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Medica?. J) E JONGH'a (KNIGHT or THE ORDER OF LEOPOLD OP BELGIUM, KNIOHT OF THE LKGION' OF HONOUR) J^IGHT-jgROWN OOD I L, proved by nearly thirty year/ medical experience to be THE ONLY COI> LIVER OIL which produces tho full curativo eflocUl in CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF THE CHEST, rnitOAT AFFECTIONS, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES OF CIIILDREM, RICKETS, AND ALL SCROFULOUS DISORDERS. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. ; O SIR G. DUNCAN QIBB, Bart., M.D., Phystcanto the Westuiinlater Hospital. The value of DR. DE JONQH'S LIGHT- . BROWN COD LIVER OIL aa a therapeutic I in a number of diseases, chiefly of an ! exhaustive character, has boon adtnittod by the world of mediclno ; tat, in addition, I I have found it a remedy power in tho ' treatment of many Affections of the Throat and Larynx, especially in Consumption of the latter, where it will sustain lite when everything oJee fulls." DR. SINCLAIR COGHILL, Physician Roy. Nat. Hosp. for Consumption, Ventuor. 4< T hava conviocod myself that in TuberI cular and tho various forms of Strumous Disewe. DR. DE JONGU'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL possesses greater therapeutic eflkacy than anv othor Cod Liver Oil with which 1 am acquaintod. Jt was especially noted, in a large number of cases in which tho patients protested they had never been able rotai" or digest other Cod Liver Oil, that DR. DK Jtj.NGll'3 OIL was not only tolerated, but taken readily, and with marked boneflt." JOSEPH J. POPE, ESQ., M.U.C.S., Lite Staff aurg. Army, Prof, of Hygiene, Birkbeck ' Inst. • •*X found during my Indian experience i that the worth and character of DR. DE J-NGH'3 LIGHT-BROSVN COD LIVER OIL remained unchanged by tropic*! ht*at or foreign climate, and it was. from its un formity of character, particularly adapt d for longcontinuod administration. Tho va'ue of • hydro-carbons' in all debilitated states of tho svstem is now becoming thoroughly rec >gniseil; a-nl it is, without doubt, from the animal oils and fats, rather than from then vc '.'table substitutes, that w_» m.\y hoj>e tc d- rive tho surest beneftt. The - il of DR I>B j «>*Gll pUres in overyone's reach a reliable and valuable remedy, one that cannot be toe widely recognised." DR. R. C. CROFI Author of " Handb Hik for the • ursery." DR. DR JONGH'S LUiHT-BROWiN COD LIVE < OIL, is almost a apecidc in man; I of the Diseases peculiar to Infancy and Child- | hood and 1 have seen marked boneflt pro- I duce'l by iU use Patients prefer it to th« I » al v Oils, and are able to retain it more com* fottably." DK DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COT> LIVER OIL •'s-iOui onlt in capsuled IuPBRtAL Half-Pints, 2s. dd.; Pint* U Od.: Quarta, 9s ; by all respectable Chomlsta vn 1 Druggists throughout tho World, 80LC COXSIQNKKS > INSAR, HARFORD AND CO., 77, STRAND, LOWDOM. ITt'llliXS'S CKLIir.RATKI) Hl.POr " r.r.sT'>ni'-u. THE RKNOVATOU OF TilK HUMAN S\CK. PHYSICAL 1) 'A C. EN fi ATI 1 " If TIIK' Laws of Health ar.> or.lm irv euro «»k!'ml ' SLOOD RESTORER FT.KKLY TAKKN. sold by Mr. J. Ks..-.>x. Q'.twi- tr>"t ; Mr. C. 111-*? t»KRS »N iUie 11..^ Junction: Mr. !!«»!*«». Ptrnell : $ Hit.L Hi'dson, Victoria-street, Mr. r allw kli., Otahuhu ; Mr. Fam.wkm, Mr. K. T., «»neaunga : Sasi-f.* and C.>„ Cho:m-l«, WmkAto, Mr IIKOAPOATK, Syinn;:ds-r-treet ; Mr. KtnKl-ATHIOK , Kawikawa: Mr. .Tons Maumsfr. Hokian.'a ;Mr A. U. t.:liem:st, aumi-. . of all Thames Chemists.

This wonderful remedy t-as attained to a popnlaritv as great asitM surprisi:-*. The fvin e of the Medicine is spreading over tl\c \ustnlun Lolonies.--such pleasing notoriety being explained bv the multitude of cures etTeetcd. ami tho special fact. that auong the cases c;:r<jd were several suffering Au*trv Id n gentlemen, wl:o were viv.tin.: Amkhn '. who fl.l hie *- position?, have u-ed their J" a "* nc * J.® mal- v.g knowb the virtues of the BLOOD rtb\av»;K& HiTCIIKNS'S CELEBHATHD OINTMENT S, RHEUMATIC OINTMENT. A centle aud easily applied remedy _ for I.hen aiatism, Stiff Joint*. Sc. : for j;:o:uhti> in elvldr-r, for Contusions. .'w-ll ncs, Bruise-. anil Chilblain*. SKIN 'UNTMENT. A very valuable a:**l mv.oh r-.-qnir-'d remedy. inr.M -ffectiv* in it* cur* . f s Ute»«rj, ami Eruptu n» en any p*rt o< the body and t*.>r Kin»'*'.>rms. PZL.F. OINTMENT. Snfferers shcuM flv for in.Cant relief to thN un- v celled remedy, as deUy in treating O i« peculiar fern: Ot sickness n:?y lead to serious results N.B. —By request, Mr. HitviifNs has arranged the following regular hours at which he may b«> oousult-d at his private house, l T poer W .ikefleld-street t— From 7 to 9 a m. 1- to 1 p tn. 6 to 0 p.m. HAMILTON BUOTii EP.S,*n. WIUM.E-iALE a-ENTS. MOKE LOCAL EVIDENCE ON THE Cl*P. VTIVE PRoPEUTIE- OF THIS MEDI-'INF. .\Uf«lsn>i, August, l^7> Pear Sir,—l r.otr, •iCeordirig t'"> promise, forward yen with great plea*/re my testim< r.W! a< to a successful cu:e of a iroub'eso:u« disease, which caused me gre*: w-.ste of and umovance f «r many years. My ease is well known, as I procured the be*t advice in Auckland, whi h pr.-veil unMiece*? fob,and battled evety tr» atment but your valuable Blood Restorer and «'intmerit, which not only curej u:e of the above comp'aint, bu\ cave me fresh eceiy* and rigour to uiy whole syst-m. (Signed; K»»itr. Niciii'Uf To H. A H. llitehei-s, ft*., Wakefield-stieet. Auckland, April 2 >. I*7l Sir,—lt is with many thank* that Id■> n w ifive yet my testimonial on behalf of your most va'uable anil miraculous blood Uestorer. For uty part, Icmnot give it due praise : it is wonderful in us cure*. I was for twelve years siUject to »crvou« debility an I indigestion, ami lost all use of my.%clf. My memory also left me My own relations c*u certify the sajiv. I thank Divine Providence 1 am now enjoying the best of health. I would highly recommend i; to al! my brethren who are suffering from the same maladies. I tried doctors without avail, an.l medi cines I drank until I grew weary. ?AUAU SWKKT, Victoria street West lo 11. A. H. Hitchens, Esq.. Wakedehl-strcet, auckUq 1. The Propri-'tor : 11. A. LI. U ITCH ENS, L.\tf Assistant-Disvenskk to the Imtkkia Tkoops, Army Medlcvl "tores, Alb-rt lianacks, Aucklan.l. SUPPLIED TO THE ROYAL FAMILY. hu' ihc HIGHEST i;WGU::T Or isQUHISHMENT IN Til!' ■; P!'.; S'l'l lil.K AND 113, New B u'.ri St., Londoii, r.nd ot' »vc.. ovcrywliero. WELL WORTHY OF .NOTICE AS A CERTAIN* CUKE For aad Liver Comp'aints, I« iiul, Sp;Lsuis, t'oul B;eatli, Netvous lir:t.kbility. Lassitude. L«->ss of Appetite, Dysj..ep?ta, Heartburn, Sour Eruct itiotm, l.owuess of Spirit* with sensation of fullness at the pi: of the Stomach, vliddincss, Dirziaesa of the Eye« Ac. DE. SCOTT'S BILIOUS LIVEU PILLS STAND UNKIVALLED. As a General Eitmily Aperient Medicine they have no t-qu il, bvi»*r In their op-ration gr-iteful to the St tuAch. tlu-y giv.i a healthy tone -»r.d vigour to th<! dilTereai recrvtions, iht» nrcfM.\ry organs of the stomach and Liver to re.-tunc their activity, thus restoring the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the vrhol* system. They can be taken at any time without restraint frotu business or pleasure, hence Lh<»y are a most valuable domestic me iiciue. Heads of households I should always have a box of the?e Pills by them, to I re ort to ca a':y slight occasion of aiLng on the part 1 cf th.">se under xhe:r charge, as by p-aviag attention to the regular of the Stomach, Liver and B' u-aav a srvere illcess is avoided or mitigated. Thry will bc-":cut.d in slight cases by a single to rest-.-re health to the bodv, with a happy frame of mind. Prepared only by V. LAMBERT, IA, Vere-street* L*>rdon, W., England. In bottles only, Is lid and tii '?i. Sold bv ail Chemists. 2MPORTA>T CAUTION".—Be ycre to aak for " L>r. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills," in a green bet tie, wrapped in green having the name atid address, WILLIAM LAMBERT, S, KIN'G WILLIAMSTREET, CHARING CROSS, En graved on the GoTernment fctamp. Bo not, therejer«, purchase without s«eiag the Goverumeat Stamp orer the cork of the bottle.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 2