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AUCKLAND. New ZealiAnd Hbrald Office, Friday afternoon. The Customs receipts for to-day amounted to £497. To-day Mr. S. Coslirano offered at auction, by order of the sequestrator of the absconder Kirkwoo d's estate, the schooner Fairy, now lying at Onehungn. No fair value for the vessel being offered, ehe was bought in by tho sequestrator, Mr. H. Vernon, for the benefit of the estate. To-day Messrs. Jones and Co. sold at auction a quantity of canvas, Nos. 1 and 2, at la Id; castor oil, 5a 3d; boiled oil, 4s 4d; raw ditto, 4s sd; turpentine, ss; window glass, 16s Gd, &c. Mr. L. W. Eaton disposed of at auction to-day a quantity of tho following goods: Apples, 3id; pears, 2nd; graces and quinces, sd; onions, 3d per lb., &c. " Messrs. E. and H. Isaacs held a sale of groceries, be., to-day, at tho etores of Messrs. Bucholz and Co., Fort-street, and obtained the following prices: Mauritius sugar, in bond, from 3]d to IJd per lb.; Company's sugar, from 4-} dto 4id per lb.; ale and porter, from 6s lOd to 7s 10s per gallon; sardines, from 5s 9d to 8s lOd per dozen ; a large quantity of spirits and groceries, duty paid, were sold at fair average prices, considering the glutted Btate of the market and tho dulneßs of trade. AUCKLAND PROVISION MARKETS. hetaiii prices. The following are the selling prices by the Auckand dealers :— VABJI AND DAIRY PRODUCE. b. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Milk, quart, 0 6to 0 0 Ducks, pair 5 oto 6 0 Butter lb. fr. X G— 1 0 Geese, each 6 0— 7 o Cheese (col.) 10 — 0 0 Turkeys, eh. C 0— 8 0 Eggs, dozen 2 0— 2 3 Bacon, ib. 13 —16 Lard, per lb. 1 0— 1 3 Ham 16 —19 Fowls, pair 5 0— 6 0 Potatoes, cwt. 5 0— 6 0 31UTCHERS* MEAT. Beef, per lb. 0 5— 0 7 ! Pork) per lb. 0 6—' 0 S Mutton, lb. 0 6— 0 7 Bread, 4d to 4Jd per 21b. loaf. COLONIAL PRODUCE. Buying prices as corrected by the Auckland dealers, Haroh 29, 1867.

B. d. B.d. s. d. S. d. Butter, per lb. 1 3—o 0 Ducks 4 0— 4 6 Cheese 0 7 —o 9 Geese 5 0— 6 0 Eggs, per doz. 19 — 2 0 Turkeys 5 0 — 6 0 Lard, per lb. 0 0— 1 3 Bacon (eol.) 0 o—l G Fowls per pr. 3 6—4 6 Hams I 3— 1 6 Potatoes, £4 to £4 ss. FLOUR MARKET. The Mills.—Fine flour (wholesale), £15 per ton seconds, £10 ; bron, Is Gu. (Retail) fine flour, 16s per 100 lbs.; seconds, lis do.; sharps, £9 per ton ; bran, is 3d per bushel; fresh California flour; wholesale, £14; do. Chilian do., £14. HAY MARKET. A. Buckland.—Best oaten hay (pressed), £6 ; loose, £3 to £3 10s ; clover hay, £3 10s to £-1; straw, 50s the ton ; maize, 4s 6d to 5s ; bran, Is 6d per bushel. M. Sosteevilee.—Wholesale—Oats (seed), 6s per bushel; ditto (feed), 4-s 9d ; maize (whole or crushed), 4s 9d ; bran, Is Od; hay, £4 por ton; straw, £3 ditto. Retail— Oats (seed), 7s per bushelj ditto (feed), sb; maize (whole or crushed), 5s _ 3d; bran, Is 3d; hay, 5s per cwt; straw, 4s ditto. D. K. Clarksoit. — "Wholesale — Maize, 4s 6d ; feed oats, 5s ; Tasmanian seed oats, 6s 6d; barley, 5s 6d; bran, Is per bushel; hay, 4s Cd; straw, 3s; chaff, 6s to Ss por cwt. Retail—Haize, ss; oats, 5s 6d; Tasmanian seed oats, 7s ; barley, 6s; bran, Is 3d per bushel; hay, os ; straw, 4s ; chaff, 6s to 8s 6d ; flour, Auckland brands, 10s pw 100 lb.

Stone BbothebS. —Wholesale—Hay, £4 10s; oaten (pressed) £10; oats, 6s ; maize, 5s Od; 1 bran, la. Retail — Hay, 6s; oats Jss ; maize 5s 6d; bran, la 3d, barley, 6s 6s. AUCKLAND COAL MARKET. ' Receipts this week from Wangarei—44 tons. Price —25s per ton, delivered. Receipts from Newcastle, N.S.W. —570 tons. Price —50a per ton, delivered*(limited supply). BUILDING MATERIALS. . Timber. —Boards and scantling, per 100 feet, 9a to 10s; boards, tongued and grooved, lis to 13s ; broad timber, 12s to 15s. Posts, £4 10s; Rails, £2 10s; 6-feet palings, 16s; 5-feet palings, 12s; shingles, 103; New Zealand palings, lis ; do. shingles, 10s to 12s.' ; Bricks per 1000, wholesale, £2 15s delivered, retail, £3 5s to £4 (warranted) delivered. Lime, per bushel, Is 3d to Is 6d, delivered; Btono lime, in roach, 2s per bushel; wholesale, Is Id. W. J. HURST & CO.'S PRODUCE Pbices Current j?or Week ending March 29. Oat3.—Feed, ss"; wholesale, 4B~Gd; supply abundant Seed, superior colonial grown, 6s to 7s. Maize. —Stocks very eliort; wholesale, 5s to 5s 3d ; retail, 53 to 6s. Tendency upward, as little is expected. Bran. —From Mills, Is ; wholesale,'_ls 3d; retail, Is Cd per bushel. Barley—43 6d to ss; seed; 6s 6 per bushel. Potatoes —£3 10s to £4 per ton; 4s 6d per cwt. There is a tendency to firmness as the crop is found to have Buffered from the last rain. Hat—£3 to £4 10s. Oaten, £7 to £8. Fuitjr—Town brands, £16 to £17 ; seconds, ; sharps, £10 ; Adelaide, £17; Chiliao, £16. xOz" to £9 per ton; 10s per cwt. V:-:?>-• cl }>on& umnure, £12 per ton; 13s 6A jwr cM. 5 Bags.—New, 16s 6d; second-hand, 14s. Guano.—£lo per ton; 12s tho cwt. Phosphate guano, £8 per. ton. Seeds. —Red 'clover, Is 3d per lb. ; white,'ls Sd perennial rye grass, 14s per bushel. Coals.—Now South Wales, 45s to 50s ; Wangarei, alongside, per cargo 20s ; per load at wharf, 25s j store, 80s. W. J. Hubbt & Co., Produce Brokers, Queen -street. KAURI GUM MARKET. Receipts this week, 45 tons. By advices dated January 22, 1567, wo note a slight decline on the home market from 3s to 5s per cvt. The imports have been for the twelvemonths about 2200 tons, and importers generally, especially during tho last six months, have been free sellers, considering which, with the increased supplies and absence of speculation, prices have been well main tained.

We quoto tho following as our prices on this market: — Thoroughly- scraped 35s Medium scraped, in kits ... 26s to 28s Inferior scraped, in kits ... 16s — 18s P&pakura, well scraped 23s — 26s It may afford some satisfaction to those who so often say that the kauri gum is getting worked out, and tho natives will not dig, that tho imports on tho London market in 18G5 was 1600 tons; in 1860 tho quantity was 2200 tons, or, in round numbers, 600 tons more ; and why should this not continue ? Ab the country opens up, and roads or tramways are made, so the interior will be worked, and there is no question but that thousands of tons; are yet to be dug out, whore willing hands pursue that avocation. By tho same advices we And that Now Zealand flax, cleaned and prepared, would sell readily.


Mil. ALFRED BUCK! AND" S WEEKLY EETOKT. At the Haymarket, on Sati—duy last, fodder was in full supply, and without altoration in price j barley brought 5a ; bran, Is Id ; and oats, 4s, the bushel. A numerous muster of horses, generally of slight' description, met with an indifferent sale. At the Triangle, on Tuesday, thero was a largemuster of cattle. Dairy stock maintained their previous rates ; all other cattle, particularly yearling steers, were lower in price. For tho merino wethers there was a very limited inquiry, a portion only were sold at lis, and for the rest no offer could be obtained.

At Newmarket, on Thursday, store cattla wore offered plentifully, and met with a better sale than on Tuesday. Working oxen were ottered in large numbers, and brought very low rato?, from £8 to £10 10s being tho prices obtained for good animals in working condition. Dairy cattle at their calving wero in request, but dry cows sold at lower rates than a short time since. Fat cattle were in full supply, and all sold ; for best qualities about 40a was obtained; middling and inferior, from 32s to 35s the 1 COlbs. Store sheep wcro unsaleable. Fat sheep of good quality wore in better request, longwools bringing from 25s to 33s each ; merinoes, 18s to 31s. Pigs wero very plentiful, and store pigs lovra? in price than usual. MESS2IS KVNTER AND CO.'S WEEKLY BEPOBT. "Wo have to report that at our yards, on Monday, fat cattle were in fair supply, prices were low ; barely ■10s tho 100 lbs. was realised for best qualities. Stores and three-fourths fat were also low in price. Dairy cows were in fair supply, and quite maintained the present high rates for good animals near culving. Sheet Mabket.—We had a fair market of fat slieep ; prices we consider are higher for best qualities of Provincial-fattened merino wethers. Stores and second qualities still continue low. OtaiiUiiu Sale. —At our yards we had a fair show of store cattlo ; prices wore about the same as at Nowmorket, all to hand wern sold. We offered a lot of merino ewes and withdrew them, as the price offered was not sufficient. Store sheep were low in price. Holism Sale (Saturday.)—At our yards we had a fair show of horses, but mostly inferior; a few good medium draught roalised satisfactory prices; the demand for young heavy stock is improving. AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHARE MA.RKET. MB. HEAD EE WOOD'S MONTHLY REPORT. A slight improvement in tlie Share Market lias been perceptible tliis month, and a full average amount of business has been done. The principal investments have been in New Zealand JBank, New Zealand Insurance Company, and Gas Shares. Bank of New Zealand :—This stock was sold freely in the early part of the month,at £16 55., lately I have effected no transactions under £16 10s. The London quoted price is .£l9, and the Sydney price JIG 10s., which is a considerable improvement on the Sydney quotation of the previous month. The half-year ends on the 31st inst., and, notwithstanding the commercial depression which has prevailed in Auckland during the last few months, it is understood that the business done by the Bank is equal to that of any former half-year.

Bank of Auckland This stock is very dull of sale : shaves are selling at 20s. discount. New Zealand Insurance Company:—l have effected various transfers of tliis stock at £20. The half-year so far is generally understood to have been of a very favourable nature, and holders are unwilling to part with then- stock below par. Auckland Insurance Company : —At the halfyearly meeting held on the 20th inst., the Directors proposed that the Company should be wound up: to this there was not a single dissentient voice. It is understood that: the affairs of the Company will be wound up without delay, either by reassurance or by the disposal of the business to some other company. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company:—l have no transaction to report in this stock. The Loudon quoted price is par. The directors in their report published about the time the January mail left London, recommended the payment of a dividend at the rate of ten per cent, per annum. -

Steam continues depressed and neglected as an investment. There are no transfers to report. Gas These shares are firm at par, and are regarded as a safe investment.-

In Gold Mining Shares tliere is little doing. The returns from Coromandel have, of late, been below the average. The Waihau Company is about to -wind up. Money:— Bank rate of discount, three months eight per cent., four months nine per cent. Loans, negotiable on freehold security, ten per cent, and upwards.

Reader Wood. Auckland, Marcli, ISG7. Mil. H. P. BTARK'S WEEKLY RETORT. Ia tho sharemarket this week an average business has been done. My sale 3 have been, E-ik of Now Zealand, £16 10s; Bonk of Auckland, £5; New Zealand Insurance, £21; Auckland Gran, £5. The followiug ate current ra*e3 : —

H. P. Stake, Share Broker. Auckland, March. 29, 1867. J. T. GATVLTCK'S WEEKLY BEPOBT. Tho following table will shew the closing prices of our securities:—

J. Ton son Gs-bhck, Share Broker. Auckland, March 29, 1567.

, y-, . Closing 1 Business Capital. Companies. 3J prices! Done. i 3 ~J1 500,000 Bank of New Zealand 10 1G£ 16Jtol6£ 100,000 Bank of Auckland .. 6 5 ■ 5 250,000 X. Z. Insurance Co. .. 22 20 '20 150,000 Auckland Insurance Co. 4 .. ♦ • 1 20,Cv 1 ) Auckland Gas Co. ..55 o 250,000 N. Z. Steam Nav. Co. 10 10,000 Auckland Saw Mill Co. 5 25,000 Union Sasli <fc Door Co. 5 500,000 N.Z. Loan & Mercantile Agency Co 2£ Par 10,000 Kapanga Gold Mining Co S\ 10

j "Last Capital. A™ 4 - Amt. quota, pr.stir. paid. I pr« 1 Bank of New Zealand £500,000 £10 £10 Ul610 0 Bank or Auckland 100,000 V> 6 0 5 0 0 Now Zealand In»r.ra*ice ... 250,000; 0 0 Auckland Insurance Conrany 150,000' lOo — N. Z. Nav.Co., 250,000 10 10 — l Auckland Company 20,000 5 5 5 0 0 .< ViCkland Saw Mill Company... 10,000 50 0 —• L'niou Sasli & Door Company. 25,000 5 5 — 2?. Z. Loan & Mercantile Co... SOO.OOO 25 2~ — GOLD MUTES. Cnn'tfll Am,t Amt " La3t -' cal - pr.elir paid. quoKapanga Gold Mining Comp. £10,000 £10 £810 Wsiihau Ditto — 5 £5 0 —

' ai 5* Capital g 5 Public Cojcaxies. S'S "So S *S > 0*2 55 c< fl o?-i $ & £, £ s. Banks— Cent: £ s. d. 500,000 10 10 0 Bank of >'ew Zealand .. 17 16 7 6 100,000 10 <? 0 Bank of Auckland .. S Ii>stt/d.nce— • 250,000 100 22 0 Insurance Company! 10 20 0 0 i M : .scciU:neou$— 500,000 25 2 10 Jf.Z. Loan & Her. Co. ... 250 000 10 8 10 N.Z. Steam Nav. Co. .. 10 20,000 5 5 0 Auckland Gas Company*. 10 5 0 0 10,000 50 5 0 Auckland Saw Mill Co... 7£ — 25,000 5 5 0 UnionSasli&DoorCo. .. 10 — Mining Companies— Share 10,000 10 8 10 Kapanga Gold Mining Co. £3 0 0 10 0 0 13,750 25 15 ojCoromandel dx do. —

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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1053, 30 March 1867, Page 4

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Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1053, 30 March 1867, Page 4

Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1053, 30 March 1867, Page 4