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This event, in celebration of the first visit of His Excellency the Governor, Lady RobiasoD, and family, to Auckland, came off last night, and waa a great success. The interest in the occasion was very manifest from the first, and tho result realized the expectation of those who made the proposal to offer respect and welcome in this particular form to Hin Excellency, Lady Robinson, and family, during their short sojourn in Auckland. It must, however, be said that the notice was brief, and, consequently, some apprehensions might have been felt, lest the response on the part of the citizens should not have been adequate to the occasion. If there were any such fears, they were proved to be groundless by tho largo assembage of citizens who met the Governor and hie family last night, and the completeness of the arrangements which made the demonstration thoroughly successful. The anticipated arrival of His Excellency in Auckland suggested the appointment of a committee, which included tho names of nearly every citizen of influeuee. The suggestion was made at a public meeting held in the Mechanics' Institute, so that the committee was thoroughly representative in its character. His Worship the Mayor and Mr. Justice Gillies were elected presidents, and under their guidance the co-operation of every member was hearty.and directed wholly to the object in view. The citizens outside the committee readily lent their aid in all matters requisite, ao that the result should be a unanimous expression of public feeling, and the cordiality of the greeting bo commensurate with the great reputation which had preceded Sir Hercules Robinson to this colony. Uhe next step was the appointment of a list of stewards taken from the more active members of the committee. The gentlemen most conspicuous for their activity as stewards were Messrs. McCosh Clark, Graves Aickin, John Hay, and R. H. j Stevenson. To the first two were given the office of master of the ceremonies, and the two last acted aa hon. secretaries. Bat the stewards generally contributed greatly to the general result by accepting in many instances a large share of the labour incident to such an undertaking. The Choral Hall was from the first fixed upon, by reason of its propiuquity to Government House, as well as by the accommodation it affords, for the citizens ball. Instructions wwre given to Mr. James Mason, of Parnell, for its suitablo decoration. It had been so long used aa a rinking floor that a good deal of labour had to be employed to make it suitable for the purpose to which it was appropriated last night. Floral decorations were very elaborate, garlands of laurel and bay tree, with festoons of flowers were thr.iwn from the ventilators on each side. The vessels of war and commercial marine in harhour very readily offered their flags to drape the walls. These were arranged with considerable tiatu. From the centre of the roof was suspended a large bouquet of flowers. Orur the choir benches was the word " Welcome," in letters formed of the leaves of perennial shrubs and trees. Magnificent branches of fern trees were arranged so as to form various devices, the general effect being excellent. The stewards had made a request that the company should assemble in time to meet His Excellency aud Lady Robinson at the moment of their arrival. At half-past eight o'clock there were nearly 300 ladies and gentlemen present. About 320 had assembled when His Excellency was announced at 9 o'clock. The committee had taken care to invite the captain and officers of H.M. s. Emerald andH.I.G.M. s. Albatross as guests, so that there was a goodly number o£ naval Volunteer officers present imparted also a pleasant aspect to the throng of ladies and gentlemen who awaited the Governor's arrival. The moment his carriage was announced, the band struck up "God Save The Queen." The company formed an avenue along the centre of the hall, through which the guests of the evening, His Excellency the Governor and Lady Kobinsoo, Captain St. John, Mrs. St. John, and Miss Robinson, were conducted by the masters of the ceremony, receiving and returning as they passed the courtesies appropriate to the occasion. No time was allowed to elapse before proceeding to the dance. The band struck utj the opening quadrille. The Governor opened the ball, with Mrs. Peacock as partner, Mrs. St. John and the Mayor being visa vis. Sides : Miss Robinson and Mr. Justice Gillies, Mrs. Gillies and Captain St. John vis-a-vis. The balJ was in this manner fairly opened. The appearance of the ball was at this moment exceedingly brilliant. Upwards of 130 couples were engaged in the dance at the same time. We have been at some pains to gather the names of the company present. It appeara, however, that some of the stewards had not made a return of the tickets, so that the following list may be only approximate. It includes, however, all the names returned up to midnight :— GENTLEMEN. Messrs. G. P. Pierce, J. C. Angerstein, F. Cummer, R. J. O'Sullivan, A E. Whitaker, James Goates, Coleman, J. Mowbray, J. 11. Clark, -J. Russell, Smith, W. Swanaon, W. Jones, R. Wynyard,. J. Nolan, J. Ireland, jun., R. Nolan, W. J. Beale, J. C. Cooper, J. Richmond, A. V. Macdonald, W. J. Hurst, Gossett, H. Williams, Dr. Haines, A. E. Isaacs, S. C. Caulton, R. E. Isaacs, N. W. Otway, W. Motion, W. W. Kobinson. J. Keesing, J. M. Russell, D. N. Bree, R. C. Greenwood, Dr. Lee, S. W. Elmes, Dickson, H. Brett, D. Hean, J. P. A. Philson, W. Philson, Major Withers, C. J. I'Aler, G. Aickin, W. Ridings, H. W. Verity, F. Hull, Severn, E. B. S. Mercer, D. J. Rees, A. Boardman, A. Waterhouse, Wylde-Brown, J. Reid, J. C. MacCormick, A. Backland, Captain Daveney, Dr. Hooker, J. F. Hanltain, Colonel Haultain, R. W. Mowbray, Captain Caeey, R. Waters, T. T. Maaefield, Longdill, A Buckland (junr.), Ware, J. Taylor, J. M. Dargaville, G. Leahy, John Hay, Watt, Ross, Kelly, Dr. J. H. Honeyman, Paris, Donovan, W. Woodward, J. C. Firth, H. Kohn, Sansom, Major Morrow, T. H. Lewell, R. H. Taylor, R. H. Stevenson, Waddell, B. Ireland, F. Sharland, R. G. Wood, A. R. Greenway, Darcy Irwine, J. B. Kuseell, His Honor Justice Gillies, Neil Heath, F. W. Harris, A. Clark, A. C. Purchase, J. Kirkwood, J. M. Shera, Maokechnie, Holmes, R. M. Clark, Dr. Goldsboro', H. Goldsboro', J. D. Halstead, John ] Brigham, J. M. Mowbray, S. H. Mowbray, ' C. KohD, T. Darke, R.N. T. G. H. Emer- ' son, F. C. Williams, C. King, J. O. Gibbs, T. Thompson, A. K. Taylor, F. Whitaker, • A. G. Horton, F. T. Bayntum, Page, E. G. « Lukeas, Seneaur, F. Larkina, T. Chiug, T. < Niccol, T. Barstow, Capt. Slattery, J. Batger, ■ Captain Burns, J. Stewart, J. Robertson, ' Hill, G. A. Maguire, A. S. Murray, R. < H. Rattray, W. Kattray, C. B. Knocker, H. J Campbell, T. Peacock, D. B. Cruickshank, • Hou. J. Williamson, Dr. A. G. Purchas, ' Ireland, A. Heather, J. M. Clark, L. D. < Nathan, D. Tonks, W. Tonks, D. Nathan. J ladies. J Mesdamee Boardman, Buckland (W. F.), Morrow, Hull (F.), Home, Rees (W. J.), J Crnickshank, Peacock, Brett, MaeCormick ' (J. C.I, Hooper, Lawrence (E. D.), Greenwood (R. C), Lee, Williamson (James), Withers, Jarmyn, Symonde,- Plumley, i Ireland, Henderson, Daveny, Ware, < Otway (B. W.), Isaacs, Samuel (Saul), l lenaca (A. K.), Williams (H. E.), flurst, i

Burns, Stewart, Roberton, Neil, Heath Nathan, Nathan (A. H.), Heather, Nathat (D.), Graham (G.), Goldeboro', Ulark (R. 11.) Brigham, Whitaker, Wynyard (R ), Mor tow. Wilcocks, O'Neill. Siattery, Sandford, Clark (J. M.). BeU (W. P. J.), Richmond (J.), Maodonald (A. V.), Brookfield, Clark (A.), Binks, Fairbnra, Rattray, Purchas, Shera (J. M.), Kirkwood (J.). Bayntun, Page, Ching, Williams (W.). Taylor (.1. K.), Maguire, Moan, Russell (J. B.), Wood(R.), Ireland (B ), Waddell, Waterhouse (A.), Motion (W.), Masefield (T.), Buckland Puckey, Ford, Revitt, Dargaville (J. M.)i Gillies (T. B.), Hay (J.), Sansom, Leveraon, O'Sullivan (R. J.). Misses Brookfield, Brook Geld (B.). Taylor (L), Leahy, Firth, Rooke, Kelly, Fairburn (G), Must, Whewell, Evans, Casey (M.), Sharland, Browning, Waddel, Carew, Purchas (A.), Freer, Freer (F.), Ring, Wills, Ring (U.), Larkins, Larking (F. J.), Bayntun.lUliisholm, Barstow, Niocol, Thompson, Rattray, Mooi-e, Connell, Woolnough, Badham, Sanford, Whitaker, Robertson, Goldsboro', Halstead (M.D.), Sutton, Maoflfarlane, Williamson (M.), Quartier, Campbell, Slattery (2), Bleazard, Green, Samuel, Isaacs, Munroe, Williamson, Foster (K.), Syinonds, Anderson, Plumley, Plumley (F.), Symonds(3.), Walker (O. E.), Walker, Walker (M. L.), Taylor, Coatea. Haultain, Buckland. Buckland (H.), Ballantine, Crispe. Horno, Home (C ), bhepherd, Buckland (W. ]<".), Mosa, Cburtoi), Ridings, Fairburn. The dancing was sustained with great spirit up to midnight. Refreshments wera laid in the south room of the building. The following is the programme of dancee : — (1) Quadrille, " Lurline"; (2) waltz, " Bris de Nuits"; (3) mazurka, " Traviata "; (4) lancers, "Sorcerer"; (5) galop, "Reiter"; (6) polka, " Constance"; (7) quadrille, "Marino Fnlierio"; • (8) waltz, "Jleasenger of Love"; (9) Highland schottisehe, "Scotch Airs"; (10) lancers. "Original"; (11) mazurka, "Peeping Daisy" [Supper : (waltz, " Loved and Lost "; waltz, •'Sweethearts"]; (12) quadrille, "II Giuramento"; (13) waltz, "Blue Danube"; (14) mazurka, "Fairy Bells"; (15) galop, "Fox Hunters"; (16) lancers, "Knight of St. Patrick " (17) polka, " Kingfisher "; (18) waltz, "Soldaten Liecler"; (19) mazurka, "Pipele"; (20) quadrille, " Christmas Echoes "; (21) waltz, "Carola"; (22) galop, " Voloce." Suppev was laid in the south room, which runs the whole length of the building. Mr. Joseph Staeey was caterer for the occasion. It is but just to him to say that the provisions, the garniture, and manner of service was most creditable, when one considers that covers -were laid for four hundred persons, and that every possible contingency of supper was provided for. The choice o£ wines was a matter of special care. Iα this respect the selection was deserving of the highest comrr endation. His Excellency, owing to a temporaryindisposition, had expressed a wish that he might be relieved of the task (so acceptable to nnny in high position) of delivering a set address. The wish, as well as the reason, was sufficient to induce the master of the ceremonies and the stewards to dispense v.-ith the usual after-supper speech-making. This was certainly an immense relief to the dancers of both sexes, who had an additional hour added to the period of their enjoyment. His Excellency, Lady Kobinson, andsuite, returned to the ball-room, and left for Government House at about 1 o'clock. The Governor expressed to the masters of the ceremonies his satisfaction with the arrangements. The stewards deserve credit for many thoughtful expedients to prevent inconvenience or discomfort. They caused the paling of the football paddock (with the consent of th« club) to he removed, so that carriages could set down company at the side entrance. Ladies could step from the carriage to the threahold leading into retiring rooms, vehicles could remain in the paddock without causing any obstruction of the public thoroughfares, company could in the same order be taken up at the side entrance. The band was under the direction of Mr. Impey. The programme of the dances will indicate the quality of the music. The whole thing from beginning to end reflected great credit on the stewards and others immediately engaged. The notice was so short that a great deal of forethought had to be exercised. Results fully answered if they did Hot exceed expection.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5495, 27 June 1879, Page 5

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CITIZENS BALL TO SIR HERCULES AND LADY ROBINSON. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5495, 27 June 1879, Page 5

CITIZENS BALL TO SIR HERCULES AND LADY ROBINSON. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5495, 27 June 1879, Page 5