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Tin: t'.ul mill:; illlere-! 1:1;; article i-s lVi>lll 111 - ./;/!■ of 1 : Th • i:ee<— ilv O1 ,e ciiaclim-iH .>I" » law on the -übic-: ..!-._...!; mim -..., -.rival,- property ha- be. „ .•.>i!tiiiii..ii«U in-i-U-d ~:i in the Ptv« for the la-t twvheo- !".iu-:i'c:i \ears. bin without p-odueiiii; am i-.---.ilT. li -,-,■ . - aimo-t a- it' public men. whether i-i .'!•■■■! ~i"..::i,v. w.M-,- -ilV:ii 1 i,. touch the ,|tiesti,,n. N.-.---1-!'u■!.---. i , inii-t In- i!.-:ilt wit-, ami that t.i.>. »i:ii..:it i,,ii.-!i further di-l.ii -. f..i- the .-..m;>li.-:ni..:i----::-i i ■ iii'' -;ii: •■ ~. .i-:-I ,la:-,i:i_'i:i_; .-Meets ujv..| i..-,»|.,-rt v. ..;' thin--. Law I'.---:.,- .IH--:v iMl.r.-,-;,!.!.-~ 11,,- ■ -1-- ..:' M-. '>.„!.. .'„.!.„,.:,,;,.,:,._,,.,. ~|-,!,t . |V;,,,.,..,r W. - (•.■■ ■ ..-.V . I'.'i ,, ..-:.ll. fu-tl-.-'l.- :! -n-'!. :,_' ex ■ : ■ tl -.i: ..:i .11' t!i.- ,-\ ■'- we n-;'.-:- to. ai: 1 of it- -it' ! ,i. -i ;':. V ,:■■:>■' ■!' >J ; !i,- i.i i-iiroj.,,-,- a l-'l .-n the :-. i --iv. -. .. -.- 1 :.- •:■ .:. ■,-l ..f : ' ■ i '•• .»••. w' . -.a,-- I •'■•.:.»' ■' :■ ■■; i.v'v :• ■ :'".-,- ; :..:,l ~,:i I ..- in i : i-- :' .• .■ : ■-. 1-. W'i -,i l. i!,'.i,- i.-i I- :,:-.- permit. Ihi I -■ i■• -.- ..r.-.-..,. : . ~„■:::'. a:i ! 'f,.- ..:.'.'. i. -.»:■ ~ ! •'■■:•: I. 1.-, - <>■. pi-operty ~l't!h- miii, -i- »'[,. .-,„., i : : h ; ■ ah.. L '.-; ! i.- .iir-r.-n:. however, n> ti,."- ; '■- •.. :-• ■' ■ - = :i-::i.-,- -oil. .-ii.-.l all t!,,- M.iri.-f.l. ii .-..'•,■ ' -»;: i—. .-\.■■■).; _', >M :ml -ihri- h:i\i- lu-c, iini- |in\ at.- ■ !••■..!.. i-M. -:!'...:i iilii,- , : •■ ,- i •;-..•.<■ ,■:,!, i,., :,:■■<;■ 1.,- ~ ' !- -pi-- t tii.-1-1 a-iv ~i-.liii:u-\ lij-iivi.liKil. Tl nh ; ■■]. l'-i.- -nrfai-.-. wh.l',,-,- 1',.,- i,,i...i,:._. ~,- :inv ~,!,,..-! ■■I '- I- |..-;-!.iit. Tli,-,- !i.a> >li- t : ..r" -..m'"'';! ' ; ■. ir- ,nwi vi»!c .-iii.l -.-;. - li'il ill,- -~l,i. ■ w:i -n t'l.-v it. <!..,-- ii,.; b.-l..iii; t.. I'l.-iu .if riiilit. I--.; ;.. tii.". lYiwi. I'iii- •:- ;!i.- ,-■-,-. 1,.-,-au-,- ill- (',-..« •! l,a» 11.,1 waiv.-,l ir< i-iuli! 1., ti,,- H..M ..l. I: iin.-.i ..:, i.rivMt.- |,r,,..,-l-!.v. a. it ,1..,- uiti, th,- -~M f,,ii,1.l • ,'i "l l ,l'.- !:;:i 1~. "'ili'tl .>-: l). ;. -.;...- :.ilni>u' UjMii tin--' litnl-i. Til,- <;,)1..l lliiTi-fiHT i'\lrii-lp.l )':■'.,;n in-ivati' ! i-i•!•> .1 ■.- :-, .' !i,!-i— 1,. ih,.- ['.-,-•■ 'i.1.1.-i- or t.» tii,. J.-,--..!,, !> ..-iniii,. I i., iui'l...ii tl,.- l'r,-.-iu.M. It i'-, a-i «■,■ l, : n,- , ;l i 1, il,,- p,-,,,,,-,-tvof ;!i,- Crown :i1,.n,-. Tlii-- In- U-,1 to -lviit ;;1,,,-c an,! -ri.-vam-o ~f tii-j iimM viirinl ami 111:11.;!',,!. I i-lmrartrr in oor.r.i' witli minini; |)iir«tiits. l-"..i-. wii.-n.-vor a-ir in--i:i (.•"-lamliiiL , or ditliriiil v aro?.-, .Mtli.-r b.-I-.v.-rn the ]>~i-s,,iia tli,-ni-.-!v.- v, ho W1 .,-,. 7\w romi'l-'ininy pri v liad .inly !,. <li-|uitc- tin- riiilit of tin- niiiu-rs to tlu.a 1111 t!ii-y worr out of private- lanil:-, anil li ■ at on,-,-brought t!i.' miiiiiiir o|n-ralioii to a dral -t,,-i. T: i-v \T,>rotakin_' jolil tli:it'ilid not them, hut to tiu- Crown, mid they !m 1 todr.-i-t.;if iln* huv iv.i, put in ..].,-ration uir.iin.-t. tliem. This <-:m-,-4 the prions ~..„..;,,,,! J,, jj]ijii 11 o; privatf pro|)..-rly In put up f!vi|iii>nilv witli gross inju-tii-i' svmer llian a]i]i,'nl to the law. And this cau.-" , .' also Jut at tlie bottoin of all thr undi-ruround i-n»l iii«-. and smokiujjs- ] out in niinps at IJalJarat. One .-oinpniiT (.'iiurom-lieil on the mininzi-Toundof nnotlu-r ii< und.-r..round i working, and insU-*d of ~-t - kin- th,- ; parties rommnceil niakin;; war upon one uiiutlier ' uithin the eiinc. in the rude war that ha.- bi-rimiL- ss wi-11-kiiown. Thus, neither life nor property are in :i very si-cure r'liidition whvii iuvulvcil in tin , eumplic-at.-d dillii-uit u< natiir.lly to j mini:i<: on jirivat.- jiropcrty. And it i< olniou-; that it i> an utter neglect of a piv-.-iiij; dutv ! for til.- Govi-muieul and the Parliament to put »H" aiiT longer th* set t lenient, of this vexed ijue-'ion in a 1.-jpil and .-.-iti>fai-torv niaiiuer. The ,-a-e of the i,,anai;erof the I'rin ,( \\'ale- ('.>in]>:iiiv, and lii- :iro-eeutors, the Hon«li:iw O.iupaiiv. a- we have -aid. amarked illu.-t rat ion of the v for tlie L.-!jislatiire-teppiii!;iiiiiii.l iirovidin-a i-eniedV for the r-«jiti- of tiling- referred to, lit. an adequate aiiieuiliuent of tile law. [iut we ,-atin'ot approve of the pr..po,a! made bv Mr. Pr.w in (lie A.-.-mMv ..n T;.-lav evening, w/... iha: the AHornev-( Jeiieral M...;.!d'pui .-.»•• ( id t.. ,;„• pro,-.,,1ii,--.■.-.■.:-'..-: D.-ivie-by .-Mt.-rin;. a „;//. ~,:.<■ r ,i. -|l,i- ~,-,. present-a new |-:«-- f 'he .•;..l-.- 11 of ||~. v.vrd .(u.-'i,.,, ■if mining oil ]iri\at.- properly, and it would be both 1m;..-..|,,]- and ini--i>ii-voii- for Ihe \l l ~i-),,-v-l JeneraJ to -:■;, in and prevent anv d.-.i-ioii ln-inir to on i: h\ lln- !;,« eolll-l-. Tih- fael-..."t1i.- -a-.- are bri.-lh :b.-,. : A erimiual inforaaitioii h::- I.een laid a-aiii-i .Mr. l'l.ilip Davie,. tie- la!- inanai;.-,- of th.- I'lill -.- of Wai, . .Mini,,;; <.'---i:|.:.-n. !•■:• -tealiu:.' Hold. I 1,,- j.r.pern of the ( v 1,1,.11. Tiii. wold. IIHHI „/... it j, taken from ;!u- freehold ground, «hi.-h i- b.-in- mined in,,,,, In :he lion-haw O.uipanv. The I'rin.-,- of Wales (',.,,.;... m\ 'lav,- r.-i-t.v.-d fi-ouiau'-'-1.-um to the land ..-• j.u :t.-"r at I'obliler- (iullv; the 1,-ad \,;i\ in" been l.'.i-e.I !.. a pi f privat,'- fr.-ehold ■ into ■.>■!::••:: !• <•!!'• -.--. Oil thi.f re.-liold -roiiul the lion--li.-irt Coiupaiu have be.-n iniiiiii!; fo,- a Imiy lime pa-;. Thi> freehold wa< uithin "I he parallel.-" of l ! ie I'riii.-i' of Wale- Conipan v'> fronta-e elaiin : and the latter thought 1 h'ein-i-h.-.- entitled to tin- -old ».,t in it. Th,-\ and •!■■;!■ manager. Mr. Davie-. a. ronlin-K " 1 an ' ■.i,.i-;.ii,i the private freehold -,-..:,, d. and onlv i!.-:-led when an iujiiiietiou wa- ",.l auaiii-l them b'v the P,,,ii-h,iw C.-iiipain. l-"or the wold -ot out hvMr. Da-.:,-- '..-fore the inj ion wa- :-;rl. the P.on'shaw Coinpaiiv bale now taken pro, liii..~ asjniii.-t him. Thee:.-- wa- I.IMIIL'IK before the l'oliee ('olirl at li.di.nvi! :i few (lay- a"... and J)a»ie> wa- eominilled f..r ;ri-i! nit the eViiiiiual ehar-r of .-tealiin; the liHXI ../ ..I'u'o'kl whieh were taken, or to have been , •:,!..-u otn oft lie lion-hawCo,i,| v - private freehold 1 io-...;i. i. The Prince of Wale-" (.'on,p :! in, lindinw : il -e'f 11111- driven hard, ha- r.iali 'l in kind" ami ha- eoinnienced pi , ediiiw.- 1 ;!„• i:.,n-!iaw people for-teahnw ...,M, ,| 1( . properu of . i»- MajeMv : that i- the -old t ■..-v .-Ui-ieale.r out" of -oil ..ftlu-irown |,Wvate freehold' land. Tin'- w :1 ,,,e , oi'.-i-..-- ;>ui-po-e-, vexation- a- it i-. i>. h.nvever, per- 1 f.-etlv well founded in the exi-tent -tale of the law; < lor neither the one eon,panv nor the other has hut ].--_'al riuhl whatever to the-old foiin.i it, the freehold !!. Jsul !.. it po--ible to eon.-ei;,- a condition of ; tiiii.L'- more rude and barbai-ou- (ha), i- thus ,-een to I a,-,.-.- under the prc.-ent anoinaloii-Mate of the law . I aial 111.- oliieial e-shibiled i-e.-jirrtiiy it r The Mlni-ier of Mines ean find no e\cu.-r thai will be 1 .(•--.-pie-I for omitting to lake the -iibjeet in hand 1 wit ••,.•,.! .i,la%. tmd he w-rtaiiily inibt mil let the pre- ; -.-lit pass without inti-dik-inw a bill on the 1 subj.-i.-!. j 1

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 5

Word Count

MINING ON PRIVATE LAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 5

MINING ON PRIVATE LAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 5