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Gazette in Bankruptcy the matter of the Debtors and flreditors Act. l&7t\ and of the bankruptcy of LEVY & GuLt) WATEIi, Clothiers, Auckland. Parties having Claims agtinst the abov« Estate fire requested t" prove the same wi'.h urn on or h-fore I the 24th instant, preparatoiy to a Dividend being 1 declared. THO. MACFFARLANK, Trustee. Supreme Court Buildines. Auckland, December 12, 1577. Tenders "Department of Justice, Wellington, Ist December, 1877. TENDKRS are invited for the Supply of KATIOS, FIREWOOD. i ltoN*Mn.\<;EKY. CLOTHING, and other Nectssari-s to disprison at Auckland from the Ist day of January to the 31st day of December next. Tenders, to be addressed to the Visiting Justices, will be r< chived up to noon on the 17th day of December instant sit the J'ri.son, where < General Conditions and >peciflc*tioi:s may be seen. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By order. R. G. FOCNTaIV. Under-Secretary. jgOROUGfI OF N APIEIi. Tenders addressed to the Town Clark's Office. Napier, are invited for the PUKCHASE of about Five and a half (ss) Tons of LEAD SERVICE PJPc.s for Waterworks purposes. Sizes Weight p c r Yard. 1 inch 10 lbs. 3 11 i 7 ~ Reserved price, £.'26 per ton. Also for an Improved Testing Apparatui with circular Iron Tanks 1} inch, gun metal, pluogfT p.imp, safety valve, and lever stop cook, pressure gauge aod short length of flexible injection pipe with tittiLgs complete, adapted for testing pipes and boiler* up to 3001ba. per square inch. Reserved price, £27. Also one of Upwards' Patent Safety Drilling and Tapping Apparatus for connecting services to watermains while under pressure. Complete in chest. Reserved price, £38. The above are all quite n°w, have never been used, and are surplus stores of the .Napier Waterworks Plant. Tenders will be received up to Noon of FRIDAY, the 28th December, 1877. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Any further information c;tn be obtained on application to the undersigned. M. N ROWER, Town ClerK. Napier. Town Clerk's Office, 1 Napier, Nov. 20th, 1877. rgl 0 BUILD ER S. Tenders will be received up to noon cn DaY, the 15th instant, for the Ereutipn ef a Brick Building in Queen-street. Plaus, &c., at my office. Queen-streo:. EDWARD AIAHOVKY. , Architect. BUILD. E H S. Tenders will be received up to Noon on THURSDAY, the 20th instant, for the hrccti' n of a Villa Residence at ParnelL. 1 Plaus, «!tc., at iny oflice, Queen-street. KDWAIID MA HONEY, Architect. rjp O BUI LDJi KS. Tenders will be receive i up to Noon nu SATURDAY, the 22nd instant, for the Erection of Hank Premises, at Levitka, fot the Hank of New Ze*lard. Plans, &c., at tuy office, <iueeu-sueet. EDWA.iD iM A HONEY, Architect. Public Notices gAXK OF NEW SOUTH WALES.

Establish kd 1817. | A Branch of this Bank was opened at New Plymouth on TUESDAY, the llth Uecmber, under the temporary management of Mr. E. U. ricriveu. J. R. HILL, inspector. X>HCKNIX BREWERY, THAMES. GOVERNMENT ANAI.Y.-T'S CERTIFICATE. Auckland, November 20\ 1877. Messrs. Eurknfuisd Baos.—Gentleme Having made a very careful and complete analysis Of the three samples of your 15e»T, taken by me from several Hotels in Auckland, I tinil it to perfrc'-ly free from adulteration, and is in my opinion a really firstciass article. —1 have the hunour to be, Gontlemim, your obedient servant, J. Tunny, Analyst. T>E-OPENINLi OF THE OKIGINAL J[\> BLUB POST, O.v SATUKDAY, OCTOBER 20. CHARLES VEIT3 Has pleasure in informing his friend - and the public that ha Re-opened the nbuve hostelry on the above date, as a Koarding-hou*e and It .st.mrant, a>id trusts by strict atteution to business and universtl courtesy to rneri:. a share of their patronage. Cleanliness and good iiuality will he the leading principle m the conduct i)f ihe Establishment, together with comfort and every convenience. Good Beds and pi ;nty of N.E. —A Free Express will meet tho Waikato Trains, to convey pai->eugers and lugs'a?e to the above house. CHAKLF.3 VKITH. Meetings. PALMERSTON GOLD MIXING COMPANY (LIMITED). An Extraordinary G-neral Me ting of the Shareho ders of the Palmerston GoM Mming Company . Lunit- d) will be held tin ' »Hh*e of th« Company. Short'and-street, Auckland. THIS D.a V (Thursday.-, 18th day of December, 1877, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of pioposing and pa-ssin. (if approved; the f lluwing rcsolutiou : — "That the Palmerston Gold Mininc Company (Linptcd) be wound up voluntarily, /ur the purpose of amalgamating with the adjoining elaoii*, viz , loua. Gotconda, a*id and Kollys and f>r the appointment of a Liq sidat »r, and other b i-iuesa. UOISKRT HoitNK, decretory. Auckland, December 13, 1577. A Meeting to confnn the abov;* resolution will held on MONDAY, the fonrieeHth day of January next, at the same hour an 1 place KOBEIiT H'-'RNE, T> 10 LI MOM D lIILL MIXING CUMJLV I'aNY v UMTrJSDj. Tiio Avnitil Mootinir nf tlio Shareholders in ill" above Comiianv w.ll hi; he'fl. tl'c [Jauk r.mliling.s, .NVlson, on FlllL>vY Hveuii'g, the 2nil, at? o'clock. JA „ KSON -_ secretary. WAITEKAUIU G. M. COMPANY.— Sh»rehold--rs t.-.tfrestu.l in the :i:.nvi-n.ini <1 Co-nnanvare earnestly ieiiue*'ed to « all ft' No. 11, Insurance Buildings, ani add -l»e:r - nines the rc;ju's tion callim; upon ill'* Directors lo hold the nextG-nerd Meeting i;i Auckland. Educational. _ CIIUIiOH OF ESOLANI> URAMMAII SCHOOL (PAKN.'.LL). The '• nnual Distrihutlnn of Prizes w;ll plice. at this Sclionl. on FitlDvY. December inn, at 3 w m.. whec the r-sait of the Er uiii ; ..iti-«n now go»n« on will made kuovvu, and tho scholarships and I'rizes jvwartli-". JAS . ADAMS. 8.A.. ll»»>i«>-Master. OVAL SCHOOL SE RI K S J *MK SR3. NKL-ON &rt 'NS h-jr re-p-ctfnllv to invito tho attention of School StoaMs and J'e i h.-rs to their new .c-liiKr-N.S and '«thyr Publications a lupied to New K«tuition Code.

Practical Teachers, both in Knv'l ""1 an.' in --cot. land, h-tvo testitt-d t> tho fols.-w.i.g arising from tile us-; of tho 1 Royal llcul-Td . They economise 'lie time of the school. They lighten iho labour of th»i tocher. Th«j" creatly facilitate the progress of the scholars. They secure the co-operation of the patents m home |)r«-.prtr*tion. Tlity are th* only sel'-interprßtuig Readers. Th -ir illustrations are unrivalled. They are the hooks for nc'rni; '"with comprehension aud intelligence. Tlicr s->clir: n ll' rati! of "F'ni'ni fnr results" thm any other books in existenc. They promote a tast»- for reading out or school. The "Ro-al Readers" hive br-en pronounce.! by the first educational authorities to b- the best • Series of J trading-Books «'V'?r publi; had. FROM THE " SCIIOOLMASTEIt. " (Educational .J«nrn*l, Lonuon.) " .Tudce t:>ese books hy wn it .-tamUrd we may they occupy the first rauk. 'iho v.triet-.' of the ex ent ?«f nfonuation Cu .veve I. he tjij e • hi b'ted in tho selection. the maun r m »m»-h thw subjc ts are tic *t» d. and the facilities tor, * >e bonks thoroughly useful in developing l.relnijenu.- on the part of the pupil, ar.i ad hig cit, aud call lor unqualified piaise. May be had of all Book'elWs. a ■B'TKIILNG, BOOK-K.KKPINO, AKIL'IIVty MtJTXC, OK NAVIGATION TAUUM 1\ Krostng Classes, open from lmlf-p:ist 7 to 9. on MmnHyt*, We-Ine-'d iy.-i, Hml h . •>» Systein for Seif-In-Tiroreuicut, forn-.,t-Jcrt to ,inv piLTt of the Unlony. £,'i. Schools HDcl i'uinilies visi-.iM. <vddre«s Ml!. MCniliJsl>N, KinUhinß Wri'rlt n-M:ister, b7, Urey-streot, Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5016, 13 December 1877, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5016, 13 December 1877, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 5016, 13 December 1877, Page 3