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*£ , ' ABRITJOS. .■ — p-= | ;

• This vessel proceeds to the Bay of Islands to fill up with coals. Tho development of the Thames gold-field > has caused a great demand or small vessels during the past month, and every available craft hae been busily employed on the coatt. Wβ have already six steamers plying regularly to the Thames which are well supported, and in a: few days we shall have an addition in the Horal Alfred, the Duke of Edinburgh, and the Laay Bonen. The coal mines at the Bay of Islands aud Wiingarei are also affording employment for larger vessels. During the month we have receired .nearly 550 tons of coal from these mines. The demand his been »o great, however, that at the present time there is quite a dearth of coals in the market. Several cargoes have also been forwarded to the Thames and three vessels have sailed for other ports. The Kllesmere has been chattered to convey a cargo to Lyttelton, and tho echooners Donald MsLean and Huntress have arrived at Napier with full cargoes. The brig Kita ia now loading coals at the Kawii Kawa miaes for Tahiti, and other vessels have already been chartered to load for Auckland. During the month several vessels have arrived, from Lytrleton with grain, and othern are now on their passage hither. Two voisels have arrived with cotton from Tahiti for transhipment to England. The Neva will romain here until the arrival of the Kate Waters, which is expected to load for London, and the cargo by the Kugenie will probably be stored until the arrival of the Racehorse. The Kncehoree and Constance are now due, both vessels being over 90 days

at sea. We have no man-'o-war at present in harbour, the Ro.°ario having sailed for Wellington on the Bth inst. with His Excelloncy the Governor. PASSENGEBS INWAED3. Pel- Southern Croic, from Norfolk' Island : "Rev J

Atkin, Rev. C. H. Brook, Mr. Gordon (New Cale oma), and Mr. A. Jaitins. Per Prince Alfred, from Sydney:. Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar and child, Masters W. and T. Farquhar, Messrs. A. BlccW, T. Sherrard, J. Ayton, P. B. Waddell, W. Hetherington, John Fletcher, Patrick Keoley, Charles Jennings, Bichard Steward. Per Kate, from Svdney: William Seccombe, W. E. Seccombe, W. H. Cook, W. Bouse, W. Turner. John Hayes, A. Grewer, David Hartey, J. Holder, E. Clarke. Per EugeDie, from Tahiti: Mr. and Mrs. Owen and Mr. and Mrs. Eirbman. Per Prince Alfred, for Sydney : Sfr. S. Bright, Mr. Wilson, Mr. J. Flewkor, Mr. C. A. Beid, Mr. J. Heisin, Mr. H. Morton. PASSENGEBS OUTWARDS.

Per Charlotte Ann,, for London: Mra. S. Tuck, Mro. Hannah Sarah Foley and child, Mr. W. Loe, Mr. Gordon Lord, Mr. James Eaton, Staff-sergeant Q-rean, wife end child, and 1 soldier. . Per Dart, for Sydnoy: Mr. S. Williami.. . . . Per Novelty, for Bydnoy: Mrs. Bratpn and child Mri. Flood and child, Mrs. Lipstein and child, Mr. A. Storm, Mr. Browning »nd servant. Mr. and Mrs." Levy and child, C Noyej, Mrs. Taylor and child, Jamei McDonald, Mr. MoDougal. Mr. Forrest and two children, Mrs. Forester, Jlr. Malcolm and six children. . . . ■ ; i ■..;'■ BXPORTS. - Per Rita, for Tahiti: Ex: warehouse, under bond, 24 cases brandy, IS bags eugar, lj-oaek sherry, 10 ,casks beer, lj-caak brandy, 4'balee cottons, 2 bale 8 bags, 2, I bale, cottons, ltin alcohol, 40 bags sugar, order; 22 boxes soap, ex Lord Anhley from Melbourne, Owen and Graham. Free goods, 1 caie curry powder, 6 boxes oandlei, Tease lardinei, 1' case corks, 1 hhd. holloware,. 2 packages ironmongery, package blue, 4 cases drapery, 1 machine, 10 kegs nails, 12 bngs potatoes, 2 rolls lead, 1 cask hardware, 1 package paper, 1 paokage pepper, 2 canes sauces, 1 case fruits, 1 package blue, 6 boxes candles, 2 bundles brooms, I package drapery, 1 parcel, 1 case wine, 3 cases ts. Maofarlane and Co., agents. Per Novelty, for Sydney:—Ex warehouse under bond, 2 hogsheads brandy, BT. K Meyers; 2 balea cotton, L. D. Nathan and Co.; I case drapery, ditto. Free goods: 197 caees kauri gum. Brown, Oampbe 1 and Co; 37 cases ditto, Owen and Graham ; 1 case effects, E. Rich; 8 tons flax, J. It. Roberts ;16 casks oil, L. D. Nathan and Co. ; 8 tons flux, 0. J. Stone ; 3 tons ditto, CruicVshank, Smart and Co.; 40 tons bran, Thornton, Smith and Firth ; 273 pkgs. sashes and doors, Union Sash and Door Co.; 2 tons flax, Owen and Graham; 9 bales cotton, Cruickshank, BmartandCo.j 108 pkge. stores, Commiesariat; 63 pkgs. stores, Medical Depot; 31 bogs seed, R: Haird snd Co. ; 2 pkgs. gold (15 czs. 15 dwte. 10 grs.), Bank of Australasia j 91 cases gum, J. S. Macfarlane; I 140 ditto ditto, 0. Davis.— Henderson and Maofarlane, agente.

Per Charlotte Ann, for London:—264 cases gum, 2 saseß Wangarei coals, W, Graham ; 15 casei gum, Buoholr and Co.; 860 oases gum, 201 bags ditto, Coombee and Daldy jB7 caees gum, "W. J. Hurst; 12 ea«es gum, Taylor; 5 caees metal, 3 casks ditto, 8. H. Smith j 81 cases gum, 182 bags ditto, Turtell and Tonke; 1076 oaoes gum, 69 bags ditto, Walker j 67 bales wool, Ireland Brothers; 1 bale wool, U. NValton; 20 bales wool, J. £>. Macfarlane; 8 bales wool, 61 cases gum, Oruiekshank, Smart, and Co. ; 4 bales wool, Shepherd ; 6 bales wool, E. and H. Isaacs j 20 oases whale oil, Brown, Campbell, and Co.; and 160 bales wool, shipped at Nelson.— Cruickehank, Smart, and Co., agent*. Per Amateur, for Sydney:—6o sacki bran, Thornton, Smith and Firth; 9 bales flax, 149 ditto ditto, J. S. Macfarlane; 40 ditto ditto, 28 ditto ditto, J. R. Roberts; 358 cases gum, Owen and Graham. Captain, agent. • . . : ,

Per Dart, for Sydney:—3Rß caeee , kauri ; gum. Brown, Campbell and Co.; 2111 pieces aawn timber, 63 bags rock salt, J. Boberton and Co.; 1 bag seed, S. W. Hill.—-J. Eobertoa and Co.* agents. Per Dart,' for Sydney :. 400., oaees kauri gum 17,000 feet timber.

Per Princess Alice, for Sydney : Original cargo of broadstuffs from Lyttelton. •

Per Prince Alfred, for Sydney: 2 qr.-casks brandy, (part of original cargo). S. "W. HUI. Ex warehouse under bond—2o barrels salmon, K. & H. 'Isaacs; 75 bales flax,-J. E. Roberts; 29 balea flax,'Cruickehank Smart & Co. j 100 doore, Union Saah <fc Door Company '; 13 pieces bulk kauri timber, ■ Coombea and Daldy j 12 cases kauri gum, W. Taylor.; 1 caoe galvanised iron, S. H. Smith.

THE CHARLOTTE AWN. Tho fine barque Charlotte Ann, Captain Bueh took her departure for London oh Wednesday, the 2-ith ultimo. She'took a largrj cargo ofNew Zealand produce, valued at £12,000, and ten passengers, The Charlotte Ann will be followed by the barque Kate Waters (now on her way from Nelaoh to this port), the firet of a new line of packets from Auckland to London. .: ■ ■ • ' ■ '•> This reosel took her departure for London on Wednesday. She cleared at the customs.with alarge cargo valued at about £12,000. , The' passengers : Analyses of the quantity and value of cargo'•<expoited per Charlotte Ann. New Zealand produce • —28 caeke/sperm,oil, £280; 0 bags wool, 3001bs' £18 ,155;20 balei ditto, 60001bs, .-5575 • 67 ditto 33,5001b.', £2100; 4 ditto, 12001b8, £75; 1 ditto' 3841b5, £2; 28 caees kauri gum, 31 tons £105-81 cases ditto, 192 bags ditto, 21 tono, £630; 12 c'aeej ditto. 1J tone, £45; 87' ditto ditto, 12 tons, £480262 ditto ditto, 37 tons, £1480; 1076 ditto ditto, H8 tonu fJ44Or 69.bege ditto, 5 tone, £200; ditto' ditto, 5 tone, £160; 76 oasee ditto, 5 tone, £20- 28 ditto ditto, 83 tone, £990; 32 ditto ditto 4, tone £12Q; ditto in. bulk, 13 tons, ,£390 ; 2 1 08 CO al, 9a 4d; 2 plants, £1 Iβ; 2 cases personal efifeote 1 undle ditto, £30. Foreign—6 cases oopper, 3 cask

ditto, 40001bs,- £68: 13»; 8 bales cotton, 21281 jbs, £8813sMl Total, £12,000 Bd. •',,- v> - The Charlotte, Ann has also, on board 160.-halee ■ wool from NelJdnj'valneTaVab'out . ; . ...... ~,.,,..;, iWREOKS. '■■■ •■•■■ : '- " The cutter Dolphin has been given up for loot while on her paseage from Auckland,to: Napier. She left Auckland heavily, laden, and.hee now been absent noarly.,two months. ~,,. •; ...;■ :.. .... 'j- : The schooner Joanna and cutter Providence have been totally wrecked on the Eait Coast during the month. CUSTOMS DUTIES. Comparative Return, showing the amount of Customs duties collected at the Port of Auckland Fob the Quabteb ended June 30, 1867. • ; . Duty- ' Quantify. £. Spirits, gallons . . . . : 22,247 13,348 4 2 Cigars "id Snuff, lbs - • 915 ' 12 22S H 6 Tobacco, lbs 28,706-12 3588 7 3 Wine, gallons .... 5455-24 1091 3 0 Ale, beer, &c, (in wood), gallons ... . . 745-6 372 Iβ 7 Do, (in bottle), gallons . 9280 580 0 0 Tea, lbs. . ... . . 60,757 1518 18, 6 Coffee, cocoa, &c. . . . 31,214-6 "390 3 7" Sugar and molasses, lbs.. 636,553 2652 6 1 Firo arms, No. .... 45 11 5 O Powder, sporting, lbs. . 6 9 3 0 Shot, cwt. . . . . . 80-0-0 40. 010 Goods by measurement, at 5s per cubic foot . 17,393-5 4343.611 Do., at 3s per ditto - . 4432.3 664 16 9 Do., at 2s 6d per ditto . 2347 293 7 9 Do., at 2s per ditto . . .329-4 32 16 7 Do., at Is 6d per ditto . 465-11 32 18 10 Do., at Iβ per ditto . . 6760-11 ' 338 Oil Do., at 6d per ditto . . 1006-2 25 3 1 Do., at 3d per ditto . . 4490-8 56 2 9 Goods by weight, at 4s per cwt. . . ... . 1602-0-14 320 8 6 Do., at 3s per ditto . . 11510 17 5 6 Do., at 2s 6d per ditto . 43-2-14 5 9 1 Do., at 2s per ditto . . 1872-0-13 187 3 11 Do, at la per ditto . . .253*1-21 • 126 17 5 Do., at 3d per lb. . . . . 4418J 55 4 8 Do., at Id per lb. . . . 133,212 555. 10 Do., at *d per lb. . . . 7432 15 9 8 Ad valorem, 10 per cent. "155 15 10 0 Ditto, 5 per cent .. .20 ,10 0 Othor duties not specified 620 16 6 Total . . . . £31,536 9 4

FOB THE QUABTEB ENDED JtTNE 30, 1868. Duty. Quantity. £. Sprits, gallone .... 23,891 14,334 12 9 Cigars and snuff, lbs. . . 1137 284 7 6 Tocacco, lbs 32,359 404-1 17 6 Wine, gallons .... 4604 920 17 6 Ale, beer, &c, (in wood) gallons 2600 130 0 0 Do., (in bottle) gallons . 11,335 708 8 9 Tea, lbs. 86,909 2172 14 6 Coffee, cocoa; &c., lbs. . 17,704 221 6 0 Sugar and molasses, lbs. 892,939. 3720 11 7 Fire arms, No. . ... 27 .615 3 Powder, sporting, lbs. . 6& 0 3 0 Shot, cwt. . . . .' . 15-3-5 717 0 Goods by measurement, at 5s per cubic foot . 59,603 ' 1490 16 Do., at 3s per ditto . .' 20,763 311 8 9 Do., at 2s 6d pep ditto . 2358-11 294 17 4 Do., at 2s per ditto . . 175-6 17 11 0 Do., ab Is 6d per ditto . 717-10 53 16 11 Do., at Is per ditto . . 2971-5 143 11 5 Do., at 6dper ditto . . 10308 45 15 5 Do., at 3d per ditto . . 2353 4 3 10 Goods by weight at 4s per cwt 86 17 4.11 Do., at 3 per ditto . . 23-3-9 3 8 6 Do., at 2s 6d per ditto . 944-1-4 118 1 0 Do., at 2s per ditto , . 1465-30 146 11 6 Do., at Iβ per ditto . . 1674-0.5 53 14 0 Do., at 3d per lb. . . . 1509 18 17 3 Do., at Id per lb. . . . 157,684 657 0 4 Do., at id per lb. . . . 15,242 3115 1 ' Ad valoi em, 10 per cent. 80 8 0 0 Other du< ies not specified 754 l<l 6 Total .... £30,723. 4 7

CUSTOMS DUTIES. ' 1 The following table ihewg tho amount of Custom ' Duties collected at the port of Auckland for the month ending June 30th:— ...... ,-.-,£ B Spirits, 7946 6-32 gale, at 12s .4767 14 .3 Cigare end Snuff, 187 2161b5., at 6a .... 46 15 10 Tobacco, 10,264i1bb., at 2s 6 i 1283 1 3 ~ : Sheepwmh; 3371 be.,< at 3d .....'. :■ " i 4 3 Wine, 1284 8-32 gale., at 45...' 256 17 0 Ale, Beor, &o. (in bottle), 1910 gale., atle3d 119 7 6 Do. (in wood), 100 gals., at Iβ 5 0 0 Tee, 26,875£1bs ,at 6d 67l 17 9 Coffee, Coooa, Chicory, &c, 71941bt., atßd..; 89 18 Sugar frai r), refined Mblaeeee, 291,9081 be., at 1d............................ 1216 6 OOCL3BT MEASUREMENT, PBR CUBIC FOOT. 1177:7, at 6s •iii.,.,..^........■...;.£294 7 11 £:57.4,at3s- ..... ,: ;....... 63 12 0 1010, at2s 6d.i.... ...;...:.... ...... 126 5 0 JB.l,at2s ..i -i 2 16 2 15.6.8, at Iβ 6d . 133 1020.8.at1e 61 5 8 1016 6, at 6d 26 3 3 71.2, at 3d 0 17 10 GOODS BY WBieHT. 61.1.4, at 4s per cwt 10 5 6 1.5, at3e „ 2 6 0 792,at256d „ 99 0 0 7572.24, at 2n „ .......'. 75 15 6 738.0.27; at li „ 8« 18 3 1094, at 3d per lb. .i 13 13 6 58961, at Id „ ;..... ;... 245 13 5 12358, at id „ ...,.;. 25 14 11 Ad Valorem, £8 10s per cwt 0 16 0 Other duties not specified above 457 15 1 Total £9985 10 3 MONTHLY COMMERCIAL SUMMARY.

July 2nd, 1868. It ia eatiefactoryti find that the improvement in buaineae, which wo hare lately had to record, ie well maintained. Engagamenti a» a rule'are punctually met. The fine' weather : which has prevailed during •the pa»t month; h&e greatly mitigated tho depression generally felt throughout the winter eeaeon. ' ' Stocks are light of nearly all kinds of imported goods. The failure of several large firms during the past tfrelra months, has reduced importations to a proper compass. The rockless system, which formerly prevailed, of throwing goods upon the market, is now a thingof the past, and tho legitimate importer has therefore some chance of soiling hii goods at 0 profit. Shippers at a distance must rtmember, however, that our market' is etill very limited, and a comparatively'small parcel of goodii sent for absolute t>ale, is sufficient to affect prices very materially. : ■ ■ The continued absence of an Enplieh eh!p, is caus ing an actual scarcity of several articles. ■ This scarcity is specially noticeable in epirite, which are now much wanted. Meanwhile the small stocks in hand are readily saleable at our eomewhat' extreme quntations. The Racehorse arid Obnstancq kte now due from London;' arid will on arrival supply our reijuiremente for eome time. ' ■.'.'".' ■ Wo give; eleowhere full particulars of the reported discoveries'of gold-healing quartz in different parts of the province. The results of these supposed finds can at present only he a matter of conjecture. There however, no doubt respecting the resources of the Thames district. We lately mentioned a crushing of 671bs. etone, which yielded '97ozb. of gold, since which a parcel of one and a half tons of quarts from another claim has yielded 1,0090z8. of gold. Now there is a prospect of efficient machinery being erected on various parts of the ground, we have little doubt that such instances as we have mentioned will be by no moans rare.

There has been a brisk demand for kauri gum throughout the month, and as supplies come forward but i slowly, we note that prices are very firm—Bay - for good quality, clean scrjped, £24 to £25 per ton. • Coals have lately been soarce. The development of our local mines has caused a cessation of importe from the neighbouring colonies, whilst the proapect of a certain freight from Auckland to the' Thames has.induced nearly all the small ooasting vessels to enter into competition for that trade.,. The consequence has been that very few vessels have been willing to carry coals. We understand', however, that more attractive teirma are being offered for email Teiflele to run to the mines, and we anticipate that our wants ii> this retpeot will be well supplied in future.

. . .■_..• Jri,T 2,1868. WlNES—duty 4s; per gallon in br'k or glass. ; : . Port, superior, per gallon : - (inbond) ... . ... iO 12 o—.o 14 0 ...Good, per gallon , ... 0 7 0 .-H- 0. 10 ;:0 Common,, per gallon. 0 4 0— 0 6co Superior,, per dozen . .. . . ■• (diitypaid) ... 2 10 0 — 3 0 0 "■'"Good, per dozen. ...'. 1 15 0 — 2 5 0 Common, per dozen... 1 0 0— 1 10, 6 superior, per gallon . (in bond) ... ... 0126—0 14 0: Good, per gallon ... 0 9 6-211 0 Common, per gallon 0 4 0— 0 6 0 Superior, per dozen- :. duty paid ... ... 2100— 30 0 Good, per dozen .... 110 0 — 2 5 0 Common, per dozen 10 o—ls 0 (Stocks of Port and Sherry are still in excess of requirements.) ; ... ' : Champagne, good, per dozen 2 0 0 — 3 0 0 Ordinary, per dozen.. 110 o—l 15 6 SPIRITS (in bond)— duty, 12s. per gallon. .; " • Brandy.MarteE's, pergaUon 0 10 6 — 0 11 0 Hennessy's, per gall. 0 10 6 — 0 11 0 Kartell's, per dozen 110 o—l 10 6 Hennessy'e per dozen 1 9.6 — 1 10 6 Champagne Vineyard, per dozen... 1 6 0 United Vineyard Proprietors, p. doz. 18 6 — 190 Other brands: ... 010 0— 1 5 0 Old Tom, best brand, p. case 0 17 0 — 0 17 6 Rum, 30 0.p., per gallon, ... 0 5 6 — 0 70 Whiskey, pergaUon, ... 0 0 0— 0 7 6 do.percase 0 15 o—l 0 0 Geneva, per case 0 16 0— 0 18 0 Geneva, per half case ... 010 0 — 012 6 (Scaree.)

ALE AND PORTEK—Duty Paid— Ale-Bass's No. 3, per bid. ' 7 10 0— 7 15 0 Dawson's, per hhd. ... 7 10 0— 0 0 0 Allsopp's per hhd; ... 7 10 0 — 712 0 Marriifn'sAleperhhd 8 0 0 — 900 Joffrey's Pale Ale .. 0 0 D— 6 10 0 Others ' ... ... 615 6—7 10 0 ■ (Quite unsaleable.) Bass's triangle, p. doz. Oil 6 — 0 0 0 AUsopp's, per dozen... 0 10 6— 0 0 0 Tennent's, per dozen 011 6— 0 00 Jeffreys Pale, p. doz. 0 9 6 —0 10 0 Ind,Coppe,&Co.'s,E.ln , Pale Ale ... \ none m the marSalt's E.I. Pale Ale... ) ket. Porter—Taylor's, per hhd.) I Barclay's, per hhd > Unsaleable. Truman's, p. hhd. ; Others ' .... ... 610 0— 7 0 0 Byass's, per dozen 0 0 o—o 10 6 Dunphey's, per doz. 010 6—,0 0 0 Blood's, per dozen 011 6—o 12 0 Truman'e, per dozen 0 10 6 — 0 11 0 Barclay's, per dozen 0 10 6 — 0 11 0 Bridge's, bottled 0 96—0 10 6 Jeffrey's XX ... 0 9 6—o 10 6 Beer in bulk, quite unsaleable! Colonial beer h s superseded English brands.

TOBACCO (in bond)— duty, 2s. 6d. per pound. Negrohead, per lb 0 12 — 013 Cavendish, per lb. according to.quality .... ... 0010— 01 8 ClGAßS—(in'bond) duty, ss. per pound. Manilla, No. 2, per M. ... 0 0 0 — 350 ditto H. S., Nc. 2, per M.... 00 0 — 310 0 Havannah,' ... 7 0 0-10' 0| 0 Swiee Ormonde ...226 — 250 COFFRE (Java)! in bond, perlb. ... 0 0 10-0 010* Plantation 0 0 11 — 0 1 0 Manilla ... 0 0 9—o 010

MISCELLANEOUS—duty paid Arrowroot, "West India (duty paid) per lb. ... 0 0 7£— 0 0 8 Apples (dried) 0 0 7-0 Oft Candied Peel, per lb. ... 0 1 5 — 0 1 6 Cocoa, per lb. ... 0 1 5 — 0 I 5 Chocolate, per lb. ... 0 1 4 — 0 1 6 Currants, per lb. ... .00 4J— 0 05J Fruits, bottled, per. dozen... , 0 14 0 — 0 15 0Honey, per lb. ~ ... 0 O ,0 — 0 O-4J,-Jams, one. pound, per dozen 0 9 0 — 0 10 6Mustard, half pound ... 0 fc; 0 — 0 0 0 Oil—Salad, half pints ... 0 S". 6 — 0 8 9 «. pints . ... 0 0 0 — 0 14 0 '' Colza, per gal., in tins 0 5 6 — 0 6 9 ■Polar, per gallon ... 0 4 0 — 0 4' 9 Pickles, pints, per dozen ... 0 10 0-0 11 6 (according'to brand.) Rice—Java, psr ton ... 28 0 0 —82 0 0 Baisins—Muscatel, per lb. 0 0 10 — 0 010J Sago, per. lb. . ... 0 0 4 —0 0 4 Salpetre, per lb. (scarce, sale by licence only .. 0 2 0 — 0.0 0 Salt—Fine, per ton ... 6 10 0 — 7 10 0 Coarse, per ton ... 6 10 0 — 7 10 0 (In 1121b bags.) Soap—Liverpool, per ton... 38 0 0 —39 0 0 Sydney, per ton.. ... 33 0 0—34 0 0 Auckland 30 0 0—33 0 0 Soda —Corbonate, percwt. 1 16 0 — 0 0 0 Washing, do., wanted 0 14 0-0 14 6 Sardines (quarter), per dozen 0 5 9 — 0 6 3 Sardines (half) per dozen... 0 11 0 — 0 0 0 Sugar — Loaf (Crushed), per lb. duty paid ... 0 0 6 — 0 0 6£ Company's Pieces,, perlb., No. 1 .'..0 0 s*— 0 0 0 Cpny.'s No. 2 per lb. 0 0 4J— 0 0 4J Treacle, per ton (duty paid) 35 0 0 —37 0 0 Tea — Ordinary Congou, perlb. (dutypaid) ...020-000 Fine Congou, per lb. 0 2 3 — 0 2 6 Hyson-skin,per lb. no demand ' Tapioca, per lb. ... 0 0 7f- 0 0 0 English Vinegar, per gallon 0 2 9 — 0 3 0 Bottled Vinegar, per ttoz.... 0 9 6 — 0.10 6 "Walnuts, per lb. ... 0 0 3 — 0 0 3i. Turpentine, per gallon ... 0 0 0 — 0 6 0 White Lead, per cwt. ... 1 15 0 — 2 2 0 Gunpowder (blasting restr'd 10 0 0 — 0 0 8 Gunpowder (canister FFF) JO 2 6 — 0 2 9 (Sole by License only.) Pitch per barrel (scarce) .. 2 12 6 — 215 0 Tar (Stockholm), per barrel 1 17 6 — 2 0 0 Linseed Oil —Baw drumi, per gallon ... 0 5 6 — 069 Boiled, drums, per gal. 0 6 6 — 0 5 9 Haw cask, per gallon 0 5 0 — 0 5 6 Kerosene 0 3 0-^-033 PROVISIONS— Beef (salt), tierce, supplied 3 10 0 — 4 0 0 Pork (salt), barrel ... 5 0 0 — 5 5 0 Floiir— Auckland ground..; 22 0 0 —24 0 0 Bran, per bushel of 20 lbs... 0 0 10 — 0 0 0 Biscuits (cabin), per 100 lbs. 1 4 0 — 0 0 0 Oatmeal, Scotch, per lb. ... 0 0 3J— 0 0-3 i Pearl B'.irley 0 0 0 — 0 0 3§ GRAIN, &c— . Wheat, (New Zealand) per bushel of 60 lbs., ... 0 8 —083 Maize (N.S.W.), per bushel of 60 lbs. 0 4 0 — 04 6 Oats, per bushel of 40 lbs. 0 8 0 — 0 3 6 Califbrnian Oats ... ... No demand. Hay, per ton ... ... 3 10 0 — 0 00 Straw, per ton 1 15 0 — 0 0 0


Agrictti/titeai. machinery; viz., oat and- bean inillsi corn crushers, chaff cutters, and curdVcutters;' the description , muat be detailed'in : entry—N;pj>4 free. v i 1 -■' ' : ' " '

Alum—Apothecaries' wares American clothe—Cotton manufactures

Bean mills —Agricultural machinery, free Bedford cord trousers—3s per cubic foot ■ ; Beef, essence of—Preserved meats Beer engines and fittings —Hardware # Biscuits, plain and unsweetened—To be ship's biscuit and the like, made of flour and water _! \ : Biscuits, abernethj', arrowroot, &c.—Fancy biscuits Bins for malt—sawn timber and sheet zinc Blue sto'nc (copperas)—TTnenumerated, free Bolt ends; except for ships—Hardware j Bolts i and nuts, except for ship3—Hardware Blue (liquid)—2s per cwt. ■ \ " '. ' Boots, youths' watertight, boys' lacj-up, an! ehooting —5s per cubic foot . | Boxes, pill, ointment, and Seidieltz powders —Druggists' sundries i ; Brewers' finings—as isinglass, 2s 6d per cuWc foofc C. . . i... ■ Canary seed—TJnenumerated, free j Carriage fittings, mountings, free Carriage shafts—N.O.D., free . } Castor oil in bottle—Vegetable oil in bottle Oheese machinery, fres Chloride lime : —Unenumerated, free i Cod liver oil in bottle—Oil in bottle "J Collar, check, and saddle cloths—Saddlery j Communion plate—Church furniture, free ) Composition pipe (gas) —Lead piping. i Composition, anticorosive, for ships—Ship ctondlery, N.0.D., free ! Compressed Vegetables —N.0.D., free ' Condey's fluid—N.O.D., free \ ' Coriander seeds —N.0.D., free j Cork soles—N.O.D., free • \' ' . Corn crushers and chaff cutters —Agricultural machinery, free i Corn mills, small flour mills —Agricultural mtuhinery, ,free . . Corn shellers—Agricultural .machinery, free j Curd cutters —Agricultural machinery, free j Cricketing articles—Fancy goods i Cruet b'ottlcs—Glassware \ Cribbage boards-i-Fancy goods i Cushions' (hair)— Furniture ; Chemicals —Apothecaries'- -ware \ - D. \ Deck lights, for ships only—Ship chandlery, NO.D., free !* ' Tk Deck spikes, for ships only—Ship chandlery, Np.D. ; free- \ Desßicated milk—K.O.D.j free "\ Disinfecting jluid—Unenumerated, free s Dry ere —Paints and colors . i ■ Duck —5s per cubic foot Dyes—N.O.D., free \ ■ Dyes (Judson's simple dyes) aundria E. ...!. BUstic weVbing —Cotton and silk manufactures t Emery cloth—TJuenumerated, free \ Enamelled cloth—Cotton manufactures >, Essence of beef—Preserved meats ; ;

Fishing lines—twine Fishing nets—N.O.D., free Footi rot specific and ointment —N.0.D., free French polish—Varnish •

G. ■ \ Garden rollers and engines—Hardware j Gelatine lozenges—Confectionery ' Gilt mouldings—3T.O.D., free ; ! Ginger, preserved—Fruits preserved in , syrup I Ginger wine—As wine when containing leas than & per cent, alcohol , 1 Globes and ehiinneys for lamps—lf packed with lamp

Is per cubic foot Gold and silver prizo medals —Erce Grafts—Boot uppevs Ground pepper—Spiee

Hair cushions—Furniture f Hatters' rope—Saddlery Hassock's carpet—Furniture Hats, unfinished—Hats i "Kaj rakes—Agricultural implements, free j "Hearth rugs—Rugs • Helmets, for Fire Brigade—lTnenumerated, free Herrings, red, in iiask or tins—Dried fish Hooks, thimbles, and clip hooks, for ships—Ship

chandlery, N.6.D., , free Honey—Unenumerated, free Horse hair—Unenumerated, free Hurdles, of wood—Uiieuuinernted, free Hurdles, of iron—4s per cwt.

India rubber, sheet, for steam packing— N.O.D., free Iron, black sheet —Unenumerated, free : Iron spikes, for ships—Ship chandlery, free Iron shutters—4s per cwt. , Jet bracelets and ornaments —Fancy goods

Laces, leather, for boots —Leather manufactures Lamp black—Cojors Lnrd—Free Lawn mowers—N.O.D., free Lett's diaries—Stationery Lime juice—N.0.D., free Linseed meal—Apothecaries' wares Lithographs—Pictures

■ : M - Malt Bins-rSawn timber and sheet zinc Mangling machines, metal—Hardware Mattrasse,s, spring— JTurniture Marline—Cordage Medals, gold arid silver prize—Free Methylated spirits—N.O.D., freeMills, oat, bean, and small flour —Agricultural machinery, free Mineral waters—N.O.D., free

Music paper and music—Printed books, free N.

Nets, fisbing—N.O.D., free Nicotine—Unenunieratod, free ■ Night lights, wooden floats—Druggists' sundries Nuts and bolts, except for ships —Hardware O.

Oars—N.O.D., Free Oil, cod liver, in bulk—Fish oil, free Oil, cod liver, in bottle —Oil in bottle Oil, castor, in bulk—Vegetable oil Oil, castor, in bottle—Vegetable oil in bottle Ointment boxes—Druggists' sundries Ornaments of alabaster and marble—Fancy goods Opticians' instruments —N.0.D., free Opera glosses—N.O.D., free P.

Puin killer —Drugs Parchment —Stationery Patent Barley, farinaceous food—N.O.D., friie Pearl ash —Druggists' sundries Photographic chemicals —Apothecaries' wares Photographic goods, other than chemicals — Fancy

goods Pipes, small houscfltting —Hardware Preserved potatoes —Free Prunes, in glass jars—Dried fruits Putty—TTnenuinerated, free Q. Quinine wine—Wine E, Rick cloths —Tarpaulins, free Rollers, garden —Hardware S. Saddle cloths —Saddlery Saddlery materials —Saddlery Sasro, in" jars—2s Gd per cubic foot Sash weights—lronmongery Sausage machines —Hardware Sausage skins—N.O.D., free Sarsaparilla —Drugs Scab specific —Uneiiumerated, free Shutters, iron—Hardware Shafts and spokes, carriages and carts—N.O.D., free Sheep-dipping composition — Unenumerated, free , Silver leaf—N.O.D., free Silver cup for presentation—lo per cent, ad valorem Soft soap —As common soap Sou])s, preserved —Preserved meats Soap, mottled, but coarse and common —'As common

aoap Spikes, iron, for ships chandlery, free Sponges—Druggists' sundries Spring Mattrasses —Furniture Stones, Turkey and scythe—N.O.D., free Sulphate of copper—TJnenumerated, free Sulphuric acid—Unenunicrated, free

Tallow—N.O.D., free Telescopes—N.O.D., free Theodolites—N.O.D., free Tin, in plates or sheets—Unenumerated, free

Tobacco juice—Sheepwash tobacco, 3dperlb. Toilet vinegar—Perfumery Trays, wooden—N.O j>., free , Trapes—Apothecaries' -ware ...... '.. : ;, y/' ' . '■■"•"" : ■■■ Vermouth, less than 25. per cent, of alcthoi—Wine -, Washing and wringing machines, metal—Hardware Washing and -wringing machines, wood—Free ■ Watch and clock springs, watch movements' and parts,of unfinished watches, provided they have rot previously token to pieces to evade the ■ duty on the completed article.—Free Water closets, patent and earth—TTnenumerated free Wine, for sacramental purposes—Wino Wire rope, for ships' use—N.OJD., free Wire, for telegraph—Fencing wire Wooden pegs; —N.0.D., free Wooden spokes for wheels—N.O.D., free ; .■•;' '• ' '"'. Z. Zinc, in malt bins—Sheet zinc THE CUSTOMS TARIFF ACT AMENDMENT ACT, 1867. Raw Coffee—2d per lb. Roasted Goffee —5d per lb. Blasting powder—Free Olive oil, in bulk—Free Palm oil—Free ;: J. A. Ba&beb, ' Custom House and Commission Agent, Fort-streefc.

: The following ia an account of the C'UBtoms revenue for the month ending J une 30th: '" " : '. ' £ e...d. Customj Duties 9978 6 0 Gold Duty... 539 37 Lighthouse Dues 48 - 3 11 Merchant Shipping Fees .'4 12 0 Fees under Arms Act ....v... 22.11 0 Seizures .' 4' 6 Pott.Charge 33 6 a Pilotage Batee v 15L 11 5 T0ta1........... £10,781 14 7 4 EXPOET OF GOLD. ;, Beturn of the value and quantity of gold, expprted.during the quarter,ending 80th June:— ; ;■ . . '..;■ ■■ ■ oZ3.dwtß.grß. Val. April Sydney ....1537 11 8..£4<3M .',' , 18—Airedale, Southampton3o99 2 6.. QOOO "•' 24—l>'oTelty, Sydney .... 387 6 15.. June 2—Phoaba, Southampton 1797 14 12.. 4100 " il—Novelty,Sydney...'... .1515 10,: 0.". 3789 " 29—Airedale, SouthamptonlOOO .4 .0... 2800 T0ta1..... .9387 8 17 £23,661 The duty on the above amounted to £1173 Be. Bd,

I Name and Big. § Whence. ,Carge.! !___ l! r — =-, r. :j 5 Dart, brig 163 Scaplehorn Sydney. O*""" 1 6 Southern Criujch 03 Tiller . Norfolkl. Ballast 10 Neva, schooner 91 Young Tahiti Cotton 10 Prince Alfred, bq 161 -Watson Sydney General 22 Kate, barque 340 Cooper General 30 Eugenie, schoonr. 82 Hart Tahiti Cotton DEEARTOBKB. t Name and Kig. | Captain. For Cargo. 1-5 . _. 0 «Rlta, brig 193 Edwards Tahiti General 12 Noveltj-, barque S7G Nearing Sydney General 13 Kt-nilworth, sch. 113 McKenzle N.Caledonia Timber 19 Darr, brig "154 Scaplehorn Sydney General 19 Amateur, schoonr 239 Francis Sydney Geoora 24 Charlotte Ann, bq 180 Bush London General

Chaff, per ton 5 10 0-0 0 ( BUILDING MATERIAL— ; House Blocks per foot, 5d. Timber, per 100 feet, 12s. Bricks, per 1000, £2. ! Slates, Countess, per 1000, £12 10s. to £13. Limo, per bushel, Is. to Is. 3d. Glass, 40 per cent, advance Corrugated Iron, Morewood, Phillips & Mill's, £36 : ■- to £40 ; other brands, £30 to £34. : Shingles, 10s. to 12s. NEW ZEALAND PKODUOE— Hides,. 14s. to 16s. ' "Wool, washed, Is. 3d. to Iβ. 6d.; in grease, 10d. Flax (well cleaned); £16 to £20. Kauri Gum-Well scraped 13 0 — 1 4 0 Inferior quality .... 0 15 0 — 0 18 0 Papnkurn, good hill gum 0 18 0 — 0 19 0 Eiverhead, cleaned 10 0 — 130 Leather—colonial sole, Is. Id.; kip,,la.6d. calf, English, 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. Wool lashing, £1 16s. per cwt. SUNDRIES— Coals, New Zealand, per ton 1 2 6 — 1- 10 0 Firewood, per ton 0 9 .0 — 0 10 0 Iron—English Bar, per ton 15 0 0 — 000 Pig, per ton ... 5 0 0 — O 0 0 Cordage,'per ton ■.'„■ .....52 0' 0—70 0 0. Ewbank's Nails, list prie to 10 pur cent, advance. Ironmongery, scarce

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1443, 3 July 1868, Page 8

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MONTHLY SHIPPING SUMMARY. AUCKLAND PRICES CURRENT. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1443, 3 July 1868, Page 8

MONTHLY SHIPPING SUMMARY. AUCKLAND PRICES CURRENT. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1443, 3 July 1868, Page 8