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Medical. *' Lives of grout men .d! rcmn d y>s, "\Vp can m:ike ocr lives su>dime ; And. departing, li-avo behind ii.s F'-otprinls «m s:ui«N oi" time. TIIK above is read with great interest by tli<>tis.wids <-f y<uiii;-r !">•» It i'lfpires litem tvuli 1 lotk f--r in the briirht lexicon of youth iliero is no suchw., «I>f.iil. Alas ! nnnv thiais corroct.-is true with t>» the youth who has never nbuse.l his s ron^lh —and t«> iiie man who Ims not been '• slave." Uut to that youth—to th ;t man, who has wasteu his whohusye-ilde 1 IrmscH up to the t-niporarv of vice, who h:is \inhr.dled license to his passions, to him tho abovo tines arc but as a rcprotu h. What Hon: can he have? What aspinuions? What clianccof leaving his footprints on the sands of time? For h in, alas! there is nought but dark d« spair and scU-ivproaoh./or a lout life For a tmui to leave his footprints on the s:inds of time, he must be endowed with a strong brain and nervous power. Lie must possess ivsnmd, vigorous, healthy mind, in a healthy body—the power to conceive—the energy to execute ! But look at our Australian vouth !" i»>e the emaciated form, th»' vacant 100 •, tho listless, licsitntini; mannor, tho nervous iliatrust, the almost idiotic • x]»ression. Isoto his demeanour and conversation, ami then say. Is tint a man to leave his footprint* on the samls of timo ])•> parents, medical men and educators of youth pav sutlicient afetilion to this subject? i'o they ever aseerta n the cause of this decay ; and having done so, dotlu-v (.isastric: sense «»f duty demands; the skilled advice of the medical man, who has made this branch of his profession his particular speciality, \vh so lite has been devoted to the treatment of these cages'? Header, what is your answer? Let each one answer f.»r himself. Parents ace their progeny fading gradua'lv bifore theirsight. see them btcom • emaciated old voxitnr men, broken down in health, enfeebled, utdittcd for the battle of life; yet one word might save thetu, one sound and vigorous health-givingletter from a medical man, habituated to the treatment and I continuous supervision of such cases, would, inmost I instances, succeed in warding «tt the impending doom of a miserable an I glooiv.v (u'.ure, and bv appropriate treatment restore tho enervated system to its natural vigor, and ensure a joyous and ha;<py life. l>r L. L. f.MITH. of Melbourne, n »s made the diseases of \outh and thi«sc arising therefrom his peculiar study. His whole professional life has been esj>e iliy ucvoted to the treatment of Neivons Affecons and the Diseases incidental to .Married Life. His skill is available to all- no matter how many hundreds or th. iHHiids of miles distant His system of correspondence hv letter is now so and known that comment wou'd be snpertluous-(by tins means maiiv thousands of patients liave been cured, whom I he has never seen and never known j; and it is carried | on with such judicious suporvi«ion that, though ho has been this branch of his profe.-sion for twentv.six years in the?e cvlon'us, no single instance of accidental d scoverv has ever yet happened. When Medicines are required, these ate ft.nvanled m the same careful manner without a po»ihilitv of the contont- of the parcel being discovered. Plain and clear d recti'-ns accompanv these latter, and a euro is affected without even the* plnsician knowing who is his patient. To Men and Women with 15roken-down Lonstitu tions the Nervous, the Debilitated, and all suffering from any Disease whatever. Dr. L L SMITH'S plan of tteatment conune'uls itself, nvoid'ng, as it the u«e nvenience and ox|kmisc of a personal vi>it. At>DKKSS— DK. L. L. SMITH, ls-J COLLINS-STiiKKT KAST, MELBOI'UN'K. (Lite the Residence of the Governor.) Consultation Kee by \x\> er. .CI. Molleivs cod liver oil n>:cKivrrv THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL AWARPXt' TO COD LIVER OIL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. IS7S. MOLLKU'S COD LIVKR OIL is by a new special proiluced from the fr»>>h l.iv-'rs in tionnl purity, free fr m tbo indicestihle fats inherent in' other sor:> : but otherwise iu i;s r..\iur-»l condition as in the living fi-h ; no chendc.i' but on'v rnec'anical. cperitions entering iiito r«'ttr Mt'llerV New Jmp-ov.d Process. MOIJ.V.R'Z C'lD LIVKR Oil..—The Daily Xetrs's ndont at the PAUI> • XHI I>ITI> •>", I ? 7S. w»ites to that joum.vl of September 12.1STS. ir. reference to Die several rx'Mlutor? of Cod Liver Oil: -"At the head f the Exhibitors of product is MOI.LKH. of ChrisLondon, and New York. Hi-« Factory is in the Lcfoten Isles. All the ytar round hen'p'ovs there SO me" and o"> wom»n. and in the fishinc season from 300 to 400 extra ban-is. This benefactor of consi t M\*TlVK ISVAI.IPS and oii«li>he\ h*s.i .'pedal n »>thod for clarifyirg the Hi 1 : taken from thi I'al's liver while it is fresh ; What was freslilr opened had NO TASTK '.'F ANY sour." THK r.O!.t> MF.DAL, the only one awarded in this c\makes the FOrRTKKNTH PRIZK which h<3 been gained by MOL'.KK'S COD LIVER ' IL sine.? the London F.xhst'ition, !SiV2. in preference to all other m k«vs—great and sunll-throughout the w-hole world, at all ths p.iucipal I; teruatios-il KxhiOi-

iIOLLEE*-COD TIVKROIL is tK* o* ; ]y r»i:e that vi'l its virtue in tropical cl:mat«s, on account of its exceptional puritv. Dr. Pearson, of ."mbHlla. writes 4 It ii the only oil th:«t wil :• tuv.a good for any time in India, while in th- ripoutic-xl value your oil excels all othors with which I am acquiinjed." EEH> OFFICES : CHKTS n \ NIA. NOUW.vY Ovricr.*: 521. i'X KOKP - STR* KT\ 1: ND N". W.C.: Factokifs: STAM>l*N*l» A*-O KABELVAAG, L'JFOTE.* ISLANDS, N UWAY. I | o I.LO W AY'S OLNT-M EN' T. oli>so«ks and Om> Skt.m Di<eask«.—The seeds of these di'orders are effectually expelled by this penetrating I'ngueut, uotonly from the superficial parts, but frvm tiie internal tissues likewis**. Any case, ever, of twenty years' standing, speedily yields to its influence. A I' CUKE KOR Bronchitis, DiniTHKKiA, Sokk Tukoat, Astuma, ftc.—For curing sore throat, diplnheri:, I ronchitis, asthma, tightness of the chest, and j-\in ia the side—which instant treatruent alune prev.-uts degenerating into more serious maladies, this < »;ntu»eut has the same powers over chest complaint.". a blister possesses, without cau-iug pain or debility. Old asthmatic invalids will derive marvellous case from the use of this Ointm-?at, which has brouclit round many such sufferers and re-established liralth after every other means had signally failed. BAL« Lkvjs. BAD BKF.AM-S, liLii SORP-S, ANI« L t lch;s.—By tubbing the ointment round the affected parts, it penetrates to the tissues beneath, and exerciscs a wonderful power on all the blood flowing to, and returning from, the diseased part. The inflammation diminishes, the pain becomes less intolerable. the matter thicker, and a cure is soon effected. In all standing cases. Hollow.t\*s Pills should also be taken, as they will thoroughly expel all d«» praved huiuours from the body. Goit, lUir.rMATi.sM, Stiff Joints.—Gout aud Rheumr.ti-m arise from inflammation in the part# affectrd To effect a permanent cure, adopt a cooling diet, drink plenty of water, take six of llolloway's Pills and morning, aud rub this Ointment mo-d effectually twice a-day into the suffering when osetl siniulutneously, they drire all infiainmation and depre-si-. n freni the system, subdue and remove all enlargement cf the joints, and leave the sinews aud muscles 1.-tx and uncontracted. Au-I'K.'SKS, EuvstrKUis. Piles. — Unvarying succe>> atui.ds all who these deceases according to the simple prmtetl directi ns wrapped rt-und eac 1 Pot. A little attention, moderate pieseverance, aud trifliyi; expense, w.ll enable the most dithdeut to conduct any case to a k tppr is-ue without exposing their inrtrmities to any one. The Ointment arrests the fj-rrriding inflammation, restrains the excited ves.-els, cools the overheated skin, allevi-ites threbbinc and smarticg pains, aud gives immediate ease and ultimate euro. Both the Ointment anu Fiiis should be used in the following complaints:— Bad Leg* -Fistulas -Scalds Bad Breasts ,Gout Sore Throats Burns Glandular Swe> Skin Diseases Buuions j ing 3 >curvv Chilblains ,Lumbago Sore Heads Chapped Hands !Piles 'Tumours Contracted and Rheumatisms .Ulcers Stiff Joints 'Sore Nipples .Wounds Corns (soft) i ; The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor Hollo*'* v's* Establishment. 533. Oxford-street. London: also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout'the Civilised World, in Pots and Boxes, at is ljd, is tKJ, 4s 6-1. lis. iis, an«l Xis each. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British '.oveniuent Stamp, with the words " Hrlh-waj '» I'iils aud Ointment, London," engrared thereon. Or. il.e label U the address, 533, Oxford-street London, whcie u!ont they are Manufactured. £j[T Beware of all compounds styled Holloway'* Pill.- and Ointment, with a "New Yo*rk"label. K „ /\dinnefor~Dl\ FLUID I MAG N E SIAJ D! NXEI-O RD ' S ii AOXE SI A i* the Universal Kemody f »r AUDMY OF THE STOMACH, HEADACHE. Hr ARTBU UN*, IN :MGESTION, SOUR i:kuctations. and bilious AFKECrioNS. The Physician's Cute for GOUT. RHEUMATIC GOUT, TRAVEL, and al! other complaint? of the bladder. The saf-st art! most gent'e medicine for Infants Chi'drec, Dr 'ic.ite Females, and for the sickness of Pregnancy. Sold by all Diu.gght.* and Storekeepers. N.8.-Ask for DINNEFOUDV- MAGXFSIA. Agents: Kempthcrnc, Prosper and Dun^din Bugs, kleas, moths, beetles, And all other lusects are destroyed by K EA T I X G'S I X S E</ T P 0 \V D EK, I Which is quite harmless to Domestic Anlma's. ! Ia eate'minating lleetles the success of thD powder i« extraordinary, and need be troubled by those It i* \ erfcctly cle A n la application. Ask for aud be snr-> to obta'n "KKATIN*G'> POWDER, - as imltatuns are noxious, and fail in givici satisfaction. Sold by alt Chemists in tir.a. Is. r»n 1 C-*. Cd. each. KF. AT I N G'S o. OKM TABLETS, A PURELY VF.GETAULK SWEETMEAT, both in appearance and taste furnishing a most ' agreeable method of administers • the onlv certain remedy for INTESTINAL or ThUtAD WORMS It is a perfectly safe ar.d mild preparation, and is rpecially «!apted for children. TESTIMONIAL. •'Medical Hall, Gilrtersome, Nov. 25. IST? " Mr. Keating. " ?ir,—l th:nk it nothing but my duty to Inf-annyon cf the ;a-mense 1 liave for your Worm Tablet/, which I mxy justly say is enorm. us, and ia every case gives the greate.-t >atis'action. I have now in stock t*o bottles containing the Hound Worms broucht me during the last few days by cuHtomers, on- 40 yards long. I dare not be without the remedy.—Yours respectfully, "MA. Wjulkxr. Sold in Tins by all Chemists and Dmgjisu. PRCPainOE— THOjIAS KEATING, London. r.EVrAF-D a>-d fraaduknt iniiuiiocs o! lids ucrarpiised rrrnedy hive beea s-M I hereby request acroae knoirinj of Jie veaaor o' tke same to communicate with me, *nd oa conYicXioa ol the offender a liberal reward will ba p»ia.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 2