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RaTKs or Exchange ox Loxdon.—Buying: 125 days, li per cent, discouiit; U0 days, li per cent, discount; 00 days, J per cent, discount; 30 days, on demand, par. Selling:DO days, 2 percent, premium; 00 days ij per cent, premium; 3v days, lj per cent, premium; demand, per c**nt. premium, ijiscount —3 mouths, 7 per cuut.; 4 months, ij per cent.; exc-eding, 9 per cent.

Fkkiisuts.— The following are the rates ot freight quoted at this port fur Loudon: — Wool, greasy, §d per lb.; ditto, washed, ]Jd per lb.; leather, 7us per tun; oil, SOs per tun of 25- galh.; tallow, 00a per tori; copra, 00s partem; whalebone, 80s per ton; kauri gum, 55s per tou: shells, 00 s per ton ; dead weight, 30s per ton; cotton, preaSud, $d per lb.; sheepskins, per lb-; measurement, 4'js per ton. A.lf.s and Poktkh..—There has been rather better enquiry for ales ; but stout 3 are quite out of demaud. The stocks of both are t<»o i irge, iududing some quite unsalable. which must be iodized to the prejudice of better brands. Meantime, a very large amount of bottling of colonial beers is going forward. Dunedin ale, ir: buik (pale), £5. xxxx, £0 10s. Ale, in bulk {d.p.) per barrel, K. Youngec's. £0 ; Bass's, £0 15s to £7. Ale in glass fin bond) : Tennent's, jjirits, 0s 9J, quarts, Ss 9.1; l>ass*s Bulbdog brand, pint*, 7s ; quarts. Us Gd ; Ind, Coope, pints, Gs ; quart®, i>s ; Bass's (U'ood s bottlers;, pints, Us Cd ; quarts, Ss 9d; Asliby's, 7s, Us ; Vouuger's, 0s 3d, 8s 3d. Porter, in e sejd.p.): Guinness's. quarts, is Dill mood's, Ss 3d ; pints, Cs 3d ; I'ig brand, Us Oil, 5s Cd : Bass's, quarts, 7s yd ; Coomhe and Co.. quarts, os (id. Ashuy's, £S. bulk ; Bull-dog, Guinness', pints, 7s 3J ; quarts, 9s. Boxedust—ls well iujiplied, a large shipment from Syduey havuig come forward, while the demand is not very large, tueseason b imrovrr. Quotations are : With bags, best imported bouedust. £0 10s to £S ; vitriolized i ones, £1). Peruvian guano. £16 to £IS per ton ; Maiden Island, £o 10s to £7 per ton ; animal manure, £3 10s ; cocoanut oil cake, £5 per ton. Bags and Bagging, d.p.—The wool te tson is drawing to a close, and there arc sutiicient woolpacks left to supply any requirements. As there will be a very lar»;e increase in the yield of cere-tL?, it is fair to assume that there wili be a better demand for corn-aoks. Full 10 lb, "27 x 54, each, 3s Oil to 4s ; corn-sacks, 3 bu-di., 22 lb., lus i>er dozen ; sewing twine, d.p., per lb.. Is Id. Bkeadstltfs asi> Okain. —Flour continues without chauge, aud it is questionable if present prices can b« sustained, in the face of au abundant harvest, especially in this province, where a very extensive aiea of whea*- has been laid down. The weather has been everything that could be desired for the growiug crops, and we shall next year t-e to a much greater extent independent of southern Mipplics of Hour. Auckland b.-st silk dressed Hour, £18 ; household, £17 ; Southern brauds, £12 to £10; Adelaide, feed oats, 3s 9d ; bran, £5 to £0 10s per ton ; Sydney incize, Os Od, nominal; Fiji maize, none ; locd, 4s 9d; oatmeal, 19s. Uarley overstocked in feed at 2s fcd to 2s lud. Pearl barley, £20. Cabin bread, £2t per t.n. <Joai The consumptinu offjreign coal is gradually becoming lei>s. the Union Shipping Company and others lind it a great saving to use local promotion, and tlie step taken by the foregoing powerful steam company will shortly be followed by others. isewcasile coal is selling at 33s for cargoes ; Bay of Inlands, 12s f.o.b . at the mines, and Wangarei coal, Ss ditto ; W«ikato, ditto. Cor.i'AfiE, d. p.—Fully stocked, llauila hemp rope, all sizes,£oo; whale and lance lints, £7t>; cuttingin falls. £03 ; second quality, *11 sizes, £62 ; New Zealand 11 ix rope, all sizes. £42 lus ; J-iuchand under, £47 10s ; wool, £3S 10s ; elothes lines. 5d per lb., subject to trade discount; Manilla clothes lines, fed ; oakum, free, ditto, £42; spun hue two-yarn, ditto, £70 to £b0 ; twine, shop, d.p., per lb . Is 3d to Is Od; sowing twine, Is Id per lb. Co.viEtTioxti'.v.—There has been a good demand for prels and fancy confectionery lor Ch istmas requirements, and stocks in iiuLOiters' hands ar-- verv much red.ced. Waters's colonial Loiled gooils, 7d : dry goods. lOd ; Keillec's assorted, IOAd : candie<l lemon and orange peel, d.p., Is Id ; citron, Is 3d. Gum, Flax, ic.—Cium has reaction since the departure ot last mail, the low prices then riding induced buyers to freely; and the consequence is that it is worth several pounds per ton more. Although we quote £2S, yet it is a very poor sample that Will not letcn more than that lig.ue Prices: <»uni, ordinary scraped. £23 to £30 per tou. J:lax: Finest quality, £17 to £17 10s per ton : tow, £6 to £7 per tou. Cocoanut «»il (hue while,, per tun, £wS. Copra, per ton. £14 to £15. Cokkke Si'K'Es (in bond), per lb. — Ceylon, plantation. Is 3Ad; do., native, is 2Jd: Java, none ; chicory, colonial, 7id . cocoa, d.p., Taylor's, Is 4d; Fry's, Is 3d; Eppss, Is 0d; Mara villa, Is sd; chocolate, d.p., Taylor's, Is 3d. Spices : Cloves, 2s 2d: bleached ciujer. Is lid; unbleached do.. Is Id: nutmegs,4s ; black

pepper, whole, d.p., 10(1; white du, Hid. Jams, Duilid I'kuits, &c. —There nave been sales cf jaijs at auction, slightly fermented, at very low prices, operating of course Vury much again>t the sound article. 'Stocks in first hands still larg-*. Dncd fruits have been iu demand. esptcUdy currautd, which are very much reduced in first hands. Sultanas are over 3 ocked. ICI-mes are reduce.!. Good oiu-catels very scarce. KsKlish marmalade, 1-lb tins, Ss Gd ; llobart Town ia:ns, Gs to Gs Dd ; in jars, Ojd to :$d ; su>tanr.-. Ojd; muscatels, ddto lid ; cleme*, old ; currauts, 4*tl;

fig?, 5 1 to Oil. .J. LEATJiiiK ani> Hides.—Sole leather. 11<I lb; kips, Is Gd to 2s 7il; call, colonial, '*# to 45 3d; basils. 10s to IS=* doz.; closed uppers, 4s wl -o 9s 3d per pair. Hides, 3d to 3jd ; calf sk;ns, oj(l to f>d per lb.; Is 3d to os Gd. Ironmo.ncm'.v, dee. — Trade has bien very kriit. especially fur such 1:00 Is required for apic't.tural purposes. A large quantity of dmnire fencing wire is o-ering at a reduced fizure. ana interferes with prices of sound. Corn gited galvanized iron in demand. Uiisting po*d«r is rather low in stock; but the lr-»u Queen. *Rom London. dailv expected, will supply the for a lvß4 time to com-. * wink's naiis invoice 10 per cut ou list ; galvanised comig.itcd iron. Gospel Oak. 20 511 -s«, ; Three Crown brand. £.27 : Knglish bar iron, per tou, £12 lis : P ! o ditto, £ r » : fencing wire, iIC to £17. Powder^ Hall's, Gd : Kauiu'', Curtis and UnrveyV. .*1 P*It. : sporting tin canutei). 2a ; for 20 ami ;1-V-. canister, 2, '1.p., 3i «<L Muntz met ■ Malt and Hups.—The in ixket is full of malt, and there is ao moving it at uuytliius? Like a satisi.tctory price. American hops h.i\ecouie in 100 freely, and 55 bale* hive hid ffto t " e shipped away. All the brewers are fully sleeked. Eugiish malt as most of the breweries conune themselves to colooial. A very tiue sa- P* e 01 Ainericau new li is been received, but the reduced price 'A really tiue .N'esoa arfecH t!i" vrl,a f; Itnglu-h malt (d.p.). 10a Gd per bushel, and tank* £4 ; colonial, 7s Gd to 7s SKI. Hops: 137G, Is -id to Is Gd ; Mulish, new. 2s to •>"- American, new, 1* i'.d to 1» Cd ; > asmanian. is - Oilman's St ores. - These goods appeir to be iu . stocked. 'J here has :ot bem the s.ime dcm*au for candles, hiid thipmen's to ar»ive«vui the requireuitt! ts. Price's and Urandoa a dies are fceld for 10} 1. to lejdmottled soap, £23 per ton ; carbolic, » best vellow, £27 ; household, £IG w ."p ti x soft soap, iu tin-?, 4*d per lb; toilet, - Od per lb; mould candles, 5d per lb. . ject to trade discount. Fine salt is worth £* »

ro*rse £3 153. Jordan almonds, Is 9d ; bine, Sd to lOd; blacking, pasto. 5s 6rt ; Coiraans fttirch No. 1. white, 4M, blue, 4jd. Mustard, ji, : 'folinan'R 1-lb. tins (rod), 30s 0(1; half ditto 5s 9d ; 7-lb. tins (red to green). 7jd to 10$ d ; ' tins (green) 13s; lialMb. ditto, S<; D.SF i-lb. tins, 10* tid. Reckitt's blue, Sd t» $ld ' Match-s : Vestas, d.p., Bryant and May's ov) per gross, 20s Cd ; ditto, wood, «s; ditto, fancy oval, lis, 17s and 2.'s GI ; Letcbford's, 250, 10s. Oil: Castor, in pints. Ssfl.l; half-pints,os3d; (pianer-pints,4sCd Salad : C. and I*, pints, 13s : half ditto, 7> Od; Morton's pints, lis : half-pints, t»s 3d. Pickles : Crosse and BlaekwuU's, pints, 12s: Morton and others, from S* to 10s Cd. Hice (ground), 2S-lb bags. 4]d. Sauces: and IVrrin's, half-pints, ]2s!M: C & I*-, balf pints, i's Vinegar : Champion's, per gal., 2s (id: Hill, Evans, 2s 4d Treacle: lioMcn syrup, per cwt., £l Sago, 3jd; \ apioca, ."M; Cornflour, Brown's, 4jd, d.p.; Brown and Poison's, 7jd : Munn's, fljd. Oil.-?- 4N J> I'ai ts. —The cont ! nu«s weU supplied with r*w and I.oiled oils in diums ; but not sc, with colza and ca-tor. lb • demand for ker>»seue is falling olf. as the summer advances : »» d tlu expenses of s'.«'rinL-, &c., rednc- the pioflts Colza (d.p.), in dmnis, per gallon, 5? 7d : bulk, 5s 3d : linseed, boiled, in drums, 4s 3d ; ditto, in bulk, 4s ; ran- (til, in drum*, 4' 3d ; in bulk. 4s ; castor, in bulk. 5s tid. Kerosene, d p., Dcvoe's, 2s 2d : Diamond, 2s Id. ; white lead, ground, d.p., per cwl., 31s to 455; rod ],•;.<], dry, -CI 15s. Oil colors, assorted. £1 10s to £118s. Turps, d.p., in drums. 4s 5d ; American ditto, none ; whitinir, d.p., per ton. £(i. Provisions.—The market is well stacked in all kinds of provisions, ami which rule Jow in pric-?. Inftrior qualities of Incon and butter still glut the market, and'tend to injure prime samples. American hams, lid, d.p.; bacon, 9Jd to 10d : Colonial 'Canterburv, in bacon and nams assorted. Sd t" in. rheesc (provincial), M to Gd ; V mtcrbnrv M to 7d : salt butter. 4-1 to Sd, for bod sound: rice, £24 to £28; English hams. Is Id; j «dtto bacon. Is. Kish : Preserved red herrings, in j

la / tins, 32s per dozen (2 dozen tins) ; white, per cut., gj t 3ms ; lobsters, American, 7s ; salmon, ditto, 9s Gl ! pickled salmon, 4id per lb.; sardines (Albert's], bH' i quarters, 5s ; halves, bs Gil to 9s; oysters, on ; Fv' j s*le, 5s Gd; American cheese (new>, 5d to 7d, d.p. IP SuGAita.—The market is temporarily bate, and until t! the arrival of the s.?. Hero, &c., prices will be *' beyond ordinary proportion. Anadv-ince of »t least 1' s per ton has been established all round, while 2io<l-r.«, even with impiovernem, are indifferent to sell Bicwnsand yellows are very scarce, from £2S to £33. Pale Yarra, £33 ; Melbourne, i.e. . £3G : M.-lbourne, best whites, Sydney .No 1. .CM 10s to £37 ; Brewt-r/ crysi-ils, £37 to £37 10.*, scarcc ; English crudicd lo ,f, £41. Srir.ns.— Hulk brandy is getting reduced in stock, whereas w « is very much overstocked. There • are apprehensions of a \ robablo reduction in price?. We shall know more by next European mail. Other spirits are fairly *toc*ed for the s-won of the year. There Ins been one ?ali by Auction at very low prices. 50J cases being sold a*, pries ranging fiotn i7a to 30,. liiamSy -bond : Otard's, none; MurlelF* pale, 9s; Hennessey's ditto, Ds 31 ; Denis Mounie and Co's, mvje : Courvoisler'*, bulk, 0s ; case, 2Ss : lb-quit, LMbouche and Oo.'s pile, in hluis. an-J qr.-casks, Ss : Hennessey's, case, 33s ; Mart"il's, 31.s : otard's, nine; Bt-ehive, bulk. 7s; C.ise, 2ls; Bisquit, Dubouche and Co.'s,24s; Hint's, ; hulk. S-<. Whisky : Greonless ;»nd Colvilu.'s, E>iU : Hfith. R<*e and Co.'s, 5s Gd ; DunviUes. ssy.t ; case, ISs ; Lome Highland, 21s ; Greenless and Colville's, ; 1 Minville's. 17s, ease, all in bond. Ueneva, proof, three gallons, JPKZ, 25-; ditto, 10 u.p.. lion-, case ; key geueva, proof. Vis to 15<, 3 gallons. Its to 13s. Schnapps, Wolfe's, -Is Gil ; Hew of the Alps, 27s Gd. Win, lto>tk, Burnett's, 14:?. Hum, 30 0.p., 4s Gd ; k-yruui, ci>-,215. l'h- market is at present overstocked with teas, and the trade is fudy supplied with new sc,i>f»ns. Trices ramie, for uie.iiums, from Is 4*d to Is 7jd ; butter qualities. Is Sd to 2s 2d (i:i bond'. -to:.ks of first brands are by no means esce*siY.\ Other brand* are somewhat heavy and ?l.iw oI sile. We quote Venus twist. Is 7d ; I Barrett's twist, Is Gil: Cameron's aromatic, 2s; grape leaf. Is 4d: Steane, 10s, Is Id; Venus, 10s, Is 7d i.b.; Jmlt-x, is 2d: Barrett's Crown, Is 2»d : Navy poekrt pieces, Is 3d to Is 4d ; Two S-ai, Is 7d. Tiulkr —A* we antic'pated l«st month the sh<-rt st:t»piy of logs at the Kast Coast mills, coupled viih an im-reasing Ut-m»nd as ibe summer sets in, has «uh*reed the value Of timber, and prices b.tvc advanced from Is Gd to 2s per U'O feet, asd, as the demand from the South it >ure to improve with the dry season, a further enhance* liieut m va'ue is expected. Boards and scantling 100 ft., 0s to 12s; at mill, f.o.b. >Ast Coasv, 10*; West Co<*»t, Us; white piue (Kahikatea!, to 7s Gd, f.o.U. at mills; Mobart Town palings, oft., lGs; G/t., ISs; Hobart Town rails, £3 12s t> i. WiNßs.—Australian lu'ht wines are likely to supplant European, aad if the duty reduced to Is per gxllon the axcess of consumption would compensate for any autiiipated lis* of revenue, as they would be nv re at the disposal of a ciasi who now raiely indulge in wine. Stocks are not nearly so large as tiiey used to ba, but sufficiently heavy for requirement!. We quote : — Champagne : Adolphe Collins's quarts, ; piuts, 30*; ditto, extra superior qu*r:s, G'.»s ; pints, 3Gs. I.>einiiardt's qu%rts, 1-dozen c.u?e, 4Gs; pints, 2*dozen case, 4(5s per case ; Terrier's Imperial Sillerv, ty®, and Cart-j Blanche ('i p. ', SOs. Sherry : from 7s Gd to 1G» Gd; Wisdom's, Cs. Clarer : Commun m. Jnlien, lis. mf dinm to good. IS3 to 253; superior, 3iis to GUs. Port (in bond*, in qr.-caaks, from £3 to£2tJ. "sherrits, £15 to.*£G2, in ,r.-cask.«, according to quality.

SALES 15Y AUCTION. November 23. Messrs. M. Jones ami Co. sold this morning the freehold residence and Js acre ground, of Mr. H. F. Troup, situated in"St. George's Bay Road, Parnell, for the sum of £320; purchaser, Mr. 11. M. Clark. November 27. Messrs. Tonks and Co. held a trade sale of groceries and wines and spirits to-day, which was well attended; bidding was, however, ratlu c slack, but a large quantity of goods were quitted at what may be considered fair prices considering the indisposition to speculative purchases at present exhibited by the trade. December 1. Messrs. B. Tonks and Co., acting under instructions from the Chairman of the Mount Eien Road Board, sold by auction, for a period of 7 months, the fees levied ac Mount Eden and Gaol Koad Bars to Mr. Blewden for the sum of £41) per month. December 4. Messrs. E. and H. Isaacs held an extensive sale of pianos and harmoniums to-day. A large number were quitted, but at low prices. Bord's make seemed to be the favourite, although Erard, Aucher, andotbers were well represented. The harmoniums were by Patti, Alexandre, and Metzler, and were disposed of at equally low prices. December 7. jlessrs. E. and IT. Isaac* held an extensive sale of ships'stores, ex Otaki, on the 6th inst. Splendid prices were obtaiueu, which the provisions really deserved, being of quality; 113 packages of tea, ex Hero, were also quitted ftt fair prices. December 10. Mr. R. C. Greenwood held a sale of suburban allotments, in the suburb of Mount Eden, the property of Mr. J. Kelly, at the Market, on Monday. The s.tle was well attended, but the bid/ling was not bj* any means spirited, and the greyer number of the lots were withdrawn. The lots sold were as follow: —Lot .'34, with a frontage of CG feet to Eden-street, and a depth of 193 feet, and lots 3'j, 37. and 3S, each with a frontage to Nonnanby Koad, and a depth of 125 feet 4 inches, abutting against lot 34, the whole forming a square block, were bought by Mr. W. H. Conneil, at 14s per foot; Lot 23, having a frontage of 132 feet to Eden-street, and a frontage of 108 feet to Marystreet, was bought by Mr. McGarryle for 37s Gd per foot. Lots 27 and 2G, each facing Mary-street, and each having a frontage of CO feet, with a depth of IGS feet, were bought at 24s and 2Us per foot respectively by Mrs. Morrison. Lot 1, having a double frontage on an obtuse angle of Mount; Eden iioad, with a total frontage of 125 feet 4 inches, reduced at the back to G<j feet, arid a depth of 154 feet 4 inchcs at one end and 108 feet at the other, was bought by ?dr. MoGariyle at 27s 6d per foot. At E. and il. Tsaacs's sale of ship chandlery to-day the trade was well represented, and, considering the present overstocked state of the market, fair prices were obtaiuel. Every line was quitted, it being quite an unreserved sale. The auctioneei mentioned at the close of the sale that the schooner Christina would be offered to-morrow at 11 o'clock. December 11. Messrs. E. and 11. Isaacs sold by public auction this morning the well-known schooner Christina, of H'Jh tons burthen, which was purchased by Mr. V. 11. McKenzie for the sum of £SGO. The sale of city and suburban properties by Messrs. £>. Cochrane and Son, in the estate of late Mr. \V. Dwyer, was well attended, and the lots sold were eagerly competed for. The allotment in Hobson-&treet, with four-roomed cottage, sold for £190, and allotments 2, 4, C, and 3, section 1!', at Onehunga, consisting of four acres, with dwelling-house, now occupied by Dr. Zinzan, realised £350. The Queen-street and Grahanie-streefc properties were passed. (JO Kcd Queen G.M. Co. shares sold for 2s each. December 13. Mr. G. *\V. Binney held a trade sale of beer, bacon, jams, tobacco, ire. The attendance of the trade was limited, but the following juices Were obtained : —Pollard, £5 2s Gd ; damaged jams, 0s ; Peak's jar jams, ; bacon (bare), GVI; bacon and hams (in cloth), S-M; Picton butter, 7Jd ; dates, 3j.d ; groats, 2s Gd ; brown packing paper, 3d. December 34. Messrs. Cochrane and Son's sale of household furniture, &t\, to-day, was moderately attended, and fair prices were obtained for the various lots offered. The open sailing-boat Amy was sold for £Ui, but the cutter yacht Juno, and others, were passed. Mr. George Sibbin held a large sale of groceries, produce, kc., this morning, at which there was ;i good attendance, and the fallowing prices were realised : —M»d*e, 5s 3d j oats, 4.-; ; cheese, to 7d ; bacon, 7VI to Sd ; hams, 5d to 9d ; potatoes, 4s ; tobacco, 4s 3d ; tea, 22s per box ; jca (4-cbests), la 9d per lb.; sugar (white), 5d to o 4 dp e r lb.; wine, 13s per case, d.p. ; vinegar, -s ;.'J per gal.; currants, 4|d ; candles, ; XKisius, 4Jd; onions, Hd; flour, 14s per cwt. ; 4sGil; sharps, lis 3d per bag ; castor oil, w bd ; lemon peel, Is 2d. "\V sale of poultry and produce Mas well attended, and a. fair amount of business done. Poultry did not sell quite so well *p, .st wcc k. No doubt, next week being the lristmas inaiket, there will be a good demand r kinds. Potatoes are still iu supply in

excess of demand, therefore the price does not improve. Fowls sold at Is 8d to 2s ; Bramahs, 2» Gd ; Spanish, 2s; ducks, IsCd to 2s; pigeons, 8d; geose. 33 6d t.o 5s Gd; pigs (small), Gs ; peas, Is per peck; onions, to 2d per lb. ; potatoes (white), 2s I*l to 2s lOd ; pink eyes, 2s 3.1 to 3a Id ; kidnoys, 3s Gd to Os; bacon and hums (sundry), 2Jd to 7jd ; butter (inferior), 2d to 2](l ; cheese, 3id to 7d ; beef, l«i to 2sd ; pork, 4d ; lollies, G£d ; maize, 5s ; flour, £13 lO.s to £15 10s ; bran, Gu per sack; rice, 3d ; tea (box), 2Gs ; i chests, 2s per lb. ; half-cheats, Is 10.VI ; salad oil (pints), 10s ; castor oil (halfpints), 5s 3d; capers, Gs; salad oil (half-pints), G.i 3d ; jams, Gs !M to 7.- ; sultanas, Gd per lb. The furniture department sale was well attended, and fair prices were obtained. SALE OF KUKAL LANDS. According to notification, D. A. Tole, Waste Lands Commissioner, held a sale of rural lands on Thursday Dec. G, at the principal Waste Lands office, Parliament-street. There was a good attendance, and spirited bidding for the amis on the "Waitoa river. Every section was keenly contested for in the Uruwhao block. The first section put up gave indication of the estimation in which the land was held. The lot comprised 272 acres, and was put up at the upset price, 15s an acre (£204). Bidders felt their way carefully up to £230, when in one jump it went to £300, and in the next bid to £400. It gradually went to £480, thence in a spring to £500, creeping again to £570, and springing to £GOO, and it was finally knocked down at ? £GS3. The othor ten lots in the same block were as eagerly contested for, as will be seen from the appended price list. There were 37 sections in the Tangihua district, nearWangarei, offered forsalc, three of which were bought at the upset price, and no offers were received for the others. The three lots in Tc Papa, near, failed to elicit a bid, and two lots in the Hay of Islands district met a similar fate. One lot of secondclass forest land was bought at the upset price. The following arc the sales effected and the prices realised

Oruwhao Block (situate on the Waitoa River). —The whole of this block is described as perfectly level, the swamps are easily drained, and the land of first-class quality. Section!, 272 acres, was put up at the upset price, 15s per acre (£2O-1), and included 10 acres heavy bush, i>o acres swamp ; soil good. It was bought by Mr. W. Aifcken, for £G53. Section 2, 253 acrc, upset price £IS9 15s, included 5 acres swamp, good land; bought by Mr. Gibbons, for £401. Section 3, 294 acres, upset price £220 10s, included 20 acres flax swamp, and of good quality; bought by Mr. W. Aitken. at £333. Section 4, 278 acres, upset price £208 10s, 5 acres flax swamp, land of good quality; bought by Mr. P. Comiskey at £351. Section 5, 308 acres, upset price £231, G acres heavy hush, 15 acres swamp, good land; bought by Mr. \V. Aitken at £701. Section 0, 231 acres, upset price £173, 25 acres heavy bush, 20 acres swamp, good land ; brought by Mr. W. Aitken at £52f>. Section 7, 257 acres, upset price £192 15?, 35 acres heavy bush, 30 acres swamp, good land ; bought by Mr. W. Aitken at £591. Section 9, SS acres, 30 acres flax swamp, land of good quality, price £(>G ; bought by Mr. W. Aitken at £219. Section 10, 93 acres, 5 acres llax sw.unp, land of good quality, upset price £69 15s ; bought by Mr. Aitken at £193. Section 11, 105 acre?, 5 acre*; swamp, land of good quality, upset price £78 15s bought by Mr. W. Aitken at £208. Tangihua District (near Wangarei).—Lot 1, 102 acres, upset price £51; bought by Mr. Lennox. Lot 2, 100 acres, upset price £50; bought by Mr. Lennox. Lot 5, 100 acres, upset price £75; bought by Mr. Lennox. No offers were received for the other sections in this block. Three lots in Te Papa, in all 259 acres, were offered at the upset price, 10s per acre, but there was no bidding ; and two lots, 400 acres, in the Bay of Islands district, at the same reserve, did not elicit a bid. Lot 107. Kaipara district, parish of Paparoa, consisting of 99 acres, was bought at the upset price, £49 10s. The whole of the purchases were effected by land scrip, but the sale absorbed £4357 worth of this scrip. "WOOL SALES. The principal sale of the season was held on Wednesday, December 5, at Mr. Buckland's, Haymarket, Durham-street. The attendance was good and the whole of the lots put up, representing an aggregate of 457 bales, were sold at fair prices. The sums offered were rather low at first, but gradually became better and steady, though at no period of the sale was the bidding very spirited. The quality of the wool was, speaking generally, very {,'ood, and in some instances was really excellent. For greasy wool, prices ranged from 7.yd to lOjfd, and for washed wool from lid to 14|d, which is the highest price yet obtained. The purchaser who secured this handsome price is Mr. Alexander Muir, of Rangariri, while Messrs. Andrew Jack and K. Henderson were hardly less successful. Of the sellers of wool in grease Messrs. S. Baird (of Otabuhu), J. Chandler, C. J. W. Barton, Robert Lyons, and William Rogers (of Waikato) realised to the best advantage. Though there were about 70 gentlemen present, the purchasers were confined to eight, the number of bales bought by each being as follows : —Mr. Laybourn, 153 balea ; Mr. Browning, 84 bales; Reid and Co., SI bales ; B. Gittos and Sons, 74 bales ; Osborne, 25 bales; Sutherland, 21 bales ; Ireland Brothers, 15 bales ; Mr. Potter, 4 bales.

Messrs. Hunter and Nolan held their second wool sale of the season at the Durham yards on Dec. 12, and out of 245 bales offered were successful in disposing of 2*20. The juices obtained for greasy wool showed a material increase on those secured at previous sales, while washed wool was quitted at about the same figures as have been ruling for weeks past. Tor wool in grease, the price ranged from to lid, and for washed wool, from 10.VI to 14.V1. The quality of the article was really good, and in a few instances hardly to be surpassed. The greater part of it came from Wangarei, but there were also large lots from Matakana, "Waiuku, and the "Waikato. Though the at tendance was good, the purchases were restricted to a*few gentlemen.

The following is theamountof duties collccted .it the Port of Auckland for the month ending November 30, 1877, inclusive :— £ s. rl. Spirit 4.144 7 8 Cigars and Snuff .. .. 214 S 0 Tobacco .. .. - .. 2,053 17 0 "Wine 452 <5 U Ale nnd Beer, in bottle .. CS 18 !; Ditto, in wood .. .. 2 13 0 Tea 1.670 18 0 Cotfee, Cocoa. &c (i 7 15 3 Sugar, saw and refined .. 1,0:12 19 r> Gooda by Weight .. .. (iO.i 22 2 Ad Valorem 2,315 9 5 Other Duties, not- specified above 311 13 6 Total £13.841 4 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5020, 18 December 1877, Page 6

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COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5020, 18 December 1877, Page 6

COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5020, 18 December 1877, Page 6