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CHIUSTCIIUKCfI. December 4.—The past week has not been characterised by much activity, and transactions have been on as meagre a scale as marked the previous week. In wheat, little business has been done, and prices continued on the same basis, viz., 4a 9d to Cm. Fowl's feed has been sold in small lots, at 3s Gd to 4s. according to condition. Oats remain about at last week's value, Is 30.1 to 2s lOd for feed ; milling, 2a to 2s 2d. Melbourne advices report a weak marke; - , and the presence of considerable shipments. Flour : A fair business in this has been done .it £12 10s to £'13. Grass-seed cutting has commenced; the yield will be heavy. Opening rates have not yefc come under much notice, but it is pretty generally expected that the price will be a long way under that of Inst year. Dairy produce : — liuttor : For good samples 7d to 7id is the price asked. Cheese is also opening freely at 5d to Gd. Hams and bacon remain about the same. Owing to fine weather having set in the majority of the country people arc busily engaged in haymaking and shearing, and, as far a* we are able to judge, the different crops throughout the province are looking better than they have done in any former year. Stock is coming forward in first-class condition in consequence of the abuudant supply of grass. Mutton commands l.fd per lb. for fat sheep ; fat lambs, Gs Gd to 7s each. Stores are in active demand. Beef, 24s per lOOlbs. THE AUCKLAND MARKETS. Farm asd Dairy Prodi ck. Wholesale. II tail. s. d. 8. d. s. d. s <1. Butter, fs, lb 0 Sto 0 1') Milk, quart 0 4too 41 Butter, si-, lb 0 7—o S Butter, fs. lb 0 10 — 1 6 Chti<!se(locaJ) 07* — 0 S Butt«r, salt 010 — 0 0 Do., Ct'bnry 0 8} —0 1) Cheese, col. 0 10 — 1 0 Ef<gß, dnz<in 1 0 — I 3 Eggs dozen 1 (j — 0 0 Lard, lb ..0 4— 0 (5 Lard, lb ..0 8— 0 0 Bacon and Unms. Fowl*, each 9 G— 3 0 ProvinrUl 0 8— 0 9 DucUf, each 2 0 — 3 0 Ct'bury hams) (»hosr, each 5 0— 7 0 baton Ofcw > o—o 10 Tiirkoys. do. 5 0— 7 0 euro, bare ) Hat-on, lb .. 010 — 1 0 Hams, ]•»..! o—l 3 Silt butter. Canterbury ant! • \V>.ntr*nut, lb, 7dto 3d Bread, <Sd to 4jd p'-r 21b loaf. Jam', p r caao, 5 duz., 30d '.o 355. JIfTCiIKKS' M HAT. Retail. s. d. s. d. lioastint? Be»f 0 &to 0 7 V,' lierf 0 1--0 6 Mnt'on, l:ind-qu\rtnr 0 0-0 41 „ /ore-qu«irtor .. .. ..0 o—o 3 L iinb, f<-re-quarter .. .. ..3 0— 4 0 hinil-quatt'jr 1 o—s 0 Pork and Vr..t! .. .. .. ..0 6— 0 St»»r.lss 0 o—o Uhops and Sausages 0 6— 0 Kauri Gc.m and Flax Makkxt. We Quote tho following pricos on tho AuekU;-<i m>rk-;t -i<:livi:r»}d nett caah:— CJ«.":r - -'Ordinary (scraped) £f>o to £"2 per ton. Bush ind othor soft Gum £•-'"> — 27 „ ETi \\.— Finest qnallly .. £17 —IS ~ t'LAX.— Medium .. .• 10—1CJ T-.* 12—14 „ Fusous .. 2d. per lb

Garden and Orchard Produce. \Vtlole3ale. Retail. s. <L 8. d- a- d - 8 d - Str'berrics qt. 0 ito 0 0 I Str'berries qt,o 6to 0 0 Plums, lb .. 0 6-0 0 Plums, lb 0 s—o 9 Quinces, do 0 0— 9 0 Quinces, do 0 0— 0 0 Peaches, diz. 0 0— 0 0 I Peiches dcz.O 0— 0 0 Apples, lb .. 0 0-0 0! APP »*. lb .. 0 0-0 0 Hobart Tn. 0 3— 0 4 Hobart Tn. 0 G— 0 8 tcaifora. diO 5-0 0 Caiifora. do 0 0- 0 8 G'» pk.l 0— 1 3 | Grn. Pea*, pk.l 4—l C Pears, lb. ..0 0-0 0 I Pears, do .. 0 0-0 0 Cherries. do 0 8— 0 0 | Cherries. do 1 0— 1 0 Gooseb'riesqt.O 6-0 01 Groseb ricsqt.O 3-0 9 lemons doz I 0— 0 0 | I>:nons, doz. I C— 0 0 Nw. P'loa. lb 0 i—o t I Nnr P'to? lb 0 1 — o]j Onions, lb.. 0 3—o 4 Onions, 111.. 0 4—o 0 Krnh I'.ns.lbO 3— 0 0 Kru J. l>ni. lb 0 4— 0 0 Rhubrb, lidl. 0 4— 0 0 Rhubrb, bdl. 00—00 Piui Aoples, 1 o—l 6 I Pine Apples. 10 —26 OraDges, 12s to 15i p-'r c*Sf. Flour Market. Wbo.esale. £ 8 d. 3uperano Flour, silk dressed, per t:n .. 10 0 o Fmo Flour, ditto, household 14 0 0 Sharps. per ton .» .. .. •• •• 6 0 0 Adelaide, per ton .. •• •• £15 to. 16 0 0 Oimaru •• •• •• ~14 —14 10 0 Dunsdin do. .. 111-11 10 0 Cinterbury .. - do. .. a.14 —14 1) 0 Bran. wr ton (sacks Included; .. £G — 7 0 0 •Cabin Bread 20 0 0 Oatmeal £15 Ms to 10 0 C Pearl liarioy £25 —26 0 C Hay and Corn Market. Wholesale. s. d. s. d. £ n. a. £ Maize (Svd.) 3 10 to 4 0 1 Hay, ina'dow (Cal.) 4 2— 4 3 ton press d S oto 0 \ (Fijian) 4 I—4 2 | Lucerne, do 7 0— 0 C '! (Coast) 4 0— 4 1 Straw (load) 018— 11C Oats.. .. 2 C— 3 0 Chaff .. 4 10 - 5 1 Whoat (fowl) 3 0— 4 0 I Hay (oaten) 5 0— 5 1C "Wheat (local) none | Potatoes : Canterbury, £9 to £10 tn quantities Local New, Sa per cwt. Retail. a. d. a. d. a. d. 8- d Malie. bushel 4 3to 4 9 I Lr.cerne, cwt. 7 Cto 3 ( Oata, ditto 3 o—3 C I Oaten, ditto 6 0— 71 Bean, ditto 1 4— 1 61 Straw, ditto S G— 4 ( | Wheat (fowl) 4 6—5 0 Chaff, ditto 5 6— 6 ( ! H ay. cwt. . 6 0— 6 6 I Potaioes,ditto9 6-811 Seed*.—Retail. Ryegrass, bbl 6 oto 8 0 Trefoil, lb. 0 9to 0 ( 0 9— 0 0 Ratstall, lb. 1 8— 0 < White Clover 1 o—o 0 Timothy, lb. 0 6— 0 I .« 1 2— 0 0 Lucerne, lb. 1 6— 0 I Cowgras3, lb 1 0— 0 0 Rape, lb. .. 0 5— 0 i C r.ksfoot, bl. 10 6—o 0 Woolpacks tn quantity, 3s 3d to 3* Gil each ; Corn sacks. 9j to 103 per dozen. Fencing wiro, No. 6. 7 and S. assorted. £10 per ton. Kerosene, from la lOd to 2s, ordin\ry brands, and 33 duty paid, the latter in 1 gallon tins. Boildino Materials. Timber.—Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., best, 12 to 14s ; second class, 7a 6-1 to 93, best planed, tonguec and grooved, 14s to 16s. Mills: Cargo, best. iOs to 11; second class, 6* to 7s. Baulk, 5s Gd to 6s fid. Bricks (at NVhau), 35s to 40s per 1000 ; Town \ard: £2 5j to £2 10*. Drain pipes ter 100 {G iuchps bore) 80s; 4iuehe», 14s; 3 inches, 9»: 2 inch, £2 5s pe: 1000 : socket glazed pipe?, IS inches, Ss per foot ; li inch*--, 2? Gd per foot: 12 inches, 2-. per fait : 1 inches, la 3d per foot; G inches, Sd per foot; 4 inche? Gd per foot. Lime, slacked, Is per buahnl ; quicklime in store New Zealand Palings, sft., 7s G'l to 10s; 6ft., 13s T--tre* Ralls, £2 10s to £3 10s per 100: Puriri Posts, £\ t)£7- Shingles, 13s to 10s per 1,000; Hobart Towt Paliatrs. sft.. 16s to 1S«»; Gft.. ISs to 20s; Hobart Towr R*ila. 72* 6d to 90s. Buying and selling quotations. Coa.l and Firewood Market. Co\l.—Newcastle (ship's side), cargo 34s per ton yard 423 to 455. Bav of Islands, at yards, s;»i screened, 2Ss ; ditto at the mine. 12s; ship's side, 23s Waikato, at mine, ss; in Auckland,lss Gd to 20s; Tan piri, at mines, 6s Gd to 10s; at Yard 13s to 24s Wangarei, at mine, Ss Gd; jard (steam), 17s household, 225. Miranda, at yard i household) 2s; steam, ISs. Kaino (household;, 2S<, 30s team, 23*. Firewood.—Uncut, at wharf (carjro), S? to 93 par ton; delivered, 133; cut, 143 to 17s. ifxw Zealand Flax Rors. £ s. d. Kols of all sizes.. .. .. 42 10 0 pir t^~ Tarred yarn 40 0 0 Wool lashiug 53 10 0 Clothes linos .. •• ..0 0 P'-r l'» Mantreh. BoNEDfST, £7 105 to £10; P.mivhn ; Cl% Huoi 5-uano, small lots, £0, bags included. Manila Hemp Rope FIRST QUALITY. £ s. d. Ropn of all sizes .. ~ 60 0 0 per ton Whale and lano lines .. 70 0 0 ~ Cutting-in falls .. .. 6S 0 0 .. Clothes line .. .. - • O 0 S per lb Si:bj -ct to trade discount. AUCKLAND STOCK AND MIXING ASSOCIATION*. December 4, IS7O. Ccnipiny. | Businf-s3. Buyers. d^llcrs Banks— j£ s- d- £ s. d. NewZealan l ~ j — — 17 0 0 National .. .. | — 1 — 3 3 0 Colonial .. .. — — 2 10 New Zealand .. ' — — 2 9 0 South Biitish ..J — — 2 10 National .. .. — — 10 0 Union .. .. — R' 0 15 0 i.'olonial .. — — 0 7 0 M-M-K!.LANEOrS — Auckland Gas .. Sls 0 — 9 0 0 Union -'ash «fc Door — — 5 0 0 N.Z.l.i Mercantile i — — 3 12 G lof Islands Coal ; — — 7 15 0 MiSiVoAlbumia ~ ; 57 «> — 13 0 0 Moanntaiari .. j 45 to 4*3/ 45, ! — Thames .. .. — - i 1 0 0 Kurauui Hill ! — — 0 5C Tokatja .. .. i - - !0 3 0 Nonh D.von .. ! - - , 0 2 G tjneen of li-nuty .. I 5/ — J OJ>Kl'll Newsian, Chairman. A. >auu 'ers, C. Al-jxan icr Vickor', «T. F. Clarke, R. Fr/.t r J.)h:i Mowouw, R. Uorne, J. B. Morpeth J. M. L-nnox. UK. VICXKKS'3 WEEKLY STOCK AND SHARIi LIST AND INVESTORS' GUIDE. ; ! . ! . AraL Amt' jS .H C uipany. Capital. ,of paid I S z I Sh. ■ Ul>. I ! - c i ! j i 11 i i i Bank of N\ Zealand; £ | £ £ j £ >. % ! 1,000,000: 10 10 117 15 b. National I'- mkX.Z I 2,0J0,00i'. 10 34 i 02,0 6 6: Colonial ilank X.Z.! 2,000,000, 5 3 : 10; S S : I 1 N.Z. Loan A" Mur- I I cautilo Agency 3,000,W 25 2} ; 72/0 15 10. N. Ijiatiranco I,OOD,'XK> 10 i 40. 50; 10 s 3. British do. ..[1,000,000 20 ! 40/ | 10 II Nat. Insurance Co. | 1,000,000! 10 10/ > 'JO jlO II Stan-lard Ins. C->...' 1,000,00 10 , 15' 1 14 Uj Colonial lijh. Co. ..! 1.000,10 , 10/ 0/0 ! Union In 3. Co. .J 2,000.000 20 j 15/ 1 15/ • 10, S Auckland Gas Co.' 5f 5 is} 15; S Thames Ga• Co. .. 2»,«O0 ! 2* | S3, i 24/ j 8 12. Union H.&D. C 0..., 6.1.475 6 ! 6 I 10"/ :la 15 Ditto, new isstin ..I : ! 2J , 50/ 7115 Auckland & North i | | Shore Ferry Co. ..! 5,000 1 j 1■ — — 5 B\y of Is. Coal Co i 20,000 H 1 :10 !7] 10 13 Waikato Stnam I • ! I an<i C. M. Co. . t 10,000 10 j 3 | — - Auckland Timber 1 I ! 1 <?o ; 60,000 5 ! SG' 90/ —10 Onthrie & Laraach i i (Limited) .. ... 250,003, 5 1100/ 50/ 12J 14J Auckland, December 4th, 1579. CALLS AND DIVIDENDS. Cac l<— £ s. d. du • . 1 .New Golden Pah .. ..010 — Dec. 10 1 I.'isinarck .. .. .. 0 2 G — Dec. 14 1 j Walotahi .. .. .. 0 2 G — Dee. 10 1 i Dividknd— 1 'ilburnia 017 6 — Dt?c. 5

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5633, 5 December 1879, Page 4

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BY TELEGRAPH. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5633, 5 December 1879, Page 4

BY TELEGRAPH. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5633, 5 December 1879, Page 4