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Shipping Intelligence.

PORT OP AUCKLAND. r -Leather.—January 21—Showery. Wind Variable. ARRIVALS. Princo Alfred, s.s., from Sydney. Argo, schooner, from Ngururu. Rob Roy, cutter, from Wangarei. Glance, cuttor, from Matakana. Hero, cutter, from Mercury Bay. DKPARTURES. Tusmfuiim Maid, p.s , for Coromaudel. Beautiful Star, b '-, for Napier. America, cutter, for Norfolk Island. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. 3 ( '"R thk South.—Lord Ashley, 4th February. Hokitika..—Petrel, early." Cantekbuby.—Glimpse, early. Taui'.ang —Tauranga and Jane, oarly. Guam —Charlotte Andrews, early. South Sea Islands.—Neva, early. Gx*am.—-Venus, this day. Russeix.— Cameron, this day, VESSELS IN UABBOUR. iOt; s.s. Eclipse, from a cruise. H.M. s.s. Brisk, from Sydney. ALM. s.s. Cura<joa, from Sydney via Norfolk Island. H.M. s.s. Est. from Napier. , H.M. s.s. Falcon, from Wellington. Auco, schooner, from San Francisco, via Honolulu r.nd Tahiti. Ayr, barque, from the Mauritius via Adelaide. Argo, schooner, from Ngururu. Bella Marina, coal hulk. Ball arat, barque, from London. Co nstancs, barque, from California. ' aroline, schooner, from the Thames. Charlotte Andrews, barque, from Newcastle. Hli?abeth Mary, Bchooner, from Great Barrier. Gala, ship, from London. General Cameron, schooner, from Russell. Helen, schooner, from Tairua. Industry, schooner, from Patana. ■ Jane, schooner, from Taurangr. •Sate, barque, from Sydney. Marion, coal hulk. Nova, schooner, from tho South Sea Islands. Nile, schooner, from Cabbage Bay. Percy, ship, from London. Petrel, briganthie, from 'I okitika. Prince Altred, s.s., from Svdnev. Susan, owl l m!k . Cross, schooner, from tho South Sea Islands via Sydney. Sylph, sehoner, from Kaipara. T ic.ranrra, schooner, from Tauranga. Tonus, brig, from Port Waikato. VESSELS EXPECTED. Alice Cameron, barque, from Sydney. -Coral Queen, schooner, from Sydney, -Oossipore, ship, from London, 3 d.p., 8917, sailed October 14. ■ Golden City, ship, from London, (loading), 2 d.p., 5257. Hydra, ship, from Newcastle, N.S.W, 3 d.p., 870 G. Lord Ashley, from tho South, (due 2Sth). Lombard, barque, from Port Curtis, Queensland, 3 d.p., 582. Liverpool, ship, from London, 1 d.p., 7206, sailed Oct. 29. Maori, ship, from Adelaide, 2 d.p., 7523. Marv Shepherd, ship, fr ; . u London, 2 d.p., 6091, sailed Oct. 27. Offlev, barque, from Hobc.i t- Town. Sarah Ann, barque, from Hobart Town, 2 d.p., fiol. Silver Eagle, ship, from London, (loading), 3 d.p., 7361. Salamander, ship, from Port Curtis, Queensland. Trieste, bar mo, from San Francisco, 2 d.p., 9817. Victory, ship, from London (loading), 2 d.p., 2305. Jfiillah, schooner, from Napier. ENTERED INWARDS. JAXUAUY 23 —Victoria, 22 tons, Mason, from Kennody's Bay, with 10,7<J0 feet sawn timber, 2 tons onions—l passenger.—Cruickshank, Smart, iz Co., agents. —Bessy, 25 tons, Martin, from Manukau, in bal--I'lSt. 24—Helen, 23 tons, Rickets, from Tairua, with 10,000 feet sawn timber, 5 tons gum—4 passengers. 24—Rob Roy, 23 tons, McLeod, from Wangarei, in ballast—2 passengers.—Cruickshank, Smart and Co., agents. :24 —Prince Alfred, s.s.. 700 tons, Machin, from Sydney. Pas-engers—Miss J. Battlefield, Mrs. Howell and son, Mrs. Glue, Messrs. Tole, Green, Rodd, Cra/.er, Woolley, Phillips, Levy, Morrow, Shepherd, Rome, Alexander, Hill, and 17 in tho steerage.—lf, M. Jerris, agent. CLEARED OUTWARDS. JANUAKY 24—-G-eneral Camer-n, 42 tons, Joyce, for Russell, with sundry merchandize. Passengers—Mr. J. \V\ Williams, Mr John Gallaghan, Mr. D.tvi 1son, Mr. T. Hanson, Mes.'rs. Burley, Cameron, McCabe, Carleton, Miss Cole, Miss Smith. Mrs. Flowerday & son, 1 servant, and 5 in the steerage. Owen and Graham, agents. H4—BeautifulStar,B.s , 125' tons, Morwick, for Napier, with 201 package-i beer, spirits, Arc , sundry merchandize, and two horses. Passengers—W. Williams, W. A. Farr, C. S. Tlull, W. Anderson, 11. Walker, T. Collins, C. Simeon.—Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. 24—Caroline, 21 tons, McCaskill, for the Thames, with sundries. 24—Victoria, 22. tons, Mason, for Coromandel, with sundries—l passenger. ENTERED OUTWARDS. JANUAItY 2i—Charlotte Andrews, barque, for GuamIMPORTS. Per Prince Alfred, from .Sydney -. 130 pae ages merchandize, Buchanan and Stewart; 260 do. do., .T. O. Morrin ; 1 box drapery, Hay and Hoceyman ; 121 gunnies sugar, order; 90 do. do., Buchanill and Stewart; 40 do. do., Charles Pike -, 87 do. do., Edmonds and Jakins ; 100 do. do., J. Roberton and Co.; 2 caseß tobacco, Berwin and Mendellson; 4 ditto clocks, M. Hautrive ; 1 case hardware, 1 ditto merchandize, 3 kegs nails, 11 packages merchandize, P. A. Phillips; 60 half-chests tea, G. Webster: 30 do. do., Bucholz and Co. ; 1 case, C. J. Cox; 1 ca-=e, 2 boxes, 1 package, W. C. Wilson 5 6 trunks boots, Green and Co.; 130 packages merchandize, GilfiUan and Co ; 240 do. do , Edmonds and Jakins ; 5 cases stationery, Bank of New Zealand ; 15 packages merchandize, G. W. Owen ; 100 bags maize, order; 307 packages merchandize, Thomas Cheeseman ; 97 pkgs, tea, order; 5 packages merchandize, W. Phillips; 2 do. do., R. Seccombe and .*!ons ; 150 do. do.. J. M. I rench; 104. do. do., Prime and Abbott; 15 bundles iron, Brown, C ampbell and Co.; 100 ijunnies sugar, Gilfillan and Co.; 1 case furniture. Winks find Hall; 335 packages merchandize, 102 ditto ditto, 50 bags maize, order; 1 parcel, T. Macky and Co.; 200 gunnies sugar, J. C. Morrin ; 2 bales leather, Bucholz ; 1 canvas pkg., lionL; 1 cage, F. fl. Lewisson ; 1 case, T. Chapman ; 1 do., W. Allen; 1 parcel, R. B. Carson; 1 do., A. Clark and Son; 1 case, W. Leir; lease, C. Canning; 1 parcel, Buchanan and Stewart; 1 parcel, A. Clark and Son; 1 case, I. W. Harrop; 1 case, Grant; ' case fruit, Alex Muir; 3 boxeß do., Cunningham ; 1 case colonial wine, M'Donald; 1 case, Mr. Collett; 1 box, Mason; 25 barrels pork, 10 kegs beef, Eaton and Dewolf; 37 bales hay, order; 30 cases wino, W. J. Younfj; 1 keg piokles, Franz Scherff; 6 cases wine, Q.M.S-S. Esk; 10 cases fruit, Roberton and Co. ;20 casos fruit-, Golan and Uewettj 91 do,, do., Riding's and Powden ; 1 case magpies, Captain Harrison ; 1 box, Mrs. Waterston; 1 box jewellery, Phillips ; 1 parcel, J. and A. Wiseman; 1 case books. Rev. J. Colloy ; 1 parcel, D. L. Murdoch; 1 do., Captain Dawson; 1 do., Lieut Clark ; 1 do., Rev. T.Buddie ; 1 box, E. H. Oldham; 1 case Bucholz and Co.; 1 case, 1 box. Hay and Honejman; and a quantity of goods for Napier. p.s. Tasmanian Maid, Captain Jackson, sailed last night for Wangarei, with a cargo of merchandize and several passengers. She returns again on j Saturday next. ! The s.s. Beautiful Star, Captain Morwick, took her departure< last evening for Napier, with cargo and' passengers. She may be expected back horo next ■week with a cargo of sheep. The schooner Queen, Captain Toke, sailed last night for -Najiior, with a full cargo.

The brig Venus, Captain Koan, which olcared on Tuesday last for Guam, had not sailed at sunset last ovening. The clipper cutter Amcrica, Captain Wheeler, sailed again yesterday for Norfolk Island in ballast. The cuttor Hero, Joiner, master, arrived yesterday from Mercury Bay with a full cargo of sawn timber aud several passengers. The schooner General Cameron, Captain T. Joyce, cleared at the Customs yesterday for Russell, with a largo cargo and IS pa?sengers. She sails at 0 a.m. this morning. Tho schooner Elizabeth Mary, Captain Loverock, is hading alongside the wharf for Napier via the Barrier and Mercury Bav. The barque Charlotte Andrews, Captain Vandervord, entered outwards at the Customs yesterday for Guam. I'lie schooner Arg®, from Nsururu, with timber and piles ; cutter Hob K .y, from Wangarei, in baltast; and cutter Glance, from Matak.ana, with cattle, produce, &c., all arrival in harbour yesterday morning. The schooner Coral Queen, Captain Trayte, was announcod in the Sydney papers ot tllO 17th inst., to sail for this port with despatch. Tho ship Day Dawn, Captain Jones, left Paget Sound, November 22nd. Tho first thirteen days experienced a succession of southerly gales and southwest gales ; on the 28tli it btuo a hurricauo ; in attempting to take in the mnintopsail it blew away leaving nothing but the rope, a tremendous sea running at tho time ; at a.m. shipped a heavy sea which carried away part of the starboard bulwarks and port cathead, causing the anchor to get adrift but. which was fortunately secured without, damage Tho gale commenced at, south-oast and veered to south west, causing alu av\ cro-s running sea. .Nothing set but tho .main spencer and canvas in the mi.'zen rigging. Shipping much lee water on dock. It continued blowing with unabated fury for eight houi'r, then settled in a south-west galo for 'i t hours. On tho third December tho weather cleared up with favourable wiad, which has continued the romainder of the passage. < >11 the December in latitude 22 1(5 soulh, longitude li>l)*2S west, sighted a brif-- standing to the N.N.E., apparently bound to the Navigato-s'. The ship Chels.-a had commenced loading at Port Mudlow" and would sail for Melbourne about the Ist January.—Syitm-i/ Herald, January IS. I'KrAttTUltß Of Tin: M.ur. Stbamkr Sovciiats von B.VTAVIA.— bout haU'-pn-t 12 yesterday, tho steamer Kate pro'eedi'd from Harris's Wharf down to the bay, conveying a sol ct pirfcy of gentlemen, invited through the courtesy of Messrs. Harris and ' 0., to witness the departure of tho Souchays steamer, on her trial trip t° Batavia. On passing Government House, a number of ladies ind gentlemen waved pocket handkerchiefs from (ho balcony, which signal was response I to bv three hearty cheers for his .Excellency ilie Governor, bv the gentlemen on board. About three o'clock the Kate arrived abreast of the Souchays, but without, waiting to allow any of the party to go aboard of her then, sho steamed right down to tho Great Victoria, whon Captain Richards received all t he visitors with true British hospitality. After inspecting the hi;* ship (which is being fast emptied of her cargo of railway plant on board the I'latypus), thoKato returned again to tho Souchays, when tho whole party went on beard. Refreshments were provided, whon A. '-V. Mannii g, Esq., Undersecretary for tho Colony, proposed the health of Captain Blick. Tie said lint the occasion was a most interesting one, and might probably in future bo looked upon as an era in tho history of the Colonv. It would, doubtless, be to the advantage of Queensland to open .up a trade such as was now contemplated with the r.Mstern Islands, and he heartily wished Japtaiu Blick a safe, prosperous, and speedy voyage. Captain lilick briofly replied, after which three hearty cheers were given by tho whole company, and the same compliment was paid to Mrs. Blick. The outward mail by tho Souchays is eontuned in twenty hoses, eight of which have been made up in Sydney, the remaining twelve belonging to Queensland, which is considered to bo most encouragin - for tho first trip. She carries, besides, (540 tons of coal. Her crew is complete, and Dr. Lyons proceeds with her as surgeon, steamed off about 5 o'clock, followed at a short distance by tho Kate, when, after three more lusty cheers, the latter returned agnin to Brisbane, arriving at Harris's "Wharf about 7 o'clock. — Queensland Guardian, January 9. ARRIVAL OE THE PRINCE ALFRED. The P.,N\Z , and A.R.M. Co.'s s s. Prince Alfred, from Sydney, with general cargo, passengers, and mails, arrived in harbour at 7 30 a.m. yesterday morning. The above vessel loft Svdney at midnight on the 17th. The English mail h id not been telegraphed until shortly before she left, consequently the telegrams only have come to hand. The Prince Alfred experienced much heavy weather on the pass.ige—strong gules from tho S.K.tothe S.W.. during one of which she lost h«r jib-boom, Ac., and shipped a great quantity of water. Passed Three Kings at 0 p.m. on the 22nd. Weather moderating. Was abreast of the North Capo at 4 a.m., 23rd, when a largo ship was observed bearing a westerly course. The Prince Altred brings a large cargo and several passengers, full particulars of which will be found in the Customs entries. . PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVAL. | Progress, from Taranaki. DEPARTURES An Revoir, for Newcastle. Woodpecker, for Grey hiver. VESSELS EXPECTED. Little Fred, from Wang niui. Fairy, from Grey River. irhtebe, s.s., from Southern Ports, on tllO 21th. P3.0.1 F.CTED DEP VRTURE3. FOK GheY Itivnn.—Thane of Fife, early. Newcastle. —Cantero.and An Revoir, early. Hokitika.—Eagie, early. VKSSELS TN HARiiODK. Albatross, from Wauganui. Blue Nose, p.e., Irom Wa-ikato. Cantero, ship, from Newcastle. Favorite, from Waikato. Meteor, from ffokitika. Moa, coal bulk. Progress, from Taranaki. .Ringdove, from Hokitika. Thane of Fife, from Nelson. Volunteer, coal bulk. W. 0. Wentworth, coal hulk. ENTERED INWARDS. JANUARY 24—Progress, 15 tons, Captain Bailey, from Tavanaki, in ballast.—l). Ivirdwood, fluent. C'LBaRHI) outwards. JANtTABY 2-I.—Woodpecker, schooner barge, 28 ton«, Bonner, for Gr.ry Kivcr, with steam engine and boiler, and 7 tons coiil, !<;. Giobons & Co. 21—Au Kevoir, 138 tons, Sanderson, for Newcastle, i n ballast. The cutter Progress, Captain P.ailoy, arrived from Taranaki yesterday afternoon, having left that port on Saturday morning last. Iho brigantino iixpress had arrived at Taranaki from Newcastle, with coals, with her main-mast sprung. It is stated that sho will como on to thi port. The schooner Au Revoir sailed for Taranaki yesteaday afternoon. The schooner barge Woodpecker tfeared at the Customs, for Grey River, yesterday afternoon, and sailed shortly afterwards. The s.s Plicebe, which was due in the Manukau y OBterday afternoan, had not arrived last evening ah ■> o clock. ° <j> .

PORT OP SYDNEY. AUUIVAL9. DECBMIIEU 23—Annie Matilda, brig, from Valparaiso, via Auckland. 27—Coral Queen, schooner, 90 tons, Tray to, from ths South fcjea Islands, with 5000 oranges, 3000 pine apples, 15 tons beche-le-mor. JANUARY 13—Iron Dulto, ship, 1435 tons, from Start Point 27th September. Kate, schnoner, 90 tons, McKenzio, from Hotitika 30th December. 14—Barwon, s.?.,i'Lowrie. fvm Nelson, sth January. 16—Diiy Dawti, ship, 307 tone, Jones, from Puget Sound, 22ad Kovcinber.

DEPARTURES. JAXUAItV 13—H.M.S.S. Salamander, oil a cruiso. 13—Australind, barque, for 3an Francisco. 16—Harriet King, brig, 165 tons, McDonald, for Taranaki. jfi—La Hogaio, ship, 1331 tons, G-oddard, for London. 17—Alerte, yacht, 33 tons, Gentle, for Portsmouth. POET OF MELBOURNE. ARRIVALS. T'ECEHUEQ. 2S—Salamander, a.a., Clark, Irom Auckland. 28—Surah, brig, from the Mauritius. 1 2S—Royal Standard, a.s., from Liverpool. 29—Earynomn, ship, from Liverpool. 30—Medova, barque, from Valparaiso. 31—Dashing Ware, barque, Kools, from Tome. JANr.UIY. I—Elizabeth Kimbell, barque, from Puget Sound. 3—Formosa, barque, from tlic Mauritius. 3 — Harkavvay, ship. from Loudon. ■]'—Brondorlandel, barque, from rioddorsham. li—Tararua, 5.8., from Otngo. 7 —Southern Empire, ship, from Melbourne. R—rin Boa. barque, f'r nn Bordeaux. B—Planter, No. 1, barque from the Mauritius. 8— Cordora, barque, from New York. 9--Osprcy, fillip, from London. ll—Grande Condc, ship, from Calcutta. 1 •"—Trader, barque, fmm t io Grey Rivor. 15—Ohampioji ol'tlio Song, ship, from London. I 10—Seoiia, schooner, from Pieton. DEPARTURES. DKCF.MBEK. 27—Wliito Star, ship, from London. 2!l—Pea Nymph, ship, from Manila. .iA.vr.Uiv. 4—St. Ann, barque, for the Muuritiug. (I—Sarah, brig, for the Mauritius. 7—Result, ship, for London. s—Ottoeiua, barque, for Batavia. PORT OF NEWCASTLE. ARRIVED. DECKMBKR 30 —Magpie, barque, 458 ions, Tjeslio, from Wellington. .1 \Xl:akv. 3—Omega, barque, 401 tons, TTrquhart, from Wollina;toti. 3—Zophyr, schoonor, 00 tons, Whyt~, from earg.ll--5 —P. 0. K., barque, 200 ton?, Brown, from Otago. fi—Alarm, brig, 195 ton?, Chad wick, from Nelson. 7 —Free Trader, barque, Uobinson, from AneUand. 9—Gazelle, brig, 260 j tons, Tucker, froia Wellington. DEPARTURES. nP.CKMIIF.It US—Drover, barque, Cummins, for Otago. 3L—Express, schooner, Kilgour, for Taranaki. J A NTAHV

2—Rritish Queen, fillip, Codgil, for Lyttclton. K — Rangoon, ship, Habig, for Singapore. 7 —Royal Kxchange, brig, Jlill, for L\ttelton. S —Adeline J3urke, barque, JJlake, for Sim Francisco. 13—Collingwood, barque, MeKinnon, for Otago. 14—Alarm, brig, Charlwick, for Nelson. PORT OF ADELAIDE. ARRIVALS. DECRMHKH 30—Waterlily, barque, for tha Mauritius. JAN'tTAKV 7—Venecia, ship, from I,onlon. DEPARTURES. .1 A"N U UIY 9—Amycus, ship, for London. 9—Schofield, ship, for Gaile. PORT OF BRTSBA.NE. ARRIVALS. ■TANU.UtY I—Groat Victoria, s.s., from London. 7—Loclinagar, barque, from Gravesend. RECEPTION OF OF WAR OF THE UNITIiI) M'ATKS. (From the Victoria Gnrn-umml Gaulle.) Thi! subjoined despatches aro published for information. By his Excellency's command, J. M'Ctn.tocu, Chief Secretary's Office, Melbourne, Jaunary 3rd, ISfiO. (Circular.) Dowrning-strcet, October ISth, 18fi5 Sir, —"With reference to my circular despatch ol tho 3rd .Tune last, I transmit to you herewith, fjr your information and guidance, a copy of n further letter from liarl Russell (13ih Uetober, 1865), announcing that till measures of u restrictive nature on vtssols of war of the United States in British poits, harbours, or waters, arc now to bo considered us n't an end, and that it is the desire and intention of lier Majesty's Government that uprestriced hospitality and friendship should be shown to vessels of war of tho United States in all her Majesty's ports, whether athouie or abroad. I have, &c., (Signed) Edward Cakinvkll. I'.arl Ttitsu'll to Sl[r. Ccrdmlt, Foroiicn Office, 13th October, I«GS. Kir, —With reference to my letter t f tho 2nd of .Tune last, prescribing tho course to be taken by her IHajesty's several authorities in all ports, harbours, I and w iter* belonging to her Majesty, whether in tho United Kingdom or beyond tho seas, in consequence of tin) recognition by her Majesty's Government that puacc was restored wi bin the whole territory of which the United States of North A.nierie:i before the commencement of the civil war were iu undisturbed possession, and with rulV-ri nee inoro particularly to thai passage in my letter in which it was laid down that Confederate vessels departing in pursuance of requisitions to be nt:tde to her Majesty's authorities frotn any port, harbour, and waters belonging to lior Majesty, in which at tho timo of the receipt by those authorities of the fresh orders such vessels might bo found, should then ami for the last timo havo the full benefit of tho prohibition therntoforo enforced agains-, pursuit of them within twonty-four hours by a cruiser of tho United States lying at tho tima within any sucli ports, harbours, and waters, I have tho honour to state to you that hor Majesty's Government are of opinion that it is dcsir.ibic that hor Majesty's naval and other authorities at home, and in her Majesty's po?Bi\ssions abroad, should be formally apprised that, as lull time has now olapsed since my letter of the 3rd of June, for giving oft'cct to tho provisions of that letter, all measures of a restrictive nature on vessels of war of tho United States in British ports, harbours, or waters,are now to be considered as at an cn-!, and that it is the desire and intention of her Majesty's Government that unrestricted liospiltality and friendship should ba shown to vessels of war of tho United States in all her Majesty's ports, whether at home or abroad. I liav(i addressed a similar letter to tho Secretaries of State for tha Home and India departments, und to tho Lords Commissioners of hor Majesty's Treasury and tho Admiralty. I havo, &e., (Signed) Russeix Tho Right Hon. Edwurd Card well, M.P., Ac.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 686, 25 January 1866, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 686, 25 January 1866, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 686, 25 January 1866, Page 4