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SYDFEY. By the arrival at Adelaide of the branch majl steamer Alexandra we have telegraphic advices from England to December 71h. The commercial news is On thn whole satisfactory. Our special telegram received last month respecting the November wool sales is confirmed, and we find that pric.s ruled about 2d per lb. below September rates; after the sales, however, the market irreportad to have im-

! proved. Tallow has advanced 6d to Is p?r cwt., i latest quotations 42s Gel to 4!s. Hides and leather uro ! aUo farmer. -oa MtoGSs; Iroiirlstufts j dull butiirm; e< commit 01, £43 ; mimosa bark dull lof salo. Of the money market wo learn that tho | Bank of England rato of discohnt remains iat 2 ' per cenr. Monoy continues plentiful, but lias n tendeney to advance as confidence li*s increased in commercial circles. Auftralian securities aro very firm, and in some stocks a crnsid'Trtble advance lias taken pl»c«": Now I South Wiil-s 5 (>' lr ccnt -' <!u " !S7l t0 !^ 7H • ure quoted al '.19 to K'O ; ditto, dwe ISSS to lSyo, 97 to US- Queensland, 103 V t'> 10U ; Victoria, 110,> to 113j. j South Australia, 107 to 109 ; New Zealand. 3 per'cont., 97 lo 'JS ; ditto, (i per cent., 107 to 10S ; Consols, 94; io tH j, cum dividend, .shipments to Austra i t fo>" the month tith November show a considerable In 'hose to Melbourne it amounts !•> at.-ont -10 per cenr., and those to Sydney about. 25 j ,f -r Ccn*. increase on the average valuo ot shipnj-nts during e.-ich of the preceding six months, iho Queon of Nations, Ziba, Karl of Dalhousie, ' arah >'if::'<lson, Maid of Judah, and Flying Spur, iire rejior *.d a - having sailed (Or this port. Tho new mail contract -with t~o and O. Coinnany has occasioned important changes ill the Australian mail service. The postal rato if increased 3d per half ounce. IV.o mails hence for Xnglaud will bo despatched in future every four weeks, commenci g on tho i'nd proximo. Th ro will bo no homeward mail from tho colonies this month, but in future there will be thirteen every jeat, instead of twelve as at pre-ont. Tne Rank of New .South Wales ha s rociuc ed the rate of Exchange on London for sixty-day bills to par. In tlie Meek and Miave market a slack week lias been experienced. Ihe demand has been beiow the average out prices have not receded. Kor Hank shares, there has been less inquiry except for Citys, which would meot a ready sale at quotations. Joint Stocks have settled at 10J. Commercials and Sew South Wales were placed at last week's rates. Of Insurance shares there have linen sales of Pacific at 45s and -17s 6d, closing at the latter. Cniteds firm at par. Gaslights have again advanced and sold at 11. iVak Downs at 27s Gd'and prefereutials at 30s. Wallsend coal are wanted at quotations, but there are nono ollering at present- Debentures continue to absorb the bulk of investments. New South Wales terminables have bpen placed at 95, and interminables at 90 ; Queenaland 6 per cents, are also saleable at 97i ; Clarenco Itichmond 7 per cent, debentures were quitted at par. i he following table will show the closing quotations of tho Stock and Share market, and the rates at which business has been done duriug tho wees : — „. , „ 1 Closing Businkss Capital. Colli ami s. ~ I'uicks. Done. £ Banks. £ 900,000 Australasia. -10 to G4 400,000 Commercial 2oj 56$ 500.000 Eng. Scot, and Aust 'JO ltij • 600,000 Joint Stock 10 101 10i 1,000,000 London Chartered... 20l -2 to 23 2,000,000 Oricutal i>s;-*0to4:! 1,250,000 Union 25 j 50 1.000,000 Xo* T South "Wales 20j 45£ *15.] sDo,oji» No.vZealimd 10. 1"? ••• 200,000 City Bank 10; 10j Stentn. 520,000 Australasian 20j to 10 62,000 Clarcnce&Richmond 10 Stitf to o 05.000 Hunter River 10; S to 50,000 Illawarra 5j 2J to 3 • 60,000 Queensland 10j Insunmco. 600,000 General Marino 30? l£tols 150,000 N. S. W. Marine 2 2 250,000 Sydney Fire & Marine 2lfto 1J 500,000 Pacific Fire &. Marine J 2^2^500,000 United Firo and AI:l----rine I 208 20d 1,000.000 Southern 1 1^ Miscellareoi's. 300,000 Gas Light 6 11 U

SO.OOOlSydney Exchange ... 10 2 50.000; l'yrmontßridgo o -i lOO.lXXMVallsend Coal 101 • r 60,000 Waratall Coal f! 20,000 3 Ditto 5 100.000 Peak Downs Copper 1 27s Od '17s Gd 60,000 Cadiaugullong 1 Ditto 1 30,030 Hartley Kerosene Oil and I'nrallluo 1 15s ■10,000 Gbiumire Gold Mining 2 60,000 Fitzroy Iron 5 50,000 WesternKeroseneOil 1 Ditto Pref. 15s 25.050 Bulli Coal Company 10 9 Currawanf; Copper 1256 Debentures. Government.due from 1571,\ to IS9G J 100 S3 to 95 95 Intel luinable 100 9 3 90 Tre-sury liills, 6 p.c 100 103} Queensland Government 100 07i 97$ Do. '1 .easury Bills. 10 p.c. ... 100 107 107$ A.S.>".Co.,duem'69,and'7l... 100 OS to 100 City of Sydney 100 OS Ditto S per Cents, due in"! 1870 j 100 102J Pyrmont Bridge Co., due in 1 I»G9 / 100 100 Col. Sugar Eellning Co., due I from 18G3 to ISGS / 100 100 to 103 New Zealand Governmett,) 8 pe; cent J 100 100 to 104 Wellington, N.Z., 10 per. cent 100 100 The bill to amend the the Customs Act, read a first time in the Assembly yesterday, provides th t if the importer, owner, or consignee of goods, does not within three clear days after the date ot entry of the sailing vessel importing the same (or one clear day if by steamer), make entry of such goods, they can b« landed and stored at the con=ignee's risk and expense. If not cleared within three months, and all expenses p'-tid, the}' may bo sold. Goods of a perishablo or explosive nature may be sold forthwith. Business during the past week has been rather quiet, and with few exceptions the quotations showed a declining tendency. Breadstuff* have been affected by advices from Victoria, and the buoyant tone manifest last week has entirely disappeared; prices for flour are nominally £18 10s to £20; but only small lots are saleable. Adelaide old wheat is still held for 8s 6d; Victoria, 7s fid to 8s ; Tapmanian, 7s 6d. Candles are offering at 12d to 12Jd for full weights. Inferior plantation coffee has been quitted at lOtd and lOjd for good samples. Dried fruits aro lower. Currants are offering at 3£d to 3Jd ; muscatel?, 9|d to lOd ; sultanas at auction brought 7d ; valencias, 6id; dried apples, 7d; Barcelona nutß sfd ; cornsncks in small parcels are obtainable at 12s 3d to 12s 6d ; woolpacks are also dull of sale. In liquors there is little change to report; bulk ales are lower, best brands are offered at £7 15s to £8 ss; bottled is also in better supply ; holders of rum are firm at 3s lOd to 4s ; and small quantities have been placed at a latter rate. Oilmen's Biores and provisions are dull. SYDNEY MABKETS. "Wholesale. .Retail. Flour —Fine, ton of 20001b5... £19 0 0 Seconds, do., do 17 0 0 Bran, per bushel 0 16 Biscuit, cabin, per 100 lbs 15 0 Navy, ditto 1 1 0 Bread, per 21b. loaf ... 4d to 5d Butcher's Meat—Beef, per lb. lid to 2d ljd to 5d Mutton, per do l to 2d to 5d Pork, per do to 5d 4id to Gd Teal, per do 4d to 5d 4d to 6d Lamb, per quarter 4s 6d to 5s 6d ... }] abbits, per pair 3s 4a Roasting Pigs, each 4s Gd to 7s 7s to 10a Cheese, per lb 5d to 6d 6d to Is Bacon, per do 6d to 7d 9d to Is Lard, per do 6d to 7d 8d to Is Eggs, per dozen Is 1b 3d Vegetdbles—Potatoes, pr. cwt. 9b to 10s 11b to 12a Cabbages, per dozen 2s to 9s 3d to Is Forage—Straw, per cwt 5s G-rasß hay, per do 4s Lucerne, per do 5s 6d Oaten, per do 6s 6d Maize, per bushel 3b Oatß, per do 4s 6d Barley, per do 3 S 6d *** The prices quoted above are as neat as can be ascertained. The market is ruled by the Bupply, consequently a few hours may materially affect the prices.—Herald, January 11.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1308, 25 January 1868, Page 3

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AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1308, 25 January 1868, Page 3

AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1308, 25 January 1868, Page 3