! up reserve fund as at present. £>X>,ooo : the new reserve or guaranteecapitii. £3.'_I>J,COO. The total pad-up and subscribed cat.ii , . zzi reserve will t-5 3'X),000 The ='a"fh::icrs will thus know the precise limi: of ts-ir reSDo3s:bi:ity, and ths peblic will be ;:iranteedtJ the extent of £3,800.000 ov"-r above the paid-np capital of the bank. A specia'. meeting of shareholders U Ci'.lei tor 12:h January next in London, to give tfe:t to the proposals of the direct :rs. The teadency of this mrst desirable proceeding will be to do away with any deterred insnen:e attaching to unlim ted liability in tbe miods of investors, and to maintain, the share :is: in a satisfactory position as to the vreahh and respectability of the proprietors. Mr. Murray is nneompHmentary aci cr.- : j-st ia his sweeping denunciation of accumatisaticn societies. During the ■icbat-e oa ! she Protection of Animals Bill he Siid he thought tfce bill did net go far c&onA Every person who owned land t--the right to destroy the verm;n vh:.'h i certsin c'.a-s cf people irktrodu::cj i-:.- thu country. He lx>ked upon those pers who formed themselves into ac:limatUs.ti n societies a≤ instances of the truth 0: Dr. I Witts's words, that " rinii scae j mischief still for idle bands to do." Hitherto Auckland has not been :a the electro-plating lice, one gentleman alcne (Mr. Cook) doing the whole of the basmesi iin tha: partictJir branch. Conipettttan is 1 si!l to be the soul of business, and sc.-ord-ingly Mr. F. &. Singleton, electro-fUteraid ; gilder, has started in tbe above brarches, a ! the premises adjoining those of Mr. W. ; Eyrf. Victoria-street, where he i= now prepared to execute any orders w:tn wh:ch be maybe entrusted. He is not prepared to " p!at-e sin with gold.'" as the poet paii :!, but he i≤ ready to plate almost azj'.h'ZZ else. In Mr. F. 3. Lewissen's window w*« -■*■ v' yesterdiT a nagiuScen; lot of brozit siatuett-es of elaborate ani e:e;ii» de*iz=. They are Japanese nuaufactur*. ai-1 h»ve attracted a larce asaoum of I=r"-u.le-i in the display are statues of ce.e-n—-"e' ~'**i in^" 1 Goethe, Kubens. and other;. I^ere others .« itar, deer, and fawn, ari .» i>::-'j~ vi'rie.i and' -Jirk br.-lz-.'lhe tird groups are also chiricteris:;: an-_ cit-rV.. asrepay the trouble of those who feel a= interest ir; works of this kind. Tho=.-> to tike shares in the f * Ziilmi Accident Insurance Cotnpi-y - re v-;t~i to apply for shares it t ■ Mr. C, A:exi:.der." l.>' that the shares tnay t-e shotted »i:hout d«"ay. K. C. Greenwood will sell by aucf.oE. to-i»T. at c's C' or ■*'- '» \'.et^'"xhs're o'-jht a ;o.d petition, as building sdiotuients ire s-:-i:w — S'ewniarser. The idjoumeJ meeting of the Horticultural S»>c:ety takes place two o'clock, for she purpose of c '-' laws, Arc. ' . , Messrs. B. Xonks aci Co. ire :o cner :o: s*-e on the 10th inst., the privilege? of the jri=stand. bar. booths, stables, ic, at the s-imtt nisetins of the Auckland K\c;=; Cub. The "Town Clerk intimate* that watfr senjers" rate falling due on the ->lst inst.. be paid before that date. Those :ii - . pay the rates in time, will hive :h<-' =-??•-' cut off.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5637, 10 December 1879, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5637, 10 December 1879, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5637, 10 December 1879, Page 4