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Shipping Intelligence.

PORT Ol? AUCKLAND. TVhatiier.-—January *1-—Showory. Wind, N.E. ARRIVALS. Ayr, barque, from, the Mauritius via Adelaido. America, cutter, from. Norfolk Island. General Cameron, schooner, from Russell. DEPARTURE. | Tssroanip.n Maid, p.s., for Wangarei. _ w Projected departures. Ar cen - —Bittern, and Beautiful Star, this day. J-JTe South.—Bang&tira, s.s., this day, Lord Ashloy, 4th February. "Hokitika..—Petrel, early. Canterbury.—Glimpse, early. Tal'kanga..—Fortune, this day ; Tauranga, early. Guam.—Charlotte Andrews, early. South Ska Islands.—Nova, early. Cokojiandeli.—Tasmaniau Maid, p.s., this day at 6 a m. 'ovam.—Venus, early. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. H.M. s.s. Eclipse, from a cruise. H.M. s.s. Brisk, from Sydney. H.M. s.s. Curaeoa, from Sydney v'.a Norfolk Island. H.M. s s. Esk. from Napier. H M. s.s. Falcon, from Wellington. Alice, schooner, from San Francisco, v'a Honolulu and Tahiti. Ayr, barque, from the Mauritius via Adelaido. Bovd. schooner, from Mercury Bay. Bella .Marina, coal hulk. Ballarat, barque, from London. Beautiful Star, s.s., from Napier. •Constance, barque, from California. Caroline, schooner, from the Thames. Charlotte Andrews, b.i.que. from Newcastle. KJizabeth Mary, schooner, from tho Great Barrier. Gala, ship, from London. General Cameron, schooner, from Russell. Helen, schooner, from Tairua. Industry, schooner, from Pataua. Marion. con] hulk. Neva, schooner, from tho South £ea Islands. Nile, schooiiej., from Cabbage Bay. Percy, shi'p, from London. Petrel, brigantine, from Hokitika. Rangat lr a, s.s., from the South. •3ueai', ( coal hulk. :Bou'„hern Cross, schooner, from the South Sea Islands via Sydney. "Sylph, schooner, from Kaipara. Tauranga, schooner, from Tauranga. Venus, brig, from Port Waikato. VESSELS EXPECTED. 'Cossipore, ship, from London, 3 d.p., 8917, sailed October 14. Golden City, ship, from London, (loading), 2 ' p., 8257. Hydra, ship, from Newcastle, N.S.W, 3 d.p., S7Uii. Kate, barque, from Sydney, 1 d.p., 6539. .Lord Ashley, 5.«., from the South, (due 28th). Lombard, barque, from Port Curtis, Queensland, 3 d.p., 582. "Lady Bird, s.a., from the South, overdue Liverpool, ship, from London, 1 d.p., 7206, sailed Oct. 29. Maori, ship, from Adelaide, 2 d.p., 7523. 'Mary Shepherd, ship, from London, 2 d.p., 6091, sailed Oct. 27. Prince Alfred, s.s., from Sydney, overdue. Sarah Ann, barque, from Hobart Town, 2 d.p., 651. Silver Eagle, ship, from London, (loading), 3 d.p., 7361. Salamander, ship, from Port Curtis, Queensland. Trieste, barque, from San Francisco, 2 d.p., 9847. Victory, ship, from London (loading), 2 d.p., 2305iZillah, schooner, from Napier. ENTERED INWARDS. JANUARY 22 —Industry, 23 tons, Yates, from Pataua and -Wangaruru, with sundries—l passenger. 22—Beautiful Star, 125 tons. Mor.wick, from Napier, 1035 Bheep.—Henderson & Macfarlane, agents. 22—Ariel, 18 tons, "Anderson, from Kawau, with 26 . tons firewood—4 passengers, 22 —a uranga, 60 tons, Faulkner, from Tauranga, •with sundries —5 passengers. 22—G-eneral Cameron, 41 tons, Joyce, from Russell, with sundries. Passengers—Mrs. Mitl'ord, Mrs. Moore and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and child, Mr. Callaghan, Mr. Connell, Miss Kensley, and three others. 22—America, 40 tons, Wheeler, from Norfolk Island, with 20 head cattle—4 passengers.—T.W.Brown, agent. CLEARED OUTWARDS. JANUARY 22 —Lee, 22 tons, Lombard, for Cabbage Bay, in ballast—3 passengers. 22—Ariel, 18 tons, Anderson, for Kawau, with sundries. 22 —Bittern, 40 tone, Stuckey, for Napier, with 10,000 feet timber, 50 tons firewood —2 passengers. ENTERED OUTWARDS. JANUARY 22 —Venus, brig, for Guam. The Alexandra, barque, Captain Dempster, arrived at Adelaide from Kaipara on the 2nd January, with a cargo of 90,000 feet of sawn timber. The Maori, ship, Captain Roberta, was announced in the Adelaide papers of the 4th instant, to sail either for India or Auckland with despatch. The Mail.—At the hour of our going to press there was no sign of the Sydney steamer with out November English mail. She may, however, bo looked for to-day, with or without it. The Tatmanian Maid, p.s., Captain Jackson, Bailed for Coromandel early yesterday morning, with a large number of passengers, and will return again at 5 p.m. to-day. She will leave for Wangarei to-morrow at 10 p.m. The Rangatira, s.s., Capt. Seymour, will sail for Tauranga and the South this day, at 2 p.m., with cargo and pas3engers. The cutter Bittern, Captain Stuckey, cleared the Customs yesterday for Napier with a cargo of 10,000 feet of sawn timber, 50 tons of firewood, and 2 passengers. She sails this day, weather permitting. The Beautiful Star, Captain Morwick, is announced to|sail again for Napier this evening, landing cargo at the •wharf. The schooners Tauranga, Ellen, andfllndustry, all came alongside tho wharf yesterday to discharge their inward cargoes. Vessels Wind-bound.—The following vessels were still lying -wind-bound last evening: — Fortune, schooner, for Tauranga; Mapere, schooner, fji Tauranga; Boyd, schooner, for Mercury Bay; Clyde, schooner, for Wangapoa. The barque Neva, Captain Young, came alongside the wharf yesterday, to take in cargo for the South 8e Islands.

Tho barque OHley, Captain Young, was at the date of our last advices from Hobart Town, loading for this port with despatch. Tho cutter Glimpse is announced to sail to-day for Canterbury via Mercury Bay, as also the schooner Sylph for Kaipara. Tho brig Venus, Capt. Kean, entered outwards ut the Customs vestordav for Guam, and sails in a few days. The cutter Lee, Lombard, master, cleared yesterday for Cabbage !Bay, m ballast, and sails this morning for another cargo of timbor. ARRIVAL OF THE AYF. The clipper barquo Ayr, 287 tons, Captain Hugh MeEwan, arrived in harbour yesterday morning from the Mauritius via Adelaide, bringing a cargo of 4030 bags of sugar, 12 tons of My, 40 cases of jam, 3 hhds. and 2 qr.-casks of wino, consigned to Mr. J. S. Macfarlano, as alco tho following passengers: — Messrs. Miller, Schutc, Morgan, T. Fareman. The Ayr male a good passage of 32 days from tho Mauritius to Adelaide, in which port sho remained 14 days, taking her departure for Auckland on the 13th of January. - Experienced fine wcathor to tho North Capo, which was rounded on tho 17th. Since then has had a succession of four dnys E.S.E. winds, which considerably retarded tho progress of tho vessel. At 6 o'clock p.m. on Saturday last, -while off tho Cavalli Islands, the vessel ut tho time under closc-rcefed topsails and courses, sho was suddenly struck as if by a thunder clap by a revolving 3torm, commencing in tho S.E., splitting tho sails and tilling tho decks with water. Captain McEwan states that had ha not been enabled to get tho Dail at onco off tho ship, tho masts must have been taken out of her. Tho breozo continued until 10 o'clock Sunday night, when it moderated aud all sail was made for this port. Tho only vessels sighted were a whaler off the North Cape, and a barque and brig outward bound, supposed to bo the Annio Mclhuish otkl Kita. The Ayr is a new vessel of 257 tons register, only seven months old, having been built at Peterhead by Robinson, in. 1565, under spcciat Survey. Her cabin accommodation is excellent, sho is ono of tho finest bai-ques it has been our pleasure to board for some timo past. Speaking of this vessel, the South Australian Register remarks :—" Tho Ayr. a smart barquo, arrived on Monday from Natal and Port Louis, bringing a cargo of sugar, part of which is consigned to Messrs. Giles and .Smith, and the balance to a firm in New Zealand. She ia commanded by Captain 1 ;!!. McEwan, the same who in years gone past Bailed the steamer Admella till her unfortunate loss near Cape Northumberland; and it was rather a strange coincidence that on landing on Monday there was ill the same boat ono of the recipient? of tho Admella medals, who pulled an oar when the master was taken from the wrocic. The Ayr is a very fast sailing vessel, having made a favourable voyage of thirty-two days, with tho disadvantage of foul winds during hall' that time. Shu made Capo Borda on Sunday morning, after being tivo days only from the meridian of tho Sound. A fatal occurrence on tho 16th deprived tho vessel of tho ship carpenter, who is described as n most steady man, having a wife and three children in Scotland. It. appears on Hearing the land tho pluses were to lie removed from tho liawsc-pipes, and he was cautioned against attempting to accomplish this task from tho outside, as tho danger would be less to start them from within tho rail. Tho advice, however, was disregarded and after a few minutes lie was missed from tho barque without any person's attention being arrested. It is tlioreforo concluded he had got into tho head and lost his hold, Cor nothing of him was seen altcrwards. ARRIVAL OF THE < ■ N'KRAX CAMERON. The regular trading General Cameron, Captain T. Joyce, arrived in havb uir early yesterday morniii'-' from Kuss-11, Hay of Islands, bringing a cargo of (i tons kauri gum, 12 cnses apples, it<\, as also tho following passengers: —Mrs. Milford, Mr. Callaghan, Mrs. Scullen, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Moore and three children. I She left the Bay of Islands at 10 o'clock on Sunday last; had line N.W. winds along the coast, arriviug here at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, after a smart run of 1!) hours. She reports tho arrival there of the American whaler Pacific, five months out. Tho Pacific caught a whale off the Threo Kings on Monday last, which produced a hundred barrels, and was still " trying out." !he Pacific had put in for medical assistance owing to tho second mate's shoulder being put out while lancing the whalo. The schooner Soa lirceze arrived at the Bay on Saturday night last, and was to leave for this port this day. Tho only other vessel there is the cutter Nymph, Captain Wilson, from Ngururu. ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICA. The cutter America, 1 aptain Wheeler, arrived in port yesterday from Norfolk Island viaTamaki, where she landed 20 head of cattle in good order and condition. The America left this port on the 25th of November last. Called at the Bay of Islands on the Ist of December, leaving again on the sth ult, and arriving at Norfolk Island on tho 13tli, having oxperien-ed light N. winds with fine weather all the passage. Sailed on loth of December for " Port de France," New Caledonia, with 30 head of cattle, arriving there on the 23rd of December. Left again on tho 29th in ballast and arrived in Norfolk Island on of January. After shipping her stock sailed for this port on°the 9th inst. Put into the Bay of Islands on Friday night last for water, leaving again on Sunday morning, and arriving at Tamaki at S a.m. yesterday after a fine weather passage throughout. Tho America brings as passengers—Mr. Ben. Christian, Mr. Isaac Robinson, and Miss Dorcas Young. All tho shipping were decked out with flags yesterday in honor of the wedding of Thomas Priest, Esq., solicitor, and Miss Young, daughter of that truly respected old veteran whaler Captain William Young. This interesting ceromony took place at fat. David's Cathedral.—Hobart Town Mercury. The single-handed skiff race, previously referred to, between Messrs. Perry, Abbott, and Barclay, camo off on Saturday evoning. The course fixed upon was from off Battery Point, round a boat moored off Sandy Point, and back to the place of starting, and it had been first agreed that the start, should take place ut threa o'clock in tho afternoon. At that hour, however, thero was a strong southWesterly wind blowing, and a very rough sea on, ■which would have made it very dangerous, if not quite impossible, for this description of boat to have gone round, and the I'aco was consequently postponed to a later period of the ovoning. Just before six o'clock tho wind had gone down, and thero was but little sea on, a heavy shower or two having set in, and the contending pullers made a Btart, Barclay in the Violet, Perry in tho Vision, and Abbott in the Vivid. An equal start was effected, and Ferry then took the lead, but when oIF Mr. Ross's yards tho Vivid fouled against one of the buoys, placing Perry at some disadvantage by tho loss of ground occasioned by tho accident. All the boats were well placed in going down as far as in tho middlo of Sandy Bay, when Abbott got slightly in advance of the other two skiffti, rounding the buoy boat about eight or ton boats' lengths in advance of Perry, Barclay being at this time about the same distance behind the second skiff. The boats came up for some distance in the same relative positions, but just before reaching the middlo of the bay, the Vivid increased her leading distance, and camo in an easy winner. Tho winning Bkiff is ono lately built by Mr. Abbott, a son of the Hon. E. Abbott, of Bellerive, and is the boat in which tho same puller carried off tho Mayor's Cup at tho late regatta.—lloburl Town Mercury, December 18. PORT OF ONEHTJNGA, DEPARTURES. Ahuriri, s.s., for Taranaki and Wanganui. Prince Alfred, p. 8., for Waikato and Raglan. VESSELS EXPECTED. Little Fred, from Wanganui. Fairy, from Grey River. Progress, from Taranaki. PhcEbe, s.s., from Southern Ports, on the 21th. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Fob Grey River.—Thane of Fife, early. Newcastle. —Cantero, and Au Revoir, early. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Albatross, from Wanganui. Au Revoir, from Waikato. Blue Nose, p.s., from Waikato. Cantero, ship, from Nowcastlo. Favorite, from Waikato.

Meteor, from Hokitika. Moo, coal hulk. Ringdove, from Hokitika. Thane of Fife, from Nelson. Volunteer, coal hulk. W. C. Wentworth, coal hulk. ENTERED INWARDS. JANUARY 22 —Meteor, 43 tons, Sheelian, from Hokitika, with 12 hhds. wine, 30 cases gingar wine, 1 case cigars, 150 cases brandy, 49 do. geneva, 99 do. brandy, 2 cases drapery, 1 bale do., 4 trunks boots, 18 caaos sherry, order.—H. D. Brewer, agent. CLEARED OUTWARDS. JANUARY 22 —Prince Alfred, p.s., 110 tons, Farquliar, for Waikato and Raglan, with 10 hhds. ale, R. Simpson; 1 caso sugar, 1 box raisins, 1 parcel, 1 cask sodawater, Steiidmau ; 2 cases glass, 1 do ironmongery, 1 keg nails, 1 tin white lead, 1 "bag putty, Blencoe. For Raglan—6 arms chests, 2 cases accoutrements, 2 casos guns, 3 eases lead, 1 half barrel powder, 2 qr.-barrels do., 9 cases rifle ammunition, 1 case powder, Resident Magistrate; 70 sheep, Sutton ; 1 case glass, 1 pkg. spouting, 2 doors, 30 pieces timber, 1 caee ironmongery, 1 do. kerosine, R. Nazer ; G hhds. ale, 8 chairs, Fuller; 2 mats sugar, 3 bags do., 1 do rice, R. Nazer; 2 cases sherry, Captain O'Shannessy; 2 bags oats, Hamilton; 1 boat, Thompson. Passenger—Mr. Thompson, for Raglan.—G. Hodge, agent. Tho s.s. Ahuriri, Captain Flowerday,' took her departure for Taranaki and Wanganui yesterday afternoon. Tho p.s. Prince Alfred, Captain Farquhar, was to have left for Waikato and Raglan, at 2 o'clock this morning.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 684, 23 January 1866, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 684, 23 January 1866, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 684, 23 January 1866, Page 4