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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Hiou Watik, This Pay: 10.16 morn; 10.87 even. , ~ Manukau: O.SG morn.: 0.57 even. Th* PfKj Rl*e«, 7 17; sets, 4 53. Tde Moos: First Quarter, 10th, 10.10 p.m. ARRIVALS. Forfarshire, ahlp, D. Jones, fxom Loudon. Bella -Mary, barque, McArthur, from Hobart Town. Ruby, schooner, Catchpole. from Mercury Ray. Mary Melville, schooner, Urqufcart, from Russell. Fawn* cutter, Dam, fr ra Uussell. PV. P ARTXIH 1 * S. Hawea, s.s , Malcolm, for Southern ports (from tho MannkatO. Southern Cross, o.« , MeKenzie, for Hoklanga (from &e Mannkaui. St. KiMa, s.s., FlowtTflay, for Waoganul (from tho Manukau\ Swallow, «chnonfT, T<*fd, for Mongonul. Atlat.tie, schooner. Sjmv.jvt, for Lyttelion. Pearl, fchonner, Hume-. for f.ytte'ton. Favorite, lmoner, w avorr, for J yttelton. . Trade Wind. cutter. .Johnson, for Mercury Ray. KS'TEiIKO I\ \V UiPS. 7 übr. sclioor<T, ::f. M:is. Catchpol.-, from M.'rcury •OV. 'Cutro : 33,400 (.•.! tiinW. rMary Melville. CI ton«, Urquhart, from Outsell. Cargo: lf>o ton« coal. Fawn, cntt r, li t-«ns. Dam, from Russell. Cargo ; S tons coal, 40 b<*gs gum. CLEARED OUTWARDS. Swallow, *ch- oner. 21 t ms. Topi, for Mongonm. vith general cargo. Atlantic. fiO ton*. Spooner, for Lyttelton, with cargo a per expoite. LIST. IKW.4XD& „ , « T Per Forf*T*Hre. ship. fr<«m ,n ' < J o, l;' S^ T oon f ; •ad Mrs. CiirtJS and infant. Mr. S. ' TaricMr. G. P. Kvrrdon Mr W S. fannell, Kev. H b. \\ilktn«on, »• tZ'l SSMJL" K F A C 'mi^hinson. s M!' DhT O-o. >>~horn». F etUrick \v. Cros,ley. M. A. PrahK K. Kolhwell, W. Wilson, Mrs. Broadley. I. Kaglts. IMMIGRANTS !'KI£ FOUKAIIsHIRE. Familiks —«n,l Kliztbuili Butt lor: Chu. J. •tid Jruic IXcchain: Fliwlrc K , Henry, nuil Alice M. Boreb&iu: t and rii'-' ("tni.-iits; KlizJvbetli. Kobert K„ snit *ar,h A. <"!,mc»t,: AV*lt- r and Mury A Doorley; »nd Mkri;aret Grillit'>s: l>»vid K. and Maiy A. Ctimtlis: .Imuos and Mary A Kldd. Alice Kilid; Tliom is mid Kliiibetli K. nncdy; Thomm. John and Anne Kennedy; Tkuim and Knni.a I.anip,rd- Ada and Svdner l - nipftrd: and Isabella Mills; Edward MiUi.Vl'illiama d Marpar. t McManua: Anne. ( h irles. and Ther. s. Hilliam and Hary Mori:.-in• John ar.d ri .rritt Marparrt, James. Sarah.'an I Pnni. l Moir*: William and Eliia J. Rylance: William, .Mill, and Isabella J. Kylance: •William and MmßirvV siharpe: llujll, John. *nd Vil iam Sliarv: -Mm and Mt.ry Sklvington: John and Wo,ton; Cutherine Weston ■ Jame, anil Kllen Crowley: Mar}' Crowley : James anil Klien KiUnuraM, Marßaret. Ellen, and Catheriuo Flirßerald: l>a»iiel and Kllen Oleeson: W ui. and Mary Joues. Wil iam and Pru.Jence Jones; Matirice and Ma caret Kviev and Mary Kvlev: W m. and Mary Keane, Patrick an«l T omat Keane; Ediranl and Marv Keefe, Patrick, Miehael. an<l Keefe: Thomas and Catherine M< rri«'y Joseph aud Anne McManus, Anne %teManus; Richard an l Margaret Quin. Margaret and Hich*rd Quio: Charles C. and MariaSliarpe; William and Agnes Syme, Annie, William, Amelia, Jesde, Thomas, and James Syme; Elijah and Anne Vavis. Albert. Robert, and Caroline Davis: Charles and Margaret Wright, hdith right; and Kllen Thake. . . J9INOLE Mk>*.—Thomas Tnright, Robjrt Vountaln, Robert Howe, Patrick Healey, W. IJ. llutcMnson, John Hindmarsh. David All>o«t Hackett, Robert Jones. Thomas Kinffham, Maurice Keneally,* Michael Slule.hy, Jam-s P. Low Ja-.•« McLcrd, Samuel Moreland. -annu l Jlurray, John Mercor. \\ m. McCullum, E'lmond Moriarty, Cornelius O fruea, Francis P»nkeTton, llenr?- Stocklev. m. Thornton, Charles Till*, William Surrey, .John Wisley, \\illiMn West, William W*ddell. Mauriee FitzgeraM, m Keefe. John Quin, William Alkings. Franeii AMred, James Bowike, Pat Cunninpham. Kdward Comfort, John Croley. Patrick Coi.neil, Timothy Colclough, John Conners, Timothy and l»enis Donovan, James Dickson, William and J*mes Fitzgerald, John Sweenev, Kerin Hickev, Kdward Hennery, vv. Helps, Patrick Heron. John J. Kevs, Cornelius Kelly,'Kevin Itlullins, William oMtrien, Thou-as O'Bri-n, John Sullivan, Widiam Smith, )ffe<l W. Thomson. Thos Walsh, James Williams William llopan, Miehael Keefe/Samuel Jenkins, JViniel l>aVy, Kdward ?kerrltt. James Spr.iU, Thomas and Jos. Criilit'-e, W»a. John McManu-s. Ceor«e > t >e. Wm. Auld, Wm. Bagg", Wm. R.ulen, Jo!in Heanmont. James Cock, Thomas Cgck. Patrick I»olan, Tlio-j. l>a ies Bivolb Wombs - sar.ih A and * ? ars*ret f*ri!llth®, Mary A. k arnett. Ele»n«. r r.ryninc, Sarah French, Jane Hunter, Jane McLauuhlin. Catherine Parker, Fanny, M., ami Fmily Vino. Mary. Hon.-rah. and Bridget Fit«rerald, Ma'v Hnd Kliz«beth Keefe, Kate Collin*, H en l>aley, M *ry Foley, ila.y Cro b vin«, Julia Griffin. Agnes t*owan, Sarah A. Ke»-l.*y, Klizibeth, Edith, arn! Jessie Keeley, M)*«raret Morem, Mary A. McCa thy, Jaiie P.nkeiton, Catherine-lioey. Kleanor Jm* svm-. Mary l.avnnder, Ann Maßuire, Marv and Elizabeth Wonk*. I 11-n an 1 Ann Natiu>auty. —F| di>li74: Scotch. 2;»: Irish, Ua: We' c h, o ; American, *2. Tot «l number of •ouli, -iJI. 1M TOUTS. fA special cl arpe is made on con«ien«cs* announcements inserted in thi* coluu.n.J Fer Forfarshire, shir, fro n London : packnrnl niece! 1 . T. and ?*, ; 100 c-\?ks I'ort ine. iTi' k'. 'o tn,: S iron. 4 ires. 41 barrels, 10M rails, 21 COO Plate?, 1 pa eel, 1 chest, 1 crnt-. ft trunks. 1 truss. 40 qT..*asks. bales. SO box-s « hhrs : 10.417 jwokases. '.'7:: lor Nailer: - I cases For »(« Plymouth: 2i-.t !■ icksci-s.-L. D. | Nathan and Co., RRcntv j Fer Bella Marv. banpie, -rom Hobart T«»wn. palinc«. 4<-'0 ji"6t-«, 20--o r;iil. J . 10.• pi* s st 'iie, «.»0 feet timber, bacs potatoes V 0 bundle*, TOO case* jam. 40 cam s tart fruit. 71 ea>-s jam, -0 cases tart fruit, 104 c «ses ja-n, tart fruit. fruit, -J4O C S-S j.-mi els-* ta:t friu?, P- b:»le», 1 l ale rnps. SO ca«>es fruit xo ca«'"« j tm. ♦• > bitrs ntiion«, H»' ca*es jam. To ch>ls j mi, Cisen fruit fruit, 46 ca.*e« fruit, 34 cavs fruit, 4- f* nit. lis cas*-s fruit. 3:J I-.151-S 0:11..lis, 70 vices ,;i aw fruit, 53 cases fruit, 40 cis-, fruit, 11. c.-w-s f nil. 1. «sf< fruit, 1 •»!.« "!?». 2'.>o .*«* fnul. Iff! I'Hs«rs fruit. St.. cases fruit, oc*o c^ s es fruit. ci>ts fruit. 000 las-'s fruit. 151 cases jam. r.:i ' asis jam. 10 ca .-s prun ed fruit. 43 c.i-us fruit, > l u-s p" 1 ia«« trers. 40 cases fruit, 40 cases fnllt, i>'.o f'*''. j'ackwoo... Brother*, agents. Per s.s. St. K'Ma. f-r Wiueanni: 1 pair S packi«i:es rorn-?h»-l *-r« 1 1 b<-U«, 1 bar steel, I pac'^a^"shovels ~ naih. 1 bundle ri<ltfn>G. 1 pack»se corks, 3 i-ru-. 1 bundle l.Miill--- 40 hars iron, 2c«sfcs galvanized inn, 1 packairc bolt en«i.*. 4 cases cfvlvaniz«;<i iron, S '1 packages handles. 4 tins p dnt. r, ke«ts nails. 2 ca«its clover sce-l, 2 packages si».ades. 1 drum oil, 1 packaz-, 2 cas-'H axes 4 kecs powder. ;»0 s«sh-wei»'hts. 2e«>e-s iron 10 bundle?, IK* birs iron, 1 hir steel, 1 ha? washers. 1 n:.ils, 1 k«r. U B houednst, o cases patvanized iron, shipped hy T. a:.d s. Muiriu. 1-Com'es«nd lJaldj-, .iK. nU, Per Atlantic, schuoner, fcr Ljttilton: .0,000 feet timber, 30 sacks gra-sse'-'d. vessel.-? ix')L*n. Steamers. —Pretty Jane. Shi|).— Kernnlen, Korlarfhirc. BaVaues.-Shootina tir, \ll,ion. Helia Mary. Urizs; Sea Kpray, Syren, Sarah, El r cladstonc. Sclii.oners. —s'jUth'-r:i C'lit-S %-essel; f Corontt. I> HO.l KCT111) 1 > K P A ItT U I". K S. losdon.—Fernglcn. ship, early. San Fr.AScisro via Hoxulvi.v.—Mikado, mall Bteatner, July y. Sydney.—tity of Melbourne, mail tteamer, about 14th inst. □ap» Colony.—ShO'itniK Star, barque, to-day. SsuTUEitx Plkth.—i Lady bird. a.k. to-day. Gisbokne asu Uaph:i:. — I'ictty .Une, s.s., to-day. Lyttelton.—Peail, trh wner, early. New Plymouth asi> Wasi;asi"i.—fJo-Aliead, u., Friday. VI'WKI.S I'.X IM'.f I t'll. Mikado, mail steamer, from Sydney, dii" duly S. City of Melbourne, mail steam< r, from San r rancisco; sailed Jnne 21. Llewellyn, s.s.. from Sydney. Flechern. sliip. from I.or.don: s.itlid April 13. Lutterworth ship, from London: mil'il April 13. Alumbagli, ship.'rom London: sailed. Catlsbr-iok Castle, ship, from Liverpool; s lied. Columbus, ship, from London White Eiglc, ship, from London. John Kennie, ship, from London. City or Auckland, ship, from London. Boblna Dunlop, barque, from London: Failed March Martha, barque, from South Sea Islands. Queen of the South, barque, from lytteltcn; sailed June 30. Medora, barque, from Lyttclton. Victor, btr.iuentine, from i'ort Gamble; saileu Ma} 14. Vision, briir. from Saii.ov Magellan Cloud, from Chatham Islands. Kate IJrain, brisantine, from Tim.aru. Omaha, bripantine, fr-.m Lytteltou; t-aib »l Joue 23. "Ethel, brignnti'ic, from Lyttelton; s.»ile l June '2*. Fairlie. three-<oasted schooner, from Lyttelton: »ailed 271h June. Charvbdis, schooner, from Frieudly l-sl-mis. Keniiwoxth, schooner, from New Caledonia. Papua, schooner, from ftarotonga. Edith, schooner, from Karotonf?a. Eos-bud, three-masted schooner, from Puncdin; sailed June 26. Belle Brandon, schooner, from Pcnhryn ls'anu. Dauntless, Hawaiian fr in !.« vuka. Peerh«s, »chooner, from . s outh Sea islands*. La:titia, schooner, from Jiarot< uga. schooner, from I'unedin. Clemati-, ketch, from Lytteltou.

AnHJVU.s «'oamwi»e.—Miranda. cutti-r, £'■'» Port Chrwrh:<=, with ; Istbt-l, cr.tU•% from Ta iranßa, with produce. The cutter i'awn is ahnrv.iuce.l tg I-a.c f«>. and Kawakawa t'»-<lav. . . The -r l .*?.''. Co Protty'Jatje >oa v ' • r trial trip ye.*ter«lav. ami h»*r in:u).i< •iv was f- <1 t*» u x l ' r > satUf'ictoriU'. Sh* ie.iv, sat noun\»-*Uy f r < .Jsbor:>« 8 We'"r fi r ia,l to loam ,„,l Mr. J. IV Kuvc. for , .n„ g time < I.icf oliic-r of tbu l.:irc ( tic IMl' \ "V. <■" cesfully ias«e.l lII* . summation ' '' . >I.irii». Hoard, lluliait T..\vn, toiler for r..ry. P *n •' The Wju.' Itotii:a J>tml:]i l» m\v l'o il v.- out from hoi:.", uil'l 111 >' 4l.utly l»: iXl.ivl-'ti. 1 Flet-11-n airl .Lutturwoitll, liaviii;; t.ul-il on tli-i 1-Stb April la-t. r.- t.:. .l.iy» out from 1 on.lon. TheN.Z.S.S Co.'.- chartered shl]» I - ceedine with lierloadii;?? f»r I.r-ndon. *»'d is ex|H*efea to be reaJy forsra by the tir>t weik in Autfu>t Ihe cargo already oil beard of m kauri gum, and South Pea I4r.nU produce.

The tlme-tablo of the p.». Manaia and Enterprise No. 2 appears In onr advertising columns.

The schooner Mary Melville and cutter Fawn arrived yesterday from Russell with coal.

The schooner Ruby arrived Trom Mercury Bay yesterday with timber. Mr. C. Bailey launched from his yard, at the North Shore, yesterday, the new schooner built to the order of Mr. McDonald. A description of the vessel ha* already appeared. The launch cannot be described as a complete success, as, owing to some delay, there was an insufficiency of water when the let the warps. She will, however, float to-day. The vessel has been n-«mcd the Agnes Donald. 1 he regular trader U<*lfa Mary arrived in harbour last evening, from Hobart Town. The following is the report of her passage across:—Tho barque left Hohart Town on the U»th June; had fre*h breez s fiora S.W. to N.W. until the 20th. when ho*vy gales set in from the northward, with a sea like a mountain. Barometer ia the height of tho gale, 2S.<J, which lasted until the Ist of July. Had line weather for the next two days, when the wind increased from tho northward, until it blew the force of a hurricane, with white water all round. At 4 p.m. on last day it blew the lower iuain:oj>sa!l to pieces, the lee side of the main deck being , as far a* the combings of the main natch. Six t» m . the storm began to abate; at midnight the wind shifted to th* S. w. Kept away for the Three Kins* wh'ch were sighted the next mormnsr at six o'clock Rounded the>orth Cape at 4 p.m. on the ah. Had fresh westerly winds along the coast. Came to an anchor iu Rangitoto Channel at 10 a.m. on tho 7«.h; blowing * hea*y gale, impossible to-leat np the tiver. ARRIVAL OF THE FORFAI;SHI'.tK. The dne clipper ship Forfarshire arrive*! yesterday in the vicinity of the harbour, front London, but owing to contrary winds waa compelled to anchor off Tirltiri. The vessel is consigned to Messrs. L. D. Nathan and Co., and in addition to a large general cargo brings*" a number of Government immigrants. She has had a heavy weather passage out, as will bo seen by the following report prepared by Captain I>. Jones: —" The Forfarshire left London on tho 19th March, and took her final departure from the Channel on the -2nd. Variable winds and heavy weather were experienced In the ChannrL The Equator was reached on the 10th April. After crossing tho Equator experienced nothing but light variable winds and calms from thoS.E., until in latitude 33. S.; a very high barometer the whole time. On the 7tli and Sth of May signs of a change appeared, with a falling barometer. Upon the uiorniug of the <J.h tho barometer had fallen to 20.35. with dark lowering weather; to wind increased to a strong gale, with torrents of rain. At 4 p.m. until Bpm. a heavy gale with violent squalls, and torrents of rain continued. Electric light* was visible upon each yard arm ami at the mast-head. At 0 p.m., after a heavy burst, the wind died away, and veered to the North, » here it remained until 10 pjn. It then backed to the eastward, and continued with a very high sea until 3 a.m., during which time tho barometer commenced to fall to 25.90, and 6to 23.75, blowing furious. At 5 p.m. the fore-topn-ast head and topgallant-mast gear carried away —foil bv tbe board, and shortly after the maintopgallaut mast followed, smashing up the starboard forward cutter, splitting lower topsails, and doing much other damage aloft. At 6 p.m. the storm abated, and veered north-eastwards; after which the barometer rose, slowly, the ship being under close-reefed topsails during the time. A stronu gale continued for about eighteen hours after the north-west. All the foretop gallant gear. sails, &c, waa entirely lost, but we saved considerable of tho main thus ending one of the most severe storms it has been my misfortune to encounter, and which was in all its stages a c mplete cyclone the severest kind. During this tiuio the vtssel was in latitude 33 drg. 20 mill, S., and longitude 17 deg. W. The remainder of the voyage a succecsion of severe gales, mostly from the N.h , were experienced. Since passing Tasmania heavy S \V* and N.W. gales. lighted the North Cape on Saturday last, a heavy gale teeing experienced down the coast; anchored for tho night inside Tiritiri Passage." The passengers are reported to be all well. The deaths were four Infants and oue adult. The Forfarshire will probably arrive in port during today, weather permitting, when the usual inspection of the Health Officer will take place.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4259, 8 July 1875, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4259, 8 July 1875, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4259, 8 July 1875, Page 4