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(Before Thomas Beckham, Ksq , K.M.) CiAiii or wiw MAKi. Mr. Hay, solicitor, appeaved for the claitnr.nt. Mr. Boardinin for the Government, ami M>. l'reoce, 'Ihe claim was for £IGB Ms., for horses, harness, pig?, and a plough, said to have been lost at Maketu, Dear Urury. The evidence of Riven in reply to Mr. Hoy find Mr. Bourdmar., was to the effect thut claimant lived at Waitato till the titne of tho murders at Uamarama Mr. Ha'.se then told him to leave and po to Waikato, which hi- did, and left the horses behind him. i.'o never roturnod to Maketu until ahout January, ISOS. Most of the natives living at Maketu joim-d tho. kincritea. Two of his broth-r.--did. In .>inseflmi!ii<:o of the native residents sit Mnho'u an 1 oMkts joininsr in insurrection againet th.< Q.iiren, 1:" !■'"& neighbourhood, and the prof-vrf? c'a'.med for was left behinJ. t'iw OHO of (ho horse? in a novrnim.iTit cart :>t Knnpreriri. Could not sat whether tho M-.i.V? who went to tho war took tlie'horecs with them, mid --0 they fell into the hands of the pakoho. Neve: hear-l of Ihitt.^ Ngiiwharau called as .1 witness by elaimiiiit: Knew that claimant lia-A horses, and described two he saw in Waikato. In reply to '■Tγ. iSonrdman, he stated ih:itho l r 7c3 at KoheWohe. Had «->t been i> Maketu for a Year before the war. Was told by and others Hint the h.>r:,es ho saw in the Wuikato belonged to claimant. CLAIJt OV nOETi ErKTMO-'I. This was a claim tor u. numliar of bullocks and horses left by claimant at Hmniilm, when he went | •with a dead body to Uaglun. Hβ left no one in I charge of them partiouUriy. iho peopV all abut the district joined the Kingitc.i and fought flgninsfc the pakchn. This property wue, therefore, lost. He never went biie's to Hamilton on account of the war. WIUIHAJf.V TE KSTA. Claim £135 125., for horses, pigs, fowls, potatoes, wheat, corn, and other things. Claimant stated that ho vrss always loyal. Left Kohetohe, and went to Matingtt*whiri. He was afraid to remnin lest the Queenites should nttuek him. A rebel who went to the war had a share in the plough to the extent of £-1. All the rest of tho property was his own. Wh°fi claimant was uader cro-.R-ej3minetion, ho said Air. Boardman had boon getting information about the claims. Ngawhsrau was called by claimant t > testify as to b.13 losses. His evidence was generally similar to that of ths claimant. HOXIKIi. IIAWAKA. This claim w.»s for £11S for :i miscellaneous collection of articles. The claimant, vm n, tail young fellow about six f, et three inp.h-3. When questioned lie repoitellv sinted that !:e dirt mt know what jro.perry he had. Could not i»ay ha lost. MSI KUKUTAI. It appeared from evidence th»t thi* wss a olaim for property, previous to the d.-.ta when tho Commissioner was authoris d to investigate claims, and could not therefore be heard. j POLLCE COURT.—Fiudat. (Before G. Graham, Esq., J.P.. ami .I. S. Aluefariaae, Esq.. J.P.J DBCXKKN.VESS. Patrick Fiulay, John Wilson, ;->nd John Nicholas (first offences) wore flnc-d os and tho cost?, with 24 hours in default. Mary Walt -:i ('l.ird i iioncv) vdi-s fin?;! 203 and tho cost', with 4S hours in il<ji"ault, tiaa c'ays additional. TIIS liiTE IIOSIIEBr IX TtCTi;:.:!A-STREET. Francis iownltiy «■;>* iirou-;!ir- Uj m warrant from Shortlfrid charged witli having <m ;.io:iday the liOth January, rop-fior witu, fkn 'k-poL-l K. O'Dell, st-n'en from the dwe.iiiij iu;::.-;e of . r .:::••- :". .-.ewboiJ, Vio-toris-stree", a vox continuing ii)on°,y, Si.'., of tho totsl value of ab.-jut £120. He pleaded not guilty. I Mr. Uommi-sioner JN'uuirhton "aici TiTr. Wynn had been retained to couJuut thu p os-.-u'a>Mi on behalf of Mr. Xewbold, uui as tL>e o.iier prisoner. iJtasspool E. O'Dell, liad b-.-eii reruand.'d ,mUI iiioniiay. he presumed th*y would be bath brought ut> together. T.he Bench remanded the prt-om-r uutil Monday nest. Prisoner applied to be admit 1 » i t~i bail. The Bench admitted lii-n to L-.ii m two ;iiri-ties of £100 each, and himself in £-'00. LABCEXr. Francis Doran unci John vVillia:n3, on remand, ■wer6 brought up charyed with hsving stolen a carpet bag containing a suit of black clotljes Vrtluo£'i ss, from on buard the .or.oonor Uvrcitlc?. .Prisoner D >ran admitted having ti!:en the clothes, but not with the intention of i-teiiiing them; tho other prisoner pS'-wied not guilt". This was tantamount to it pieu of not guilty, and evidenco was about to be tik^n. Mr. Commissioner >'aughton appeared to conduct the prosecution. Mr. Wynn nppoaved for thj {prisoner Willi-img, ana after some consultation with the otber prisoner announced that hu had pleaded guilty in accordance with his irdvk-e. Mr. JS'aughton snid, if the cn=e had proceeded it wculd have tertuinated e:: ictly as it now had, as there ■wai no evidence >.gains: trie |.irisonHr Williams. Tlie Bp.rifh sent jneed the pr' Damn to one month with ha d labor. T!ia other prisoner was disc.'iu.-ged. JIHEACH OS THS DESTITUTE VE2SOV3 HEI.IEV ORDINANCE. Williain MtLeary ws« brought up eharrred. on the information of Klhub-th O' "o:n;or witli abroach of the Destitute Pera' ns i'elief (S-riiuunc-e by refusing to snpporc hii i!;ej;:tiii/«te child. Mr. Hesierh appeared for comp-ainant, Hr. SlacCormi-jic for the de!vri.t mt. After soma consultation between tho learned counsel the d«fen iant plended yuiltf, atid it was agreed that a verdict sliouid ba tak.n fur Gs per week, leaving it to tha Bench to'ett'.o tho ;.edod curing ■which the money should cuutinue tu be paid. Tlie Bench wai oi' opinion that 'id a weak for 12 years would meet tho jujtiv.o < f t':e case. BSKACU 01' TIC SICTIxy ACT. Patrick R;, a eivi'.iun, v/ts brought up ehurufid with.haviuj; about thretj months aiio purc!i: J .3rfd fnim Patrick Bedford, a prwaUi xm t!.:.i. lSi'u oue p::ir of booN value Kn 'wiiig th'j s.-une to be a part of a nec-eds-irwi, contrary to thi 35th. . section ,of-the Mutiny . Prisoner p!i>.':dcd giiiltr, atalin._r that ho purehns3l the ignortirice. of rui' , ? and regulations of the Act. riii iiii/j [idl the. b >oU n.5 a time when he Wi3 hard up for :i p;tir, aud did not think it "ny liar:;;. •*>'r. KausrUton exp'siino'i ibn of thetoction -which the ea.-o was brousht, and the penalties im[iri3«rl by Iho Act. 'ihrß'r.L-hi'.fli ltd a. fine of 5a anrl th-i c i*te toget.h'ftr vt'tr.h trc.blu the valuu of the goocU. This coiidud-.-d the b:jaiiiKei.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1314, 1 February 1868, Page 6

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COMPENSATION COURT.—Friday. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1314, 1 February 1868, Page 6

COMPENSATION COURT.—Friday. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1314, 1 February 1868, Page 6