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Tenders. EW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. RAILWAY RECLAMATION". AUCKLAND HARBOUR CONTRACT. PnbVo WorVs Office, Auckland, 14th December, ISTS. Written Tenders wi'l be received at this up to nenn of WEDNKSD \V, the 22nd of Januarr, 1579, for the above They must be addressed to the H-»n. the Ministe-for Pa-lie Works, Wellington, wrl marked outride, " Tender for Railway Reclamation, Auck'&nd Harbour." Plans and specifications mav ba s-en at the Public Works Offices, Auckland. Wellington, < hrstchurch, and Dunedin, on and after Monday, the 23rd day of December, IS7S. Te'egraphic tenders, similarly addressed and marked, will be received, if presented at any telegraph office by ncn of the same d*te, provided that written tenders in due form are lodged at any of the above named offices by the same hoar, and accompanied by a cheque on -»orao bank ia t wn whure the tender is lolgd, such cheque to be specially marked by a banker as good for twenty-one days, and to be in favour of the Roceiver-General's d«posit account only, and not to bearer or order. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By command. JAMES STEWART, District Engineer. rp E N D E R S WANTED, from January 1 to September 30, for Rations for Sick and Destitute for Auckland and Suburbs, Onehung*, Howick, Paamur*, Otaliuhu, and Fapakura. Als ■», for Provisions for Old Men aßd Women's Refuge. Particulars obtained and tenders received at my office, until noon of SATURDAY, December 28. J. GRABAM, Relieving Officer. Marino Department, Wellington, December 11,1573. TENDERS, addressed to the Manager of the Naval Training School. Kebimarama, wi(l be received, up t j tho CUi January next, for tho supply of a small Schooner for the use of the Turning School at Kohiaiarima. Particulars of the approximate size of the vessel required can be seen at the Custom-house, Auckland. No tender will necesaari y be accepted. (Signed) R. JOHtfSON", Secretary. TENDERS will be received, by the Commissioners of Educatiou Reserves, Wyndhamstreet, Auckland, up to noon of MONDAY, the 3JtU December, 1878, for the LKAS33 of the Education Reserves at MOUNT ST. JOHN, containing6a. 2r. 21p. DKVONPORT, containing (in one or two lots) 13a. 3r. Bp. Terms and conditions can be ascertained from tho undersigned. 11. N. GARLAND, Secretary to the Commissioners. TENDERS, for the Sinking of a Shaft on the Union Beaeh Gold Mining Comp&ny's Mine at Coromandel, will be receivdd, at tho Ofliee of the Company, No. 21, Insurance Buildings, Auckland, until noon on MONDAY, January 6, 1879. Specifications may be seen at the mine, Coromandel, and, until the 24th instant, at the office of the Company, Auckland. J. FRIAR CLARKE, Secretary. December 19, 1878. TENDERS are required by the 7th of Janaary for 250 feet of Boring.—Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.—Apply to ** H.C.," He ;axd Offi c. Public Notices. PATENT FOR. AN INVENTION FOR M XING AND MANUFAC URI.V3 lAR AS I'll ALT FOR i'lfE (.OX3TRU ,"['I(J.Y OF I'LOOItS, STREETS, EOA' S, FOOTPATHS. AND FOR OTHER WOiIKS. This is to notifv that SA UUEL SMART, of Chria*church, in the Colony of Now Zoa'and, Contract ~ did, on th-3 ninth day of l")eecm 1 »or instant, depofi'. ui. tl.o cF'co of the Ptfent Oflico ,i t tlie Col>»ial Secretary'* Offi :e, ii on, a s ccifiuAtion or in«tru in writin , vn.isr iiis lumd and aoal, particular y describing 1 and rio« 2 tuning lie nature cf tlii said invention, and in whit mi ner th same is to be performed ; and that by r «f such deposit the s.tid inv ntion is pro ccted and sccued t) him ••xc'u'ivel* for t >e ter.ii of six calendar moinhs thcuc-t n -xt ensuing. And I dj further notify that t'.ie said SAMUEL SMA Th-is given notice in wriinratm offl e of his intention to proceed with his application for Letters Patent for the sai : invention, and that I have nppoiatcd FR DAY, tho t•• ntv fifth diyof APRIL ne<t, at ten o'cl ck in the fo eno m, at my office, to h-ar aud consider ths said and all objcctio '9 thereto; andldj hercb.. require all persons havi-ig an interest iu opposing ih ft grant of such Letters Patent to leave, on or bef :e the twenty-first day • f April next, at m■" offi e, in Wcl--1 ngton, p itieul n in v/rit of their objections to the said application ; • the wise they will be precluded from urging tho same. Giviuuder my hand thin ninth day of December, IS7S. W. S. REID, Patent Officer. TO THE REGISTRAR Ob : BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DSATIIS, AUCKLAND DISTRICT. I, William George Scott, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and Licentiato ef Apothecaries' Society of London, being duly registered In the Imperial Register of Great Britain, and about to settle at Onehungt, hereby give notice of my intention to apply to you in oao month from the date hereof for registration under 41 Tin New Zealand Medical Practitionert Registration Act, 1869," having in the meaf.ti-uo deposited with you my diplomas for public inspection. Onehunga, December 19, 1878. TO THE BENCH OF MAGISTRATES CRVRGED WITH THE ADMINISTRATION OK THE PROVISION" -OP "THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE i.CT, 1877,' IN TUG MANUKAU COUNTY. I, John Moors, owner and occupier of the premises herein described, situated at Patumahoe, t eing Lot 34 of sub-division of Section 2d, County of Manukau, do her-by give notice that it is my intention to apply, at the next sitting of the s-iid Bench of Magistrates, to he held at the Resident Magistrate's '.'ourt-house. Pajiak;ira, o.i the 21st day of December, IS7B, for a Slaughterhouse License for such premises, in accordance with " Tho Slaughterhouses Act, 1877." JOHN MOORE. December 9, 1573. TO THE BENCH OF MAGISTRATES CUARGKH WITH THE ADMINISTRATION" OF THE PROVISIONS OF "THE SLAUG tTKRH »USKS ACT, 1577," IN TUIi HAN UK VU COUNTY. I, Terence Ivanakaou, occupier of tho herein described, situated at Pattiinahoe, being Lot 24, County Manukau, do h»*reby jjivo notice that it h my intention to apply, at th) nest sitting of tho said Rench of Magistrates, to be held at the Residen l Magistrate's Court-house, Papakura, on tho 2lat daj of December, IR7S, for a Slaughterhouse Licence foi such i)remises, in accordance with " The Slaughter houses Act, 1577." TERENOE KWANAGH. December 9, 187 S. JJ A Y ! HAY! E A Y THE NEW ZEALA.ND INSURANCE COMPANY Issuitrs, xanouou trs .uinsTs, HAY STACKS, At Lowest Current Rates, for three, sir, or twelve months. O T I C E Tho Partnership hitherto carried on by the undci signed, as Pawnbrokers, in Queen-street, Aucklanc under tho firm of " Henry Davison," is this da dissolved by mutual consent. All Debts will b received and paid by Ilenry Davison, who will canon business as heretofore Dated this 2lst day of December. 1878. lIENRY DAVISON, WILLI AM BARKER. Witness: E. T. Dui*a.ur, Solicitor, Auckland. O T I C E War. E. Anderson will still carry on tho business c Receiving and Forwarding Agent aa heretofore, an hopes that the very liberal support given him in th past will bo continued in the future. WM. K. ANDERSON, ".tcceiver and Forwarder, Queen street Wharf, £ UCKLAND KORIFTUr.E GIFT AS _£3L S')CIATION -Ohii;Cn>is Bnd New Yea Appeals—The Comm iiee / »r.u special effoi during the holiday reason, on belialf of tho Publi School ehlidien in City and I'rovinoe, tnako thi appeal to all friends inclined to assist rno funds. R( celviog-box at Messrs. Ch«mtaloup & Coopor's Stationers, Queen-street, Auckland.—S. Ron Treasurer. ° T 1 0 E WILLIAM CKUICKSEtANK, RECEIVING AND FORWAROING AG r;NT, QUEEN-STItEET WIIARF AND COMMHRCE-STREE ALWAYS ON HAND, At Mechanics' Bay (late Harding's)— BEST NEWCASTLE COAL, TAUPIRI DITTO, FIREWOOD {Cut and Uncut), HOBART TOWN RAILS, PALINGS, ASD POSTS DRAIN TIL!£S, &c. t &c. N. 13. —All Debts owing to tho late Firm of Anderso and Co. must be paid to Wm. Ciuickshaak, who wi also liquidate all outstanding account*. INSURANCE COMPANIES' OFFICE Trill bo Closed on tbn 25tli and 2Gtk Secembe and Int. 2nd. 3rd. and 4th January. HENBV WORSP, Sect«t»ry. ni nii«iMi'inn ' ■ ■■■■■«

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5336, 23 December 1878, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5336, 23 December 1878, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5336, 23 December 1878, Page 3