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POET OF AUCKLAND. B»x WiTjiß, This Day: 8.34 morn.; 8.55 even. Mannkau: 10.54 mom.; 11.15 even. •Sha SuWEises, iM: sets 6.44. Tax Moon: Last Quarter, 20th, 0.16 p.m. AEKIVAIS. Phebe, 8.8., "Worsp, from Southern ports (in the Go-Ahead. J.s> from IVaitara (in the Manukau). Frances Henty, barque, 451 tons, Payne; from Melbourne via Wellington. Wave bris, Sopwith, from Timaru. Canterbury, schooner, 76 tons, Eccles, from Napier. Clyde, schooner, Anderson, from Wangarei. Effie Meilcle, schooner, Kbcbe, from Gisbarne. Mercury, cutter, 30 tons, Megerney, from Tairua. ' DEPAETUEES. Taranalri, s.s., Lloyd, for Southern ports (from the Manutau). St. Kilda, 5.3., Flowerday, for (from the Jlannkau). ;lona, s.s.,'W. Farquhar, for Kusse"'. and Northern ports. ' Bowena, s.s., Se"ars, for Taurangs. (Ocean, schooner, Kawlings, for Mercury Bay. "Wangarei, cutter, Williams, for Wangarei. Dawo, catter, for Eaglau (from the Mnni-'V-.u). ' ~ ENTERED INTVAEDS. Pretty Jane, s.s., Carey, from Gisborne. ' Frances Henty, barque, 451 tons, J. E. Payne, from Melbourne, via Wellington. Cargo as per imports. Flirt, brigantine, 100 tons, J. MoKenzie, from LytUlton. Cargo published yesterday. .Canterbury, schooner, 76 tons, Eccles, from Napier, in ballast. Effie Meikle, schooner, 41 tons, Eoche, from Poverty Bay. Carco: 250 bags maize, 61 packages, 1 hale wool, 4 cases, 2 bundles she»pskins. "Wangarei cutter, Williams, fcom Wangarei. Mercury, cutter, 30 tons, Megerney, from Tairua. Cargo : 23,375 feet timber. , CLEARED OUTWARDS. " "White Eagle, ship, S7S tons, Andrews, for Guam, inbalhst. • • Vision, brig, Loverock, for Tonga. Cargo as per exports. Ocean, schooner, 28 tons, Rawlings, for Mercury B*y. wangarei, cutter, 32 tons, 'Williams, for "Wangarei, with sundries. ' PAS3ENGEE LIST. . KnVAED3. Per PhceTie, s.s., from Southern ports:—Saloon: Mrs. and Miss Otto, Mrs. Hannah and family, airs. Nixon aridi family, Miss Seddon, Captain Symons, Messrs. Hay, Lane, Hammond, Engall, Pirima, Otto, "Washall, Stewart, Eosie, Laatead. Steerage, 10. ; Per Frances Henty, baique, from Melbourne via Wellint-on:—Mrs. Payne, air. Townsend. OUTWAUDS. :Per TarSnaki, s.s., from southern ports:—For New Plymouth, Messrs. Meyer* Petty, Tutty, Carter, Daniels, Robinson, Captain Ellis. For Picton: Mr. Earnsley. "For Lyttelton: Messrs. G. Overtoil, Petne, Given.- For Otago: Mr. and Mrs. E. Porter, Mr.- and Mrs. George Jones, jun., aud family, Mr. Brett and Master Brett, Miss Brook. Steerage, 9. ; h Per Vision, brig, for Tonja : — Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, Messrs/ T. Karrell and A. Alfrenso. IMPOKTS. [A special charge is mode for announcements in this .'j ■.'•:.:. column.] ,oPer Frances. Henty, barque, from Melbourne:—2 Ihds. and fqr.-casks port wine, 110 pockets, 960 mats and 234 bags aigar, 11 case 3 vestas, 190 bundles cine, 185 casks beer, 2t boxes tobaco.o, 6 cases sundries, 1 bundle sieves, 100 boxes candles, 100 case* kerosene, 50 half : cTaestSOTd 64 boxes tea, 50 casks castor oil> 10cases acid,' 50 cases geneva. 7'hhds. rum, 1 hhd. and 20 cases brandy. From WelL'ugtori: 1 case. , Pet "Wave, brig, from, Timaru, for Auckland:—loo sacks wheat, SOO aaclcs oats. For Newcastle: 500 sacks ■ wheat.-; i< l^T-.Z r --~■-::■: .:.". " EX p O ETS. Per Vision, brig, '3or Tonga :— 2 packages drapery, 45-caaes geneva, 27 -;»sks bottled beer, 25 cases kerosene, 12 gunniesant?. 7/ bags susar, 4 packases aud 11 boxes tee,*lo7 cases brandy, 10 aises sardine", 1 ca.e perfumed spiiits, 1 bale blankets, 2 cases cottons, 4 '•ases drapery, 1 case woollens, 3. cases apparel, 1 ca."e jewellery, 1 case hats, 1 fiase cocoa and chocolate, 8 flags rice, 13 tins paint, 20 drums oil, 3 cases bine, 1 cate castor oil, 1 jar cream of tartar, 1 case ve-itas, 2 cases sariaparilla, 3 caseJ) chairs, 1 case sauce, 1 case axes.l Jbale paper, 1 case boots. 20 barrels pork, 120 fins and 290 bsjs flour, 262 tins biscuits, 40 boxes soap, 6(i00 feet timber, 7 horses, 7 boats.

J f PROJECTED DEPARTURES. San Francisco.—Yasco de Gam a, s.s., 22nd inst. Fbtendly Islands.—Vision, brig, to-day; Martha,

barque, Thursday Hobabt Town.—Bella Mary, barque, early. Sydney.—Hero, s.s., - liQNDON.—Columbus, bargue, Flechero anid City of

Auckland, ships, early. Eosseli..—lona, s.s., Monday next. Napier.—Pretty Sane, s.s., to-day; Southern Cross,

as., Wednesday. Poverty Bat. —Pretty Jane, s.s., to-day. "Waitaka—Keiincdy s.s., early. Tauxanoa, &c.—Rowena, s.s., Friday next. "West Coast Ports.—Kenn-dy, s.s., early. Southkrn Ports.—Plioebe, s.s., Thursday, New Yosk Thames, bargue, early. liEVCKA.—Emu, s.s.. to-day. Suva (Fiji).—Nil Des'pe'raudnm, brig, Thursday.

VESSELS IN HA "RBOUK. Steamers. —Star of the South, Pretty Jane. ' iShir>3: Fiechero, White Eagle, City of Auckland. Barques.—Columbus, Moneynick, Martha, Thames, liances Henty. m Brigs: Vision, Nil Desperandum, Wave. - Brigantires: Helena, flirt. ' Schooners.—Southern Cross (trairinß vessel), i?oirlie, Loch Lee, Jessio Henderson, Ma'./ Melville. "VESSKLS BXPHCTFTD. Yasco de Gama, mail steamer, from Sydney; due about Sunday. Ocean Mail, ship, from London; sailed Au;j. 10th. Star of Germany ship, from London sailed Aug. 21. Waipa. ship, from London. Broilick Castle, ship.from London; sai?ed. JSlenlora, ship, from London; to sail Sept 25. Camatic, ship, from London; to sail Septemter 12. Prank Pendleton, ship, from Gelfe, Sweden; sailed August 13. Jessica, barque, from New York, via Dunedin; sailed . June 2." - ... Lizzie Fox, tarque, from New York, via Duntdin; sailed July 3. American Lloyds, barque, from New York; sailed. ILady Franklin, barque, from Melbourne. "William Ackers, barque, from Newcastle; sailed Sept. 25. Marathon, barque, from Hew. York, early. fv»ll* Mary, barque, from Hobart Town; to sail Oct. 28. • Victor, barquentine, from Port Gamble; sailed May 14. Julia Price, schooner, fnm T-yttelton. Editb, Lchooner, from Belle Brandor, schooner, from Penrliyn Island, ftly. Southern Cross, mission schoouer, Sate Brain, schooner, from Dunedin. Coastwise Inw.vp.ds.—Minnie Casey, s.s., from the Hot Springs; Firefly, schooner, from tho Wade; Sob Koy, cutter, from Wangapoa; Ann McLeod, schooner, from the Great Barrier; Moraine light, cutter, from Port Charles; Speedwell, ketch, from Waiheke; Teviot, cutter, from the Thames; Lake Erie, barge, from the Sandspit; Helen, schooner, from Omaha. - ■ Coastwise Otjtwakds.—Firefly, schooner, for the "Wade; Bob Boy, cutter, for Wangapoa; Ann McLeod, schooner, for Maoii Bay; Morning Light, cutter, for Port Chrrles; Lake Erie, barge, for the Sandspit; Helen, schooner,,for Omaha. The cutter Wangarei left for Wangarei last night. The N.Z.S.S. Co.'s s.s. Phoebe arrived in the MaauJiau, from Southern ports, yesterday morniDg. ' The A.S.P. Cβ.'a s.s. Go-Ahead ai.irsd in the from Waitara, on JJunday. The s.s.'St. Kilda left the Manukau for Wanganui yesterday afternoon. The s.s. lonaleft for Bua:eH and the North last Jvening. The N.Z.S.S. Company's s.s. Taranaki left the Manukau. for Southern ports yesterday morning.

The ship "White Eagle cleared at the Customs for Guam yesterday. She will leave to-day. The ship ilechero will leave for London about "Wednesday.

The barque Bella Mary was to leave Bobart Town, for this port, on October 28th. Messrs. R. Walker and Co. will load the barque Thames with gum for New York.

The brigantine Belena is on the hard at Smailcs' Point, being cleaned. The brig.intine Flirt hauled alongside tho wharf, and commenced discharging cargo yesterday. The schooner Ocean sailed for Mercury Bay yesterday. The schooner Effio Meikle arrived from Gisborne yesterday with a cargo of maize, &c. The cutter Mercury, from Tairua, arrived yesterday with a cargo of timber. The cutter Dawn left the Manukau for Raglan yesterday. The s.s. Eowena having had her piston-rod repaired. left for Tauranga and the East Coast poris yesterday afternoon. The barque Columbus hauled alongside the wharf again yesterday, and will commence taking in cargo atoace.

Tli© auxiliary-screw barquentine Emu will leave for X<evt-ka to-day. She is at the Tamaki, taking in cattle and sheep. The line brig Nil Desperandum will leave for Suva, 3?iji," on Thursday next. She will call at Levuka should sufficient inducement offer.

The brig Vision cleared at the Customs yesterday for Tonga, vrith a miscellaneoas cargo. She will leave this morning.

, The schooner Agnes Donald left Gisborne for this thecosat pick up cargo along

The schooner Clyde arrived from Wangarei yesterday morning, with a cargo of settlers' produce and a number of passengers.

The schooner Canterbury arrived in harbour yesterday morning, from Napier, after a passage of nine days. Calais were experienced during the whole of the passage.

The brig Wave arrived in harbour from Timaru yesterday morning, after a long passage of 23 days' She experienced the same weather as the Frances Xfenij', "With which vessel she has been in company since the 29th ult. She brings a caigo of wheat, p*rt. for this port and part for Newcastle. Captaia Shamper and a portion of the crew of tho barque Director left for Uiverhead in tho Gemini yesterday. They will proceed to Kaihu, where the vessel is lying, and immediately proceed to sea, on her voyage to London with a cargo of timber for the Admiralty. Her cargo consists of 101 kauri spars, 89 pieces junk timber, and 172 pieces flitch. The barque Frances Hen ty arrived in harbour yesterday morning, after a lengthy passage from Wellington. Captain Pay no reports having left "Wellington on October 20. Had calms for two days. Since . thee, north-west and west erly gales to arrival. Sighted the -brig, Wave the third day. out, and have been in company ever since. Sightcu the scoocner F. W. Tncker, bound" north, oC'C-.pi /'nl!'s-;r, on the 2Sth' nit. ; ■ : ... • ' ' :

The s.s. Southern Cross arrived &fc the Thames yesterday, from Napier, and left again for Auckland last night. The barque Frances Henty, which arrived from Wellington yesterday, reports sighting the .German man-of-war Gazelle, hove-to'off Cape Brett on Friday. , ... I ; We learn that the Echo, wh<ch went ashore at Awanni, Bay of' Plenty, weeks ago, has been hauled upon'thebeach She is very little damaged, and will be got afloat without any further damages.

—: BY TEIrEGRAPH. -\ • "COROMjiNDEL. ' '. November 15.—The Bessie arrived at Kenn dy's Bay yesterday, from Merctiryßay. The cutter Leahis loading at Kennedy's Bay for Auckland, and the cutter start is expected to leave the same place to • night. . GISBORNE. Kovember 15.—The s.s. Eosina arrived yesterday, after a 50 hours' passage. .. ■WELLINGTON. November lo.—Sailoc , : Taupo, with a passenger from Wellington.—Mr. \» oodivard.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4371, 16 November 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4371, 16 November 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4371, 16 November 1875, Page 2