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Shipping Intelliegence.


rrt.',—April 2t>—Fine. TTtnxi S.E-

ARRIVALS. iij —Wc'Hiigti'i, ..s., 201 tons, F. Renner, from the .-••ut'i via Tauranga, with genoml cart'O, p*s-E-r-.jeif, ?c. —Combes and Daldy agents. 20 — Flying Buck, schooner 2-10 ton--, Brown, frriiri Dune-Jin, the 19th instant, with oats, io.— Smart and Co., aitenta op, _ !•",>, tti•«!-. schooner, 31 tons, Uuchanan, from (h,i, i:t ba l ist. 1 pasjemor. >tcr!iii!«j Light, cutter, 28 tons, Tiller, from '!') vii'i 'U 1, iVcit Uarrior, with firewood. Vui 1 <>f ilia Mill, cutter, from Muhurangi, Vl a'i-rrVcrtji-iii-roft, cutter, 22 tins, I'dwards, fi-nn ihe Thim.n, with machinery, ll*x, cods, &c., 9 pass-. —J. Case)'' ag"nt 26 — 'iarrie'dt'. cutter, Jjon.b.-i-d, from tho J names, vith 6KW. - ' titubir. 2G---'jdney, cu'.Kt, Ka', from Mahurangi, with firewood. 2G—Besr. cutter, 30 tons, Edwardcs, from the lham s, wi h sawn ti i.ber. DEPARTURES. AFRIt 'JO- schooner, 32 tons, Purchas, for Tauranga, wi li cattle. sundries, &c , 3 passo igers. 2 Heather Bill, cutter, 21 tons, Dam, for Mahurmgi, with m;u hies, -1 p*s_-engers. •>;— Margaret, cutter, '20 tons Crawford, for Ccrontand.'l, wita s;:n fries, 6 passengers. 2i>—AigJ, schooner, 34 tons, Davies, for Wangarei, wiHi sund ie.», 10 passenger.". 20 —Hose, cutter, 30 tons, Jones, for Wangarei, in ballast. . . 25—Prince of Wales, cuttor, for Mahurangi, in balh-t. I .V \TA r -DS COASTWISE. APKI Ti 2.3—Wilii and Julia, from Mahurangi, in ballast : from Coromaudel, in ballast, 12 pas- : i't-lrel, frcm Coroma.del, with 10,000 f<et timber, -10') ounces geld, 1 horse, sundry furniture, itc., 11 pis enters; Heather Bell, from Mahurangi, with 24 pu iri posts, 13,000 shingles, 5 passengers ; Bau y La--.-, t':o:n Poverty Bay, with 200 theep. (ATsVA 15D3 'Y>AST WISE. APUTt it—U.nthei Bell, f>r Mahurangi, with sundries, t passing s: Argo, for Wangarei, wilh sundry rocr!U p .s.-engcrs ; Rose, fjr Wangarei, in ballast; for Coromandel, with sundries, •! pas.-C')".- s ; Mavis, for Tauranga, with 10 head cattle. 1 sale. 1 Un hairs, a quantity of furniture, i:c , ~ pasjc.-i^ers. INWARD 3 INI KH PROVINCIAL. AI'KH. 2>;—Wellington, s.B , itS 1 tons, F. Henner, from the South, via l'auranga. with, from Otago : — lease 1 cask, 1 ke? drugs-, Wehman: 20.-> bags grass sead, A. Buckland. From Lyttelton : —1 hag, I). Hale; 1 parcel, Young. From Wellington :— I cuso ink, Collecor Cu;tou.s ; fi~ feet luggage Commissariat ;50 boxes candles, Bucholz and Co.; 1 ca=e, Manly; 1 horse, Fawn; and sundry merchandise for Napi r and Tauranga, »hort-l*nded. Paß-en-geis:—Mr and Mrs. Beetham, 9 child'en, and servant, Mr. and Mrs. Domt-lt, Miss Smytiters, Miss Hay 31 ajor Campbell, Mr Fawn, vr Clark, Mr. J'32i-n=, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. fclaynes, Mr. Levy, Mr. Kobiison, Mr K-lley, Mr. Kemp, Muni, Cundy, Mrs. Wiliiiims, Mr Stanlej-, ■v-iss Ilfvwkins, Mr, Ford, Duugal. Fielding, Martin, —Combes and Daldy, agents. OUTWARDS FOREIGN. AI'RII. 20 —Ivanhoe, schooner, 71 tons, McGregor, for JTew Caledonia via Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. Thorfcurn and child, Mary McLean ; Margaret, Lillias. Eveline, William, James. Alexander, Kobert, Andrew, and J Thorburn; Mr, Walker, Mr. Bailey, Mr. J. Bunt, Mr. fligginson.—Cruickshank, Smart and Co., agents. EXPORTS. Per Ivannoe, for New Caledonia :—143 cases liranrJt' .""A nkwn C 1 - cases 2 packageiirontnon«:ery,6 iron wheels, 3 bullocfc yokei, 3 pair bullock bows, 1 case bedsteads, 5 tons potatoes, 3Go bars 110 bundlet iron, 50,000 shingles, 20,000 feet timber, 31 bullock chains, 6 ploughs, 3 0-M63 jams, 3 ditto salmon, 1 tin biscuits, 1 case boots, order. Cpstom House.—April 26.—Entered Outwards.— Auckland, s s., 533 tons, Harris, for Sydney. PKOJEOTED I/RPARTURE3. 708 London. — England, Mary Hhepherd and Southern Cross, early. Sak Feancibco.— Heveraham, eaily ; Flying Cloud, early. Oallao.—Cossipore, early ; Regina, early. Sydn'et. —Auckland, s s , 2nd May. Newcastlb, N.S. W.—Susan and A. K. Badg«r, early. New Calsdojtia.—lranhoe, this day; Blue Bell, early. Ca.vxbeiiubv.—Woodstock, early. Fob Gkejmouth.—Flora McDonald, this day. Napier — tar of the South, s.s., this day. Bivebhead.—Gemini, s.e., daily at 11 a.m. Tacbaxga—Tauranga. thiß day. Tahiti.— this day. Tub South. — rtollincrtoD, s s., onMondav. Hoßart Towk. — Bella Mary, early. Batavia.—Flying Cloud, early. VEBSELB EXPECTED. Alice Cameron, barque, from Newcastle, (loading.) Atlantic, barquo, from the Mauritius, sailed. Alexandra, bri£, from Adelaide, sailed March 15. Ballarat, barquo, from London, (loading.) Celt, schooner, from Canterbury. Countess of Hussel), ship, from Dunedin, (sailed April 18.) O 'listance, barqtio, from Sydnor, (loading). Heversham, barque, from Newcastle, (loading ) n.M e. OhnlJeoger, from Australia. H.M. s. fisk, from Australia. If.M. 6. Brisk, from tho -South. Island City, barque, for Gladstone, sailed April 7. Ironsides, «hip, troji Knglnnd, sailed Fnb. 22. John ship, from London, sailed Deo. 1-1. Jessie Kolly, schoone -, from the Mauritius, (loading) Kalahomo, barque, from Newcastle, (lnnding.) Moa, brig, from Sydney, sailed A pril 17. Nautilus, cutter, from Canterbury. Pakeha, bri>, from Adelaide, sailed March 27. Warwick, ehip, from London, sailed January 15, Waverly, brig, from Bolivia. Zjllab, Bchooner, from Tahiti. "VESSELS IN HARBOUB. Auckland, s 8., from Sydney, Albatross, schooner, from Lyttelton. Aspaaia, schooner, from Wan^apoa. A. H. Badger, barque from Lyttelton. Bella Mary, barque, from Hobart Town. Bella Marina, coal hulk. Benjamin Heape, coal hulk. Enterprise No. 1, p.s., on ferry service. Enterprise No. 2, p.s., from Muhurangi. England, ship, from London. 1 Flying Cloud (new), brig, from tittle Omah. Hying Buck, schooner, from Dunedin. Fortune, schooner, from Opotiki. 1 Gemini, s.s., on ferry service. Hope, schooner, from Tauranga. 1 Herald, new schoonor, fron Wangarei. ' Midge, s.s,, from Londor. 1 -Mary Shepherd, ship, from London. 6 Sapid, schooner, from Tauranga. Begina, ship, from London, Spray, brig, from Brisbane. I Surprise, brig, from Tahiti. Star of tho South, s.s., lrom Napier. Susan, brig, from Newcastle, N.h.W t Tauranga, schooner, from Tauranpa. Tauranga, s.s., (new) fitting for sea e Wellington, s.s., from the South via Tauranga. Tbe cutter Print* of Wales left again last evening I tor Msbnrangi, in ballast. •

AIIRIVA OF I'HK WELLINGTON. The N.Z.d. N'.Co.'s h.«. Wellington, Captain F. Renlier, arriv.d in harbour nt midday, yostorday, from the S..uth, via Taiir.inga, bringin:; n general oarg<. and several passengers, full particulars of which uppenr in ou- > ustoais' oolum .s. The Wellington loft Otaeo at 3 p.m. on tlio 14th, and arrived at tho Bluff Hi i) am. o;i tlio l^jth; left tamo dov, at 11 a m.. and arrived off Hokitika nt 4 pm. nn the IGtli, having srrong head winds and thiok weather thro >g' out the passage ; transferred p .Mentor* and mails to the B.s Bruce nn the mo-ni ig ot' the 19th. and lofi tor Nelson at 9 ( a.m., urr ve-t ther*' at S a m. on the *!olh ; left same . day at 9 p.m., md arrived at I'irton al: 4 a m "n tho 21rtt; left sii'Ti" day at S a in. and arrived at Wullinuton at 12 3') p m., on -nmday the 21st.; left thorp again at 5 , ihe 23r J, and arrived at Napier at noon on th 2-l:li ; left the same -fay at f.15 . and arrived at Tauranga at fp m. oil the 25th; left i'uuranga at 0 SO a.m. on 'he 26th (yet-terday), and arrivo i here at pra , experiencing weuiher throuifmut. Tlio Wellington mii detained twentv-foiir liou-B nt Wellington, awaiting the arrival of tho *. Kii-oura trom Panama with the Knglish mail, but tint Tejsel was not signalled up to 6 p.m. on the 23rd. "We liavo to tiiank Mr. Purser Kobbell for supplyins; us -with full files of Southern papers to dato of Bulling', copious extracts from which will be found in our other columns. ARRIVAL OF THE FLYING BUCK. The clippor schooner Flying Buck, Captain Browd, arrived in harbour last evening from Dunedin, after a good run of seven days, bringing a cargo of 400 baps oatf, and 29 tierces and barrels beef, consigned to ilessiw. Cruieksbanl.', Smart and Co. The Flying Buck left Dunedin on the 19th instant, and had strong north easterly winds for tho first four days, after that modera'e S.E. breozos until arrival here. On the 20th sighted a large ship oft" Banks' Peninsula, supposed to be the Countess of Russell, bound hero from Dunedin. Upon disehurue, the Flving Buck proceeds to Kennedy's Buy to load timber for Batavia, and return from there with a cargo of colleo, sugar, &c. W" have to thank Captain Brown for late files of Dunedin papers. TRIAL TRIP OF Tllt£ S.S. TLGMONT. On Thursday afternoon, the 18th April, tile P.N Z. & A.R M. Co.'s s.s. Egmont, Captain .Tohn Vine Hall, juti , proceeded to the Heads, on on official trial tiip, under the inspection of Mr. Balfour, Marine Superintendent, and * 'aptain Johnson, Inspector of teamers and Kngincer Purveyor. t'aptai.i Benson, tho rionoral Manager of the < Vmpany, with Ilia usual co .vtesy, inviteu a select par'y on board, amongst, whom we noticed J C. * rawford ksq., K.1V1., Kev A. inock, Or. Boor, Ludlam, E?q., M.H.I'., G. Eliett, 11. I.awson, Brown, Uhurtou, and Wilson, i'" squires, and several ladies. The Kgmon; is -100 tons, builder's measurement, and has two engines of 4-0-horso power each, nomin il. They are a pir of diagonal o inverted engines, ot in cylinders, with 27 in. length of stroke. Her s-duon accommodation is very Biipe. ior, and cabins aro capacious, well ventilated, and contain every requisite for 'he comfort of pas-engors. iter fore-cabin accommodation is also very gool, there being a ladies' cabin fitted wiih the conveniences, and tho ventilation all that could be desired. Tho height between tho lower deek is 10 feer, and the upper 9 feet 6 inches r<he can now accommodate 80s,loon, and 100 f.iro cabin passengers; besides a 'tween deck, which can, if necessaiy, be futed to accommodate 60 mo-e.

After leaving the Queen's Wharf, tlio Kgmont proceeded to I'encurrow lleid, and when alio arrived at the straight rim, to patent log was hove with the 1110=t -aiisf.ietory results. With a pressure of 231b5.. 23 inches vacuum, and 72 revolutions of the engines, she attained a speed of 10 knots an hour, the engine" working smoothly, all tho bc-uirgs cool, and with the slightest Tibration possible. The Hgmont wns coaled up for ten days' passago and was very deep in the water, which no doubt somewhat retardol her speed. Since the vessel has undergone an overhau r in Sydney, her > peed has been much increased, and ". when sho is fitted with a new propeller, which it is - intended to give her, it is anticipited that even a higher rate of speed will yet 'on attained. The > g mnnt's last pas'ago from Hokitika to Sydney was :, accomplished in four days eleven hours ; and the last four pa sages to and from Sydney and Hokitika, a distances of 11)0 miles each way, were made in an average of five days three hoars. Mr. Balfour and , s Captain Johnson expressed them as highly satisfied with tho rvarfnrm.mces. nil arrival oCP £ anchor, when Dr. Bo"r, the Hev. A. dtock, and Mr. 8 Balfour were !anded in tho pilot boat. Dr. Boor had , been brought o it. specially to attend Mr. Deck, the j lightkeeper, who was reported to be dangerously ill, a and the Kev. Mr. Stock being on board kindly accompanied hira on his visit. Tho boat was absent ahout 'wo hours and during the interval Captain Hall with his n«ual hospitality, iriyitod the party on boatd to luncheon, which «as e'egantly laid out in the saloon, and to which tho guests did ample justice, the se-» air apparently having shtrpened their appetites. On the return of tho boat from shore, we j learned Mr. Deck wag dangerous]}- ill, having had two apopletie fitß, and eliat he was lying in a most y precarious state. The anchor was then weighed, ' and tho Rgmont returned to tho Queen's Wharf, sho arrived in due course all on board being highly gratified with their trip, with tho liberality of tho Company, and with tho courtesy and attention shewn them by Captain Hall and officers.-- Wei. s ling ton Independent, April 20. The schooner Taurunga, Captain Mustart, for Tauranga, sails this morning with cattle, general merchindise, &c. The Bchioner Jane, Dipt. Faulkner, from Poverty Bay, went up tho I'amaki yesterday to d achargo lier cargo of sheep. The s.s. Wellington, C iptain llenner, is announced to sail again or the .Southern Provinces on Monday next, at 2 p.m. Tho p s. Enterprise), in commencing her now Northern stoam so vice will not c-tll at Matakaua, as stated in our issue of yesterday, but will leave for Mahurangi every Monday, returning on Tuesday, and Wangarei every Wednosday, returning tho following Friday. Tho schooner Albatross having completed hor discharge, was taken round to Official Bay yester day to go upon the hard for '•leaning', overhaul, &c. Tho cutter Woodstock has boc n fitted with a new mast, and will leave for Canterbury again in a few days, in charge of Captain filoane (Into of the Hanshee). The oal hulk Benjamin TTeapo was towed over to the North -horc last evening by tho s.s. Star of th i -outh, to be t ikon on tho patent slip there for refit, overhaul, >tc. The schooner Tvanhoe. C tt pt a i n McG-reeor, cleared at the i.'usfcoms yesterday f»r New Caledonia via Mnngonui, with a full general cargo and 17 passengers. Sho sails to day at 10 a m. n^nctually. lhe schooner Colt, Captain Sullivan arrived at Wellington from Oamaru, with a cargo of grain, on the 13th inst. The cutter Rose, Jones, master, left last evening i for Wangarei, to bring up another cargo of coals from 1 Mr. Walton s mines at that olace. I The schooner Kauri, Captain Sayce, arrived at liyttelton from Napier on the 15th inst. The Maid of th« Mill, cutter, arrived yesterday s ® Mahnrangi, bringing up a cargo of firewood. 1 Ihe cutter Harrietto, Lombard, master, brought t up a cargo of timbe. from the Thames yesterday. , _ Tho cutter Flora McDoniiH, Captain Sherrard ; is announced to leave to-ddy for tho Grey liivor' 1 with timber, sundries, &c. 1 Ihe p.s. Sturt, Captain Fairehild, from tho East ( Coast, arrived at Wellington on the 20th instant, 6 with Colonel Haultain (sick) on board. I The cutter Bessy, from the Thames, with sawn 1 timber, arrived on Thursday nitrht last. c Tho cutter Peter Cracroft, .Edwards, master art rived yesterday afternoon from Pokorokoro Th»'m»s c with a quantity of machinerv (belonging to a flat h mill), several tons of coal, flu, furniiure, ,tc. und b some ten passengers. '' The ship Himalaya, Captain Cow, sailed from A Lyttelton, for l.ondon, on the 15th instant, with 1.4 p pissontiers, and a cargo of wool, &c., valued at 1 £23.462 n The cutter Sydney, Kasper, master, arrived yes- s' terday fr'm Mahurnngi with firewood. t] Th- Panama Co.'s s s. A uckland, Captain" Karris, m entered outward- at the ''ustom house yesterday for C Sydney, and will sail on Thursday neit. fi The «.s, dtar (if the Isouth, Captain Bendall, was launched from the Worth bhore patent slip yisterday tl morning, and will learo again for Napier this even- ae mg. She n now alongside tha wharf, loading. to

bo f-iltter Margaret, Ciawfurd, raastor, fur <!oroir.andel, sailed laat evening, with sundries and several liiis-e 'gers. Tho schomer Argo, Capt. Daviei, loft last night or Wmi*ar<sl, with a cargo of sundries and 10 passengers Tho cutter Morning Light, Tiller, master, brought up a caTgo of firewood from Tryphona Bay, Great darrier. yesterday. _ The cuttor Hapid, which armed on Thursday last, from tlie Wairou, leaves again for that place this morning. The schooner Mavis, Captain Pumhas, enilod yes terd iy, for Tnurnnga, with a cargo of cattle, suadrios, &c., and 2 passengers Tlie brig Susan, 'aptain Poulson, now alongside the Wharf, discharging coals, is announced to leavo again for Newcastle direct in a few days, forwarding pawngors to -ydnry. The cutter Dawn, for the Great Barrier, loaves aguin to-day, with cargo and passongers.a ""Tho Southern -team Navigation Company's now steamship I'areora, arrived from Glasgow at Dutifdi'i on the morning of the '3ili inst., after a prot- auted passage of 167 drtyß. Mr. Bailey chief engineer of tho Mataura, is to take 'the offieo of sup srintondent ongineor of tho Panama Company at Sydney, and will bo succeeded ill tho Mataura by Mr. Horizon, late of the Rakaia. The cuttor Heather Bell, Dam, mdster, sailed last evening for Mahurangi, with sundries and i passengers. Captain Hahhi3.— A Southern journal of a recent dato, has tiio following : —"Wo ars glad to learn that Captain Harris, R.N.R.,, who is now in command of the P.N.Z. and A.. li. M. s.s Auckland, has been promoted from a sub-lieutenant to the rank of lieutenant in tho Royal Navy Reserve. Captain Harris h is been in command of the Auckland for some timo past, and by his urbanity and excellent seamanship ha 3 poeurod the good opinion and esteem of the pasongers who havo voyaged in his vessel. Wo congratulate Captain Harris upon hia promotion." Tite Fortune. —Tho schooner Fortune, Captain E. Buchanan, loft Opotiki on Wednesday night last, tlad fair winds, with fino weather, along the coast until Hearing this vort, when she was becalmcd for several hours outsido Bangitoto Hoof, and arrived in harbour yesturcliy afternoon, bringing I passeuger— Mr. Goldsworthy. itoports the cutter Gazelle and schooner Hira as lying at Opotiki when she

sailed. The Government; s.s St. Kilda made ft trip to Pcncarrow Lightliousn yesterday, taking as paßsenger a man whose du'y it will be to look after tho light during tho illness of Mr, Deck. Mr. Deck we r-s.-ret to say. ptil : lies in a precarious state.— JFclUnqton Independent, April 20. Tho ship ouutess of Russell sailed from Otago or this port on th> 18tli inst, and may, therefore, bo hourly looked for. Sh ■ comes up for the of convoying troops homo. Ii is duo to tho captains, officers, and pursers of tho P N. Z. and N. Z. S. N. Company's steamboat* to make special acknowledgement of tho completeness of tho files of newspaper* which they supply, and of tb« regularity and punctuality with which they are delivered to our shipping reporter on tho arrival )f each vessel. Hy the attention of Cnntoin Harris, ot tho Auckland, especially, and of Mr. Wheeler of the L"rd Ashley, Mossrs. Joynt and Hobbel, of the Taranaki and Wellii gton, tiio early transmission of late news i- greatly expedited, and tho same punctuality is observed in the <1 (livery of exclnnge files to our s'otitt orn contomporario' I ho fifth wool ship of the season, tho Commodore, sailed from Wellington for London on tho 23rd inst., with a full cargo of wo-1, &c., value 1 at £11 "29 19s , also tho following passongors : —The Very R-v. J. J. O'Reilly, Vfr., Mrs , and Mi-s Wilson, Me-srs R. S. Shaw, and Carnon. The .ost South Australia* (is.) —Tho Otago Daily Times of the lutli instant, says : —" I hefishir.u cutter Surprise, Which was despatched to the wreck of tho South Australian for tho purpo.-e of bringing up property, returned on Saturday night, her mis aion having pr >ved futile. The heavy seas on the coast prevented her from getting near the wreck, which is now reported as entirely broken up ; portion of the boilers and one of the davits are all that can bo soon." Prom tho same journal, of another data, wo also learn that four men, who were working at the wreck, wero accidentally drowned by tho capsizing of their boat in a heavy sea. The French Protectorato steamer Tltana arrived early yesterday from Tahiti. She sn:led on the Bth March, and has lud light winds throughout. She has como up here for repairs to tho boilers, &c., and was stopped for six days through their leaking. Tho Titana is a New York built vesa"!. .Ft/i,.,. 1 a S?i extras neiiYi employed tor some timo on the west coast of America botween Panama and Sau Francisco. She formed one of tho Spanish war fleet in th" blockade of the Chilian coast and bombardment of Valparaiso She is a woodon boat of great cap icity and carries 1000 tons coal, with accommodation for 010 or 7> 0 troops. In addition vo extensive saloon cabins she has wator tanks capable of holding 25,000 gallons Her engines are on tho American deck beam principle, and in appearance Bhe very much resembles ihe well-known steamers Golden Age and GovernorGeneral that visiti d thi-. port some years ago. She has three decks, exclusive of her hurricane deck. She is 2-i days from JMii'i, using but one boiler, with a prossure of 2 to 4 inches steam only, her chief fuel boing green firew od, which was consumed with much difficulty, bhe is consigned to Mossrs. Beilby and Scott, and we beii vo it is intended to sell linr at this if a market can be found. She reports tho dopal tare of U I. &f. hips Clio and Mutine fur Valparaiso.— Sydney Ilerald, April <>. WEhKLY StniaiAUY. The past week has been quite an activo one in the shipping lino, although tho weather at the first was mo-1 unpropitious. Our harbour still presents a good show of vessels, both in the stream and alongside the ■wharf, and many other craft are hourly expected to | arrive, being considerably ovorduo, among which are tho ship John Scott, Captain Ponfyld, from London, 13'1 days out; "Warwick, ship, from London, 102 days out; Alexandra, britf, Captain Stephenson, from Adelaido, '13 days out; Palceha, brig, Captain Robinfon, from Adelaide, 31 days out; Moa, brig, Captain Robinson, from Sydney, 11 days out; Atlantic barque, Captain Kelly, from tho Mauritius, and several others. The arrivals of tho week compriso on Saturday last the barque Bella Mary, Captain Copping, 'from Hohart Town, after a protracted passage of twentysoven days, bringing a cargo of fruit, &c., also a qnan'ity of stone for tho Post-office, Custom House, and bank buildings ; tho same orening the steamer Midgn, ( aptain L'.utitt, anohored in harbour from London via tho Cape of Good Hope, after a passage of 151 days undor canvas alono. On Sunday tho s's. Star of the South, Captain Bendall, from Napier, with sheep, wool. &(!., and 80 men of H.M. 12th Rogimont. On Monday tin. " Circular Saw" liner, '•usan, Captain Poulhcn, from Mewcastlo,, with co ds. On Tuesday tho Pamama Oo.'s s.s. Auckland, Captain Harris, from Sydney with the 'English mail, general cargo, and piissengors. On Thursday the schooner Bluo Bell, Oaptuin "Lovcrock, from Canterbury and Napier with grain, &c , and schooners Saucy Lass and Jane, from Povorty Bav, with Blieep, produce, &c ; and yesterday tho N.Z.S.N. Co.'s s.s. Wellington, from the "south, with cargo, passengers, &c., and the schooner Flying Buck, Captain Brown, from Dunedin, with a cargo of oats. The dopartures have heon on Saturday last the 3.8. Beautiful Star, Captain Morwiuk, for Canterbury -with sheep. On Tuesday, tho wind having shifted to tho S.--.W , a porfect fleet of wind bound i-essels took advantage of it, and proceeded to sea, imongst them being the barquo Anne Mulhnish, for Newcastle, N.8.W., with timber, potatoes, ;ors, &c.; Missionary schooner Southern Gross, Captain Tilly, for Norfolk Island, with the Molanelian Mission School; schooners Banahoo, Koso Ann, Mnpero, Mctoor, and cutters Betey and Bittern, for Napier, -with sawn timbor ; also Bomo twenty other toasting craft?. On Wednesday the barque Mistle;oe, Captain Duder, for Sydney, with a lull general argo, and several passengors; and on Thursday the larquo Helen S. Page, Captain Cairncross, f,r Brist.tite, in bal ast. Tho February "English Mail came to hand por s.s. lu'-klund on Tuesd ylist. with that vei-rel's usual lunctuality, and again a day before her contract time, 'he ahij ping n . ws received this month is v. ry 3pngro I'he only v. ssol sailed for this poit is th- | hip Ironside, Ctiptdn Hodlay, Jrorn Grave end on t he 22nd February, and the only vessil 'otdinfas tho bnrquo B-.Hara', Captain AJhn. H M ' 'uratjia and Eclip-e had both arrived at Port m u h -om Now Zealand. I : Iho Flying Cloud diTiculty lusnofc yot he>u seted, but the crew have all been paid off. Tie pas- r ingors still stick on board, but we hoar tho vessel is i be sold soon. H

The most noticeable f-ature of the week is t-he eaf« I arrival fiom England. in 154 days under cativa», of I thj littlo «tearaer Midae. She is a smart looking | craft, faithfully built of the be j t material, and fifred j , with firs -class machinery. Her owner intends, we j , believe, to put her on the coasting trade. I , Tlio whole of the 12tli are now concentrated in | . Auckland prior to embarkation for homo. Tho first to feavo us is the left wing in the ship England next week, and thoy will be followed on the sth prox ,by "hn ship Mary -h pherd, wi-h tho heud-qu.irtera of the regiment, in command of Col. Hamilton. Of the rat-m-of war on the station we leirn that TT.M.S.S. Challenger, Commodore am? H.M.9.5. Esk, Capt Luce, were both at Sydney on the 17th in t, and H M.S.S, "Falcon was cruising at Australia- The hnllenger had undergone a thorough overhaul, &c ,in the dry dock. Regarding Commodore Mc(>uire we leirn from a °yd ey pap«r "that tho continued illness of Commodore Masruire having rendered his return to England advisable, Captain Luce, of tho lisk, being senior captain on the Htat on, has torn norarily taken eomm-ind of squadron, and shifted tho pennant fr'im the Challenger to tho Esk. The latter ve s sil has comu oted her time of servico on tho pti'.tion, and orders for her return home are daily expected. This will probably necessitate further changes." H M.9.5. Charybdis, Captain Algernon Mclennan Lyons, is on her way out .to Australia to relieve the Esk, having left Portsmouth oa the 17tli February. H. RL9.S. Brisk, Captain Hope, is on her way here from the with His Excellency the Governor. Steam to Wangareiis apain about to be established, and the service wi'l be commenced next weelc by the o.s. KnterprisoNo 2, upon completion of her present overhaul to machinery, &c.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1077, 27 April 1867, Page 4

Word Count

Shipping Intelliegence. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1077, 27 April 1867, Page 4

Shipping Intelliegence. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1077, 27 April 1867, Page 4