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SOS.—llUca, 4.2(1'; sets. 7.0. MOON.-New, 13th, lOli. .54m. A K 1! I V A L S. DECEMBER 6. lona sa Stevenson, from Kusaell and North«ra/»tt; M I? u o e le 0 o' P»aS Glenelg s s., Farquhar, from Tauranga and M SLt^tKl»^ g KuU.-C.A. schooner, Watts, from Russell. -^ a n^: g ™^- eu ? 3 m RussoUUH?MS'tc™o3 o ll ne > r C Srifv > !>SLieutenant-Com-manderW. W. Moore, from Fm. . Christina, schooner, Smith, from Kussell.— Anne Slflbank, Anderson, from Whangarei — J. Casey, agent. , Kenilworth, brigantinc, llicketts, from Russell.—C. A. IJarris, agent. DEPARTUKKS. December 6. Belle Brandon, schooner, Harris, forMarahall Islands. —Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. ENTERED INVTARDS. Reliance, ketch, Go tons, Kioller, from Kussoll, Trith 97 ton 3 coal. CLEANED OUTWARDS. Speedwell, ketch, 36 tons, Aubrey, for WhaDgarei, -with 200 sacks wheat. Fleetwing, schooner, 47 tons, Branson, for Whangaroa. Belle Brandon, schooner, 60 tons, Harris, for Marshall Group. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Sah Fbakciso and Honolulu. —P.M. s.s. City of New York, to-morrow. Sydney.—S.s. Tararua, to morrow. LONDON. —Ship Waikato, lotb. Chili.—Barque Lebu, early; Amelia Boss, tD-day. Lbvcka.—Schooner Ovalan, early. Tonga and Samoa. -Brigantine Myrtle, early. Norfolk Island.—Schooner Mnrion.early. Chatham Islands. —Schooner Colonist, early. GISBOBNE, NAriEK, AND South.—S.s. Southern Cross, early. New Pltuouth and South. — S.s. Taiaroa, Wednesday. Waitara.—P.a. Comenvng, early. Tauranga, Gisbohne, and Southern Ports.— S.s. Wanaka, to-day. Wanganui.—S.s. "Wallabi, early. Tadranga.—S.s. Glenelg, to-day. GI3BORNE. —S.S. Kowena, early. KAGLAN.—S.s. La'.la Kookh. from Manukau, every Thursday. KUS3ELL. —S.s. Kowena, to-day. Whanuarei and Masgai'ai. — S.s. Argyie, Tuesdays and Fridays; p.s. Anne Milbank, Monday and Thursday. Masgawal AXD Waipu.- S.s. Kina, early. VESSELS EXPECTED. City of Xew York, P.M, s.s., from Sydney, tonight. City of Sydney, P.M. s.s., from Sin Francisco: 17tb. Kotorua, s.s., from Sydney, Thursday. Hero, s.s.,from Sydney and Melbourne, 2Sth. Adamant, ship, njfs, from London, sailed August 27. Inglewood, barque, TFWS, from London, sailed September 26. Loch. Urr, barque, wqlk, from London, to sail middle of October. British Empire, ship, from London, to sail in October. Margaret Galbraith, ship, from London, to sail in October. Elinor Vernon, barque, from Xew York and Wellington, to sail November 1. Ben Nevis, ship, from London, sailed October 2. Trevelyan, ship, from London, to sail mid Oct. Agate, barque, from New York, cleared September 22. Syren, brig, from Sydney, early. Roderick Dhu, brigantine, from Melbourne, early. James A. Stewart, brigantine, from JTevrcastle, early. Look-ont, brigantine, from Sydney, early. Ada C. Owen, brigantine, from Dunedin.' Rona, schooner, from Lyi,telton, early. Mary Anderson, schooner, from Islands, early. Agnes Donald, schooner, from labour cruise. Gael, schooner, srgb, from Tonga and Samoa, early. Falcon, scb.oor.ei, from the Islands, early. Telegraph, schooner, from Sydney. Energy, schooner, from the Islands, early. Tubal Cain, schooner, from Levuka, early. Coronet,, from the Islands, early. Minnebaha, schooner, from Karotonga, early. Island Lily, schooner, from Chatham Islands, early. Southern Cross, Missiion schooner, WLH, from Islands, end of December. Helena, iobou»r. from Loraks, en.l of taontb. Waiwera, schooner, from Austral Group, early. "Meg MerrilißK, «chooner, from Levuka, early. Midge, schooner, from the Islands, early. Caledonia, schooner, from the Islands, early. Pearl, ketch, from the Islands, early.

EXPOKTS. Per schooner Belle Brandon, for Marshall Group—4o bigs rice, 5 tierces and 411bs. tobacco, 13 boxes tea, 13 cases kerosene, G cases geneva, 2 cases drapery, 1 case apparel, 1 case hardware, 31 mats sugar, 1 case milk, 1 case fish, 2 cases jam, 1 case pickles, 2 cases bottled fruit, 1 case sardines, 1 case currants, 2 boxes raisins, 1 gunny sugar, 600 feet timber, 20 kegs beef, 1 ca3e fancy goods, 20 bags salt. Inwabd Coastwise. — Rangatira, cutter, from 0-naha, with 50 tons firewood; Persererance, schooner, from the Sandspit, with 400 bushels sand. Ootwabd Coastwise. — Zillah, ketch, for tha Thames, with 50 sacks maize; Eangatira, cutter, for Omaha; Ghost, barge, for Orewa ; Perseverance, schooner, for Vfaiheke; Gem, schooner, for Tairua; Mana, cutter, for Tairua. The s.s. lona arrived in harbour on Saturday morning from Russell and Northern ports, with several passengers and the following cargo : — 52 bales and bags wool, 82 sacks gum, 24 sacks wheat, 5 tin 3 honey, 50,000 shingles, and a quantity of produce. She docked shortly after ter arrival, in order to have her copper cleane I, and during the week will be thoroughly overhauled and cleaned for the summer season. The s.s. Rowena arrived in harbour on Saturday afternoon from Gisborne, with passengers and a cargo of produce, &c. Sbe experienced fine weather throughout the passage. She will take the place of the s.s. lona this week, and sail for Bussell at 5 p.m. to-day. The s.s. Glenelg arrived in harbour on Saturday morning from Tauranga and Mercury Bay. with passengers and the following cargo : —6O sheep, 3 horses, 37 bales wool, and 3 tons of hams and bacon. She proceeded to Waiwera in the afternoon and returns this morniDg, sailing for Tauranga at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The schooner Belle Brandon sailed on Saturday morning, with a full cargo of merchandise, upon a trading cruise to the Marshall and Lino Islands. The p.s. Anne Milbank arrived in harbour yesterday morning from Whangarei and Mangapai, with passengers and settlers' product , . She will return to the same ports this afternoon. The Union Company's s.s. Wanaka arrived in harbour yesterday morning from Russell, with a complement of coal for her Southern trip. She will sail for the E*st Coaet ports and South at 4 p.m. to-day. The TTnion Company's s.s. Tararua may be expected in harbour this evening from the East Coast and South. She will Bail for Syiney at i p.m. to-morrow. The Union Company's a.s. Taiaroa may be expected in the Manukau tomorrow, with the late portion of the Southern m:iil for San Francisco and Europe. The P.M.5.3. Company's s.s. City of New York may be expected in harbour from Sydney any hour after midnight, hhe vill resume the voyage to San Francisco and Honolulu at 2 p.m. to-morrow. The schooner Queen will sail, in all probability, to-day for Hokiftnga, with a full cargo of merchandise. The brigantine Kenilwoith arrived in harbour yesterday from Russell. The North Shore Ferry Company, on and after to-day, will run steamers every half hour from the North Shore until further notice. The schooner Colonist is expected to nail tomorrow or Wednesday for Chatham lilands, with gear and stores, to assist in the operations that are to be initiated for getting the wool out of the hull of the wrecked ship Ocean Mail. H.M. schooner Alacrity, from Fiji, arrived in harbour early yesterday morning, after a nine months cruise among the lalands of the Pacific, ons of those which were purchased in Sydney some years ago by the home Government for service among the Islands of the South Pacific Several others ofthU fleet have, on various occasions, been in this port. The Alacrity is the largest of the five, registering 120 tons, carrying one gun, and a complement of 35 officers and men. The following are the officers :—liieute-nant-Commandcr, W. W, Moore; Lieutenant, H. J. Jeffrey : Sub-Lieutenant, J. "W. Combe; boatswain, Mr. B. H. Trigges. The schooner will remain in harbour the usual time (three months) allotted to these vessels for recruiting of the health of the crew after so long a spell ac the Islands. The Alacrity brings no later irji news than we published on FriJi.y, inasmuch as she does not hail from Leruka, but from the Windward lilands of the Group. The passage has been made in ten days, she having left Taviuui on the afternoon of the 26th ulfc., and experienced fine weather, tho wind being chiefly E. to S.B. The s.a. Tararua, which is expected to arrive this eveniocr, will be the first steamer of the -BBW weeklygerrioe with Melbourne, via South'

ern port,, initiated by the Union Steamship Co. By this service goods can be !>mppui through from Molhoumo without the delay of th' ent and itt lower ratc3 than those hitherto in force, while the time occupied i<, traneii will not exceed that Via Sydi.ey.-W M, will show then- appreciation of the cuturpnse of the Union Co. by giving them a tar share of support E ich alternate boat will proceed on to Sydney, thus giving fortnightly communication withtuat port. The steamers will also call twico a-motith at Hiibart Town, corning front "and rbturting to Melbourne. And another feature in tho new arrangement will be the incieased consumption of local coal, as we are informed it is the intentior of the company to supply their steamers with coal sufficient for the round voyage, thereby saving a large sum annually to the colony. The next boat will be the s.s. ArawaU, due here on Monday, loth in»t. .. , ... . A narrow escape te tho s.s. Lily by collision with a raft, is likely to occupy the attention ot the Court shortly, as the harbour-master has expressed hi* determination to ' make an example." It appears that tho Lily on her night trip to Riverhead, on Wednesday last, after passing Kauri Point, suddenly ran luto something fight in the channel, or fairway. This was discovered to be a raft of timber moored without a light to apprise danger. The Lily s stern was damaged by the collision, and some strips of copper torn off her sido. On Captain Niccol reporting the occurrence, the police hive since been making inquiries as to the ownership of the raft in question. It has transpired that tho raft had been towed down from Riverhead by Mr. John Lamb's steamer, but, for son'c reason or other, abandoned where the Lily ran foul ot it Not lon» since another raft of logs got adrift and floated down to the North Head, where being observed by Captain Burgess, w»i finally secured by him with the assistance ot eight hands after much labour. Had these floating logs been allowed to get into Rangitoto Channel, there is no knowing what damage ini"ht have been occasioned to some hapless vessel in the night-tiu.e. Unless towage of rafts is entrusted to steamers able to accomplish the task, it may some day prove an expensive job to the owner, and perhaps somewhat disastrouF,


The barque Don Guillermo sailod, in ballast, on the 14th ultimo, for Portland, Oregon. Tho Austriau corvette Helgoland, from Sydney, after remaining in harbour a few days, sailed en tho 15th ultimo, for Trieste, via The ship Famenotb, -with passengers and a large valuable cargo, finally sailed for London, on the 19th ultimo, having been detained many days by contrary winds. H.I.G.M. covetto Nautilus, from Sydney, put in appearance on the 25th ultimo, and rosumed the voyage to Apia, Samoa, on the 27th. The brigautiue Georgietta, from New York via Southern ports, arrived on the ultimo and sailed again on the 29th, with ft valuable cargo of kauri gum. The barque Amelia Ross, from New York, via the South, arrived on the lGth ultimo She cleared, in ballast, several days ago forChih.but is unfortunately wind-bounc' in the harbour. The New Zaalaud Company's ship Wuikato, arrived from London on the 13th ultimo, with a large number of immigrants, all well, as will be seen by the record elsewhere. She is on the berth for London, and is now almost a full ship, and is advertised to sail on the 15th instant. The New Zealand Shipping Company's ship Fern"len arrived, on the 25th ultimo, from Lond°on, with IG2 passengers.ali well. The report of the voyage will be found in another column. The ship is now discharging her cargo in excellent order. Messrs. Shaw, Savill and Company s barque Anazi, from London, arrived on the 21st ultimo, all well. The vessel is now discharging her cargo and will be placed on the berth for London. H.M.S. Cormorant still remains in harbour and is likely to do so for some time longer. H.M. schooner Alacrity arrived from the Fiji Islands yesterday, and is expected to remain in harbour three mouths.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5635, 8 December 1879, Page 4