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PORT O F AUCKLAND. Jlwn Water: ThU Day: a • racrn.-. 5.53 even. ai Manukau: . r »-0 morn ;C. Tnic Sex: This Day: Rises, C.£l; sets, 7.0. Tdk M«"n: New, Gth, 7 34 p.m. anniv a l s. Tartnaki, s.s., Wheeler, from Southern ports (in the Manukau}. Jung'ran, barque. Scotland, from Wellington. Falrlie, three-masted fchooner. Norris, from Ljttelton. Rover, scliooncr, McCabe, fr >m East Coast. DEPARTURES. St. Kilda, s s., Flowerday, for Wanganul ifrom the Manukau). Rowcn i s s Stephenson, f<>r Northern ports. South to Cross, s.s., s. liars for Tauranga. Swaßow, schooner, Moore, for Wang-iroa. Ebenezer, schooner. Skinner, for Russell. ENTERED IN V.ARDS. Invererne, ship, 74.i tons, K Foreman, fr m London" with General cargo.- New Zealand Hupping C Tr.^\ Bg |!"M;.e. 2 oOtonOV..' Lee, from Ndelaide ' c'.r.o: Wheat ami " McKe.u.e, * S Kun,. har.i'ientine, 130 ton... O'e-jmcl!. from I'-nv «ell t'arn'o: -I*» tons coal, M. i.lltlllan. \"n n;«f.« brigantinc, j;is tnnn. Fulman. from K"Ssel'. Ovil. -.!. S. Mae'arlane and Co, acents. Eclio, -eho'-n-'J, -7 ton*, Lovercck, from Carco' -J", tons coal. Rubv. schooner, 3»3 tons, C itchpo'.e. from Wangaroa. Careo: 0 feet timber, 2 bales -wool.C empty caiks, 0. Iloldship. Fairlie. schooner, 17 ton*. O. S. Norns, from Lyitelton. Cargo as per imports. Miranda, cutter, 23 tous, Stephens, from Tairua Cargo: feet timber, lton gum. CLEARED OUTWARDS. Swallow, schoont-r, 21 tons, Moore, for Wangaroa with general catgo. Ebenezer, schooner, 24 tons, Skinner, for Uussell, with timber. PASSEN'OKB r.isr. IXWAIUS. l'er Taranakl. s.s., from Southern ports:- Saloon: Mes<l.imes Marks, Levy, Whitch-y, White; Mioses BarribaH. Wbiti-'.ey, u'llalloren: >!cssrs. Hughes, Young 2 . Fitrgibb<«n, Conku, Wheeler, Hetlev, Tomlicson, U"«siter, BarribaH, Newman, Culpan, and 14 in the steerage. OVTWARDS. IVr St. KiMa. s.s., for Waniranui:—Mr?. Manly and family ;V. Mr. l.eichton. Mr. Thorburn, .Mrs. < Jrance, Rev. Mr. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Stone. IMPORTS. Ter Taranakl, s.s., from Southern p.irtc - 1 parcel. Alexander: 8 ca«es, Copelaud: 1 ra*e, Balncavis; 0 cas»»s. Kemnthorne, Frossi-r an<! Co.; oO seed*, , Lusk: 1 c«se, Kohn: 40 sacks, Binnev; S boxe\ lloyson: 1 Mll'ir: lale«, Tisdnll; 1 cask, ; llardini:ton: 1 case. Isaacs; 1 parcel. Gillies: 1 parcel. Dondelly: 117 cx<es, >olomou; o4 cases, Na'han; 2 cases. Cchon; S bales woel, Osborne; 7 cases, Hoskins; S liates w>r I. Koisiter; 7 cases, Vealc.--Combes and Daldy, agents. IVr Fairiie, schroner, from Lyttellon: 120 halfchtst* tea. 1*»0 boxes tea. Cruickshank and Co.: 15 tons flour, VO sacks bran, 0 tanks malt, 150 sacks wheat, 20 «acks oats, order; 70 sack 3 bran, 3G sacks wheat, 2 cases hienn. 4 eases checse, 10 kej* butter, 70 sacks bran, It. S. Meyers and Co. (agents'. EXPORTS. l\r St- Kilda, s.s., for Wanganui:—l3 case?, S. Combes: 1 package. Ireland Brothers; 2 cases. Levy atid Co.: 1 case, C*. Waller.—Ccmbcs :md Daldy, agent l *. THE BARON ABEKDARE. The follawing is the cargo of the New Zealand Shipping Company's ship Baron Aberdate, which sailed from London for this port on December S, and for which we are iudebted to Mr. Batgcr, the agent here : 5 casks, 1 drum, 10 cases, «t. Edson: 1 case. K. D. Svkes: 2 cases, T. Macffarlane: 5 ca?es, P. W.'dill and Co.; S casks, C. La Boche; 1 ca e, B. (iittos and For.s, £>J 5 bales, 400 caseL, 74 packages, 10 kegs, linat, 400 bags, order: 20 Varre's, Brown, Campbe'd and Co.; 210 case*, order; 27 cases 1 butt, Brown, Campbell and Co.; 2 cases, 7 bales. E. and 11. Isaacs; 1 bale, B. W. Dyson: 5 eases, B. Arthur: 3 ca-fs, E. and I(. Isaacs: 1 case, oider; 3 bale.*. 7S cases, 3 bales, 100 boxes, 15 bundles, V» casks. 2 hhds., ?7 packages, order: 1 tierce, J. B. FramU: I> cases. J. Eastnn: Shales, Beid anil Co.; 1 ca-e, Bank New Zealand; 1-* casks, New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company: 15 barrels, order: 10 pk«*s., V!. Waytt*; 125 cises, Owen nml( ICK» case*, 5 octaves, 5 J-casks. Brown, Campbell and Co : l«n* eases, order; 2 J. Hancock; 21 casks. :■ V.bds., 174 cases, 40 qr.-cfi'-ks, 20 keps, 2 package*. Brown. Cann'boll and Co.: 10 kegs, 14 ca*ks, 2«i packaccs. or.'er; 11» bales, Southern Crvs.< and '.IWj/ -V- evi Company; 3 packages, "W. C. V ilson: CZ bales, 32 rase*. 7 ci>ks, 11. Lusk; 32 cases, E. and li. Isaacs; 3 ca«-<?s. onler; 0 casks. 4 wh e?s, 1 case, ,7. S. Macf;nlar.«: M:d Co : 5 casks. Ireland Brothers: 1 ease, order; 305 ciics. Il»2 bundles, 2'.' coils, 44(J bats, B.'s Cases onler: oc» c es, 241 boxes, E. and H. Isaacs; t ca«C. B. Arfhur: 2 tierccs, I bos, I Mid. J. Banks: 4itj*re<, ?.-!ci>es, lion. Minuter Public Work«; 20 cases, I bnudb , "jl I ewis Brothers; 4 bales, I.ow and Co.: ("V'C\ Barnet and Co.: 22 packages, or«ler; II osks, I» Kvitt; 1 ease, W. W. Clarke and s5 packagtT., or>lcr; 0 packages, J. and J. !>iek»'y; 12 paekjiiie-, 240 ] ackares, E. and 11. Isaacs; 1 case, WilKms and Co; 31 casks, 13 drums, 12 ca«es, 12 cask". >0 va'-ka?»*-i. order; R<)Q casks, Cr ick>ha.k and Co.: 7'ls , J. B. Kranci-; o*3 packages, ord« r: 5 packauv, E. aid I?. Isaa«'s : 1! packages. v:d Co. ; 74 packages, Barnett and Levy ; 71 ra o«. 10 hhds., 2 » ticces, 11. S. Meyers and Co.: 143 ca*es, 20 f;uarter-ca-ks, 1 bale, 100 casre. •_'» b'.-u's. Combos and Daldy; 270 ctse«s, Mc\rthur. Sh< ra ;iml Co.; 1 ra?c, A. A. Smith. 1 cas*., J. Sfiiatt and <"o.; 11 pickagcs, ord-r: 470 ci.-e-', A. Clark and Sons; *j ras»s. 15rnwn an<l Sons; 2*-s. 3 packages, order; 10 bales. Pobuton and C<«.; 257 packac* 1 --, Lewis r»r> tbers: *20 prtckac«*s or«ler; 1 ca<e, O. L-w:s; -1 order; 142 packages, Sarg- ful, Son ard Fv. v.; tvO bars, 135 524 iron rails. 2'd if' n j latt-s, S5 lots wire, 430 ir'>n tube j , 140 bundles sheet iron, 15 ca«es metal, t!5 boxe«, l»:u barrels, 2 cases iron, 4 kegs, 7 casks, bnlt>, 17 package#, 22 i.aiis b-dlows. Is casks whit-len-1, 2 cases, 320 drums oil. 'J ca>ks paint, 27 pa'-kiz-'s, n ca«i-s, T. and S. Morrin: 12'.'> packages. Kemi»thorne, Pro««er anil Co ; 10 I ackagvs, order; 113 p»ck*ges, T, and s. Mortin: 4 cav.-- >leCaul, CO banes, G'.» grjnd.>t«-nes; £7 pa'jkasc-, 14 j'sks, 1 hogshead, S J. and .1. Dicky: J packages. Pond: 1 ease. br"wn and Co.: 10 qr.-e isks, order: 7 cases, W. I'hillipps and Sons: 0 cases, B;vthesnd 'V>.; Gs-0 bars, 10 bun'lU's, k« 1 ca-k. {■ .irs be'lows; 2 hh4s ,14 casks. J>s k. gs l»;j packages, -tone 104 i>ackng's, .T. Cf.s-ravc and Co ; -'bO p " k;ur«--s, Ston.i Brothers; 27 <a<»-s, 12 bales, 1 iru.«-s, trunks, L. I>. Nathan and Co.; 2 bags, 2r. d-. plat«-s, 10 coils, 5 packs, Bi bundles, order; 32 13 crates, 2 p ircels, Stewart and Co ; 32 p iir-: \vh«<«ds. 7 c*Sei». 50 Jpritig--, !») 2 bundles. 10 ur.der-franies, 20 lever-*, 752 bricks, 2 bundles 5 <a*k«, 11 piece*, 2 coils. Is castings. 3 4 sprivys, Ifon. Minister of Public Works; I tas?, 1 ca.«x, 10 packages, Champtalonp and Cooper; 20") box« s, 5-lot- iron wire. 7 eases, 3 casks, order: 100 Casen, HeoHerson and Macfarlane; 1 parcel, 1 lifeboat, New Zealand Government. \ F.ssEUS JN MAUBOCB. Starrer: I.ur.a. Ships : Assav?, Glenlora, Warwick, Invererne. Banjuos: Milharree, Ayr, Edith 7*!a«t Lothian, Martha, .lurgfraa, Etnpreza. Bar»p.:euti:;es: Southern Cross Mission Emu Bpg-«ntitK-: Augtisti. Brig-: Drover . «vave. Sch->«'ru r<: Jf'in, Dann-b ss, Fanny Kelly, PocrleS"l, Al' atrc. ■«, Ta"'era, Kenilworth, Clemati•, Edith, Fairli P' to JECr E D DE P A BTI T P. KS. San Fhancj.-o. via Honolulu — mail Simmer, Fen. VX Svdn> v * nii Mki i:ot'nsr.—?lrro, s.s., early. Rrssr.i.i. — K.»uena, s.s., Mmdav next. Lo.vdu.n —Gh idem, ship, Junpfran. barque, early. TauJv \s.<a. -S"titl;en: Cross, s.m., Monday next. PorTMrr.:: Poj-.ts,-Taranakl, s.s., 4th inst. N»:w Vni;vr. — mt and Edith Bo<«\ bar<iues f e irly, Taiianakj *mi Wan«:an'l'i.—Co-Ahtad, s.«.* today. Lvrr :! ro\-.-i b-tnatis, ketcli, to-d.iv. llAr.dToxtA, l-'-ji'h, i-ebconer, to-day. VKSSKI.S FXPKCTED. Wongi Wo«:gik, from .^vdnev. Hero. .n»-y. India, fh p from London; sailed Nov. 24. Baron ship, from Londc-n; railed Dec. G. Ft mgb r», >lnp, from London. Caller*mi, .'hi;-, fruin London. | Shootin-' Str.r, -?;i* -. from London. Anazi, biro-io MPV.'S,-. frc»m London: called Oct 2S. Ada. barijuu (!UTs\ from Loudon; sailed Nov. 11». Rapido, from New York, via Adelaide sailed 1. r . Bella Mary, barque, from llobart Town. Lady Franklin, barque, from Newcastle; Failed Jan. 11. Helen, bar«pn\ from Adelaide. Mary Milvil'e, schooner, from Najiier; saded .fan. 21. Papua. sehc<-:.»r. fr< m Barotonga. Fiery ?eh oner, from Oainaru. P.yno, from B(-tumah. br : : ine from Melbourne. Flirt, bri t :;.' tin ,f om Lvtt-dton: saile«l Jan. 30, Anr.iv.\..s (>ww..- -Waratah, cutter, fr'»m W&ngapot. wi:)» t'mber; M'randa, cutter, from Tairu-, with iiujb-r. Ijidy Bowcn, ]».s., from Mahnrangi and the Hot Springs. CoasTv/i <)t r\vAHbs. —Wanparei, cutter, for WADgarei, >v;th c rro. A "nail in .-i.'ht inside Tiritiri" was signalltd at sundown y*M"rd o*. The shi* m; will be haukd along-Me the wharf : «<!isch irg-* cargo. Tlic rsual notice to conduces by the thiti Invcr-'ine appearr i • .-«h< ;v. The owu'T m" the yar-ht Sabrlna has offered a ch.»llense to sail the Hit or-Miss. The ketch <'bnna*.;s will le&V'j thU morning with a cargo of limb, r foe I ytfrJfon. The s s. Ta-a:.aki arrived yesterday morning in the Manukau, fr<.m Ji.:i!h-<n port-?, nith i-ass"jjger.s and carco. The : tearn.ship -b-o Is adv«*rt ; »od in the Mellwj'irne paper". t».» leave ti.. t« for t'nis port, via Sydney, on or fcbout thu 2ith .lunuary. Tin. of tie* Jin'- barqti'* riHnrrrc is progressing rapidly, and sb» is already takif g in bajla-t. II • r 1; t i,,. v i,ts ari' Hot yet decided on. Th - b.4r:j .• ' \\ i>hart. i'aptai'i Groii)»d;vat'-r, arrived r.v j . ?*a- Cregon, » n t\i« vfsth C'ctober la-t from ti i- p».r|, :. j, r a j as-.flfre of 70 d-y.«. Thu srucM. , .mja«ln.aver left Lytt-ltonon 'he o.hLlii'.:o f f r ,» a;kato. with ft car»{o of wh at for Mr. B. La;:;b, Flour Mills. Mr. Har:rciv«s> hie chief otlicer of the Company's k.s So thern Cross, has been appolnte<l to the command of the steauer Manala, In place of Cantain Lindsay, res' The t"nr<*e-m isr-.d Sio:.. - Fablto, '"nptVn Nr» i-, Arrived \ ?:• rning, iw.. • n with a •>» * ' * 1- fL .•• tt.di•>". i.u't! J v.u*ry.

The ship Baron AberdareJeft London for this on the i-th December, and passed Deal on th* 10th. The schooner Kov*r arrived yesterday from the East Coast, with a deck load of plgf. Mid sundry canro sod three The s.s. Rwcna, for Northern port', and th>; s.s Southern Cross, for Tattntiga, both took their departures yesterday afternoon for their respective nl.rM with pa««CNgers and cargo. The ship India, which h ft I.omlon f<>r this port on the 21th November, pa-» d the Isle of Wight on the "7th Sim brings the following saloon passengers:Mr. anil Mrs. .1. Leslie, Mr ImvM Dob. Till- liariju'' Ivl tli was I.roimht i>l.>n jsiili- the o.surn tee of the (JUMT.-Htre-t l.arf •oicl at i>»ce e'iinmeiiee:l to tak- in cargo for -Se» Vnrk. Slie i* ex|icctc<l t-> complete loailinc l).v the Ko'lr ve,ter,!,y „urcl,l»oi ~v Mr J. \V Waller for nium of <.-'OO. Her new owner iVi-'.wU e-.Milovini- lier io Hie 'J'.nrua trade. ! -Hiitiln Ive of the Miranda, cutter, lakes e.'niniaiid. , lf ,] lt . rf2 . v tt iit was st iteil tll it the .Kipper Of the CU-nrV.ii pdot.d the Peerless it. the nut nee I'll'- ioforoiat on wa< snj)plled to our ?e----„ort.-r bv Mr. e. A. Harris, the owner of the Albatross. 11 1 . j ia<s sime H'lmitte \hu in'suke. Captain Mou-r was not on board tho Peerless. < The lino barqU' JuTigfrui, Captain Scotland, arrived y« sterdny mornin.*, in ballast, from Wellington, -lie has Icn chartered by tho New Zealand Shipping (••ini-anv. :ind will be at once lad on the berth for I.nndon." A cargo awaits her, and she will luve disl<atWi. Th< Au*ti'<ili i)i o)id .Ycu' G>r. r tte sivs:— The toimavre loading on the berth at Lomlon, Decernberl'J. 1>74,f0r Audrain and New Zealand was U.STS t ns. Th. re ii liule itujuiry for toning" to i'ev,' Zea].k;.tl and the Australian l.ertln are also fairly suppi ed with .shipping. Berth and coal freights to the East are firm for sdling vessels, but there is uot much inquiry for 'Homeward chartering is tjuiet. Freights from London, rough mua>\iremcnt, 30s; tine, I'/i. lupiid", weight, 3.'s; cement, G<: beer. Is per dcv.>n: salt, 30s. From X-iverpoul, 4. r n to f»os per ton (general). , it andtiikr Coiiai. UtKF.—Captain Wawn, of the schooner Flora, that arrived at Sydney on the29:h u't., reports having passed ov«;r a coral patch, hiving ab'>ut twelve fathoms of water on »t. on his passage from the Navigators to tin; Fijis. It lies lu latitudo 15 deg. -153 see. S., longitude 170 dej. 4G] min. W. The white eor.vl wan distinctly seen froui the vessels deck. The patch appeared from aloft about a milo i'i circumference.

/; r TEL EG It A PU. .\ r i I:K. IVhrunry I.—'* l* l -' s - s - Pretty Jane arrived At 4 a.m. ycslerday, from Auckland ULrVK. IVlruary I.—Arrivi-il : Otugo, s.s., froiu Melbourne, which |>ort she lrft on January 27. arrived here at 4.U0 to-day, anil brings f>it saloon and 40 steerage passengers, also 300 tons of cargo for all ports. She sails at 4 jun. to-iuorrow for Duuedin.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4125, 2 February 1875, Page 2