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We have received the fourth annual report of the Australian Health Society, whioh was read at its recent meeting iu the Town Hall, Melbourne. The object of the socicty is to create an educated public opinion with regard to sanitary matters in general; to induce people to live in accordauce with recognised laws whereby health is maintained and di-ease prevented ; and to seek the removal of all noxious influences deleteriru3 to tho public health, and to influence and facilitate legislation in that direction. Six lectures were delivered during the past year by medical men and others on " Physiology," " Circulation and Derangement of the blood," " Disinfectants," " Ventilation and Drainage," and cognate subjects, in furtherance of the aims of tho society. By direction of the Victorian Minister of Education, sanitary lessons are now made part of the State school course, and this has been largely brought about by the representations of the Health Society, which has appointed a subcommittee to interview the principals of schuols other than State schools, for the purpose of inducing them to give systematic instruction in the laws of health. We are not quite sure that a similar society might not have ample scope for a similar mission of usefulness even in this community.

Preliminary steps in regard to the Northerm Railway have been instituted. A fewdays ago Mr. Stewart, district engineer, accompanied by Mr. Knopps, went over a considerable portion of tbe district which the proposed line will traverse when made, and yesterday Mr. Knopps, accompanied by a staff of surveyors, proceeded to Helens* ville for the purpose of making a survey of the new line. Whether the Government will t»ke turther action in regn-d to the railway in the meantime remains to b« seen.

A death occurred yesterday afternoon in the Victoria Hotel, Victoiia-strcet, tinier somewhat painful circumstances. Last Thursday week a geutleman named Richard Appleby Crates arrived from the South, and took up his lodgings at this hotel. He was a total stranger in Auckland, and dots not seem to have any friends or acquaintances here. On Thursday he complained of being ill, and went to bed. Mr. Kill, the proprietor of the hotel and his servant." were most attentive, and when it was observed that rr.edical aid was required, Mr. Hill promptly called in the services of Drs. Hooper and Bayntun. Medical aid, however, was unavailing, and Mr. Coat s expired yesterday evening. The immediate cause of death was congestion of the brain, and no inquest will be necessary as the medical gentlemen have t>iven a certificate of tho cause death. Mr." Hill is naturally desirous that if the deceased has any relatives in the colony they should at once communicate with" him, when he would afford all particulars iu his power as well us surrender the properly left by the deceased gentl man to the rightful heir. In order to aid iu the identification of the deceased, we may acid that, he was apparently about flOyeirs of aye, and had in hi* po-session hi-i diploma as a chemist- and druggist, issued under date September, 1573, by the Queensland Medical Bo rd.

Messrs. Slieelian and Foughey, the con tractors tor the construction of tlie Helensville wharf, &c., have almost compb ted their contract, and probably in about a week it will be tiken over by the Government. Thoso who havo seen the structure pro uounce it to be solid, substantial, and well finished. There were rainy difficulties tube surmounte 1, but they have all been overcome, and the wharf will prove a great advantage to this rapidly progressing Aortlie*n district.

Wo have received a pointed circular giving an account of the receipts and expenditure of the fund for the enlargement of St. Wary's, Parnell Subscriptions from parishioners amount to £203 12s 10d, and the expenditure to £205 4s S'i, leaving a balance in hand of £3 Ss 2d. Dr. MV.unseil, in his printed address to the parishioners, says : " Yon will see that, with the £100 that you raised last year to payoff your debt, and the £S2 10a spent this year in enlarging and improving the schoolhonse, you have in the last two years, be?id< s paying all current expenses, raised and expended for the g' od of the parish a sum which, with the two sermon collections, will amount to uptvards of £400."

A handicap trotting match, for which the prize is £5 and the second £1, is to take place this afternoon at EUerslie. There are uiiie entries for the event, and no doubt a considerable number of people will be present. The entries are:—F. Good's b g Butcher Boy, D McDonald's b g Young Ake Ake, N. McDonald's b m Fantail, Barnett's bm Creeping Jinny, Gatland's g g Charlie, Sandall's cli g Sandy, Montague's g g Dainty, D.White's ch e Bob, I. Gw-vuuo'.-i g m Polly.

A Whangaroa correspon lent dircct< our a'tention to the numerous native so'ools which are conducted in the different Northern district?, and deplore? the a'issiice of any similar institution for Whangaroa. Tliero is a considerable numb r of nat ve clrldren in the district, without the means of educat 1 ' n, and the want of a s-liool is very much felt. The persons interested sh- n el communiea'c with Air. Lnnd n, their member, at We'lingtou. and t'-at genthunat', no d-.ubt, will represent their grievance. Fmm a private l-.-tter from t''e samcd'st.-i t, we extract the following : —" The prosp cting party for alluvial gold and q-artz re- fs, continue to develop the piece of ground which was taken up some time :-"o und- r thcGol lriel's Act. Mr. Wyles, <f Midl;ouui, and the other shareho'de-r--, are siill sanguine of coming on the precios octal. The workings are about six utiles from here, and, if anything of a gnMfind of a permanent character should be foun>J, it; will give an impetus to trade r.nd other pursuits. At present our principal bunuus-s j is confined to the lines in timber and uum, ( and should these continue to decrease it will be much felt. Owing to the recent increase in the price of the latter commodity the natives have put on a good spurt, and many of them are now earning as much as 2os p r day. Mr. McOarrow, one of our business people, has recently got some splenelid blocks of transparent gum, which lie inteuds I transmitting witli a general assortment to his Knglish friends. With the exception of one or two good blojlcs of rand, tlie natives ' have disposed of almost all their holdings either hy absolute sale or long lease. The mortality amongst the olel Maoris shows no decrease, aud if the present deith rite continues most of the " line old Maoris" of Whangaroa will be consigned to tho loe el titpu ground. Business in the various industries is brisk, and on the eve of the Christmas holidays there is every appsarauce of a good spurt.

In our advertisement columns tenders are called for the removal of the cliff at the eastern end of Hobson-htrett (Mr. (}. Graham's property). This is evid-ntly the first step to be taken prior to the erection of the new hotel, in respect of which Mr. Sheeliati applied for a licenso at the meeting of the Licensing Coruniiss'oners. This is a step in the right direction. It is hoped that it will induce the City Council to remove the stone retaining wall, which many deem an eyesore to this rapidly improving part of the city.

A ferr Auckland studied tho subject, and who 8 convinced that free-trade io th« i, ate policy for a country. l.avc had '® - from the We„tmin.,ler Review an ="?•V entitled " Free-tra-10, Reciprocity an ?l ! = ■ reign Competition." The article's, n 10 the .63.10 of last July, and Fe .' m P " r «i cofient in its rewomus and in 'he • Eo adduced as to be worthy a more" <.Tt„ , re " circulation thin could bo obtained ' limited number of \ he roach Auckland The whole subject of fi? 4 relations of trade and commerce li- Vl .! k> e been much discussed, and thr-refnr» I? y article 13 well timed. It forma i * pamphlet ef 4G pages, and may be obit? J free at the shop of Messrs. Upton All these who have paid any at»entt„ »" the subject and judging from what r hears this must include everybody » , to read this article. tU =ht

Tho Tablet has made the discovers n the dehcit in the rovnue ponds with the amount wasted^/ free schools," and the result is iddv taxc3 to the amount of £7on nnn aI says:-" But is there a „y tint our paid legislators, who country £25,000 for doing abaoLt l® nothing during the last abortive sex • T of Parliament, will be movrd to rit? ? ways by this deplorable state of thL°°« nances ? Not at all. Godlcssnc-ss t u continue to be taught free, grat ; s fc public expense, however, and particular Iv t tho expense of Catholics, who under new financial system will be eomnellM . pay for the mamtcinnce of godless' s-hY° during the n. x.12 months, *60,000 at evf for which sum they ar, to revive no vain, an Im> equivalent whatever. The nr J Ministers cannot impose school fees' °v their compact with the Auckland : renders such a thing impossible. Cedl"' education must continue to be fre> Auckland secularists have ] rovi- e .l Vs cient number of lar*;e schoo ; buiUj,,,,. !, public expense, and secured a lar™'lflof the public estate as a school tl fj ', lla ' 1 Till then it is vain to hope f,r a S least, instalment of justice to Catholi" the least diminution of the crus!,;,,., ], ° r of taxation under which th-j colour ■ tottering, unless indeed there he n „i,, lL J ly"' Stry ' Whi ° b 84 Pre;CUt U not »U

The expenditure am i operators of t u education Department are now of « £ magnitude that unless the public kien sharp look out, great abuses will i„ t l, e v ' nature of things arise. The HVW Chronicle of the 27th ult. has the fullowln™ — "The Education Board is det'rmineil"to make their teachers fulfil their engagement" Some time a-o Mr. Mowbray, the J, e ad master of the Thorudon school, appli-d for leave of absence fur six months en the ground that having ! c-u teachin • i„ oße place for 25 years, he reqnire.l a holiday which would enable hiiu to insncct the system of tuition adopted at sch-iuls in oth.r patts of the colony. Mr. Mowbray on his return simply notified to tho hoar.t that he ha I resumed his 6chool duties, lint "the board anxiously want to know where Mr Mowbray has been, anl what he h.i< seen during his six months' dbsence. \Y e would suggest that that gentleman should put the result of his tour (which w c hear did nut extend to any vory great distance) into the form of a pamphlet, for circulation ammi««t the members <.f the board, who will dc unless tie greatly cdiiied."

Cc-operation and combination is the of the day. The latrstilliutrati. 11 V-ii, > Hie Auckland Builders' an I Carpenter!.' Ats.aalion, which was foimed on Tlmts lay ■■■. uaing at a meeting held in the Youn ■ M 11's Ohristhn Association Room?, \\\ He-ik-v----strect. Nineteen members were enrolled and letters of apology read from several ;-en' th-men unavoidably absmt. Ihe following ■ffijera were appointed Mr. ,'oliu Mc-'-°l'; president; Mr. James Htrou, vicepresident; Mr. Charles 8. Wright, stcret.iry ; Mr. J. J. Holland, treasurer. It was decided to postpone the transaction of the otuer business till a future meeting, of which due notice will be give by advertisement.

Candidates for the examination of teach era' to be held next March, are reminded that their applications, to be examined, must he forwarded to the Minister of Education, Wellington, by the Ist of January.

Another interesting ceremony, the de licnti in of the Newton Masor.ic'ilall to Oddteliowship, under the auspices of the Pride of Newton Lodtio, of the American Constitution, is to take place 011 Mondav evening next. The affair is one which" i= to he eairied out with considerable cctof. and invitations have been issued to a number of leading citizens and residents. The are expected to attend in regalia. An excellent musical and choral < ntertainmMit has been arranged, and rehearsals are ■ off in progress. There will no doubt be av re large attendance of the brethren <i the order and their lady friend?, besides the visitors expected, and the energetic managing committee eugaged in arranging th< proceedings will, we are sure, leave nothin,'undone to add to tho comfort and enjoyment of those who atte>nd.

Iu his second annual repoit the lie-g : stnr Friendly Societies remarks that 1 lie Wellington district A.0.K., and I'r.iqresa Division of Temperance have tco low a scale of contributions for the beuelits promised. Hie 1 0.0. F. society is creiiiteJ with having "altertel the scale of contributions in a most satisfactory manner, the cu'.v scale being such aa to r- asonably ensure confidence in the ultimate success of ihe-focicty." The Now Zealand Prudential Assurar.ce Society is thus referred to : —"Tlii* is tie iirst representative iu tiie oolony of a of societies (exiled societies) numerous and important in England. It i« n -r. a nice burial society, as it grant! life assurances to adults up to £200. Pi rs :us of both sex-.-s are admitted to ui- mber.-hip, the minimum ag. being 10, and insurances are granted on the lives uf children of member*. Xo m dical examination is required [ rior to almi-siou of members insuring to a less amount than .1-10. Thiß appears to l»e a hazardous provision, and may, if extre-u.e care bj not exerci ed by the collectors, result in much less to the society."

The performance in aid of the sufferers liy explosion on board the llriyade guunoat is now definitely announced to t:\ke place on Tuesday evening next, at the Lomestreet Hal', and really excellent programme has been prepared liy'ilr. Horace Dean Mil liis well assimilated troupe of niiustre'.s. A number of entir-ly new songs will be iirtodu.'ed iu the fir?t pait of the programme, and the variety entertainment wll c'; *.'> follow should be very successful.

V\ e have tn acknowledge rec ij>' rf the following Parliamentary pioers ami l.iil- : — Financial Statement of the lion. Maj -r Atlvincon, Colonial iVuiKrty As ssmcnt, Marriuel Woiam'a INip-rtv, and Thames Harbour Boaid Act, IS7S, Amendment Bill.

There wore no arrests made by tit [--i:c<iyesterday. '

A correspondent writes:—"l see th rea iuov mm' oil foot to ho d a Xew Zcd.iii-I Inhibition, aiiel tun's are sotti'htor us i-.-te to h Id it in AVellinjt-'n. But, why W-:- ? \\ hy not Aueklaml, (June-iii". L'/iri-itchurch ? Kv.-ryth n-' :ej, e-r- r - absorbed by Welling- . n ; which; a;tu- .;!i. I am t -lei, is a miseratde hole." W u have been d- sired to cira-.v a'te:iti u to tl.c fishing excursion this af era »t - p.rn. Sharp, the stctni'-r Taimu T. so Uoleling tickets, and others win were- di-i----app'iinte 1 at nit g. ing on N v. 2-. arci i speei.illy reminded of to-day's trias th-' tickets are avail„ble. the ti'ii" i-- ii::-re sti'Jable f-.*r g-'ing, no doubt wi.i tempted out to try their luck wit a i::', -r content themselves with watoMi— '-i-- ' fish. The y~eu- Zealand*)- of the 2oi';t u:'. h'.s the following :—".Mr. Hurst, ju-::' 1 ! for Auckl.iii'l Oify ciunoc ho B,ti.« * havinira verj' limo of it. ' v ' ' insfauoe was J;is£ jjjVht, u-/u v n tLc T\*cro under cn-'it/eraticii iu bloitso. On an ifc<-m of ±*I7">0, for of mail agents coiuing iip, lio rose to ask the

P.-omicr lur s.>uie explanation ou it. When he .1..1 so, ho was salut-J with anjthircr but vno.'UHSHmor.t, and pronounced was this t irir. he appea e 1 to tho Chairm.-.u of Commutes for protection. Thanks. to that Hontlem :w a good offices. and to au im;.ka!ic prot st from tlv; Premier, silence waj ibtv.urd, and the hon. mernbor was able to ooav.-y whit he wanted to tay. an,', r.oeiv.d reply. Mr. Shrmiski on this rose, aid a midshipman's ap.doijv, by savins that lie and others feared t! at'owin * to disappimtment and other unfortunate cireiritsonces during the session, he and <>thcr3 Mr " Hu,st ' s U.-altli had siiff-rcd, and ti»at he wis making the inquiry with a view to obtaining a yratuitoua trip to San rraucisco and bauU in order to restore it. J-liis, it is needless to tay, crcatcd amusement, in which, however, Mr. Ilurst did not share."

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5634, 6 December 1879, Page 4