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EBKATCir. lu our report of tl-ie Auckland Land. Society, !N"o. 1,1.0.0. F., jVT.U., an error occurs id tlie figures, instead of "by advance to members, £5680," it sliouid be £3260. Estate of Habius and Tubxee. —All claim against tliis estate must be rendered to Mr. * • J. Hurst,' Queen-street, on or betore the -9' inst., or tliey will be excluded from participation in the assignment. London and Lavcashiek Life Asschaxck. This company is prepared to receivc pl'opos.i 3 for life assurance, subject to various special a - vantages, detailed in the book prospectus, J may be obtained by application to the idagent, Mr. I. W, Hai'rop, Princes-street-

Youxg Men's Christian Association. —We regret to say-that the exhibitions in connection Trith this institution are postponed. Police. —Pour drunkards were treated in the usual manner by his Worship yesterday. James jlcDermott, a deserter from the J.Sth Regiment, was handed over to the main guard. George Goodall, charged with having attempted to poison himself, was remanded until to-day, bail * being accepted, in two sureties of £50 each. * Smalili Debts Coukt.—-There were (it) cases on the list for hearing yesterday. There were no cases of particular interest heard. A lull report-will bo found in another column. Ji'oge Lyxch in - Austealia, —We clip tbo following from the 2tews of the Week, a Geeloug journal. A correspondent writing from tlie Lower Darling, under date of the 2nd December, sa y S " occurred at Mount Murchisson lately, showing the state this part of the country is in for want of police and magisterial protection. One of the shearers robbed his mates of £50; no police could be got to arrest him, and hunting him away was not considered by the men to be sufficiently severe, so the majority of slie men proposed lynching him, and lynch him they did. Fortunately for the man the rope ■jras too stiff to run, so when he was taken down for dead, life was hot extinct. After a little nursing, he got sufficiently well to make tracks, smd nothing has been heard of him or the parties most prominent in the affair since." Alarm ov Pike.—At an early hour yesterday mornina. tlie lire bells in the city gave the ominous alarm of (ire, but upon our proceeding to the spot where the glare issued from, we found that it was merely the light from the furnace of Messrs. Vickery and Mascficld's workshop this firm having a large casting on hand at their works, Albert-street. TELEOBArir. —Many of our readers doubtless Teniember that christened the messages transmitted on wires '• tel-a-crams," in allusion to their general inveracity, and will recollect that, thus the now world-known name " telegrams" came into fashion. In whatever tortured condition unfortunate messages reached their destination it was some consolation to get them at all, and it is seldom that the keepers of tlie mystic >vires refused to furnish the press with important public news, but in this benighted land tbej" are apparently not so courteous, and we would suggest that they be christened " tell-notliing-at-alls." The Marlborough Press complains of the reticence of these secret-mongers:, and savs :—"Wo understand from the attendant at the Telegraph office here, that his instructions are, /<> knoiv nothing of what travel* on the Surely there should be some limit to 'his order, teiih pithiic matters. For instance, knowing that the English mail was expected, we asked several times between Friday and Monday morning, if any (not what) important news had reached the Bluff, for, if so, we would immedia'elv send a message to our agent there to forward it, but the only answer we received was a surly' No!' This appeared still more singular on Monday, after the Otago arrived, and confirmed the" news of Lord Palmerston's death, which was known all over the town on Sunday, bv telegraph, but was refused to the Press although offered to be paid for." Ma2,--of-Wah Boat Race.—We understand that a very closely contested boat race, took place last evening" between the pinnaces of H. M.S.S. Cnrac-oa, and H.M.S.S. Brisk, for £20 a sine. The course was from the Curagoa round 3. buoy moored off the Head, round a flac boat moored off Freeman's Bay, coming in on south side of flagship ; the Brisk s boat won bv about thirty yards. We also hear that several oilier matches are on foot. The J2ealaxd and Avsthaliax Trade?. —The Melbourne correspondent ot the London Times thus writes respecting the JNew Zealand and Australian trade :—" The comparative value of the Victorian imports and exports for the first six months of the year IS6-4 and. ISGS respective!?, are now before me, as famished for the information of the Chief Commissioner of Customs. The imports for Uie srst half year of ISGI amount to £7,507,710, an* for the first half Year of ISOS to £0,-U(5,500, showing a falling off'of £1,149,232 in the latter period as compared with the former. The comparative value of our exports lor the same periods is as follows : £'0,f'54.!)1.j and £5,835,681, showing a falling off in our exports between the former and the latter half-year to the amount of £1,149,232. The difference is mainly in the New Zealand trade, in T\hicli the falliag off is £474,955, as between the amount ot exports for the first period— mamely £SSb,JoO, and the amount of exports lor the lattei period M11.2G2. The increase of exports irom Englancfto New Zealand during tlie same period is about equal to the falling off of the trade to New Zealand from the Melbourne ports ihis shows that although New Zealand, in the hrst instance, on the discovery of the Otago goldfields, resorted to Victoria for new supplies 01 goods, she now gets her supplies from -England direct, tlierebv s-voidinsj tliG jicciirQ.iilfl.tccl ! pense of repeated transhipments, and the successive profits of the goods passing through various hands. Could this falling off of our exports and imports have occurred at a Jat ?j period, the opponents of the new tariff would probably have fixed it with the deficiency; but this is not now possible, seeing tnat the new tariff has only been m operation since the month of February, and long before that period Melbourne must have felt the New Zealand trade slipping out of her hands, and must have reduced her orders from England accordingly. The Chinese in Otago.—Members of the Provincial Council appear Wlisappro) e of the advent of gentlemen from the Celestial Empire among them. At the sitting:-, at the Council Chamber on the evening of VV cdnesdav, the 27th ult., Mr. Grant gave notice that he' would ask " Whether the Government irill adopt some stringent measures to save tins Province from a threatened invasion of barbaric hc of Tartars, samples and pioneers ot nJioin have just landed in Otago ?' enquiry elicited a replv from the Provincial Secretary to the effect the honorable member must be aware that the Government, even if they had the disposition, had not the power to interfere to prevent the Chinese coming into the Province ; and they did not intend to take any action w hatevcr in the matter. If there was any action at all, it mast be on the part of the General,-Government. _ 1 T Til a

Db. Featiierstone at the 7Yanqamd Times of the 9th mst. says YVe are informed that his Honor the Superintendent has joined the Native Contingent, and is at this moment either exercising the join c mmand with or serving under I Gcner ,. ;H ( ; i ' Kingi. Our readers may smileandbe sceptical, but we believe we may assure them that Dr. P i - ston, previous to leaving "Wellington, s ipu a e With the Governor that the force about to pro- j ceed upon the then proposed expedition should be permitted to use their utmost endeavours to capture and bring to punishment the murderers of Kereti, Mr. 'Broughton, and others, and to do it in their own wav without any ofhcial lnteiference. We believe it was upon this condition alone that Dr. Fcatherstonc consented to come to Wanganui, and that it is with the full intention of finally crushing the rebellion in the Waitotara that lie has accompanied the expedition. It is said the most cordial unanimity exists between General Chute and Dr. Teather stone in so far as decisive and active operation are concerned. The Major-General Las panied the force, and we believe with the full determination to dispel the miserable delusion of the Hauhausas regards their superior, y over British soldiers. The truckling and vacillating Policy which gave rise to that delusion will no te countenanced by the', present commander oi Her Majesty's forces, and hence it is that Dr. \ u - ?cati*Mtone is at the front. V, e arc m hourly "boctation of a letter from our i.oiicM)oncen accompanies the force.

Messes. Jontjs & Co. will sett to-day (on account of whom it may concern) 25 pkga. of congou tea ex Percy, from London as above, more or less damaged "by sea water, 27 half chests of congou, 4 chests ditto, and 4 boxes ex Percy. New Congregational Chubch (Karangahape !RoacT).—Sermons will be preached in this Church on Sunday next —in the morning by the Rev. P. H. Oornford ; in tlie aftorno' the Rev. Titos. Puddle ; in the evening by tlie Eci v . R. Laishloy. Collections will be made on behalf of tlie building fund. A soiree will be held on Monday. .January the 29th. Mk. H. Joseph will sell to-day a large stock of clothing, drapery, and fancy goods, 1 Messrs! Hukteh Co. will hold their second wool sale, this day. Estate oi? Kennedy Stuart, Baked, Oni> hujtga.—All claims against this estate must be sent for payment, with full particulars, to the office of liow and Motion, High-street, on or before Thursday, February Ist, otherwise they will not bo recognised by the trustees, Messrs. D. Comrie and Ji. McKay. Ciiowx 0 rants. —A very important notification will be found in our advertising columns, respecting applications for Crown Grants underthe Immigration provisions of the " Auckland Waste Lands Act, 1858," and the " Auckland Waste Lands Act Amendment Act, 1502," from which it appears that a certificate will be required by the parties applying, from a member of the General Assembly, a .Tustiee of the Peace, or a Minister of together with a declaration of residence, date of arrival, or issue of laud order in the ease of or Military settlers. Forms of application at the Waste Lands Oflico, and persons named in the advertisement. Wksleyan* Sunday School Anxivkrsaby. —A public tea meeting in connection with the Weslcyan Sunday School, High-street, will be held 011 Wednesday next, the 2dth. Several addresses will be delivered, and selections of sacred music sung

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 681, 19 January 1866, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 681, 19 January 1866, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 681, 19 January 1866, Page 4