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FRIDAY, JANUARY 31. The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. Present: —Messrs. Disrnan, Wyun, G Milan, Webster, Hurst, Peacock, Hunter, Swanson, Sheshan, Nicholson, Cooper, Martin, and Maclean. The ininute« of the previous sitting were read and confirmed. RESIGNATION OF MB. UILFIXLAK. Mr. GilS'lllan, who occupied a srat on one of the side benches in the middle of the chamber, approached the Speaker , * chair and said—Sir, allow me to maio a few observations in explanation cf the reason -which prevent* mo occupying my accustomed seat on the Eietutire benches. I beg to e.*y that I have this day resigned my effice in the Executive Council of the Government of this Province. I have done ao not because of any difference of opinion between myself imd my honorable colleagues of late —not on account of any question of public mumenfc arising—for we had agreed tbrous;hoxit, and would in all probability have agroed in opinion to tha close. I havri done ao on purely perso.-ml grounds. I do not wish to trouble the Council with the grounds of this resolution at any length, but if hon. momberj will refer to the first veto given in committee of supply thiy -will probably find a reason for it without giving ino tbe necessity of entering further into particulars. I have eaid that I resigned my office into the hands of his Honor this moi-riinsr, and for reasons altogether personal to myself. I could not belinve that ic was intended to degrade the office of Provincial Secretary. I therefore stand aside and leave the Council to dsal wit'.i the office as it may think (it. If the rote was meant as an insult to

mysolf my solf-respect came to my aid and determined me to resign at once an office, w*>ich, from a sense of public duty, I may have beld too long. Ifr. Wynn fxpressod his regret at tho resignation of Mr. Gilfillnrj, and said that as it was sent in on purely personul grounds, his Honor had no alterna tive but to accept it The Council resolved iteeK iuto Committee of Supply. Mr. Farmer in the chair. T.AXD3 AND ROAD 3 DEPARTMENT. Items—Waste Lands Commissioner imd Provincial Surveyor, £21'5. Mr. '■Webstkb moved that the item be rednced by £125. Dr. Nicholson moved, That it be decreaied bv £75. Mr. Winn said that professional service if worth anything must bo paid for. If tho be»t meri were to be got to fill import int offices they ruuat be paid in proportion to tbe viilue of their skill in the market, ihe office was one that was established by Act, and thoy must have tho offlcei". Mr. Swanson was of opinion that the item ought to be struck out. The incumbent of the office had boen able to go to Wellington,and the dutyof the office was carried r.n during his absence. His absence proved that the services were not so necessary. Colonel Pbacockb thought that the services required ware most important, and it by no means followed that because the holder of any particular office under consideration was entitled to render services of a different kind at Wellington that his services had been intermitted. Beside?, the holder of the office was a gentleman of indefatigable induitry in lr's office.

Mr. Hunter eaid that it would he neoeeeery to keep an old hand in tho office, for such a person could alone have the knowledge of old enrveys, and give the requisite information to country settler* who made inquiries about boundaries. Ho had called at the office and could not find certain plans which he wanted. Mr. Sheehiw admitted that the holder of the office was an industrious man, and the head of a large family, (laughtor) but he complained that the salary for the Provincial '-'ecretary and Treasurer should bo reduced to so paltry a sum, while so large a one should bo asked for the Provincial Surveyor. Mr. Swanson said that the speoch of the hon. member (M>. Hunter) was th«bost argument against the whole department. It was a mass of corruption. It was said tho holder of the office had no professional emoluments. Ho had cadets, und people who had apprentices, usually got something with them, '-•omotimes these premiums were owing, and there was no use of any other person looking for a job until the money was paid. If he (ATr. Swnnson) wanted a farm of good buih ho would find it desirable to make it all right with the surveyor. Col. Peacocce said that unless tho hon. member (Mr. v 'wanson) was prepared to prove the allegations he had made, ho had done what no man ehould diro. Hβ (O'ol. Peacocke) did not believe the statement. Mr. S-wanson said that he had made an accusation, but he knew what meii wou'.d do. and it was no use putting up to be inmaeulate. lhere was the wellknown Freeman's Hay swindle. He did not blame Major Heaphy for taking apprentices ; it was a matter of busineeo, but it made the statement that the Provincial Surveyor had no professional emoluments untrue.

Mr. Hir.NTBB said that he had a son apprenticed to Major Eeaphy, and not a sixpence had he paid. He insisted upon tho proof who p»id money, and he would not leave the house till either the matter was cleared up or an apoloay tta ie. Mr. Wykn deprecated the indulgence in personalities. Ho hoped tho Council would get through the business. If the hon. member would not leave the Chamber until he obtained satisfaction from another hon. member, when the business was done the doors could be locked on them until foey settled their differences. Mr. WebSTBU withdrew hia amendment. The motion oi Dr. Nicholson was carried, and the item was reduced by £75, making the salary £150 for the half-vear. Draftsman, £150, reduced to £100. Clerk of Keeordsnnd Clerk to Crown Lands. Commissioner. £110. Agreed to. Inspector of Roads. £125. r l he officer was a most efficient'public servant, and had the charge of the repairs, &o. Br. Nicholson suid the roads would be under the Highway Beards. Mr. S'HESHAX : II would be necessary to have some one to inspect them. (Hear.) Mr. Wtnn- eaid the time might come when the roads wonld he under rood boards, but who was to see to their repairs until that time ? Mr. Cekiohton said it was a new office created and was not necessary. Dr. Niohclson' said the Government had failed to convince him that tho office was necessary, and he would move that the item bo struck off. Mr. Dignak, beside the reaeona given by the law officer, • said that the office was necessary. There were many persons goin? on their lands who did not know tho roade. An officer was necessary to point out and keep these roads open. Mr. A. Mabtin and Captain. Cooper boheved the office was necessary. Colonel Peacocke thought that where public money or property was given for public works, there ought to be an inspector. : Mr. DIONAN eaid the item would include bridges and ferries. Bridges were included in the service even more than loads. Mr. Webster said as reduction was the order of tho day, ho would move that the item be reduced by £25. Mr. Maclban said the oflkor would have to keep a horse, and he would be required to give advice to country boards. Money raised by district boards was p.iblic money, 2nd its expenditure should bo looked after. The item passed without any reduction. Item. —storekeeper £50. Mr. Wwn'N said this item was almost in the shapo of a pension. Mr. GlXFrixAff eaid that the condition of this man, who was a very old servant, had been referred to the Council by the General Government. Dr. KionoLSOx objected to the eham of calling a pension a salary. Hβ would suggest that the item be amended by inserting " Fenei.,n to E. Mills." Mr. A. Graham; said it would better to leave the matter as it was. 'Ihere was rome necessity for a storekeeper. Jlr. Cbeiohto.v suggested that the item should be changed to a gratuity. Mr. believed the old man did not want pity—that there vtaa still eonio use in him, and he would vote for the item. The item was agreed to. AUCKLAND AND DRTJBT BAILTfAY. This item was postponed. POLICE. Commissioner, £200. Mr. Wv.w eaid tho reduction of the number of officers increased very considerably the duties and responsibility of the Commissioner. Br. Nicholson proposed the reduction of the item, by £50.

Mr. Maclean would support the reduction. Hβ complained that the police did not make thtmselves active in seeing that the laws of the province should be carried cut In Symonds-streot three lawa of the province were neglected or broVen. He thought tha proceeds of the dog tax, if properly collected, would pay the police. He observed that the only leiuetion. in the department waa district constables to £20 from Jfc'SO. Mr. GsAHAii thought the item ought to he reduced by £75. The province could cot pay more than £250 a-yeav. Hβ moved that it he so reduced. Mr. Husst supported the mution of the hon. memfcei (Mr. Graham). Question put 'ihe item waafbunced by £75. Item.—lnspector of Weights end Measures, and Believing Officer, £75. This item was agreed to without any reduction. Serge-iat-llajor, Bs. 6d. per diem. Dr. Nichols.h moved a reduction of tha item to 73. Gd. per diem. It was a higher zaii office than the tv/o offices ju3t voted. Mr. Wisk said he would accept a reduction from £77 Hβ. 3d. to £75.

Mr. Maobeady and "Wγ. Skbehah tbooght it should not be forgotten that the Sergi ant-Major had to work night and day. Tho item, reduced from £77 to £73, was agreed to. Item.—3ergeni:t, ut 7s. 6d. per dioro, £68 Bg. 9i. Keduced on tho motion of L'r. KICROLSOH , , seconded by Mr. Mobert Graham to £60. Item.—l 7 prirutee, at 63 a-day. Captain Ccoper moved that the item he reduced to 5?. 6d. a day. Mr. HimsT seconded the moti" n: Mr. Macready said as there was no money in the estimates for clothinp, that might be considered reduction enough. t!e would more that the salary be teduced to £2 a-week. Mr. Cbeiqhton thought thh wa3 not the proper direction for economy. He thought theie had been I too much reduction in that depart meiit. l'ho reduction to sj. 6d. a-day was negatived. The reduction to £2 a-week wae negatived. The item was agreed to as printed. I Item.—Two detectives, £U6. Afzreed to. Tho Council adjourned for half an hour. Council resumed at 7 o'clock. Council in Committee. Mr. "Webeter in the uhair. MESSAGES. (20) Hil Honor brought under the notice of the Council tho vnte passed by the Covmcil for the Provincial Secretary, and express: d a fear that reductions on such principles would prevent him obta ning the services of men of respectability and competency to fill responsible offices. Mr. Wykn moved that his Honor's message be considered. Mr. K. Gbaiiah regretted that his Honor should, have sont such a message, while tho Estimates were under consideration. tie moved thit £75 be added to the £100 voted. Hβ thought the salary should be £350, seeing that the salary of the aabordinate officer, the Accountant was £300. Capt. COOP-BB thought the subject should be postponed. Mr. "Wysn vindicated the conduct of the Superintendent in tending down the letter, as he had no alternative. Mr. StvansON Baid he would be willing to rote a enm at the rate of £300 a-year.

Sir. DioKax eaid the Superintendent waa left without any person in his office except the Clerk of Eβcorde. Mr. Macreadt said there was a great deal of talk over the subject. If the Council wished to give £300 or £350 a-year, the; - ought to do so at once. Mr. Huest drew'tho attention of the Council to the circumstance that certain members who had been actire in getting the Council inlo a difficulty and left the Council to get out of it how it could. Mr. Maßti.v said lie thought the Message placed I the Council in a false position. If the Message could be withdrawn ho would vote for the £300 at once. He believed that o, certain number of members had misled the Council. Those members attempted to oveithrow Provincial Institutions. He believed they were partners in. a plot which had been hatched at .Wellington. Colonel -Pkacocke avowed that he would do away with provincial iDStituti>Es, but he hid not voted for the reductions. He would move that the salary be £300 a-year. Captain Cooper said unless the question wa3 adjourned he would move the re-committal of the estimates, as certain members then absent would say that adrantago was taken of their absence. Mr. Wynn : Mr. Carleton ia gone to the Bay, Mr. Buckland is gone to see the maori king, and Mr. O'Neill waa gone on a lucrative anpointment under the General Government. Was the Council to wait until thoso members of the opposition came back ? Sir. SwAKsoJf said he would vote for tha £300 a-year. Mr. Maoleas eaid that the question might be postponed to enab e eomo members then absent to vote. If the vote was pressed he would vote for £300 a-year. Mr. Maktin said, notwithstanding tha f , seme offence was taken, he reallj did believe that it was a plot hitched at Wellington. Although he had no fault to find with the public Pre?s, so far a- he was concerned, yet he saw reason to beliove that the public Press would be used in the future for private ends, and that were the province to be handed over the public Press wou'd be made ueo of by those at Wellington for their purposes. Mr. Graham withdrew his motion in favor of the motion for £rioo to be the salarv.

The motion that the salary of the Provincial Secretary be .£3OO, was agreed to. GAOL. Qao'er, £75. Agreed to. Sergeant Warder, £70 Reduced to £60, Senior Warder, £65. Reduced to £60 Ten Warders at 108 per annum, £510, Colonel Pbacocke said that he ha 1 heard that the Gaoler had stated that so great was the reduction that the safe custody of the prisoners was in peril. He would move the postponement of the item, with a view to its being re-considered. Item postponed. Matron, £87 10s, reduced to £30. nations and medical comfort.-, £iOCO, Agreed to. Fuel and light, £100. Agreed to. HOSPITAL AXD ASTI/trM. Grant in aid, £1000. Mr. Dign-ait explained that there was a committee sitting to consider by what means these institutions should be maintained, whether by a rato or otherwise. The grant was to supplement what they might decide Mr. SwAHSoif b.iid that in his opinion the rate or other means should be first decided upou. On the motion of Dr. XiciroLsoN , the consideration of this department was postponed. HAHUOURS. Portmaster and Chief Pilot, £200. Moved by Mr Bwansox, That the item be reduced to £125. —Negatived upon a division: Ayes, 5; Noes, 6 Moved, That the item be reduced by £40.— Agreed to. The Council, on the motion of Mr. Swakbok, adjourned at 10 o'clock, till Tuesday next. MESSAGE. (21) Enclosing correspondence frdta the Provincial Sutgeon relating to reduction in the Hospital expenditure. (22) Enclosing the reports of the Provincial Surg3on upon the state of'the Hospital and Lunafw Asylum. Pair: Mr. Dacre and Mr. Buckland have paired off for the remainder of the session. Mr. Wtnn laid on the table correspondence fircua Mr. Hugh C'arleton relating to the Sheep Act.

" Why doea father call mother honey t" aased a boy of hia elder brother. " Can't tell, 'oept it'» because she hue a large comb in her head." A Close Witness.—During » recent trial at Auburn, the following occur ed to vary the monotony of the proceedings:—Among the witnesses was one aa verdant a specimen of humanity as one would wish to meet with. After a severe crosfl-eiamiaaj tion,|the counael for the Government paused, and then putting on a look of severity and ominous shake of the head, exclaimed, " Mr. Witness, has not an effort been mado to induce you to tell j dinerent story ?" " A different etory from what I have told, fl ir ?" " That is what I mean." " Yes, air. sav-rat persons have tried to get me to tell a different atory from what I have told, but they couldn t. How, sir, uoon your oath, I wfeh to know «»"£"■ eona are." "Waal, I gue-e you've d hard aa any of them." The w.t«o3* was diMiißed, while judge, jury, and spectators indulged m a hearty laugh.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1314, 1 February 1868, Page 5

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AUCKLAND PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1314, 1 February 1868, Page 5

AUCKLAND PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1314, 1 February 1868, Page 5


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