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The annual meeting of members was held last evening in the rooms of the association, Albert-street, —the Venerable Archdeacon Maunsell in the chair. TheHojr. Secretary (Mr. Buddie) read the -minutes of the previous generalmeeting, which were confirmed; also, the following report:— "It is now twelvemonths since the present committee undertook, with some hesitation, but'in'compliance with the expressed desire of so many friends of the association, accompanied with substantial evidence of their sincerity in the shape of liberal donations, to make another effort to raise the affairs of the institution out of '• the difficulties which at that, time appeared to be all but insuperable. The treasurer's report will shew that the efforts then put forth, and the increased interest inspired by the publicity then obtained, have enabled the committee to yield up their trust to their successors in a much better condition, financially, than when they accepted it. It has been proved that with economy the income of the associatfon may not only, pay its current expenses, but do something towards reducing the mortgage debt which has for so many years fettered its operations. The results of the canvass made at the time referred to were not so large as were anticipated, but the committee were enabled to reduce the principal sum on mortgage 'by £350, besides paying the arrears of interest, and effecting some necessary repairs, and making some • small additions to the library. A few special efforts have been made during the year on behalf of the library fund, but with very meagre result. The total amount realised by the special efforts made early in the year was slightly over £500; out of this amount £350 was paid in reduction o£ the mortgage debt, and £108 for arrears of interest then due, and the balance in liquidating the bank overdraft and doing necessary repairs. The ordinary income on the property account has been considerably in excess of former years, and has met the ordinary expenditure on this account, such as interest, taxes, repairs, &c, and left a balance in hand of £112 12s ; £100 of which the committee have paid in further reduction of the mortgage, leaving the principal now at £900. The item of £1719s 3d in the receipts represents the nett proceeds of a concert, which .the members of the Auckland Choral Society Volunteered to give on behalf of the special ■ fund, and although they spared no trouble and effort in preparing for it in such a manner as ought to have ensured a great success and resulted in a large addition .'to ■ the;'fund. That such was not the case, can in no way be attributed to the Choral Society, and the committee take this opportunity of tendering to them their hearty thanks. The income of the association from ordinary sources, apart from the property account, also shews an , improvement and has met the ordinary expenditure in connection with the library, reading-room, &c, and left a balance in hand, after paying, for the first time since the erection.of the building, a small rent to'the property account -for the use of the rooms. The -property account and association account have been kept strictly separate, in order that any surplus in the former might be specially devoted to the payment of the mortgage debt and that the expenditure on the latter might be kept within the receipts ;. and they recommend that the same course be pursued by their successors, as affording the opportunity of ascertaining at a glance the exact position of both accounts. The committee thinking that the. admission before charged to the lectures was . too low, resolved to raise the charge for a double ticket from 3s to ss, and with the most satisfactory resulti, for, owing to this and to the liberal spirit with which some of the newspaper proprietors met them in the matter of printing and advertising, the to report the nett proceeds of the lectures nearly double those of last quarter. The course passed off very successfully, and our heartiest thanks are tendered to the several lecturers. The circulating library is doubtless the most fruitful source of revenue, and yonr committee regret that they have not been able to make as large additions as they had hoped. 153 new books have been added at a cost of over £00; but further additions are much needed in order to keep up the number of subscribers, which now stands at 340. Considerable saving has been effected in the reading-room department, by obtaining the supply of periodicals by tender, and paying for them in advance. This has been found to be far more economical than the former method of buying each months's issue as the mail arrived. The visitor has continued to board the emigrant ships, and issue invitations to the immigrants to use the rooms, in response to which from 600 to 700 young men have availed themselves of the oue month's free use of the reading-room which is offered to new arrivals, and have apparently appreciated the privilege. For several years past the burden of financial difficulty has to a large extent precluded the committee of the association from engaging in the departments of evangelistic work suggested by the title, Young Men's Christian Association. The response to our appeal at the commencement of the year having, as already explained, so far relieved the finances, your committee very earnestly considered what means might he used for the discharge of the proper mission of the association, conceiving that, failing such an effort, the only alternative would be to drop the title of " Christian." A series of prayermeetings was accordingly held, the several Protestant ministers uniting tvith us, and for a while the meetings were fairly attended. A noonday prayer-meeting has also been held throughout the year, and has been undoubtedly a profitable means to many, but the attendance has gradually fallen off, until it has been deemed desirable ]to discontinue it for the present. We wish we could speak more favourably on this topic, but regret to have to admit that beyond what has just been referred to, and the personal Evangelistic work done by our visiters on board the immigrant ships, and the fact that our hall supplies a neutral meeting ground for the several reiigious and philanthropic societies, this institution has not succeeded in attaining that measure of Christian usefulness which should be its aim. Your committee are alive to the fact that the multiplying of Christian churches in the city, with their appliances of Bible classes, and other agencies has done much to remove the necessity for such institutions in connection with this association, but it is still very evident that there io much, yet which ought to be done, and we commend the question to the members on whom rests the responsibility. The committee are but executive, and while pointing to the fact that our projects this year have fallen through for want of support, we would appeal to the young men interested in the association that whatever may be proposed during the coming year may be done heartily, and because the young men have a mind to work."

TP-EASITRER's REPORT. Mr. Battle? read the treasurer's report, of which the following figures represent the totals •—Receipts, £512 2s 3d ; rents (casual and fixed), £213 12s 4d; sundries, special items, lectures, &c, £287 14s 10d. Expenditure (property account): Debit balance, 1875, £27 4s 4d; repairs, advertising, and sundries £69 os 6d; amounts paid inreduction of mortgage, £350' and £100; interest, £166 12s 9d; balance in bank, £12 133. • Society account: Salaries, firing, sundries, gas, expenses of- lectures, £272 4s 5d ;<-balance, £15 10s sd: total, £287 14e 10d. : . CITY MISSIONARY REPORT. The report of Mr. Brakenrig was also read to the effect that he had visited the immi-

•grant-ships- arriTingTinpAuckland-harbour,-and had beea y^U f .sec.eiy.ed on all occasions. Captain DaTDY moVed the adoption of the "severaTrepbrts. "He~thought there was great •reason for satisfaction. . H&hoped the young ineii of" the" time' would : come ■ forward to assist He thought it would, be good if the society were ; under a superintendent. The Press had in various .ways done a great deal of good for the "association; '*""'' .. ! Mr G Holdshep seconded the motion. He congratulated the'meeting upon the result which -had been obtained. ••■ The several reports were adopted unanimously. ' A discussion ensued upon the "means or resuscitating the Bible T class and other incidental matters.'

OKFICE-BEAKEKS. Dr. Maunsell was requested to continue in office as ■ president for the ensuing, year. Colonel Haultain, Captain Daldy, Messrs. Macffarlane, Newman, Coupland, Owen, and Prime were elected vice-presidents for the ensuing year. Air. Buddie was re-elected hon. secretary, with Mr. Brakenrig as assistant secretary. Messrs. Buttle and Battley were elected treasurers. Jlr. Brakenrig was re-elected visitor. GENERAL COJtMITTEE. The following gentlemen were elected the committee for the ensuing year: —Messrs. Holdship, Barton,"'Potter, Peacock, Brock, Hemua, Buttle, Longmore, Mason, Ewington, Boardman, Parker, Home, Buddie, Ellis, Welshman, J. Buttle, D. Soldie, Major, A. Thorne, Patterson, W. D. Buttle, J. Brame—with power to add to their number. VISITING. Mr. Ewingtonmadea suggestion to the committee whether it would not be advisable to allot a sum of £5 to Mr. Brakenrig, for the purpose of purchasing a superior kind of books for distribution. —The subject was referred to the committee for consideration. ; An unanimous vote of thanks was given to the chairman and officers, for their services to the association during the past year. , . j This concluded the business of the meeting.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4488, 1 April 1876, Page 3

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YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4488, 1 April 1876, Page 3

YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4488, 1 April 1876, Page 3