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Electoral. rp O ME. DAVID GOLDIE. Wg, the undersigned Ratepayers of the City of Auck!&nd, request that you will allow yourself to be put in nomination for the vacant seat in the Council, and we pledgo ourselves to do all in our power to secure your return. TO Messrs. Swanson, Hamilton, Mason, Brett, Wilson, Offer, Wayte, Fisher, Buchanan, Hay, Cleal, Atkin, Rattray, Symon, Major, Holland and Butler, and the 423 other Ratepayers wfc-.o nave signed the requisition and promised their support. Gsstltmw, —I need scarcely inform you that I feel very much gratified by the lan?e and influential requisition whi- hyou have presented to me. It is to mo an evidence that my efforts in tho past, in connection with Municipal affairs, have met with yeur approval. Although at one time not intending to talro any position in relation to Municipal affiirs till after September next, still I feel that, under existing circumstances, I should be wanting in gratitude were I to refuse to acceda to your request. I w 11, therefore, allow myself to be placed ia nomination, and, if returned, it will be my earnest endeavour so to act as to merit a continuance of your respect and esteem. Yours, resp •ctfully, . D. GOLDIE. Ecclesiastical: A CHRISTMAS FLOWER SERVICE Will ha held in the WXLLESLEY-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, On CHRISTMAS-DAV MORNING, At 11 o'clock, The Rev. A. W. Webb will preach. A collection will bo taken in aid cf tho Home for the Aged Poor of the Church. Meetings. X ® EDEN, 1530, E. C. Brethren will take notice that the W.M. has ordered that uo Meeting will be held on TUESDAY, 24th instant (Christmas Eve), and that he adjourns the Lodge until the Regular Month Meeting on tho 4th (fourth) Tuesday of January, IS7O. By command. W. JOHNSON, Secretary. Money. to £1,000 LENT, on Building V Society principles, or on other terms tc suit borrowers. — C. Williamson, Estate Agent, Vulcan Lane. Mortgages and Loans negotiated. TO —In Sums ol Bssi'THl \7 £50 and upwards, upon good freehold securities.—Apply to J. M. Lennox, Eatst* Agent, Auckland. TO LEND on Freehold Security— Apply to W. Arrsiv, Sharebroker and Land Agent. MONEY TO LEND.—Moderate rates of interest. No stipulation required, en orcing borrowers to insure in any particular company.— Jam?-s B. Giiahvm, Solicitor. Hobson's Knildings. MONEY TO LEND, on Mortgage, at Ght usual rates of interest.—W. Li. CoNKaLL, Solicitor, Vulran Lane. MONEY TO LEND, in large or small sums, at a low rate of interest.—Apply to Mr. Laishley, Solicitor, High-street. MONEY TO LEND, on Jftrst-class Freehold Security, at low rates of interest —h.C. Dtkr, Shortland-street. ONEY TO LEND,—A large sum of Money to Lend, in sums of £100 and upward?, at veiy low interest.—Apply to Mr. "W. Aitkwi' , Shortland-stroot. MONEY TO LEND, at a moderate rate of interest.—Apply to & Hvmtlz,, Solicitors, Fort-atreot. Money to lend on mortgage. —F. Ring, Agent, Shortland-street. MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage of Firßt-cliws Freehold Securities. WM. COLEMAN, Solicitor. Vulcan Line. Glasgow and london loan OFFICE, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, QUEEN-STREET. MONEY LEST, BILLS DISCOUXTJiD. Vrivate Side Entrance. HENRY Iv-YTSON. UCKL AND PERMAN TiiNT COOPERATIVE BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Office —93, QuKKjf-srr.KLT. LOANS granted upon approved securities* c* Free hold or Leasehold Properties in sums of £20 to £6,000 principal and interest being repayable in instalments at the following rates for every £100 borrowed:— Repayments extending Per Week, i Total amount over | Repayable. p. d. £ s. d. 4 years 12 6 ISO 0 0 C years 0 2 1-13 9 2 8 years .. ' «. 7 6 166 7 6 10 years 6 3 102 10 S DEPOSITS received, repayable at soven days' notice, and bearing interest at the rate o£ 5 pei cent, per annum. JOHN BATGEE. Secretary. Miscellaneous. t MEERSCHAUM PIPES will be given to the highest scorers, Christmas week, at Allbs's Bowling Saloon. LOST between one an l four p. m. on Friday, 20ih instant suppo cd to be in Que-in-strcet), an Oval Earring (Coral), head set in cold.—Tho Finder will be rewarded on delivering the sinic to Mr. Alexander, Jeweller. Queen-s'reet, Auckland. BOARD and Residence, clean and comfortable, for ono or two gentlemen of quiet habit**, in a house pleasantly situated, oIT Upper Symonds-street; terms, 25s week.—Enquire at ; Roberts n's Grocery Store, Upper Symonds-street. FENCING. — Contracts undertaken for Tost and Rail. Piling. Corrugated Iron, and Wiro Fencing, by s. Whitk, Brighton, Pjirnell. ; OTI C E OF REMOVAL. ; DR. HAINES Will Remove on December 3 from Parnell to the Alton l?oad—hou«e recently occupied by Owen Jones, » Esq., nrxt to Presbyterian Church. "O E M O v A L NOTICE. llj ; G. "W. H.YRDWICK, GROCEiJ, SHORTLAND STREET, 1 In returning thanks to h-.s patrons for the support sc J liberally bestowed on him :for many j-ears past, begs to inform thfim that he has Removed to those commodious premises lately occupied by Mr. Hughes, j chemist, where he resolves to still merit the confidence reposed in Mm. [ jpnOTOG RAPHIC VIEW'S OF AUCKLAND, r Just published, the first series of Views taken bj H. A. Frith. Price, 12s GJ the set, consisting of si: Viows, hound in cover suitable for transmission bj mail. IVess Views will bo published monthly till th( ! entire ser'es is ceniL-Icte. To prevent disap-joiutmont, intending subscriber should give in their names at once. H. A. FRITH, Artistand Fhotographer, Victoria-street, Aucklaad. OG S TO THE MILLS The undersigned having: completed arrangement: fur a constant supply of Logs to the Onehunra Saw mills, by moans of tramways and steamer, begs tc inform Contractors and Guilders that, from this da'e ho will be enabled io supply upwards of 70 logs vrccklj to the above mills, so that customers can depen< upon their orders being executed on the ahortes notice. _ Seasoned Timber, Matched Flooring, Rusticate: Weather Boards. Dressed and Beaded Liuing, Wid Boards, and Cabinetmakers' Timber will have ou special attention. r- Buii iing Timber at the lowest market rates. 1, M. 11. UOF, y Proprietor Kauri Point Saw-mills, Onehunga. o Dccem her 16, IS7S. 7 L OOK OUT! L OOK OUT l'on KNIGHT'S GRAND SHOW OF EVERY KIND OF CHRISTMAS POULTRY ! in- Grandest Display in Auckland. J. W. KNIGHT, TnEMA K K E T. (1 0 CHARLES BURTON respectfully in forms tho public that he has opened a Brancli Bread, Biscuit, and Confectionery iCstabl.*shment next to Arthur'* Queen-street. _ Chops and • i--v Ga Apparutu", dojr-i.- vl - ,l '' >• and Hinoke of y./'o ir Soup «laUy. ".4 - viii rt p'' -'? promptly furwv-'- d "vij •-j I*+ C v)UKKN*-;.i y-.i/.n v.,.,. Is C. burton's Dig" .a;?.:. ...r- -- Wheatm r, al, and approved of by letc rs fruln bra j, Goldsbro', Wright, and Kenderdine. Also pun [■, Farm-house or Home mado Brpad, made with verj Jittlo very little salt, very little fermentation being more nutritious, and leas likely to c.ius< acidity in the stomach. " To Mr. Burton, I'arnoll and Queen-street. —Deni Rir, — Having soli and used ycur Charcoal Biscuits I have much pleasure, at your request, in recommend ing them to the public. Before you manufactured T them I was accu tomed to use the imported ones, bu found your 3 more agreeablo and effective ii their nioilical character, besides being more mcderatt in price. I think I have not missed one day usinj your Charco:il B'scults sinco I began to benefit bj them in 1873. and, so far from getting tired of them' I valuo them moro and more, and should feel at i great loss without them. I most earnestly recom nond thorn to invalids who need frequent refresh 5, nient, many like my; elf do, by day and night, an< many hours* refreshing sleep do I attribute to tli< use of them. My practice is to take from four t six every twenty-four lioursi, and should advi o an; ,n invalid to make tho tri;U. One instinca of gtoa ill usefulness occurs to mo. A gentleman from th countrv, who put himsel'i under my medical care was, by following the method I have referred tc restored to health and strength, so as to astonish him self, hi& family, triends, and me. I expe ted, and s r, did he, that he would soon be in his grave, instead c whicb he returned to hid home quite well, and is s aoTy.—JoflgpH Hopkins, Queen-street Junction,"^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5336, 23 December 1878, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5336, 23 December 1878, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5336, 23 December 1878, Page 3