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Corporation Notices. Town Clerk's Office, December 21.1878. THE City Council Offices will be Closed on Cbrbtmas Day and the 26th December, IS7B ; also on the Ist and 2ud January, 1879. P. A. PHILIPS, Town Clerk. QITY OF AUCKLAND NOTICE. Contractors are Cautioned against proceeding with any Works within 'the enlarged City Boundary, without having firstobt.ined a permit fromtheoffice of the City Surveyor. P. A. PHILIPS, Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, December 20, 1878. OIT Y OF AUCKLAND. Notice is hereby glven that By-law, madc;in pursuance of Section 33 of " The Municipal Corporations Amendment Act, 1878," will, be considered by the Council on MONDAY, December 30th instant. P.-A. PHILIPS, Town Clork. Town Clerk's Office, December 21, 1878. DRAFT. 1. All Meat sold or exposed for sale within the City of Auckland shall, before being sold or exposed for sale, be inspected by the Inspector, or his Deputy, at the Public Abattoirs. Western Springs, at the City Market, and Fisher and Cc,'s Slaughter-house, Bt. Ann's Bvidcc, South Road, b Itwecn the hours of 5 a.m. and 10 p.m. on each day',' Saturday's excepted. 2. Inspector may, at any tfmc, at any place, inspect Meat exposed for sale in any premises within the boundary of the City of Auckland. 3. It shall not be lawful for any person to sell or expose for sale within the City of Auckland, any Meat uuless and until such Meat shall have been first inspected and approved as fit for human food. 4. Meat shall mean and be deem-d to bo freshly killed Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, and Pork. 5. Inspector shall mean and be the Inspector of Abattoirs—appointed by the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Auckland, or such other persons as maj from time to time be appointed for that purpose. C. The Fee for such Inspection shall be; For largo cattle, threepence per head; for small cattle, one halfpenny per head. 7. Any person offending against any of the provisions of this By-law shill be liable to a peualty of five pounds for every offence. WATER SUPPLY ORDINARY DOMESTIC. Ratable value not exceedirgj:i2 10s 10i per annum Ratable value not exceeding .cIOO 4 per ennt. per annum Riitible value not exceeding £200 3 per cent, per annum Ratable value exceeding £*00 2£ per cent, per annum •tatabl". ' 'roperty — Meter supplies 2s per thousand gallons Ratable Property — Steam engines, .at per horse power 20? inch per annum Snipping—steam boilers .. Is per tun Shippicg— Other supplies.. 2-i per tun.

Other supplies at such prices as may be determined by tho City Council. Particulars on application. P. A. PHILIPS, Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, December 7, 1873. Public Notices. rpHE BANK OP NEW ZEALAND. INCREA.SE OF CAPITAL. ISSrE OP 27,500 NEW SHARES OF £10 EACH. Notice is hereby given that the TRANSFER BOOKS ef the BANK will be CLOSED from the 25th to the 81st December, both days inclusive, PRELIMINARY TO ALLOTMENT OF THE NEW SHARES amongst the Proprietors then on tho Share Register. D. L. MURDOCH, General Manager. Notb.—The New Issue will be allotted as near as may be in the proportion of three new to eight old shares. Holders of less than three shares will receive no allotment. Amount due on each letter of allotment will be payable in one sum on 31st March, 1579; but Shareholders may prepay the amount, and the sum so paid will, until 31at March, 1879, bear interest at the rate of C per cent, per annum. Auckland, December 6,1878. ATE NT FOR AN INVENTION FOR M XING AND MANUFAC URINv? TAR ASPHALT FOR THE CONSTRU :TION OP FLOORS, ST'KEETS, ROA S, FoOTPATIIS, AND FOR OTHER WORKS. This is to notify that SAMUEL SMART, of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand, Contractor, did, on this ninth day of December instant, deposit at tho oflicc of the Patent Office - , i . ilic Col 'nial Secretary's Office, in Welling on, a s ecifie&tion or instrument in writin., under his hand and seat, pardescribing and asce taining he nature of ths said invention, and in what ma ner th same is to be performed ; and that by r ason (f such deposit the said invention is proteeted and secu ed t? him exc'mivelv for fc;ie term of six calendar momhs thence next ensuing. And I do further notify thit the said SAMUEL given notice in writin." at m- offi oof his intention to proceed with his application for Letters Patent for the sai I invention, and that I havo appointed FRDAY, the tAvnty fifth day of APRIL next, at fen o'cl ck in the fo*eno »n, at my office, to h:ar and consider ths said application and all objections thereto ; and Ido hereby require all persons having an interest in opposing the gra;»t of such Let'ers Pat-nt to leave, on er befwe the twenty-Grat d*y uf April next, at mv offi e, in We - lington, p rticulr* in wric tig of their objections to the said application ; < the-wise they will be precluded from urging the same. Given under mv hand this ninth, day of December, IS7B.

W. S. REID, latent Officer. TO THB REGISTRAR OF BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DKATHS, AUCKLAND DISTRICT. T, William Gborgc Scott, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of, and Licentiate of Apothecaries' Society ©f London, being duly registered In the Imperial K'glster of Britain, and about to Bcttle at Ocehunga, hereby give notice of my intention to apply to you in one month from the date hereof for registration under "Th-i New Zealand Medical Practitioners Registration Act, 1809," having in the meanti ue deposited with you rny diplomas for public inspection. Onehunga, December 19,1878. TO THE BENCH OF MAGISTRATES CHARGED WITH TFIB ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROVISION" OF "THE SLAUGHTEItHOUSH ACT, 1877," IN THE MANUKAU COUNTY. I, Jons Mootib, owner and rccupier of the premises herein described, situated nt Patumahoe, 1 eing Lot 34 of sub-division of Section 2d, County of M inukau, do her by give iioiice that it is my intentiou to apply, at the next sitting of the s<id Bench of i Magistrates, to he held at the Resident Magistrate's Court-house. Parakura, on the 21st day of December, 1878, for a Slaughterhouse License for such premises, in accordance with " The Slaughterhouses 1877." JOHN HcORB. Drcember 0, 187 S. TO THE BENCH OF MAGISTRATES CHAKGitn WITH THB A DMI*-. IST RATIO V OF THE PROVISIONS OF "THE 'iTi'.RH 1 >USKS ACT, 1577," IN THE MANUKAU COUNTY. I, Terence Kananago, occupier of the premises herein described, situated at Patumahoe, being Lot 24, County Manukau. do hereby Rive notice that it is my intention to apply, at th: next sitting of said Bench of Magistrates, to bo held at the Rosident Maxiftrate's Court-house, Papakura, on the 21st day of December, 1878, for a Sla«.ghterhou e Licence for such premises, in accordance with " '1 he Slaughterhouses Act, 1877." w T2REN- E KA.VANAGH. December 9,1878. U C K L A N D OLD B . All Accounts ag.uust the Club ato icquired to be son* in forthwith. W. FLOOD, Sicretary. OTICE OF REMOVAL. DR. HAINES Will Remove on T'ecember 8 from Parnell to the Alten ltoad—house iei»:itly occupied by Owen Jones, Ebij., next to Prtbbyteriau Churcb.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5335, 21 December 1878, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5335, 21 December 1878, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5335, 21 December 1878, Page 1