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iirfji Wat it to-day.—Auckland : B">3- 9-9 j t) „ Manukau : 11.46— 1.0 aii""; -lli'se... 4.27*; sots. 0.54. ti"T.;. I.Mtuuaiter, Ct!i, Iflh. 1- n. A K RIVALS. OreM s.s. Bvsoud, from New Plymouth, W.i.-a'mi, -ml the South (in the Manukau). — Oouplanil and Co., agents. (iVin-lg. s s., Farquhar, from Tauranga. Fas-ae-'His : -Messrs. Robert Graham, Winter, A'laii," iiiu-'. Simpson, Hoarn, Lacey, Hoyte, ami 4'nteera'nu.—A. McGregor, agent. H. M.S. Cormorant, Bruce, from a cruise. Virion, schooner, Edwards, from Norfolk Island. Passengers: -Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox am! 3 children, Mis 3 Mclver, Mr. Thomas BulTett. — M. Niccol, agent. Oeolu, Anderson, from Oamaru. Mc'CrnzitMiml Ross, agents. Lancashire Lass, cutter, Austen, from Tauran-;.!, - .Master, agent. DEPARTURES. Argyle, 5..-., Crawford, for Whangarci and M.ogapai.- A. McGregor, agent. Southern Cross, U.S., Helander, for Gisborne, Napier, and the South.— A.S.S. Co., agents. Kmitatira s s., H&rvev. for Now Plymouth, W.wif: inui. and Wellington (from the Manukau). — r.uickshink and Co., agents. Kina, s.s., McKenzie, for Waipu and Mangap»i. —A.S.S. Co., agents. KNTERED INWARDS. I; ,Kv h hooner, 30 tons, Lambert, from Mercu -• liiy. with 23,053 feet timber and GO sicks u'i'.umma, schooner, 40 tons, Conway, with 70 ..ns coal. CLUARHD OUTWARDS. Sjuthnrn Cross, s.s., 139 tons, Helander, for Giso'irno, Napier, lie. Amelia Unas, barque, 335 tons, R. Thorns, for Ohi'.i. IMPORTS. Per >>ri»:>ntine Oceola, from Oamaru :-200 sacks dour 40 bags Hour (100's), 40 bags /lour (50-), 500 - .cks bran, 100 bales chaff, 51 sacks oatmeal, 2979 sacks wheat. i:iUO sacks wheat, John Lamb. Per schooner Marion, from Norfolk Island :— •? tons o-iions, 159 bags sweet potatoes, 100 bunches bananas, half-ton arrowroot, 100 hides. EXPORTS. Per « s Southern Cross :—ForGisborne: 1 fanlight, i package sashes, 2 doors, 20 bars iron, 25 cases stout, 31 cases cement, 2 packages. For Napier : 95 packages, 1 case acids, S3 pile straps, 51 ditto shoes, 3 packages bolts, 10 bars i-on, 2 boxes wire, 1 cask oil, S packages machine rv. 200 9-injh pipes, 20 dozen pots, 1 horse, •> bu'ne mills, 5 boxes candles, 30 crates potatoes 1 case corks, 18 gunnies sugar, 2 circular rails, 5 cases metal. 1 package augurs, 1 yacht. For Wellington: 0 rails, 1 circular ditto, bpackages. 1 case dynamite. For Lyttslton : 15 cases confectionery, 4-> doors. S packages machinery, lease machinery, a case spikes, 1 bundle cramps 2 kegs nails, 8; pile head straps, 59 pile shoes, 2 casks bolts, lo packages bolts, 1 engine boiler, 5 cases muntz 1 vice, 1 square in case, 2 coils chain, and 15 cases and 3 packages ironmongery, T. and S. Mori in. Iswutn Coastwise.-Lake Superior, barge, from Paku, with 13,000 feet baulk timber, ">1 000 shingles, 7 spars ; Adah, ketch, from the Thames, with 9000 feet timber; Sovereign of the Seas, cutter, from Mercury Bay, with 22,000 feet timber ; Coralie, cutter, from Tairua. 23,00(1 feet timber. • Octwaru Coastwise.—Lake Superior, barge, for Pukiri; Paku, cutter, for Tairua. The s.s. Argyle sailed last night for Whangarei and Mangapai, with passengers and cargo. The s.s. Glenelg arrived in harbour yesterday morning from Mercury Bay and Tauranga, with -nissengors, and the following cargo:-b bales wool, 13 hides, 1 bundle sheepskins. She will sail for the same ports this afternoon. The s s. Southern Cros3 sailed last night for Oi=borne, Napier, and the South, with passengers and cargo. The s.s. Kangatira sailed yesterday afternoon from the Manukau for . New I>l r m ° , i t jji 1 *"ILM.S. Cormorant returned to harbour yesterday afternoon, after 24 hours" cruise in the " The barque Amelia R iss cleared out yesterday at the Customs for Chili, and will sail with the first favourable change of wind. The schooner Oralau on tho I'th ultimo was to commence loading at Fiji with sagar and maiz» and was expected to sail for this port about'the2oth. so that she is now due here. The ship Waikato is filling up vjry rapidly with wool, gum, >vc, for Loudon, and will sail as advertise, viz., on the 15th inst. The brigantine Linda Weber was expected to sail last night from Wauganui to Russell, thence to this port. The s.s. Oreti arrived in the Manukau yesterday afternoon from New Plymouth, Y» anganui. ic. The Union Co.*s s.s. Wellington is advertised to sail from the Manukau at 10 a.m. to-day for New Plymouth and Southern ports. Intending passengers will have to leave Auckland by the 5 a.m. train. The result of the inquiry into the late stranding of the barque Mary Mildred, in the harbour, has been concluded by the Collector of Customs, and the whole of the evidence forwarded to the Government at Wellington. This is what is usually termed a preliminary investigation, and always sits with closed doors ; and on many occasions the public and the Press hear no further ef the matter. In a case liko the one in question, where the conduct of a local public officer (the pilot) is the subject of inquiry, the fullest publicity should be given to the proceedings, in order that the community at large should become acquainted with the real facts of the case, which can only be got at by such an inquiry as that of Saturday last. We are not aware that private inquiries of this nature are held in any other port of New Zealand; but this we do know, that the seafaring public and shipowners iu general, are with us iu seeking that investigation like that of Saturday, should he open to the Pre.-.s. Mr. George Sibbin wiil offer for sale by public auction to-day, at 11 o'clock, tho well-known schooner Venture. The schooner Marion arrived in harbour yesterday afternoon, from Norfolk Island, wi'.h several passengers and a quantity of liland produce. The schooner has made a good run of six days, havine left the Island on the 27th ult. with 'light SAY winds and pleasant weather up :o making the North Cape at noon of Monili'v. Down the coast strong W.S.W. breezes into harbour, arriving at 4 p.m. yesterday The schoiner will load back for the island at once. The brigantine Oceola arrived in harbour yesterday afternoon from Oamaru, with a cargo of grain and breadstuffs. Captaiu Anderson reports leaving Oamaru on the 24th ultimo, with strong N.E. winds which lasted up to Bulks Peninsula, thenS.E. to the Kaikouras. Squalls and heavy weather subsequently set in from the N. \V\, anil continued more or less until making the East Cape on Sunday night. Across the Bny of Plenty moderate S.E. to N.E. winds and fine weather until making harbour. The vc-sse! win discharge at the railway wharf. Tiie a.s. Hero is advertisod to sail this after noun at 4 o'clock for Sydney and Melbourne. Cargo will be received up to noon. The owners of the Hero, not to be behind the times, have decided upon making extensive alterations and repairs to the vossel, and recently invited ten-tie-s for the woik, and out of six tenders that of Messrs. Forman and Co., of the YarrabaL:: Works, Melbourne, was accepted. The steamer is to be provided with now boilers and surfoce condensing engines, by which the sneed will be increased by 1J to 2 knot 3 per hour, and a great saving of fuel will also be Bccuied. These alterations and imptovemeuts to be made will ho cirried out in such a Hivinor as to make the stoamer to any cow trading in these waters. As far as the h'rii is concerned it is as good as the day she was launched. The alterations it is presumed will take about six mouths to coinpleto, but the Hero will only be laid up eight weeks, iurirg which time the ownors will _ put another steamer on tho line, which will oe commanded by Csptain Logan, so that the numerous travellers between hero and the Australian colonies will not be deprived of sailing under jthe ll'g of this popular comm3.rader.

WRECK OF THE SCHOONER VENTURE, OF SYDNEY, AT THH BAM IT ON SHOALS. By the schooner Marion, from Noumea, we learu of the total loss of this vessel at the Bampton Slioals, on the morning of tho 23th of August last. The following particulars are given by Mr. Allan Buffett, one of the boatheaders, who returned to his home on Norfolk Island by the Marion, \rho says :—" We left Norfolk Island on the 29th June, in the schooner Venture, Captain William Champion, with a huinpbacking party, bound for the Bampton Shoals, to season it there. Called at Noumea to land horses. Left on 3rd of July, and went to Mare and Lefu for men, which, having obtained, sailed for destination, arriving at tlw Bampton Shoals on 18th July. Moored the vessel with two anchors under the lee of Round and Bates - Islands; and the next few days were employed in getting out the gear and traps on to Bates' Island, as all hands intended to live ashore there. Commenced whaling on the 20th July, with moderate success; fine weather provailin? till 23th August, whim a strong east wind commenced. 20th : Wind still increasing, no whaling. 27th : Hard gale from N.E., with heavy rain. At day dawn of the 28th, still blowing hard, one of the natives reported the vessel missing, and we immediately manned a boat, and went in search ; the crew consisting of Captain Champion, Mr. Petersen (owner), Ackland, Christine, myself, and three Mare boys. After we got out into tho middle of the bay the vessel was observed dragging and drifting on to the rocks between Long and Beimel's Islands. After getting alongside I jumped first, and got on board. The others were not so lucky, ns the next sea that cams, a heavy one, swamped the boat, and rolled it over, leaving them in the water. I managed to fish up two—Ackland and a Maro boy-with a line attached to a life-buoy, but the others — Captain Champion, Mr. Petersen, and the other two boys—had drifted away into smooth water, as it happened, where they managed to get a foothold on tho reef, and waded ashore. Theciptain made good weather of it, but Mr. Petersen had to he assisted by the two Mare boys, who saved his life. Seeing that they were safe, we began to think about ourselves. Going forward, I found that the big cable had parted—the small anchor being still there. As nothing could be be done, waited, so that we should not have so far to swim. I was on board about an hour before she struck. The first bumps tho stern | post carried away, the second time sho parted amidships. I then thought it time to clear out, so stripped oil and swam for the shore, where we all arrived safely, after some trouble. Next morning the vessel was all smashed up, and although Captain Champion had all hands over there to try and save what (was possiblo, nothing was obtained but a few worthless casks. On the 9th September, the Rose, cutter, of Fiji, called in, andafterconference with ourciptain, agreed to call back in six iveeks and take us to Noumea, which he did. After he left we filled up all the casks wc had, making altogether about 14 tons of oil. When the Rose returned, Captain Champion, Mr. Peterson, myself, Arthur, and Fairfax Quintal, Edward Bufiitt, and tho native boys, emnarked in her, leaving Fletcher, Nobbs, anil three of our party there in charge of the gear anil oil. Wo arrived safely at Noumea, where we found the Marion ready to sail for Norfolk Island, and glad enough wo were to get on board of her." Captain Champion has chartered the schooner John S. Line to take his oil and g?:-.r to Sydney, and was to leave Noumea, shortly after the Marion. The Venture is owned by Mr. Peterson of Sydney, and is, we believed, uninsured. It has been stated that there was an inquiry before tho consul at Noumea, and the Captain exonerated. NORFOLK ISLAND SHIPPING. November 23. —The Canton, American whaler, Captain Sherman, arrived on the 10th, and is still here. She is 14 months out from New Badford, wi'.h 050 barrels sperm ; left the Bay on 2Sth ult., and took four small whales off the coast the day after leaving. November 20, the Marion returned from Noumea, bringing homo four of the wrecked crew of the schooner Venture, which, it will be remembered, took a whaling party fnin here to the Bampton Shoals hunipbackiiig. The Marion makes an intermediate trip to Auckland with produce, the oil and wool not being finite ready for shipment. On return she proceeds direct to Sydney. The American whaler California, is in the ofh'rig, the captain having engaged to call in again for „„...l ..,.,! ...iter. The whaling closed with still another whale, taken on November 5, by Seymour RufTett, making the total "get" for the season about 3D tuns.

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New Zealand Herald, Issue XVI, 3 December 1879, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Issue XVI, 3 December 1879, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Issue XVI, 3 December 1879, Page 4