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The directors of the Moanataiari Gold Mining Company yesterday de?lared a dividend of 2s Gd per share, on 13.455 shar<s which ab-orbs £IGSS 12* G.l, and is payable at the company's office, Shoitlnud-.-treet, on Wednesday, the 17th inst. A balance of about £500 was carried forward to the working fund, which, with the reserve of £3450, mak<-s a total to the credit of the company, after paying the dividend, of £3950. Yesterday forenoon the barricades and hoardings were removed from the space in Queen-streot, between Shortland and Fort-streets, in which the new cab stind was being constructed. It is on the same principle as the old one—nimely, logs of timber on end and grouted together, excpt that in the present instance a cement bottom has been laid ou which to bed the logs instead of the longitudinal and crossed-pl rinks used in the old stand. It appears to be a silid, substantial piece of work, and if it lasts as well as that previouslj' laid, it will perform good service. A commencement U also made with laying a crossing of similar material across the foot of Vulcanlane, and it is to be the full width of the lane •between the kerbs—namely, 10 feet. It is to extend from the outside of the watertable in Queen-street to a foot within the Queen-street building line, or a total of 20 feet, and when completed it will no doubt greatly ease the heavy traffic which occasionally passes through this lane, and which, it was alleged, wa3 sometime* sulfici' nt to cause a vibration in the wads of the brick houses at eitner si le of the Hue. A curious case came on for hearing at t!,e Police Court yesterday, which reminds O'-e of Douglas Jerrold's " Tile of a Feather," and in which a respectable-locking youug woman appeared in the dock as the accu-ed. The circuustauces out of winch the judicial proceedings arose are as follows : —A young gentleman undertook to carry home for his lady friends some ostiie'.i feather?, which were duly placed in a paper packet fcr easier handling Unh : s road home he calledin at the Occidental and had a of sherry, laying down his pare?! of feathers meanwhile. Something was said iu evidence about a "gin and soda," in addition, but tli■-- complaiuant would not acknowledge the soft impeachment. As the subject of feathers was one congenial to the fema'e mind, he informed the amiable barmaid who had ministered to his necrssities that the packet contained ostrich feathers, which h-> was taking homo for his female relatives. Slie remarked that they must he peacock's feathers, as the packet did nt seem bulky enough to contain the kind he referred to. Feminine curiosity, however, was too strong. and she took up the parcel, and after handling it, laid it down again. Other cut imers came iD, to whom phe att:nd<d, and when the man of feathers arose to go his way, he lifted up his parcel only to find that his feathers had been wafted to regions unknown. The girl received a high character from hi r former employers, and had l-een at one time iu the service of the presiding magistrate himself. Mr. Barstow came to the conclusion that the complainant wasmisaken, and had dropped the feathers in the street '. The charge was accordingly dismissed. The moral of the whole affair —if it has a moral —i 3 simply this? Never sample sherry, or do a gin-and soda, while you are carry in;; home those "trifles light as air," m which the femiuine soul debghteth—ostrich feathers. The Civil Service examinations were commenced yesterday, under the. s-upervisi n of Mr. Hu .son WilliamsoD, the l.Vputy-Uegis-trar of the Supreme Court. There were 30 candidates (junior) who came up for examina tiou. Some of these propese to till up the papers for the senior examination a* w-11 The examination of senior candidates wi 1 commence to-day. There are 13 eaudi :ate.-', including both examiua'.ious. The following is the return of sick treated at the Provincial District Hospitil, Auckland, f?r the week ending December G:h, IST'J :—Remained last return, !>G ; admitted since, S ; discharged, 9 ; died, 0 : remaining, 95 ; males, 79 ; females, 10 ; Arrangement of cases :—Zymotic, 16 ; constitutional, 7 ; local, 47 ; developmental, 14 ; vi lent, 11. Thanks are returned to Mrs. Huijhes for a quantity of strawberries, &c, and to Captain Wright for a number of periodicals.

The Liberal administrate in Vi • 3l seems to*be afflicted with a scries of e„ • ''M scandals. One of the latest hi, j, ,r^ olil M .inearthed by a return to an order ' Couucil. Some, time agj a special s i '■% was voted fir an officer entitled" th» l> y* '«? mcutary draftsman, yet, aeording'to ':?» return, large fees are heiag paid tj ,„.,;? ."1 barristers to do the work of the -\tto General and that of his draftsman ~- particular, a sum of £103 (3i Id h™ i' Ia ''■''■ handed to a Mr. SI. A. MoUonnell for ,1 ''A" ing a Supr-mc Coart.ludicaturoß.il \f • McDonnells measure is not yet corriDlet ! and, as ho is drawing the bill and drawing the Treasury simultaneously, it i 8 h ar ,i? tt ':■'% fay when it will be finished I u x (JW ■. " ?•"' land th-y do such matters much m quietly, and with a .Werenc* to the eterrTl fitness of things and public opinion whi 'il is truly edifying. Many year, the Q lowing item wa3 piaced on the u, Assemb'y Estimates-— '• Legislative' &!» and to which was attached a rcsp'ectah'l sum. The late Mr. Crosbio Ward was Bt-rit with the etcetera, and desired to kiiow w h» it represented. After some parley the in formation was reluctantly vouchsafed th t it represented some £275 paid to a 1 „ \ friiiulof the Government for drafting bn! The late Mr. J. W. Mallock's racine .*!* is to be sold in Ohristchurch on the in instant, and whea it is observed' tl amongst the string are the Well-kno* horses Foul Play aod On Dit, it will L c ~ a -'■ that the sale is an important one. p"! Play, who is a racer of celebrity,' an i ;., winner of several races, would be"'a miff horse in any stable iu the colony. H e l '.he Free Handicap (1 mile), and th" \K, 0U prdiiau (1J miles), at tbe late CvVcrW ■ Meeting, carrying beavy weights in both The following iB the state of Her M a '...t v - Gaol, Auckland, for the week fjf. r " ' ber 7th, 1579 :—On remand, 2 n,,u' awaiting trial, 7 male?, 1 female; „.„ j servitude 27 males ; hard labour, 9j „; 3 | e j--32 females ; imprisonment, 4 iua'es ; ilefault bail, 5 male--, 2 females ; debtors, 2 Illa j > . received during the week, 24 rail- - r females ; discharged, 25 males, 4 females'total iu gaol, 142 males, 35 females. "' Steps are being taken to raise a subscrin Hon for the widow and orphans of the ]a»i James Boyle, through whose lamentaijU d-ath at the works, Fort Briti mart worthy family are left totally nnrrovid*il for. Lists have been placed at the various newspaper offices, at the Bank of New Zea. laud, 13ai k of Austialasia, Union, > and New South Wales Banks. Tbe follow'. ing gentlemen are also autliorisd to clU:t" —Mes-rs. Little. Fly no, Dent, and IIV Father Walter McDonald. Sir Henry Parkes, in his recent speech in the New South Wales Legislature on the new Education Bill, brought out the re. markable fact that, though the State sctvla were denounced by Arciibisbop Vaughsna "seed-plots of future immorality, imMulitj and la.vie.-sn ss, calculated to debase the standard of hurnau exeellenc, and to corrupt the pulitical, social, ami iu lividnal life of future citizens," so::.e live hundred Roman Catln-lic teachers occupied tti• fattest appointments in them without incurring the censure of the Church. We have again to draw atteuti n to tie > entetainment which is to be given this evening by Dean's Miu-trels, iu aiil of the fund got up for the beneiit of these members of the Naval Brigade who were iuju-ed by the explosion on board the Brigade gnuboat. The programme is a icy att-active rai", and several new and new features will be introduced. Judging from the liberal patronage promise 1, the benefit should [ir ie a very substantial one. Tom Taylor's well-known comedy, en-Vol " David Garriek," was produced last j-.;.-. ; i-.t the Theitre Royal-Mr. Horace U:i.\.\ | as Garriek, Mis A. D. L ngard as Ada. Mr. e li\-«l old as Ingot, a.-d Mr. Warner as hick. The come'y was well played, but the Ilou-e was not as well attended as usual. The , comedy was succeeded by the operetta, "I Ladroni," in which Mr. Lingard appeared ss Tript dim ins Figg, Miss Melrose as Mrs. F'gg, aud Miss Blanche Leopold r.s lutz. The s:)iig< a d choruses were much applauded. His Honor the Judge of tbe Supreme Court 13 rxp.eied to arrive in Aueklaud by Monday nx . The first sitting in banco is fixed for Wednesday, the 17 th inst. Hot weather is Eai.l to frj the temper vmseverely. Yesterday, a debtor allowei aa unseemly e-xc ti meut to take possession ol him at a of his creditors, when, in the ordinary course of thing', he should have i been humble. Creditors appear also to err on such occasions under the intlucncc- of personal and atmospheric heat, for we utile - stand that an information has be'-n laid aga'nst a w llknown man of business, clia'ging him with assault and battery. Tte hearing of the case is fixed for Thursday next. Kach party has retained an eminent leaal firm, one being erg'pe-1 to sustain the information, the other to conduct the case for the r.ef-.u e. .As the matter is to be inquired into, on'y a reference to the leading incidents 13 jermissible. There w.13 a meeting of crodi'"'?, held in a solicitor's office, on Friday last, ti consider the propriety of assenting to a iUcJ ' of arrangement, propose 1 by the debt r. When the meeting te-'minated one creditor [ remonstrated with the other about the i courso adopt'-d, and the answer wa3 a sharp blow- in the face. This instantly put the motor muscles of the gentleman assaultel in a coudition of activity, but he- wjs held hack by the coa'-tail so thaS his reach wjs shortened and a counter - blow happily averte!. The meeting of credit rs wa3 adjourned to next- day. The bii'iutss of the next day (Saturday) being transacted ('ae weather continuing extrem-'y hot, and ilie proceedings being very- animat d throughout), the a.-gr:eved creator raised a very r maikabie issue, winch resulted to lis opponent in a state of ocular ecchymosis— —vulgarly called a "black-eye." Hut nn other se:i us injury was done, and the suffer- r, having submitted to that skill in tbe fine arts which regards a black-eye as capable of being paiuted, was euabl-d to appear in Queen street yesterday, wholly fr.c from the blue-aud-yellow tints which follow upon manual collision with a delicto part of the human bady. The whole story, however, will be tol i elsewhere, and uu'.ii then the public will do well to suspend it< judgment as to the blame that is to b; attached t > the belligerents. The office of the Pacific Steamship Co has been removed to the new premises 02 the wharf, Lower Queeu-stteet, known as Compton's Ruildings. The ageucy wjl henceforward be under the charge of Jir. Beardsley, who recently anived from Francisco to take the control of the company's business iu this city, and from that gentleman's lone; experience in the steam service, and the initiation be has received '» the head office in Americv we are sure that a more desirable agent could not have b on appointed. The fallowing curious paragraph appears among " Answers to Correspondents ' in the Syrian/ Mail .—"Cabby.—lf you don't like Sydney, and are honest and iudu-trieus, Wellington (New Zealand) is about the place for you south of th.- line. Cabmen is that city find almost permanent lodgings wr the Government. At least we notice ti.s' the ex-Minister for native affairs, the H; 1D - J. i-heehan, spent £330 on cab hire during his last year of office. If you caunot put up with either the Transit Commissioneis or the Cabmen's Union write to Mr. Sheeban.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5636, 9 December 1879, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5636, 9 December 1879, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5636, 9 December 1879, Page 4