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Bi'ilmn'o Matkrial*. >- Tim nit it.—Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., PstolSs; lis Gd M mill: planed, tongued ami grooved. Us Gd. n New Zealand Paling, jft., 12sGd; Oft., 13s: Ti-tree T Rails, £3 per 100: Puriri Post*. £G 10« to £7; Shingles, 1 a to liSs p#r l.oOO; Hobnrt Town Palings, sft., 17s: ® ft. 19s: Hobart Town Kails. bOs. Coal and Firewood Market. n Coal.—Newcastle, 45s to 50s per ton: Bay of t Islands, at yards, 2Gs per ton; ditto, at the mine, 12s per ton. i Firewood.—'Uncut, 14s per ton, delivered: Cut, t 17s Gd per ton, delivered. j Kauri Gum as-d Flax Market. We quote thA following prices on tho Auckland market delivered nett cash:— SUM.—Ordinary (scaped) .. £35 per ton \ Flax —Finest quality .. .. jsto —perton ? Pla*.—Fair to good .. .. 15 to 1G „ Flax.—Native Pressed, unscutched 14 to j Tow to 8 „ 1 Leather. f Sole Leather, lid to 1M MANURKfi. J Hoke T)u«t, with bags, best Imported, £D; Bone 1 Flour, £10: Vitriolized Bones, £10: Provincial, £3 per ton (wholesale). Guano. Peruvian. £19 to £20. Laroith Marrit. , Mm. Colls reports:—Good General Servants, from £25 to £30 per year; Lam dresses, from £25 to £35; Ftjmale Cooks, from a'4o to £50. Good Servants in every capacity in great demand. I AUCKLAND CATTLE MARKET. Mr. Alfred Bccklakd's Wefki.y Report -On Friday last fodder offered plentifully, with a steady demand at late values* it brought f;oin 3a to Gi 3d the ext.; bran, Is Id to Is 2d; ma:ze, 4s the bushel. Hor*e Ktock w»-re In less numbers than usual, and at lat- values. Tlie quantities offered at th* hide and *kin aale steadily increase, and th» ni is a full attendance of buvc s. Hides brought 4sd to 4jd pvr lb.; *klns, 3s to 5s G I each; wool in grease 1 , lljd per lb. At the c«]i»cial sale held at the residence of >V. Knox, on Monday, there was a numerous attendance, and satisfactory nic*s obtained, fat sh*ep brought 4id per lb ; Holi,-\rt Town fi<*c < potatoes £5 per ton; eating potatoes, £<j per ton; dairy cows, £7 to £10 10s; three-year-old steers, £5 10s to £jj IT-* 0d cach; medium draught hordes, C 27 and £35 each: a i unbroken colt, £20. At i'ap'tknra, on Wednesday, Ihero was a sma'lc* muter of cattle than u*ual-97head only sold- a large proportion dairy cows; those wer« mucn ! wer in price than forborne months. Young cattle were fairly comp* od for at ruliig values: the fat cattle were of quality, and at 35s per 100 lbs; yearling t-er*, 55s to 70; each: ralves (mixed sexes), 27s tkl to 3ts: useful rows at calving, £5 to £3. Tho *mal! farm nea the vidageof Waviaouth sold for £25. At Rem era, on Thurs 'ay dairy c*ttlo were in usual numbers and in steady demand at last week's values. Store rattle in larger number* than usual. Tows in low condition dull of sale; all other kinds better worth. F*t catfe of good quality in larger numbers than usual: 253 heal sold: price" st«'adv throughout at a fall of 2s t d per 100 lbs. on l ist week's sales. Store sh» ep plntifu! and in fa r enquiry at lat* rates. Fat *h«»ep n usual supply, but midddntr quality only; prices without alteration. Pics in very limited numbers. Prices given were: Best dairy cows up to £14 10g; inferior, from £ r » 10a each: -'ry cows, £3 Gs to £4 10 s; ye*rlini's, £2 10s to £3 'ss; calves, 28« to 48s; two-year-olds £3 2s Gd to £6 . tliree-year-olds and yrown steers, £G to £8; be»t quality fat cattle, 35s to 37s Gd: inferior, from 27s Gd ttie 100 ltw.; aged ewes near lambing, 13s to IHI each: lorgwoolled wetb'-rs. 15s to 17s: fat sheep, 4jd per lb. Actual Av. r ges obtained w.»r»*: f»0 c-Ull", Allan, £11 7s 6d; 25. «T. Btrr lbow . £8 Ifis: 17, J. W. Busbv, £7 13s; 11. Jo et li lltiii, £7 12s 01; 72, l<r«w«r, £10 10a; 22, Caley, £10 13s <;d; 11, .Tames Muir, £S lGs Gd. Mk.-hhh. lluxTEit and Nolan's Wkkki.t Report. — Horses: I he ni has been butinadequately supplied, ahho yhhero has been a» ir provc-d demand. Very li'tlc l as b en done privately, but al»out the UNtial nu-i ber w-re submitted for vie by auction on Friday la*t. <1 w- re. wiih few «xc ptions, disposed of at s tisfHct"ry ptjce.s. We qu- te hacks from £6 10* to £13; litfht hames froi. £12 to £17 10a; «cd drai ph- £:'.o IDs. (.'attic: An average number havr ofT- red for-ii po«-|, but a pr»»»t want of cAre was manifest i • the breeding \ o really gornl dairy cows offered, n-.d prices ranged frr»m Ci> Ifts to £10 15i. Stores een faiiy were in I..\v lomlition and coarse, consequently la«t wo k's qu«>tatious were scarcely sustained. Ihe fat be sfs were not Mitllciently up in condition, therefore, in point cf weight, prices ruled in favor of the purt hasi r. \\ eoii"teit r« cows from £3 to £4 17s Gd: yearl nt»s, from £2 to £2 15s. Beef, from 35s to 40* 1 «*r 1' O.b.v, b<-st quality. Sheep were in short Mipph, aril c mmxndod keen competition; best qutlity, fr-»i,. 22% S<l t<> &2*9 d. or p»r lb. Pig* were scarce and the demand unsatisfied.


I 22, Insurance Buildings, July 22, 1575.


SIIirriXG. GISBORNE, July 22.—There was a heavy hall-storm last night. • The s.s. Pretty Jane soiled at 8 p.m. Passengers:— FORT OF AUCKLAND Messrs. Adair, Sutherland, Ball, Johnson, Hodson, ~ . « Burke, Scrivener. Fernandez, Mr*, ilood, on© con Hxon ater, This Day: 0.4- morn: 10.0 even. stable, and five prisoners. Cargo: 470 sheep. ,, Manukau: — morn.; 0 20 even. The Sun: Rises, 7.9; sets, 5.1. ——— The Moon; Last Quarter, 2Gtb, 8.13 a m. WANG ANUI . _ — July 22.—The s.s. St. Kilda arrived late last night. ARRIVALS. Llewellyn, s.s., F. Holmes, from Sydney. KELSON - DEPARTURES Jul r 22.—The s.s. Taup© anlved last night from tin Star of the South, ss., W. Palmer, for "Napier and North. Southern ports. ——— Zephyr, britjantine, Bowden, for Mongonul. WELLINGTON". Onward, schooner, Bushell, for Russell. July 22.—The barque F.speculador. bound fron ——— Kalpara to Lvttelton, put In hero yesterday tbrougl EXTKRED IXW\RD3. stress of weather, Robina Dunlop, barque, 4U3 tons. A. Jack, from - - London, iritli general cargo.—N.Z.S.S. Company, t yttpt tov agents. * n* i j Julv 22.—Tho ship White Hose, from London vii CT pirrn atttm*at»t»s Mauritius, with 1C-) itumicrants. arrived: all well CLLALLD OUT»\ ARD>. XIlpy wl n bo put on Jiipa Island for a short time, ii of the South, s.s., 175 tors, W. Falmer, for c«o < f illness breaking out. Five births and thre< Kapler and Southern ports. Cargo as per exports.— deaths occurred the pa«sase. A.B.P. Co.. agents. Sailed—Hriijantino Flirt, for Auckland. Cargo: 3" Zephyr, brigantine, 90 tons, H. Bowden, for Mon- kegs butter. Si» cases cheese, 20 cases bacon. 35 loos< gonui, in Inllast, aud 2000 palings '.original c trgo).— cheese. CIO sacks wheat, 100 sacks oats, 272 sack .MasUr. ngent. potatoes. 40 mats dates, 100 sa-:k* flour, CO sacks Onward, schooner, 32 tons, Bushel!, for Uussell, in bran. Schooner Excelsior, for Auckland. Cin:n: ballaSt. 572 »acks potatoes, 210 sack* bran, 107 sacks mal», 38^ ___ packs flour, CO bags flour, S kegs butt- r. CLEARED OUTWARDS. ■ Rosebud, three-masted schooner, 100 tons, John nnut r Nicholson, for Clarence Kiver, N.S. W., in ballast.— C(/J/ JI JjJiiy IA.1j, Blaster, agent. t PASSENGER LIST. New Zealand ITfralp Office, inwards * Thursday evening. Per Llewellyn, s s , from .-.yiincy Cabin : Sir. anil Cnslonu duties collccted to d iy amounted tt Urs. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Geddcs and 15s 3d. son, Mrs. C-oughlin. Steerage: Mr. Baker and four Messrs. K and IT. Isaacs h*»Id a very large sal< Others. yesterday of stores, ex Forfarshire and other ships outwards comprising flour, biscuit, preserved meats, rice, oatFer Star of tho South, a *'for'Southern porta:: m ?! lt P rMtr *e<l milk » coffee, preserved vegoMessrs. Blackmore and It Steele * tables, port, sherry, be*r, champagne, A-c., &c. The ____ attendance was unusually Jarge, and very good prices TMPnRTa were realised. This is owing to the very superior class IM-PUKIS, of stores that are now being placed on board vessels IA special charge is made on consignees* announco- for Immigrants' use. We aro pleased to state that ments inserted in this column.) Messrs. K. and n. Isaacs aro not only able to obtain a Ter Llewellyn, s.s., from Sydnev:—3 half-chests tea, f?ood audience and good prices for tho New Zealand 27 tbree-qu+rter boxes tobacco, *240 hags rice, 250 Shipping Company, but ar» equally successful in disboxes caudles. 25 drums colza oil, 50 drums linseed posing of stores in ships consigned by Messrs. fchaw, oil, 100 cases jams, 10 cases tart fruit, 50 cases castor Savillo and Co. OU, 100 cases schnapp*, 7 lihA*. rum, 1C0 bales hemp, Mr. George Slbbln sold to-day, at the Corner Mart, S) packages butter, 45 bags bone dust, 330 baits flour. by order of the Registrar of tho Supremo Court, an 420 bags flour, 12 kejfs butier, 10 tons pig iron, 11 allotment with 00 feet frontage to Lincoln-strect and packages drapery and merchandise, 1 case merchan- a six-roomed houso thereon, for the sum of £180. dise, 2 cases pcrtablo forges, lease mnchaniise, 10 Tho purchaser was Mr. Alexander, solicitor. packages drapery, 3 cases sewing machines, 10 There was a good attendance at Messrs. Cochrane cases merchandise, 29- rolls matting, 4 pack- AUl \ Son's sale of law aud miscellaneous literature ages \» ire and paper, 31 cases fruit, 100 to-day, and the boaks brought fair prices. cases fruit, 50 cases fruit, 155 cases fruit, 70 cues ' ,_ t . fruit, 12 drays, C drays.—A S.P., agents Melbourne.—Tho Argus of tho 12th reports:— _ ' Flour can scarcely l»e quoted over £10 17s Cd to £11, EXPORTS. an( l thero is very little doing oven at that, no lnclina~ <itmw ca«»u - s"'a it tion to operato being evinced. Wheat Is likewise less l /jj? r i°i. l i d §. Q*f- U porta:- inquired for. and sales are not so readily made. Beit i n«r/.«'i m? t a /u t «i qualitv of Victoriau is offering at 5s 4d to 5s Cd. A ivfl ffi. 1 n . Brothers. parcel" of 800 bags bc»n [.laced »t , UM , »S» ™»l". -0 cr*tc« plants. -0 casns prannts. 3 Bs 5( j net 0at3 ar0 steadier, and feeding qualities 17'' o° J" 8l " JMre ' aro saleable, according to sample, at from 3s 14 CMS. 7 parcels, 3 boxes, 2 packages. cd to 3s 10tl . M& i„ i, flrm £ ,' lp t0 i3 10d: — there is a good enquiry, but no large lines aro taken PROJECTED DEPARTURES. up at this quotation. Sugars aro still In favour: a lojrrvo*.—Femglen, ship, early. good enquiry is experienced. Teas aro in fair trade »ydney.—Uero, *.s. ( about 3rd August. demand. Wo learu of tho quittance of ono or two Carr Colony.—Shooting Star, barque, to-day. lines of low medium congous in half-chests atls4d. Soutdf-RN Pouts.—Ladybird.s s ,to-morrow; ffawea, Candles pre-ent a flrm aspect. In dried fruits, curs.s., Tuesday; Phoebe, a.*., 29th inst. rants are still in request at our quotation of 6jd. Por WaiTAitA AND Taranjlki.—Go-Ahcad, s.s., Brandies aro marked by tho utmost dullness; there Monday. la no enquiry, and wo have no business of any doPovkrty Bay and East Coast.—Agnes Donald, scription to report. •chooner, to-day. Sydney.—The 3.M. lUrald of lGth reports: The Gisboiive and Napier.—Pretty Jane, s.s., Monday, import markets wt-ro qui»*t. Rulk ale In request. J*4.riui.—Southern Cro«s, a.s., to morrow. The balance of Melviu's, in agents* hands, was San Francisco via Honolulu.—Cyplirenes, mall cleared at a full figure. Ilennessy s rase brandy flrm, steamar, Aug. 6. with sales at 33s. Holders of powder are tlriuer, ■ owing to the reduction in 6tocks and light shipments VESSELS IN HABBOUE. Messrs C.rev tales and Co s .Id bv auction Steamer.—Llewellyn. a quantity damaged fruits aud other faulty goods Ships.—Fernglen, Forfarshire. fi upars at £22 to £23. At Barques.—Shooting fetar, Queen of tho South, Keb- Messrs. Gilchrist and U eston s sa'e of assets in tho royd, Martha, Union, Robina Dunlup. of Mr. earno, miller, flour sold at £10 <5*. Brigantlnea: Agnes. Kato Brain and improved prices were obtained for wheat, some of Schooners. — Southern Cross (training vessel), which being dressed, brought a price apparently Corontt. Uosebud, Falrlie, Mary King, Dauntless rnuc^1 above the market. (Hawaiian), Zephyr. APei-udh, July 15.—Wheat sold at 4s 2d. VESSELS KXPECTKD. Trrv uAnvrr. Cyphrenes, mall steamer, from Sydney ; due Aug. 5. aiik maukms. Emu, screw), from Levuka. Far>i akd Dairy Produce. yiechero, ship, from London (IlRjdL); sailed April Wholesale Prices. 13. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Lutterworth, ship, from London (IIXKD'; sailed flutter, fs, lb 0 0 to 2 0 Lard lb ..0 0 — 0 6 April 13. ' Butter, sit, lb 1 3 — 1 G Bacon, Pro. 0 0 — 0 0 Alnmbflgh, ship, from London (VNIG); sailed May 9. Cheese Wra. 0 O — 0 8 Hams, Pro. 00 — 00 Carisbrook Castle, ship, from Liverpool (IILWB); Do.,Ct'bury 0 0 -0 11 Ct'burybacon 11V — 0 0 sailed June 3. Eggs, doxen 1 6—0 0 Ct'tury hams 1 2 — 00 Columbus, barque, from London (K VII it': sailed June Retail Pries. , _ Milk, quart 0 0 to 0 61 Fowls, pair.. 3 C—5 0 ship, from London. Butter, fs. lb 2 3 — 0 01 Ducks, pair 3 0 to 5 0 John Rennie, ship, from London (VTGQ); sailed May Buiter, salt 1 C —1 9 I (Jeese, each 4 6 — 00 r^} 2 '» « tt j «. , t — Cheese, col. 0 10 — 1 2 Turkeys, do. 3 C —5 0 City cf Auckland, ship, from London. Eggs, doiTO 0 0 — 1 0 Bacon, lb ..1 3 — 0 0 Dover Castle, ship, from Belfast (NCTRJ; sailed May Urd. lb. .. 0 8 — 0 9 | liarns, lb. 13 — 00 _28; , Bread 3id to 4d 2lb. loaf. Jessica, barque, from r*ew \ork, viaDuncdin ; sailed June 2. Flour Market. Lizzie Fox, barque, from JTew York, via Dunedin : Wholesale. £ s. d. loading. Superfine Flour, silk dresjod, per ton .. 12 10 0 Stag, barque, from Newcastle. Pine Flour, ditto, household 10 10 0 Prospector, barque, from Lyttelton. Seconds, per ton .. ». .. .. 9 10 0 Victor, Inrqnentine, from Port Gamble; sailed May 14. Sharps, per ton., .. .. G 17 0 Vision, brig, from Samoa. Adelaide, per ton .. .. .. .. 14 0 0 Flirt, brigHntine, from Lyttelton; sailed July 22. Damaru, ditto 12 0 0 Magell«n Cloud, brigantine, from Chatham Islands. Dunedin ditto .. .. ,, 12 o 0 Charybdis, schooner, from Friendly IsUnds. Canterbury, ditto .. .. .. .. 12 0 0 Kenllwoith, schooner, from New Caledonia. Bran per bushel .. .. .. ,, 0 12 Papua, from Karotonga. Auckland wheat per bushel (best) .. .. 0 5 0 Bdith, schooner, from Rarotonga. Adelaide wheat 053 Excelsior, schooner, from sailed July 32. Hay and Corn Market. Belle Brandon, schooner, from Penliryn Island. Wholesale. Peerless, Fchooner, from South Sea Islands. n d. s. d. £ g. £ s. Ln'titia, sch<>on*-r, from lUrotonca. Maixe, Sydney5 G — 0 0 * ITav ton . 5 10 0 10 Christina, schooner, from Dunedin; sailed July 15. Do., Pro. ..0 0 — 0 0 , Oaten, ditto 0 0 — 5 10 Do., Fiji ..5 0 — 0 0 Lucerne.ditto0 0 — 6 10 Coastwihe Outwards.—Wave, cutter, for Mata- Oats (South) 3 9 — 4 0 Straw, ditto 2 10 — 3 0 ksna. in Lallast: Lady Bowen, p.s., for Mahuraugl Wheat (fowl) 4 0 — 4 3 | Chaff, ditto 7 0 — 0 0 and the Hot Springs. I Potatoes ,. C 0 — 0 0 The A.S.P. Co.'s s s. Go-Ahead will leave Onehunga Retail. for New Plymouth aud Wanganui on Monday next. ». d. s. d. s. d, b. d. The A.S.P. Co.'s s.s. Southern Cross is announced Maize .. ..CO — (J 0 ! Lucern»», cwt. 0 0 6 C to leave for Napier direct at 4 p.m. to-motrow. Dats, ditto 4 3 — 0 0 Oaten, ditto 6 10 0 0 A notice to consignees per s.s. Llewellyn, from Bkin, ditto 1 C—0 0 j Straw, ditto 4 0 — 5 0 Sydney, ap; ears elsewhere. tVheat /fowl) 4 3 — 4 C | (liatf. ditto G 0 —s 0 The amended time-table of the p.s. IlauraVi appears Uay, cwt. .. 5 0 to 0 0 { Potatoes .. G G —0 0

I I Ami. Amt Lst. J8 ** company. Capital of paid sales § Sh. up. ® c - 5 « 2 £ £ £ % % Rank of N". Zealand 600,000 10 10 17J 15 8j National Bank N. Z. 2.000,000 10 3* 77/ 0 5J Colonial Bank N.Z. 2,000,000 5 1J 27/ - — N.Z. Loan <fc Mer- . caotile Agency .. 1,000,000 25 2J , 4i l-J 8 Fiji Banking & Com- . I mercial Co 250,000 5 2} ! 54/ — , — X. Z. Insurance .. 1,000,000 10 -J j j j S.British do. .. 750,000 20 2C,S | 43/ 10 , 5j N\ Insurance Co. .. 1,000,000 10 J I W 10 j 34 Standard Ins. Co. .. 1,000,000 10 $ , li/ —; ( Auckland Gas Co... 30.000 5 5 ! 10j 15 1 i Thames de. .. 26,000 2j 38/ 2i,0 14 10 Union S. & D. Co. 20,400: 5 5 yj 20 10i Hauraki S. Mill Co. 10,000,100 86 — 10 . — Auckland Steam I , . Packet Co. .. 150,000 10 4 4 1-j 5 Auck. and North I Shore Ferry Co. .. 5,000: \ 1 18/ 5 5^ Bay of Is. Coal Co. 20,000,10 10 0 10 17 I). S. Cro*s & Ji r . iV. 10,000 10 10 S 10 12 j Waikato steam N. | { andC.M. Co. .. 10,000 10 S — —; — ! j_

The following arc tho current calls in the companies named below:— Callh— £, n. d. Bate. City of Auckland .. 0 2 0 — July 23 New Exchange .. ..010 — July 23 Britannia 0 0 0 — Aug. 11 Central Italy .. ..010 — Aug. 11

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4272, 23 July 1875, Page 2

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THE MARKETS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4272, 23 July 1875, Page 2

THE MARKETS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4272, 23 July 1875, Page 2