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Corporation Notices. £1 IT Y OF AUCKLAND.] FIXIS'G levels. (—P hereby notiti d that it is the intention of the City Council of Auckland to Fix the Levels of the •oil.wmy Streets :— between Queen and Albert-streeti LETTER Q'ikr-X-STVK t *T, between Custom-house-street and Wharf UTILE QU'- EJC-STRKKT, between Customhouse and Qiay-st:c?ts A "h K S T " <T ?^ T - beUT ' eu Custom-house and Quay-streets be'.n-eca Wharf and AlberiPlans may be seen in the City Purveyor's Office Queen-srreet. Au.-kl»n.l. mil a] peis .J inteVefW he"irrt'"h or ,| hk r- y '° ,' J0 J tli?rnby, wall b.heird by the Council, at ,i M»*cl»du to h.» K..M *•« WKD.VE.DAY, tu« 12th febru ry, ISTO. ° U All objections must lie m*.|e in wr.iiuj, addressed to t.:e< ouacil, aid sent to tliem not less than ten d -ys before the day appoiuted to hear objections. V. A. I'HI LI PS, Town Clerk. City Cuuncil offices, J*nu:»ry 2 1579. Educational. (SEMINARY", EDEN ■} EKRACE.—Miss kD JoiiKsoN's Pupils will He-assemble on Wednesday, Jauuary 22. WENTWORI H HOUSE, Pcnsonby Road. -Ml«s Hill's Pupils will resume their S'.udios on Mocdav, J inmry 27. MRS. KAYE WRIGHT (certificated Teacherund w r t lie Board of Educ&t on> haviog purchased the goodwill of the Pin»s School,'Ppsorn will resume school duties on J nuary 22, 1879, and* hopes to receive the SHiue confi-'eiice and patronage ao liberally accorded to Mrs. Rack^traw. COOK-STKEET \Vest. — Mrs. Edmonds's School will Ue-open on Tuesday, January 21, 1870.—X, B.: Music and Singing tiught. W KITING, BOOK-KEEPING, ARITHMJiriC, OitNAViGAiIoN TAUGHT. Evening Classes, open from half-past 6 to S, on ilondays, Weduesdays, and Fridays; ss. per week. Address: iIR. MciIOLSON, Wiitiog Master, S7» Grey-street, Auckland. Money. .X?6>«["£ to £1,000 LENT, on Huiidiut XT Society principles, or on other tores tc •suit horrowera. — 0. Williamson, Estate Agent \ nlcHti Lane. Mortgages and Laaps negotiated. M u— I E Sums oi Zi&'jESy v "if £50 aod upwards, apon good freehold securities.—Apply to J. AL LitNNOX. K«aj< Agent, Auckland. ltd |i i'* LEND oa Freehold *7 \F \y Security—Apply to W. Aitksk, •harrthroker and Laud \ir-ru. TO LEND.—Moderate rates of Interest. No stipulation required, en'orcing borrowers to insure in any pn.rt cu!ir company.— J li. Grau'M, "'olictt »r, Hohson's (*■>»ldin?». "V/ 3 ONEY TO LEND, on Mortgage, at tfat -i-vli asual rates of interest.—YY. a. Connkll. Solicitor, Vulcan Lane. ___ V/TONEY TO LEND, in large or small JLYfI. sums, at a low rate of interest.—Apply to iir. Laihulev, Solicitor, tiiirh-street. MONEY TO LEND, on First-class Freeh id Security, at low rates of interest — 1--.C. DVKH., Sh.iM l ;i!id-Btrrrt. MONEY TO LEJn U. — A large auzn oi Mousy to L?n suuis of £200 and upward*, »X vv.y it.-w in.«r.-..:. —Apply to Mr. W, Airxcr, 3ho»Mifti}d-3V. i-fit. /'3 VT J D. a-a moderate rate Oi — Ai' .y to .:*■ KboK •> .yjUNfiY TO LEND 'jjv MORTGAGE. \ f OiSiiY TO LJ-jN L 1 on oi s.VI FL'St-ttlags Se.turitlGS. w Vv\M. (JOLK.MAN, LinTo Log. TO LET—Bake-Viou l -.'and Shop in QueonstrreL — Aptdy to Kirnhcr. TO LET — The S!iop and Comfortable 2_ Dwiilllug in WeKealoy-strcet, Queenstreet.—Ai.plv to John IjUC'laxan, Cusioin-housa-street. LET—A House of Six Rooms, with, a J well-s'ocke \ Fru t hx miles from Au-kland; 'bus passes f-urtim*?>» durly.— App y to JOHN BUCHANAN-. Cn tom-hon-p TO LET — A House in Ilackctt-street, ?t. Mary's Fonsonby ; or For Sal© on easy t^ims.—K. Cakr, Cu-itom-hoase-street. TPO T, with immediate possession—An _L old-established Bead, Ui cult, and Confectio uer's Business. Satisfactory reasons given for reiinquishit.g the same.—For particulars, apply to C. BuuToy, TO LET, after the 21st January next— Well-dtuated premises at present occupied by the Colonial B-iuk. Fo: further i)aiticulars. appV to JuSEPn NEWSIAN, Insurance Buifdin?^ r'or Sals. LIME JUrCE CORDIAL, Worcester Sauce, Virginia Ten? BeU's 250 Vestas.—John' Kuid & 0.. 2-5, Q teen-strr-et. FOR SALE—Sixteen Years' Lease of a Gentleman** Krsid»mue i«i Town. —Apply to W. Flood. 28 hortl tn i-s'reet. FOR PRIVATE SALE—a Farm of 91 acres, situated a.t TauhoA Block. —Apply, by ettar, to Joan Dckn, Panm»;re. SALE OR LEASE, -**- Tilti ELI.tRSLIK nOTEL, With or Without the Public Garden. ! Apply to Mft EWIN'GTON, Queen-atreet. ■pi O R S A L E— -®- TWO HORIZONTAL and Cornish BOILRIIS, with or without Wiudlog Machinery. —For further particulars apply to D. G. MacDONW'ELL, Legal Slanaser Queen of Beauty Extended G.M. Co., Graham-stown. MMfh 30,1878. }J1 O K SAL E — J HORIZONTAL F.SGIVKS, 12, 15, 16, and 18inch Cyliuders; also, COItNISH UOILEKS to suit For particulars and i»r;ce, anplv to A. & G. PRICE, Engineers, &<\, Grabamstown. gO TEL FOR SALE. BEST POSITION" IN CITY OF WELLINGTON, j Doing Excellent Busine-s. and capable of great exten>ioo. Seldom such a Valuable Property in the Market. A pply to GEO. B. WILLIAMSON', Commission, Land, and Estate Agent. Office : New Zealand Insurance Buildings, Corner Lambton Q-iay and Grey-street, Wellington. BUSINESS. AN OPPORTUNITY Si-:I,DOM MET WITH. Ay OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS FOR SALE. T. TUKRELL, Bookseller, Stationer, News Acf.nt, and Mosic Seller. T T. being a'"out to leave the Colony, would be glad to meet with a purchaser. W ;uld bt willing to give a few weeks' «i s -ould the buyer require a knowledge r.f the bus noss. ±Carly applications liquated. SEA-SIDE RESIDENCE to be I isposed of Cheap, an joining th»» property of M. Bnch<>lz, with 13G f«ut water fiontnge, and * beaut.ful garden. — For term.*, Sc., «pply on the promises, Kent Villa, Gleubum, Ponsunby. FOR SALE—The Uuexpired Lea?e (74 ye rs from next ?.Ih'«:1i) of a -hop and » ftices in the centra of the 'own «.f N. w Plymo ith, together tho Goodwill oi a fiourUUin? Grocery and Provi ion Busine h. The Simp is w 11 fitte '-up int» rnaliy, and ha* a first-c'ass ronnectioi ; ihe « is also a newly erected tore-room at back. Fixtures ard Sto«-k to be taken at a valuation. *Ny person desirous of stepping into an old es ahli hed i<u-due-s will find thi- a opportunity seldom to be met. 'Ihe town of New Plyinot th h*s be«n advancing fast during the 1 4St few yeans, ar.d wi«h the prospect of a harbour, an-l with die Railway Works new actu*llv inprogrea', it cannot fad to «dvanc*3 even raof rapidly. For further information apply to C. RSNNELL. O.'fioe : v *ew Plymouth. Jiinua y 9 1870. Miscellaneous. FENCLNG. — Contracts undertaken for Posts and Rails. Paling. Corrugated Iron, and Wire PVnrW. by Wjutk, Ur| hton. Pumell. C JXI FORT lioard and Residence or three Gentlomcn, in Gra ton Kc&d. — to Mr, Cnaf*ian, Bookseller Quccn-strcet. BOARD and Residence, ar»d comfnrtaule, for one or two o' quiet habits, in a house pleasantly situate;!, off Upper feymondsatreei; terms, 25s per week.—Enquire at .Robertson's Grocery Store, Upper street. IF the Person who left a Chesnut tioise, Saddle, and Bridle, at th* Newmarket Hotel, on| ho ijth iostaut, does not claim the same within aeren days from date, they will be sold to defray expe ses. Description of hone : aged, branded C*R or Grt. on neir shoulder. January 16,1878. G. ROB3OX.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5356, 16 January 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5356, 16 January 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5356, 16 January 1879, Page 3