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Nkw Zealand Herald Office. Saturday afternoon. Tho Customs receipts to-day amounted to £129 03 BJ, and for the week as follows : — Duties £1,030 7 10 [ Lijjh honse due? 44 3 1 Merchant shipping fees.. 14 0 Pilot an! port charges .. .. 4 2 3 Arras Act 6 3 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 29 2 1 TotaU .. .. £5.215 3 0 In our last we recorded tb&t a brisk business had been done in all departments of trade, consequent upon tho telegraphic advices received of an advance in prices in nearly all the commercial centres of Europe. This imported a tone to business, and evaded speculative purchases ; and hardly had this cea3ed, when further advices of a rise in Nov/ Ze iland pro duce, such as wool and kauri gum, caused a more buoyant tone throughout the district, and tho result is that a much larger circulation of money will be available thau estimated when we last wrote. In addition to this, one of our most important industries, which yor years has been languishing, viz., gold mining, has again revived, and, so far as can be learned, there is every reason to believe that for some time to come we shall have a season of mining prosperity. Within the last few days a sum of over £10,000 lias been, or will this weck» bo distribnted, and such a large amount of money circulated is sure to havo a good effect upon general business. Several wool sales huvc taken place, and realised beyond the expectation of wool-growers—the last showing an advance of IJd per lb. upon the opening sales. Kauri gum has also reached a price that was seldom or ever been touched, and with the reported discovery of new fields, will tend to employ a number of men at remunerative wages. The timber trade is also recovering its former buoyancy, and, with the impost of the old duty, will shut out in a large measure American shipments, and thus open the Southern markets again to us. As yet our Southern friends have not purchased so freely as in past seasons, not having recovered from the late panic ; but with the promise of bounteous crops and the increased value in wool, there is every reason to think they will shortly become large purchasers of timber. The supposition that the Colonial Treasurer would inciease the duty upon tea and sugar caused some speculation in these articles, ami merchants sold.freely of both, and pretty well cleared the bonded warehouse*. Tho imposts were, however, not levied, and the fact that every dealer purchased these goods largely may account for the fact that the litest advance in the sugar markets in the other colonies have not met with that response here that was anticipated; in fact, sugars have been placed at a less price than can be done iu Sjdney or Melbourne. With referto the now tariff, our readers will find it in another column. Under tho circumstances detailed above, it will be seen that the outlook for tho future is much more encouraging than for a long time back, and the general opinion is, that the cloud of depression that has so lons loomed over the district is now breaking, and that with the new year a new era of prosperity is before us. Money still continue* " tiyht," but ordinary trade accommodation is found at late rates. The 4th passed offJ 4 very well, and, with the exception of one or two trifling instances, little or no assistance was required. The arrivals during tho month havo been unusually heavy, but with the exception of soft goods, the various lines are rapidly going into consumption, and up to the present, there has been very little overstocking; but great caution . will have to be exercised under this head, as the effect of last season's overtrading have hardly passed away. Ales: Choice brands are moving off freely, such as Bull-dog, Dogshead, Griffin, and | others, and the demand is fully equal to supply. I the late shipments having passed into consump

tion. r Xhe trade is now becoming more and more, confined to these brands, and it is difficult topUoe aline of outside brands, except at a serious reduction. Stouts arc dull of sale, and are offered at a reduction upon late, values. Brecdstuffs and Rrain : There has betn bo change in flour during the month. Local millers are kept well employed, and readily obtiiin £16 for superfine, and £11 for household. Southern commands £13 to £14, and Adelaide, since the impost of 20.i per ton duty, baa been sold nt £15. O.ita have again declined in value, and lines luive been sold at ship's side for 2j 3d, n.ul for choice feed up to 2s 9J. Maize ha* been received from California and the Islands, and notwithstanding tho new duty of C.l per bushel, meets with a fair demand—Califoruian 4i, and Fijian 3s SKI to 3s 10d. Colonial malt has been placed at Ss G,l to S*9d, and biewers are now using this much more extensively than in former ye:irs, vr" little English being now imported. Bags and bagging : The demand for woolpacks is now over, and cornsacks are inquired for at a rather hotter value, and holders now ask 9s. Boncdust has also been received heavily from Australia and elsewhere, and quitted at low rates, from £7 10s and upwards. The season is now over, and many stocks have to be bold over. Cement, KB and S, h;is again been leceived heavily, ex Anazi, from Londom, and sold at ship's side to go South, at 13a G.l to 14s. Small sines of Whites, out of store, 15j 6d to 16».. Caudles are much firmer, and owners are disinclined to quit any great parcels. Price's belmont's aro held for 10d to 10} d, De Roubaux's, Brandou's, and others, 9.} d. Dried fruit of good quality aro scarce, and the few small parcels in stock are held for extreme rates. Elemes, 7d ; currants, u.Hd d.p.; dried apples (ordinary), 6d to 6_d ; ("Alden process), 7_d to B.W. Green Apples : About GOO cases were re- ; ceived, ex mail steamer from San Francisco, and had to be landed under the new tariff—ls i per cent, ad valorem— and realised 10d to 16i : per case, according to quality. Kami Gum : ! The inflation in tho v:ilue of this article is i beyoml precedent, and recent purchases have ■ been rcado as high as £5G to £5S for ordinary ; i indicating a lise of £1:2 to £14 sinco hist sum- ! mary. The for thiit period are light— i only 200 tons —while the export to New York, ■ ex Georgietta, are 300 tons, with 300 tons for ■ Londou, by the sliip Waikato, in the course of a few Jsys. Hops responded to the advance of the English and other markets, and a small purcel of the foregoing has been quittod at 2a Gd up to 2s 9.1 ; colonial or Nelson, Is 7d to Is 9d. Hardware baa been freely dealt in, and a good business has been douo in galvanised iron iit from £27 to £29 d.p. (duty £2), according to length. Fencing wire (duty £1) : Demand falling otf, but small parcels have realised from £15 to £10 10s. Pig-iron, of which there is a large stock, has been done at £4. Blasting powder has been received, anil the high values current last month are somewhat modified. The local denvind is very limited, and prices are only sustained by orders from the South. Kerosene may be quoted a little firmer, and although stocks are heavy—some 13,000 eases—holders do not feel disposed to accept late rates. The arrivals have been 5.500 cases "Star" ex Georgietta from New York, and prices may be quoted at Is 3d to Is sd, i.b., according to brand. Linseed, a shipment has been sold in equal proportion of boiled and raw, in drams at 4s 3d, and bulk, 3s IOJd and as low as 3s 9d. PainU have met with a better demand, but stocks havo been so heavy that holdoisare willing to quit without waiting for extreme rates. Slates have been received and a sale of English (couutuss) has been made as low as £13. Salt, both coarse and fine is exceedingly sc'irce and fancy prices ars now being paid; coarse. £6; fine, Gs lOd per ton. About 50 tons by the Adamant is daily expected, and it is diilicult to say what extraordinary price it will fetch. Salmon has buen dull of sale this month, the speculation current a few weeks ago having, for the time beiuy, subsided. Holders :ire now firm in their quotations, and ask Ss to Si Gd for choice brands. Spiiits: The only change to note in this department is that of brandy, and large holders of such brands that are constantly in the market aro certainly more decided in tone nnd have intimated an advance. Henquire Vox buTk.Tls 9d, and case, 9 ' 37s ° lUsquit Dubouche, 9.* and 275. Australian wines are not meeting with such a demand as was anticipated, and it is feaied that the season will piss over without any great consumption. Teas a»e heavily stocked, and the clearances effected het month in anticipation of additional duty has militated against business during the last few weeks. Tobacco of leading brands hive met with moderate request, but purchasers are very chary in operating until the question of the additional duty of Is perlb. is dually settled.

>* ( Uatrs of Exchange on London.—Buying: 12l l * days, 1} per cent, discount; 00 days, 1$ pt»r cent, ll discount; GO days, J per cent, discount; 30 days, i; n on demand, par. Selling: 90 days, J percent, premium. e GO days, lj uer cent, premium ;30 days, 13 per cent, premium; demand 2j per cent, premium. Discount —95 <iay?, 8 per coat. ; 1*25 days, 9 per cent ; 3 exceeding. 0 per cent, I Fhrhjuts.—The following are the rates of freight quoted ;it this port fur London: — Wool, greasy, 0 gd per lb.; ditto, washed, 2(1 per lb.; leather, 70a per r ton; oil, bOs per tun of 252 gall<.; tallow, 50spor ton; : copra, GOs pur ton; whalebone, SOs per tori; kauri guiu, , r 52s Gd per tou; shells, 60s per ton; deadweight, 30s per tou; cotton, pressed, Jd per lb.; sheepskins, £d per lb-; measurement, 5Us per ton. t Alks and Porter. —Best biands of ales have f movml into consumption Uirly, win!«» *ococl %a%litiea aro neglected; D ,gshead, Bulldog. Uriitin, meet with mo-t favour, ani have been purchased to urrive. The stocks of stout » never so large nor pricei lower, and thepiic-s attained for outside bottlers of Guinness'a, : Blood'*, and Pigare simply ruinous to coLsignors. Iniuedin ale, in bulk (pale) £5 ; xxxx, £G 10s. Ale, iu bulk id.p.) per b»rr«l, K. Younger's, £U 10s ; Bass's, £0 15s to II £7 ; Ashbys, £3. Ale 'in bond), Tennuat's, pints, 0s t> 1 ; quarts, Ss 9d ; Bass's 11 Dogshead brand (IteaVs bottling , piuts, 05 GJ, 1 quarts, 9s ; B illdog, K. Porter and Co.'s bottling, t 6s Dd ani J's 3d; Grillin b and, Ga 91 and 9s 3 3d; Ashby's, Gi 3d and Ss 01; lud, Coop*, t pints, Gs Gd ; quarts, £?s 9d ; Bass's (Blond bottlers), pint 3, Gs Gd ; quarts, Ss ; (Uya*s ® battling), 6i 0.1 an 1 Os. Stouts in bond : ' Blood's, 8s 3d ; pint*, 09 3d ; Pig brand, 03 3d ; 1 quarts, B<3d; DoKahead, Guinness'a (Head's bottliugj, pints, 6s Gd ; quarts, Ss Gd ; 11. Porter and Co. s bottling, G< 9d anl 9s 31 ; Grifllu t br.ind, Gt 91 and 9* 3d; Burke's, Os and 9s; C-imeroa and Sitmders's, 7s and Qs Gd ; other 1 brands, Ss and 7s Gd ; Combe's, quarts otter.l at 7s. Duty—pints, Is 3d; quarts, 2iGd per dozen , Building Materials.—Cement has been moved in fair quantities, but for large parcels to ar ive there »♦ not much improvement in v ilu ; White's sold iu small Jets at 15s 6-1 ;K. B. S., at ship's side, ex -- liszi. 13s Gd to 143. Hlates are hardening in value, with an upward tendency, Countesses have been placed at £13 per thousand. American plaster, a l.ttle inquiry, but * consumption cxcojdmgly light. Bags and Bakoino, u.r — Woolpacks and cornsacks have been received largely, and the supply is now heyond what will bi required. Woolpacks. full lOlbi.. 27.x 54, ('aloutti. 3s; uundee, 3j 31; cornsacks, 3-bush., 2sd lb., 93 per dozen. HoNEbUMT.—V very large quantity for th's time of the year is heing sold, out at low figures, which j leaves no mar.; n. rtocks continue heavy, and a quantity will be lrft over for ik-xv wrason. Australian boaedust, £7 10s to £7 15s. Vitriolised bones, i 9. Peruvian guano, £17 to £!fii I per ton; Iluon Island, £5 to £5 s*: Maiden I Island, £G 10s to £7 per ton ; auimal manure, 1 noil-:; cocoanut oil cako. £7 per ion BtiKADSTCrFH and Grain.—The in irkct in flour has undergone little change. The imp >st of 2Ca i'»«r ton on Imported will thsnshut out Adelaide. M >iz ? firmer,, aud a du'y of Gd por bushel has been levied. Best silk dressed Hour £10 ; household, £14 ; S )'ith *rn brandy £13 to £U ; Adelaide, £15. Wheat ■. Auckland), none ; feed oats, 2." 3d to 2> 91 ; bran, £5 o £ ; 5 per to*i ; Fiji maize, 3s 9Jd to 4< ; Sydney and California, 3s 9d to 4s ; oattne -I, £15 ss. Barley (, for maltiiig), 5s Cl to /is 91 ; southern, Gs to Gs 31 ; Capo barley, 2s 7d ; pearl, £24 to £24 10.3. Cabin ( bre-id, £2') pur ton. Potatoes, £3 to £10 ; Hobait Town, none. Cordaoe, d.p.- Fully stockcd. Manila hetnp rope, all sizes,£Go; whale and lance lines, £70; cutting, in falls, £G3 ; second quality, all sizes, £52 ; New Zealand flax rope, all sizes, £42 10s; wool lashing, £{jS 10<; clothes lines, 5d pur Jb., subject to trade discount; Manilla cluthe3 lines, ad ; ntikum, free, <litto, X 42; spun tine two-yarn, ditto, £70 to £S0 ; twine, shop, d.p., per lb . Is 3d ; s'Wing twine, Is per lb.; local make Is to Is 3d. Coal.—Newcastle coal Is selling at 32s to H3s for cargoe alongside, n*t much demand, local m to in reqact; Bay of Islands, 135., f.0.b., i>.i tho mines, and Whangarei coal, 9i to 13j, ditto, Wftikato ; steam, ; household, 10i. Coffkk anh rfi'icKS (in bond), per lb. — Ceylon, Cf;JT-e plantation, Is Id; do., Fiji, lid;.lava, Is 3d; chicory, cdonial, 7i I ; cocoa, d.p, Taylor's, Is 4sd ; Fry's Is 3d ; Epp&'s, Is Gd ; Mara villa. Is Gd; chocolate, Ttylor's, Is 2d. Spices, d p.: (-loves, 2s 2d ; bleached ginger, Is l£d; unbleached do., Is id; nutmegs, 3s Gl; black pepper, whole, Sd; white do. lid. Con Ft CTio>'Kit y — Local manufacturers are producing ■"d articles, and the consumption g'aduaby incretisi g, Several sales or English confectionary have J.cld, but the goods Wt-re generally pa<is»-.d in. Waters'a colonial boiled, dry goods, 10Jd ; Keillor's assorted, 10|d ; candied lemon and orange peel, d.p., lid ; citron. Is 1?1 ; jujubes. Is Id. Gum,, &c-Gum has gradually li.rdened in value tii 'iighout the month, a d it is now dearer than lias be :n Known for ye ir.«, -d • rdinary, the advance being more in irked in tins quality, and prices may be quoted at £12 to £11 per ton dearer. The barque Georgietta saded on t lie Ist, with 3GO tons, for New Vork, and ship Wnikato, on the 15th, for Loudon, is expected to take 300 tons. Ordinary may be quoted at £SG to £53, an 1 fancy grades at ex orb U ta-it values FJax : Finest quality, £17 to £17 104 per ton ; tow, £10 to £12 pi;r ton. Cocoanut oil (tiuc white), per tun, £3G. Copra, per ton. £14 to £15. Whale oil, £23. InONMONOttiiY.—'The demand for inetils has been brisk, and - overy article under this heading has advanced in price. Blaiti-g p:»-.vitor m almuat out of stock, ud tlio demand for tho South is such as to cause a firm t tie, notwithst inding stocks have come to hind. Kwba-ik's nails, invoice, 5 uer cunt oft list ; galvanized corrugated duty now 20* per ton, Walker's. Stork brand, Goupcl Oak and other-*, from £27 to £29; English bar iron' per ton, £11 ; plate Iron, £13 : pig ditto £4 fencing wire, duty 20s per ton, £15 to £ic'los ; sheet-lead. £21 ; pig-lead, £20 ; aheet-ziuc, £23 lO.j to £30 10s. Powder, Kauie's, Curtis and Harvey's, 5d to Gd per lb. ; Mali's, sjd to Oil; sporting (in eanistor), 2s; for 20 and 24, d.p , canister. No. 2. d.p., 3s Gd. Yellow inctal. 7id to 84; Muutz, 7id to Bd. J AMa, DttißD FituiTi, «sfco. — Diied English fruits have met with fair i iqulry, and good sound is art in£ at au advam-e upon list month. Stocks of low and medium currants atill heavv. The duly on dried fruit, under the new tatiffh 2d* .English marmalade, llb.-tius, 8s ; Uobart Town Jams, Gs to 7s; jars, to Cj l ; sultanas, 7d ; muscatels, 7id to lid; elemes 7d ; currants, 4J4 to ; tigs, 7d to lOd. Dried apples, ordinary, in kegs and case?, Gd to Ojd ; Alden'd proces?. 7Jd to BUI, d.p.

Leather anß HiDis.-Sole leather, 9d to la M lb • kißS> Is 6d to 23 ■ runners, 2i Id to ii 9d ; calf, colonial, 3s lo 4s 3d ; basils, 10s to ISs doz., closed uppers, 4s 6d to 9s 3d per pair. Hides, 3d to 3jd: calf skins, 3d-per lb.; sheepakins, 61 to3i 0 i. Malt and Mors.— Malt during tho month has met with little demand, and leveral shipments of both English and colonial are on ttie market. English 10s od, and tanka £1; colonial, 8i 61 lo f>l. flops: Advies from England hive hardened the mirket considerably, ai'i tn« lew s*le3 of Bniclish thut have been nude thow a decided advame. Rn«liih, sounfl, =>3 to 2i CJ. Nelson (new), l< 9a; U iVarian, none: American (new). Is to l< Id. OrLMEs's Stores.—Price's nelmont caudles, duty lid. 10d du..per lb.;De Koubaix, Jenar, Braudoa'a, "evas anil (JoudVs, Schie.lam, 9d to 9Jd. Local blue-mottled soap, £-27 per tou ; carbolic. £23 ; best yellow. £i? ; household, £14 ; flist Crown, second Crown, £19: s.ift soap, in tin*. 4td per lb.; toilet, tid to 9d per lb. ; mould candid 5d per lb ; all subject to trade discount; sal!., lino, dity 20.', d.p,, £6 10s. coarse, £6 (both very scirce) ; inannre salt, £3 15s, i.b., Jordan almonds, la lOd to 2s • blue. Sd to 10d; blacking, paste, 5? en : . Colman-s starch, No. 1, white 4H, blue 41d : Orlando Joncs'a starch, 3Jd. Mmtard, d.p.: Colman'.i 1-lb. tins (red), 103 6(1; half ditto 5s 9d ; 7-lb. tins (red to groeH), 7Jtl to Is ; 1-lb tins (green), 13s ; Jib. ditto, 8s; DSP, 1-lb'. tins, 10s «d. Keckitfs blue, ijjd Matches: Vestas, d.p., Bryant and May's 250, per gross, 2!s: ditto, plaid, 5i 61; ditto, 18s YuM inifblack's, 19s"; plsi ds, 5j 3d : It. lieli and Co ,14s; plaid3,ss ; Crown plaids, 43 (id; 250's, 163 Oil: Castor, in pints, Ss 9il : half-pints, 53 Cd; quarter-pints, 4s 3d. Salad: C. and 15., pints, 13s ; half ditto, 8s; Morton's, pints, 10s 6d ; half-pints, 6s 3d ; Sout i Austra ian, qutns, 32-i: Half-pints. 9s. Pickles: Crosse, and Bl.ickwell's, pints, 12s: Morton's and others, from 8i to 103 (id. Rice (ground), in tins, 4Jd. Sauces : Lea and Perrin's, half-pints, 12s 9d, C. S: 8., half-pints, 9s ; Miller's, 7s 6i ; Siephena's, C 3 6:1. Vinegar d.p. : Champion's, per gal., 2s 4d ; Hill. Evans's, 2s; Burnett's, 2s 3(1; Putt's, 2s Id. Treacle, golden syrup, 31 per lb.. in bond ; American hont-y, 21b. tins, 12s ed., d.p.; sago, 3}d; tapioca, sd. Cornflour Brown's, 4jd. d.p.: Brown and Poison's, 7d ; Munu's, 5d : Ang oSwiss milk, 9j 3d ; Borden's eagle, 12s Cd tj 133. Oils and Paints.—Uuty (id a gallon. The mirket, business m>y be done bis participated in the

boiled and raw, i i equal proportions, has been Stocks s ill continue equal to requirement*, and the harqao Georsietta, with SSOO cue.), has arrived. Quotation* are a abide flrin-r for standard brands. Cclzi, in drum*. 43 9d; bulk, 4i 3d ; linseed, boiled, 3s Od : raw, do , 3s 3d; boiled, in drams, 4< ; raw, do., 3a 9 J ; cistor, in bulk, 4a 3d; kerosene, d.p., Devoe's, Is 9d; diatric l.Ljht, Is Sd; ' Downer's, 2i 5d ; Youue's piraffin, 2s Sd ; Niagara, 2.: Sunlight, 2s. White No. 'l white lra.l| 3:s lo 34s : rcd'lead, dry, I\ 15s. Oil colors, assorted. £1 10s to £1 ISs. Turj'S, d.p., drams, 3s 3J ; American, 2j 6d ; whiting, per ton, £& 10a to £6; resin, £S. Provisions.—The improvement noticed in our last still applies to ho present month, and hains ant baion of good quality are sought after, and command li'gh prices. Salmon li -s been moving blo.vlv. at a shade advance, lib.-tins. Si to' Ss 61; 21u.-tins, 15s, Colonial (Canterbury, in cloth) bacon and hams assorted, 10d to 10id; cheese (provincial), 7d to Sd : Canterbury, Sd to iid : salt butter, 7d lo 9J, for good sound; rice, £H to £'J7 10s; Kujflish hams, Is -M ; ditto bacon, Is. Fish : Ling, 4jd; preserved red herrings, in tins, 303 to 32s per dozen (2 dozen tins); vvhlcu, 31a per birrol: t'innuo haddocks, 10s; lobsters, American (scarce), libs.. It's (id ; 2lbs., ISs ; pickled salmon. 4jd ; sardines (Albert's), quarters, 53, halves 8s 6d ; oysters, 5s (id. Scoahh.—A lirge consumption going forward, which is gradually increasing in consequence of the gr:wth of the dl<tr;ct The advance note 1 i,i other narkets has strcngthoneJ this, biu not to such an txient as what was anticipated, as holders are anxious to realise. Sidney, No. 1, £37 10s; Yarrav'.llo IC. £37 10s; I\V, £40 10s ; brewers' crystal?, £38 to £40 ; Mauritius whitJ crystals, £30 to £3S ; yoilow, £32 to £31 10s; En.lish crushed loaf is in goi.d suppl,, at £42 to £44 ; Kijiiin rations, £16 ; yellow crystals and counters, £27 to £30. 3rißir.j.—There haj been a fair businesi done in brandies at slightly advanced prices, in consequence of the unsatisfactory news from r-'ra-jCe. is gradually hardening in val r, with no seat stocks. llenuessy's bulk lls »d ; Courvoisier's, bulk, Sj 8.1 ; case, 23s ; Bisquit, Dubonche and Co's. pale, iu hhds. and qr.-casks, 9s ; Beehive, bulk, 7s ; liennessy's caso, 37a to 3is; Otard's,; Beehive case, 245; Bisquit, Duboucho and Co.'s, 27s ; Hine's, 233; bulk, Ss: JUarccllaine's, 19s 0d and is • liouyer, Gouilletaud Co;, las « 1 ane 9< 3d ; Gautier's, 2Siaudßi; Uurgands.Giyd; Mullet It'rere's, 20s; Cavalier fnsr-'s, 243. J li. Kene's case 225. Whisky, bulk: Greenless *nd Colville's, Gs 3d to Us GJ and 18s ; case, liob Uoy. IBs ; case, Heith. Kuss and Co.'s, 5s 0d ; Teacher's lls; Uunvillo's 53 9d, case. 17s 6d ; Lome Highland, 2ls ; Ked Deer, <ii Od t3 7s, 17s ; Hcdles's old, 1C( (jd; 'l'e*cher's old, 24s ; r-ncore 19j ■ 19i 01; Waliei's Kilmarnock, 13s; all iu bond. Geneva, proof, three gallons, JDKZ, 15 bottles. Hi till : 20 bottles, 22) ; key geacv.l, proof, 13s. Schnapps, Wolfe's. 21a (Id ; Dew of tho Alps, L>7s. Uin, Booth's. l(ii ■ Burnett's, 15s. Lovrndes's rum, 30 o.p. -Si 9d,' iu bulk ; Uc<l Heart, case, 25j 0d ; liurnett't, case, 21>. Duty, 14s. TiiiACco.—There Ins been the usual demand, and slocks o: direct shlpuicuts are getting reduced. Several lirge pirccU have, however, beou retelveJ from intercolo-'-tal i»iarkets. UompetiLion is very strong, and prices aio if anything a shale weaker. M\ additioual duty of Is is now levied, Or a total of 3s (id. Venus, 10s three-quarter boxes. Is 31; cas.»s, Is *■!. Wnus.Navy flat wor«, 10* ; caso, ls3Jd; liarrett's Crown, 10d-TwoSeis' Is to l< 31,1 : Victory Twint. l* ajd. ami ras=s Is sd, low 10s, Si to 10d; Cameron's Faiiev Aromaiic, l< Ul to lsSd. Timiick.—The demand is gradually improving for local and iouth-rn markets, whil.i a (air trade in ban k has bid done, but thu Australian markets are i.uw stocked iu tho lat'-er. While such is tlie c«e the demand is not anything mrly existed h.\» lii-eu agiin levied Qaotatio:j3 are »s follows : Kauri boards au.l sctutliiig. carcoes. K'o!t., a', mill fob £asl, C:.ast, 9s Uil lo 10i t> I ; 5i Gd In 6) 81 for second-cl .as ; West Coast. 7s 8.1 to Cs ; baulk, 5a 10 7s bd ; whit- p:ue (kahikalea). tis : T and (i, S-, (.!•.!>., at mills; llobart T wri palings, sft., 17s; Oft.. 19s; llobart Town r:.ih, £3 !7s ttti. meals, but trie last few days has developed ap<'cul.itiiin, as it is flipei ted an additional du.y of Jd lb. will I e levied by t> e Uovoinment witJiin the next few dayj. Cliina leis may bcJ quoted, la to 2s Id, i b. Winks.—lt m anticipated that a demand for AlHtr ilian wine would have set in during the month, but at yet there little doing, and stocks are beginning to accumulate, as several lari.'fl ihipDiesis have been received. Some HUperior «h:rry hai been q litted at auction at 2i 0.1, worth double tho in England. Good port is in demand, with o:ily mo.ieratu supply. Champagnn (d p.) : l'erior, Jouot ana Co.. lirst quality, quarts, 80s ; pints, S4s ; half-pints, 91s; secon.i quality, quarts. 04s; pints, (JBs ; lialf-pints, 7iis. fuguilheim. quarts, SOs to S4l ; Moet, quaris, SBs ; pints, 90s. Co.', ""IOOJ and 'IOSs ; Adolph'o Collins, qmrts, COi ; pints, 30); ditto, eitra superior, qua-t. Ms; pints. 30). Dcinliantt's qutiU, ldozens case, 4Us ; pints. 2-dozen cue, 59) per cue; icnier's Imperial jiliery, 4(is, and Cart 3 Blanch-, 80). Sherry, overstocked. CALLS ASD I.'IVIDKNDS. Calls— £ a. d. When due. .New Golden Pah .. ..010 — Dec. 10 Elsmarck 0 2 0 — Dec. 14 Allmrnia 017 0 — Dec. 5 Waiulaui 0 2 0 — Doe. 10

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 4

Word Count

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 4