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Nkw Zkaland iltiiAl.l> Otlie-?. Monday evening. The farm at Mount Albert, the villa residence at Ouehuu;;a, aud th-» tdlotmenU in Symonds-strcet otTered for sale to-dav by .Messrs Cochrane aad Son were passc«i. The mining plant, consisting.' of two j batteries, &t\, were bought in by the liqaidators for £1000. Mr. 11. Arthur reports the following prices realised at his sale of glass ard earthenware ex Dilharree:— Assorted white granite earthenware, £13 to £13 10s lie. crate; assorted white granite plates, 2s 3<l to 2s •Id per <loz; moulded tumblers, 2s Od to Id per d'iz.: exit tumble'.-*, Is LKI to i>s Id per doz.; wines. 2s 7d to 4s f» l per doz. Aicklanh at the Ld.vdos Wool Sale»~C. Balme and Co. sold, ex Anazi: NO in diamond, 1G bales, 2j* Old; ti, Is Cid; 5> f lsojd; 2, IsSiJ; damaged, 4, Is 4jd: NO in diamond, C, scoured, 24. Is lOd; damaged, 7, 2s S}d; 1, Is Cd; NO in diamond, EL, scoured, 27, withdrawn, 2, Is 3J; NO in diamond, FL 0, ls4d: No in diamond, PB, 18, Is Sid; NO in diamond, F, 15, Is 10il; damaged, j, is Sd, 7 x. Dallam Tower; like cap, grease, « t >. Is 3il; 4, Is 2d; 2, Is; pieces. 0, lid; Nevis, scoured, S, 2s 3jd; pieces, S, 2s 2Jd; 1, Is lid; grease, 3, Is lid. Casternruv. —Our dates are to tho 27th. From tho Lytt'.Uon Times wo extract as follows Some business, c. nflned entire'y to oats, has been done in this market duri: g tho week. We have no tran-actions to note In wheat, but accounts to hand are most favourable as to the gene al appcar.ince of good (quality and large yields, 'i he opening price will be about 3s to farmers, but millers will, no doubt, givs a shade ab <ve that price for lots delivered very catlv. Millers' stock* are low, «ntl trade generally i>» very dull. ii'.'.OOO bushels of o:its have changed hands during the week for immediate delivery nt 3s at Christchurch station. We look f-»r prices to ease a little during next week. The area of thUcrop in exceedingly large, both in this and the southern districts. The caterpillar seems to have conUncd its ravages to the Christchurch and a 'joiuing d'stricts, as we l.ave heard no C'Miipl.'iints from the south. We have no sales of barley to report ; 4s to -is 3J is ollered. Grass Seed.— .Several p.ircel3 have changeil hands during the week at 4s to -Js ;M. ijHotations for old gr.iln aud Hour remain as follow; -Whi'.'it, f»s to , r >s :iii; oats, ">s 3d to f»s lid; b:\rby, none in m*irket. MillerV price*: Hour, a: 12 to £13; bran, £i'<: p -Hard, slurps, .*.♦> l ,l s with l-s extra per ton, fu b t 'hecs-; is'coming forward freelv at r»d to ,"»bl: butter, 7Jd toSd;h<con and hams. Is to'ls 2d. MONTHLY CI.">TOMS BETUUN'S. The following are the Custom returns of duties erdbete l at the port of AurkHml during the month of Jauuarv:— jC s. d. spirits 4.370 0 7 Cigars .. .. .. .. .. .. 2!»l 11 f> Tobacco .. .. .. .. .. ",743 17 (5 Wine 4or» js> j Ale .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 C Tt a JO7 « o Cotree, 6:c 11l 14 4 Sugar, Xc 2.423 <5 10 Ad vab.r'-m, lo per cent. . .. .. -j.IM 8 1 Other duties not .'•peeiik'd above.. (Jll 11 (J Total £\3jV>o « r » fl Mi--ccllaiicou.srec-.ipts 1,785 0 0 Tot il .. : .. .. G 0 THE NEWIZEALAND SHIPI'INO COMPANY (LIMITED). In our tidegraphic cobimns we have already published the rt-port presented to the shareholders, at the annual general meeting of th»> cc mpanv held in Christchurch. on the 2«th January. Ihe following is the company's balance-sheet attached to tl e report, a copy of which has been handed to us by tin Auckland ag»»nt, Mr. Bitter: — Balame-sheet of the New Zealand Shipping C<un, pnnv (Llnuted), as on 31st December, IS'.*4, Londonto :;oth s<»iitemti»T: — Dr.—^To capital subsciibed, C2"»0,000, less amoiuit tinpabl at date, jtll'l.tU'i, £;"»s>,oSjj ; to b.lls payable, .t'24,t»ir, 14s ; to sundry debts due by the company, .t;3.?,0'.»5 <"»s I Id; to balance due bankers, .C0T,240 Od lOd : to current vovages of ships, £700 lis yj. Total £PJ0,737 23 ftd. Cr.—By company's fleet of ships —cost at date, 0133,047 bs tkl ; by sundry property aad stores on hand and nfl'>at, £<Jor.3 r»s 2d: by office*, lease, and furniture, i.C2S 14s 4<l ; by bills receivable on hand. jC2vB» 0s Oil : by petty cash nt head office and* branches, £- r .7 2<l ; by sundry debts due to the company, il2s.>s>l 3s S I ; by current voyages « f ships, £3 , .«VJ L"s 11*1 ;by balance of profit aud loss, £M,:SGO lis lid. Total, £1!»'),737 2s . r >d. Capita! account. Dr. —To capital fubscribed— i(H shares at Clo each, ilJnO.O'.'O. Total, i:2*»0,000. Capital account. Cr—By amount ca'l-tl up, viz, .C* 10s per share on shares, €02 ftO"). by cails paid in advance, —total, jLfi2,f»7;»; less amount of unp titl calls, i:4ls7:—total. COs.OSS; bv batanc-f of unpaid riMs, £101,012. Tntil, £2"»o,G'jo. ENGLISH COMM'^BCIAL. New Z» aland Loan and Mercantil- Agency Company for December 1"« r«ports: — Kauri <lum: Since 17th ultimo them have been two puMie sales of chh imp- rt. The trnk place on ; th«? 20tli ultimo, when 137s* cas?«< and 1J bags were I brought forward, of which or.iy 2so lases and 10 bags fund buyers «t previous rates, g-ood clean bold -capeil amber sorts making f.2s f»d to Ms od, more mixed tpialitirs l"»s to -I'm od, while half-scraped medium kinds rather soft realised -i2s o'd to 43s per cwt. At the auction lnld on loth ultimo no desire on the part of dealers to incr-'ase their holdings wis exhibited. 420 ca«*es were brought forward, but only 8 cases pa-sed the hammer at {."is <M per cwt. for medium quality, lu • rder t' inihice aim re extensive consumptive demand, holders \\ill r-quire to avcept lower rates. New Hemp ; Luring the past four weeks vo.y little busino s h ;s tran>pir.-d in this libre, transactions by public auctions h«-ld on HtJi ult. and 2nd iiiNtant have b en rhi* llv conllnnd to th-* disposal" of a few damag- <llots. <»n tf.e latter date, 287 bales were Mferod, but ail witii the exception of 30 biles were withdr.iwn. A small f.ale by private treaty, of fair, clean bright, has been reported at £20 per' ton. An addition to our previous heavy supplies was ina-ln on 24th ultimo, by the anival of tin' Atra'.o 's.s.; wi h 310 bales. The prospects of improvement in iJiis ai l.ielo continue to be as r.m >te as th'-y were on th« publication <-f our last low prices faiiing to be et any .specu'ativ feeling on the part of dealers, while the trade decline to operate cuept in retaii quantities, so long as the present level of Manilla hemp is m linUim d. By the mails de!i\ered on 24th übinio via -u» /. no further hhipmeuts were F<>r ki!c by auction to-murruw, 260 bal-js arc advertised. C<»tt'>n : Al'hough the at.'vk ( f Fiji kinds in this market is now w,t: in very m *ilcratc compass, ihe article has not exhibited much f-ymptom of animation during the p.ut nn nth. In Livt rpool l o better feeling ha ptcvailcd, and while I imports there ten da\ s a.-o were more easily disposed <»f, the demand has heie ro:.-nlly fallen otL 'J ht a.'gregate of the -a es reported e:ubrace nearly 400 balei during the p— iod under review, 2jo balus l-'iji having been place.l ar Od to lid tier lb ; 00 bales t'oeensland iimling ' uytrr* at 7-d per lb , and f's bales Tahiti having been disposed of at 13d t-» 13jd p.-r lb. Cobra i-. in go<>d demand, and very scarce, and Sydney «»f tin-qti dity is worth £22 l0s"'.0 £23 Tallow; * { 700iM:.ks of Australian bro :ght forward, 4 >4 CisUs Mdd; shu.:p. tine, at 4ts Od, one lot 44s ltd; ,-ood. 445. fair to go d fair, 43 to4.»sod; da<k,rath« r g.-e.isy, to rather d=.rk, to> :td to 12i; Inferior, 3D*; mixed me!t:t:g, v- ry go(»d. 42s Cd; fair t' 4ls (Id »0425; dark to middling Io- red, ra-li -r greasy, 3ah 3 I to 40s Od: «lark, rather dremj.rd, i>7s G.l to ;tsr. v«»ry li rii, low, i.i 'Jli. t citf: lino, -1^ I i.<, f.iir. tr, vi ry, 12a ti> 42s Ud: dark to r;iTlu-r dull, liTi o*l to lis Oil.

IJ y TELEC nA V 11. MELIJOVV-N'K. .Innuary 27.—Business J*3 U- » very dull. Wlu-.u, 4s 0,1 to is 10.1: '>■:»% dull f-f salq. Su.'ru s itU"nti>n owiri; to tf*» grnj.hic "iVV'v' 4 ' fr V m l oc.inity of v«.'llo*.vi ;:nd 1 •!.' ti.i-: ; «!,m:ihi:'l (or tci.

CHIUSTCHUBCH. J [from our own* cobr.espokdent.3 I Febraarrl—Movers and Co. report tliat the harvest | operations ate now being actively camea on. Ttxe treather is fine, and yields of all grain will be good, but not e«iual to previous expectations, especially oats AD >'c\vwhpat is being freely purchased by millers for early delivery, at Sa 9d to 4s. As all the mills are empty, the crops are rapidly ripening, and shew remarkably well. Wg fully expect to see the ruling prices stand at 3s 3d for forward de'lvery. < '/its are all in stock. The colour is generally dark, but the qudity good. As largo orders ara cxpected from Victoria and Tasmania, farmers are holding llnnly for 3s 2d to 3s 4d, dfilivory :o be taken from thcirclistricts, costing 2sd to 4.1 pci bushel to put on board. llarley: The great bulk of this cereal will bo slightly discoloured. competition already exists for bright samples. The crops have bmn much destroyed by caterpillars. Oitsaud barley, butter and che«.e, are coming in freely, and an advance m:iy be expected on forward suptdio*. We quote, f.0.b., Lyttclton: -Wheat: Immediate deliveries, 3s C I to 3s 9d; forforwird delivery, 3s 3d to 3s Gd. Oat* (new), fe-»d, 3s Gd to 3* Sd; milling, 3s 9J. Barley, malting, 4s 9d to f>3; discoloured sample?, 4i Cd. Malt, very prime, 7s Od to Bs. Stocks are very low. A great advance is expected, as new malt will not bo ready for three months. Flour, new, £i> 10s to £10. linn, £4 10 to C 5. JUitter, Sid to Sjd. Cheese, new, Cid to 7d; in cise. Is 2d. Tlltra-perennial grass seed, 4s G;1 io 4s 9d. Hams and bacon: Stocks exhausted.

CALLS. The following arc the current calls payable in the com(>anfcs named below :— Calls— £ s. «1. Date. Otago 10 0 — Feb. 10 Nonpareil 0 0 G — Feb. 10 Queen of tbe May .. 0 2 0 — Fob. 20 Dividend— Auckland and North shore Ferry Co .. 5 percent— duo

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 2