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LEA & PERKINS' CELEBRATED WOBCESTEBSHIBE SAUCE, Declared by Connoisseurs to be thb obey Good Saucb. success of this most delicious and unrivalled Condiment having caueed certain dealers to apply the name of 11 Worcestershire Sauce" 1 o their own inferior compounds, the public is hereby informed that the only way to secure the genuine, is to ask fou Lai & Peeeins 1 Sauce, and to see that their names are upon the wrapper, labels, stopper, and bottle. Somo of the foreign markets having been supplied with a spurious Worcestershire Sauce, upon the wrappers and labels of which tho ns*mes of Lea and Perri* have been forged, L. and P. givo notice that they have furnished their correspondents with power of attorney to taVe instant proceedings against Manufacturers and Vendors of such, .or any other imitations by which their right may be infringed. .Ask for LEA & Sauce, and see ITams on Wrapper, Label, Bottle and Stopper. Wholesale and for Export by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse 6c Blajitwpll," London, &c., &c. aad by Grocers and Oilmen universally. Agents for Auckland—J. 808 KRTOJf & CO. D tt. 3) E JONG- H'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium) LIGHT BROWN COD LITER OIL, prescribed by the most eminent medical men as the aifest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, .Rheumatism, General Debility, Weakness of Children, and all Scrofulous Affections. Dr. DE JONGH'S OIL is convincingly proved by tho highest medical testimony, and by tha p?actical test of successful experience for twenty years ill all parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, tho moat efficacious, tho most palatable, and, from its rapid curative effects, tho most economical of all binds. I Hence its universal celebrity, and the immense demand for tbi3 unrivalled Oil. SELECT HKDICAT, OPINIONS. Sir Henry Mabbk, Bart., M.D., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland:" I consider Dr. do Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liier Oil to be a very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, mm a therapeutic agent of great value." Sir Joseph Olliffe, M.D., Physician to the British Embassy at Paris : " I have every reason to be satisfied with the beneficial and salutary effects of Dr. de Jongh's Oil." Dr. Edward Smith, 1T.1i.5., Medical Officer 0} the Poor Law Boad of Great Britain, in his work "On Consumption," writes : "We think it a great advantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is universally admitted to bo genuine—the Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. de Jongh." Dr. Lankuster, t'.H.!?., Coroner for Central Middlesex : " I deem the Cod Liver Oil sold under Dr* de Jongh's guarantee to bo preferable to any other kind as regards genuineness and medicinal efficacy." Dr. DE JONG-a'3 IIGHT-3ROWN COD LIVER OIL is sold only in capsuled Imperial half-pint, pint, and quart bottles, labelled with his stamp and signature, without which none can possibly be genuine, by Chemists, Druggists, and Storekeepers throughout tlic world. Sole Consignees, ANSAE, HARFORD, lr CO., 77 Str , London, W. C. Wholesale Agsnts: .New Zealand—French, Kempthorne & Co., Donedin. New South Wales—Elliott, Brothers, Sydney. Victoria—Felton, Grim wade & Co., Melbourne. Just Published, post froe, for twelve stamps, WONDERFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERY, with Local Means of Self Cure, without Medicine, whereby the following maladies are speedily and permanently removed, and vigorous health restored, nervous and physijal debility, lassitude, depression of spirits, loss of energy and appetite, pains in the back and limbs, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, love of solitude, grr andleßß fears, palpitation of the heart, no'ies in th r , head and ears, indecision, mpaired sight and memory, indigestion, and bodily prostration of the whole system. These curative means are so easy and simple in application that all can cure themselves privately, successfully, and at the smallest cOBt. Sent free on receipt of twelve stamps. By W. HILL, Esq., M.A., Berkley House, South Crescent, Russell Square, London, W. G. "The object of this extraordinary publication is to prove how nervousness and its concomitant maladies can be effectual and successfully treated, and the most convincing Jroof of the effioacy of the greatest of human discoveries is testified by the numerous coses of cures effected.—Medical Record. MEDICAL ADVICE. DR. WATSON, F.8.A.5., London, Colle&b of Physicians and Surgeons, Medical Societies of Rouen and Peru, National Academy of Sciences, Paris, and Imperial Institute of France. ON DEBILITY MENTAL AND PHYSICAL, NERVOUSNESS, and Concomitant Ailments, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy, Timidity, SelfDistrust, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, and Prostration of the whole System, resulting from Indiscretion, Excess, Long Residence in Tropical Climates, and other causes, with plain and explicit instructions for perfectly removing those disqualifications and Impediments which tend to embitter and shorten life, being the recorded experience of Thirty Years Special Practice in thesG maladies. This "Work to be had direct from the Author, Dr. Watsok, 210. 1, South Crescent, Bedford Square, London, W.C., for One Shilling. " Dr. Watson has, we have no hesitation in asserting, conferred a boon of inestimable value on Mankind by publishing the experience of his extensive practice."—Medical Record. Intending Patients, residing abroad, should send a most minute Statement of all the Symptoms of theiT Case, together with a Remittance, when the necessary Remedies for effecting their Perfect Restoration to Health will be promptly dispatched with advice. LIQUOR OARBONIS DETERGENS OB CO?" CENTBATED ACHOLIC SOLUTION OF THE CON* BTITUENTS OF COAL TAB. Extraot from tie Lantti, December 22, 1866. r la. careojus detregens.—TVO are very sceptical Ijo fthe value of new remedies, and it was in a Bplrit of scepticism that we tried the liq. carbonic detergens. Iti 13 represented to be a concentrated alcoholic solution c-f tno coir* stituents of coal tar, and i 0 contain all the active Ingredients of the tar, to wit, benzine, naptliallne and pnenic acid. Ttte addition of water, with agitation, makes a durable emulsion. In which the tar remains in a state or fine suspension, almcwt equivalent to solution. Our therapeutical experience or the preparation is very satisfactory indeed. In our hands Ith as been a most effective agent in the case of various akin diseases, especially of the chronic eczematous class ; and One case or psoriasis which had resisted all other kinds of treatment speedily got well under the application of the Iw. detergens. We esteem it a very valuable addition to our Ustofsfcinremedie ,and worthy of a very extended trilby the profession. Intlie above classcsof disease, and in various others, such as fetid ulcers, &c„ the preparation is put into the form of soap. •pCRE COAL TAE SOAP. (REGISTERED AS SAPO CAKLONIS DETERGENS.) This Soap is unrivalled as a KKIJt SOAP, « nroved by abundant medical testimony. dal y use infectious diseases are prevented, and a clear and healthy appearance imparted to the skin. Sold in tablets at Od. and Is. each, by all The above are manufactured by the Sole Proprietors, W. V. WRIGHT & COMPY., WHOLESALE & EXPORT DRUGGISTS, MAMUFACTC 0 KING CHEMISTS, Sc., BOUTHWAKK srRBET, LONDON, B.E. Removed from No. 11. Old Fish Street, E.O. Established 1067. waMTthft'JdeK

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1444, 4 July 1868, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1444, 4 July 1868, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1444, 4 July 1868, Page 5