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Rifle Volunteers, jSTo. 2 Company.-—\ jn>*o;i iiof the members of tins company was held in the Mechanics' Institute, yesterday eveniu", at half-past 7 o'clock, Mr. C. ilattliow?, in the chair. A. statement of the 'ules and regulations for rifle corps, under the new Act, was read, and a list opened, on which members willing to join, signed their names. It found that there were 1G of those present billing to join, and it was unanimously resolved that each of tliosc members should use his best endeavours to obtain members to complete the company up to the minimum strength (35), and to report at a future meeting, after which tk£ -sy ,: 'ing adjourned.

Supreme Court.—His Honor took his seat yesterday, at 11 o'clock. Stephen Home, who was found guilty ou the previous day, of forging and uttering certain receipts, was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour. Francis M'Mahon, committed on a charge of shooting at one James Nolan, with intent to do him bodily injury, after a lengthened trial, was found guilty ol' an attempt to do grievous bodily harm. His Honor reserved judgment. Tolice Couht—Yesterday.—The only case of any importance brought before his Worship, yesterday, was a charge brought by Captain .Ross, of the Silver Eagle, against live of his crew, for wilful disobedience to lawfal commands on the high seas. The evidence taken was very voluminous, and revealed some strange occurrences happening on board. A full report appears elsewhere.

Licensing Court—The Court sat yesterday for the usual transaction of business, &c. Some five transfers were made, and an application adjourned until to-day.

Messijs. Hunter and Co. will hold their monthly sale of fat cattle, store cattle, sheep, pigs, Ac., this day, at Papalniva. They will also sell 5 draught horses, and 1 riding marc. Provincial Council.—The Council met yesterday at the usual hour. Mr. Every Maclean asked the Provincial Secretary whether it was the intention of the Government on leasing the tolls at Panmuve Bridge to provide for the exemption of ministers of the different religious deuomiuatious from payment of tolls levied there. The Provincial Secretary iu reply said that there was such power given to the Superintendent in the Tamaki Bridge Act providing for such exemption. The Land Bill, 1866, was read a second time, and considered in committee. Tho estimates were considered in committee, Mr. Ball in the chair. The items for the Northern District (Waste Lauds Department) were passed, also the items for the Provincial Council. In the Public Works Department, on the item of £800 salary to the Provincial Engineer, there ensued an animated discussion. Mr. O'Neill moved an amendment that the salary be £100, which was lost. Mr. Swanson moved that the salary be £'500. which amendment was also lost : both amendments were lost on a division which will be found in another column. The original sum was agreed to. Piuck of Flour in Chili. —We are requested by the captain of the Annie Laurie to deny the correctness of the assertion made in the Cross of yesterday, that he had stated that the price of Hour in Valparaiso was £'30 per ton. £12 per ton was the highest price at the date of ilie Annie Laurie's departure. We may also, on our own authority, deny the statement made by the same journal that the Admiral Pareja had committed suicide. His death was a natural one. It is curious that, the account of his suicide should have been taken from a paper of the 2nd December, published prior to the actual date of his death.

Messes. C. Stichbury and Son will sell, today. a large quantity of felt hats, Crimean shirts, blankets, grey calico, blue serge, Welsh flannel, hosier}', drapery, Ac. Amongst the passengers who arrived in the Liverpool, we are happy in welcoming back an old and esteemed colonist and his lady- Mr. and Mrs. Jakins have returned to Auckland after a rather long visit to England. PiiixcK oi' "Walf.s Tji eatne.—" Pride and Dependance, or Annie Blake's Lovers," a very pretty piece, was put last night upon the stage of the Prince of Wales' theatre, in the usual good style. The piece was a new one, and the east such as would, we should have thought, have proved attractive. Xlie attendance however was but a thin one. We are the more surprised at this, as the present compauy contains in it a large amount of talent. The evening's performance concluded with the " Widow's A'ictim."

Messhs. Eidixgs and Dowdes will sell, today, a largo quantity of English furniture, ex Mary Shepherd, mahoganyy and hair-cloth eou.'lies, niarone chairs ancl couches, Spanish solas, mahogany and walnut dining and tea tables, writing desks, bagatelle board, curtains, hosiery, &c.

Colonial Government Steamers on the Wajkato.—The following are the days and times of starting of these steamer i, on and after the Ist of April:—Up boats: from Bluff to Jfgaruawahia, Tuesday, 7 a.m.; Ngaruawahia to Cambridge. "Wednesday, 7 a.m. Down boats: from Alexandra to Ngaruawahia, Saturday, 7 a.m.: Cambridge to Jfgaruawahia, Saturday and Thursday, 7 a.m. ; and from .Ngaruawahia to the Bluff, Monday, 7 a.m. From Port Waikato to Bluff, on Saturday; from Bluff to Port Waikato, on Tuesday. Masonic. —An emergeney meeting of the Lodge St. Andrew will be held on Thursday evening, when visiting brethren are invited. Public Notification is made that the annual lice: - Ing meeting for the district of Raglan will be li-.-id on Tuesday, the 17th of April. I.O.O.F.—The periodical meeting for discussion will be held at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Queen-street, on Thursday next. A full attendance is requested. Mn. Samuel Cochrane will put up to auction, to-day, the tolls leviable for the em-rent year at the Tamaki Bridge, Panmure. Surveyors' Association. — The monthly meeting of this Association will be held at the Belfast Hotel, Prinees-street, this evening (Wednesday), at 7 o'clock. Forgham's Estate.—A divi3cnd of os. in the AJI will he payable this morning between the hours of 9 and 11 o'clock, at the stores of Messrs. Turrell and Tonks.

Races at Stokes' Point. —The following horses were entered for llie mile licat. Saddle and bridle given by Mr. Stannus Jones. The Steward was Mr. J. D. Kelly ; Starter, Mr. J. Conway ; and tlic Judge, Mr. R. Clifford. Four horses started, and were placed as follows : — Black Bonny, Mr. J. Read; Tommy Callan, Mr. Callan; Handy Dick, Wi Tree ; Darkey, Mr. JCclly. All the horses bolted at Mr. Bartlett's gate. Handy Dicq and the rider fell. Darky at the gate nearly threw his l'ider, but he by skilful management kept his seat and the horse on his legs. Tommy Callan bolted again at Carter's gate and lost the race. Blink Bonny came in an easy winner by a canter. Hobson-strkrt Wesi/eyan Sunday School .Anniversary.—On Sunday next two sermons will be preached in Hobson-street Wesleyan Chapel ; that in the morning by the Rev. Mr. Whewell, from the Friendly Islands, that in the evening, at (5.30, by the Rev. T. Buddie. Collections will be made at the close of each service. In the afternoon the Rev. Mr. Morley will de-

liver an address to children and parents. A Pubuc Tea Meeting will be held in the Wesleyan Chapel, Hobson-strcet, at six o'clock, when addresses will be delivered by several ministers and friends.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 721, 7 March 1866, Page 5

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 721, 7 March 1866, Page 5

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 721, 7 March 1866, Page 5