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From time to time ire have pointed out the great injustice of the duties levied upon the importation of several classes of goods since the visit of the Wellington Inspector, and in order to bring the matter in a coinpeiuhious form before the general public as well as for the convenience of our commercial readers we publish the following information, and in doing so would especially draw attention to the disadvantage caused to this Province by charging machinery for sawing, mining, agricultural purposes, <fco., with a duty of four shillings per cwt. as ironmongery or hardware. The classification under such terms is monstrous, and could never have beon intended by theframers of the Tariff, and we cannot but think that were such a barefaced attempt to put onthe Wellington screw resisted by tho merchants, such articles would be admitted free as coming under Sub-section 14 of the Act. Wo are curious to loam why it is that cast iron gas pipes aro admitted free, whilst iron castings for machinery must pay four shillings per cwt. Preserved provisions and vegetables are charged five shillings per cubic foot as oilman's stores ; herrings alone seem to have oscaped the commissioner's net; salt is free and so is Earthenware, but placc salt in jars, and it at once becomes oilman's stores liable to five shillings a cubic foot dutv. We belive hams and bacon can bo imported duty free whether packed in salt or not, but such a profound mystery surrounds the interpretation of the Tariff that it is impossible to say whether earthenware packed in salt would be likewise free, otherwise wo might give shippers a hint. But the incongruities are but too sufficiently patent, it is superfluous to mention them. NEW CUSTOMS TARIFF. Sth December, IS6 t. £ s. d 1. Ale, beer, cider, and perry in wood —the gallon - - - -OOP Ale, be. r, eider, and per.-v in bottle —the gallon - - - 0 1 6 2. Cisiars and snuff—the lb. - 0 4 G 3. Coffee, chi.-ori, eoeo.i and chocolate —the lb. - - - - 0 0 3 4. Cutlery, hardware, plat" are, liolloware and ironmongery oi !1 sorts and candles and soup of ah.erts —the cwt. - ■ ' " 0 5. Firearms i"f every description—cach 0 5 0 6. Gunpowder - the lb. - - - 0 0 3 7. Manufactures of silk, cotton, liner, and woollen and nil articles manufactured th>-refivni. dnipcy, habcrdasherv, lu.-iery, mi lincry, lurs, hats, boots, shoes, confectionery, bottled fru ts. dried fruits, mustard, o'ive oil, pickles, preserves, Sluices, spices and oilm -n s stores of all kinds (measuring outside the packages)—the cubic to >t - - 0 5 0 8. Spirits and strong w iters of every kind, sweetened or otherwise, of any strength not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes Hydrometer, and so on in propor!ioi for any greater strength than the strength of proof—the gal on - 01» 0 9. Sugir raw and refined of ad kinds and treacle and mola-ses—the lb. 0 0 1 10. Tea—the lb. 0 0 0 11. Tobacco—tile lb. - - -026 12. Wine in woo l, containing less than twenty five per cent, of a'coh >1 ot a s t-t'ifi'" grain - of 'SJS at the temperaturof • ">0 decrees Fahrenheit's ihermo'iieti-r —tile London - 0 4 0 18. Win-' in bottle, .-ontiiniiui less than £5 per cent of alcoho; of a specific gravity of 82) at the temperature of 60 decrees Falirenh it's thermometer—the ga lon - - - 0 d 0 14. Anchors and cli .ins, and vol, bejt, bar, sheet, hoop and pig iron, and nails, sail cloth, coi'daje. twine, ' cotton yarn. has -1 , sacks and wool- | packs, spirits of tar a d turpentine, tobacco for sheep .v o sh, nuts of all kinds, p wder fit only for blasting purposes ant all uninnmerated goods, wares and merchandise - Free INTERPRETATION OF THE TARIFF. By the Notice in the Government Gazette dated 22nd May : Agricultural Implements, such as Ploughs, Harrows, Chaff Cutters, &c., are liable to a, duty of 4s. per cwt., uuder Sub-ssction No. 4 of Tariff; Forfar Sheeting, Jute, or Hemp Manufacture mixed with silk, cotton, or wool, are liable _to a duty of ss. per cubic foot, under Sub-section No. 7. All Metals manufactured into Rod, Bolt, Bar, and Sheet, Chains, Cheese, are froe under Subsection No. 14; Felt, Hemp, and Jute Manufactures, unmixed with any of the material euumerate-1 in Sub-section No. 7 are free under Sub-section No. 14 ; Herrings, Vestas, and Luciters of all kinds are froo under Sub-soction No. 14. Beyond the Gazette Notice of 22nd May, above mentioned, no alteration has taken place in the interpretation of the Customs Tariff since the visit of tho Wellington Inspector. We have made careful inquiry and publish below the result of our labours in a tabular form, shewing the classification adopted at the Auckland Custom House for goods not mentioned in detail in the Tariff.

The Prince T.ouis T.ucien Ponapsirte has been appointed one of tho presidents ol the neit National Welsh Histeddfod. Mr. N dwin James, ex-Q, C. of London. Has appeared at tho Win'er Garden I heatre, New York, as Friar Laurence in "Romeo and Juliet."—Court Journal.

.articles. | Head of Tariff. |Rate »f Duty. Agricultural Imp. . J Ironmongery |4s. per cwt. Almonds ! Nuts Free Anvils | Ironmongery |4a. per cwt. Anchovies, and An- j chovy Pasts . . . Oilmen's Stores!5s. per c. f. Arrowroot .... Ditto j Ditto Axles Ironmongery :4s. per cwt. Bags, made of Calico . Bags | Free Bath-bricks . . . .1 Oilmen's Stores 5s. per c. f. Black-lead . . . ,| Ditto | Ditto Boilers, Gal v. Iron. .! Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Ditto Steam . . . Unenumerated I Free Boot tops I Ditto j Ditto Bottling Machines. . jHardw. or Iron. |4s. per cwt. Bedsteads, Iron. . ,| Ironmongery Ditto Bellows, Forge . . .j Ditto Ditto Biscuit, Fancy . . . j Unenumerated I Freo Bitters, Orange. . . Spirits ;12s. per gal. Ditto Tonic (Drugs) Unenumerated! Freo Blacking Oilmen's .Stores us. per c. f. Blue Ditto j Ditto Bullock Bows . . . Ironmongery ;4s. per cwt. Calves foot Jelly . . Oilmen's Storcsos. per c. f. Candied Peel. . . . Dried Fruit I Ditto Caper3 Oilmen's .Stores] Ditto Carraway seeds. . . Unenumerated j Free Carriage Lamps. . . Hardwara 4s. per cwt. Carpet Bags .... Woollens us. per e. f. Carpeting, Jute. . . Unenumerated Free Cart Springs . . . Hardware 4s. per cwt. ■"Cartridges, (powder to be approximated and duty charged). . . Gunpowder 3d. per lb. Castings, Iron, for building purposes . Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Chain of all kinds . . Chain Free Cherry Cordial . . . Spirits 12s. per gal. Cheese Unenumerated Free Chaff Cutters . . . Hardware 4s. per cwt. Church Apparel . . Drapery j5s. per c. f. Cheese Presses, Iron . Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Ditto Wood Unenumerated Free Clocks Ditto. Ditto Clogs, Garden . . . Coffee, Essence of . . Oilman's Stores 5s. per c. f. Coffoo Mills .... Hardware 4s. per cwt. Collar Check for Saddlery Woollens '03. poi- c. £. Copper Manufactures. Hardware 4s. per cwt. Ditto Nails . . . Nails Free Ditto Sheathing . . Unenumerated Ditto Corrugatedlron Sheets Sheet Iron Ditto Cotton Wick . . . Cottons 5s. per c. f. Curry Powder . . . Oilmen's Stores Ditto Crab Winches . . . Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Earthenware . . . Unenumerated Free Eau-de-Cologne. . . Spirits 12s. per gal. Feathers, Raw . . . Unenumerated Free Feathers, Dressed . . Millinery 5s. per c. f. Fencing Wire & Supts. Ironmongery -Is. per cwt. Fisli. Paste .... Oilmen's Stores 5s. per c. f. Flavouring Essences . Ditto Ditto Flax Machines . . . Iron, or Hardw. 4s. per cwt. Flock Unenumerated Froe FloorCloth .... Ditto Free Forgets & Nozzles . . Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Forks, Digging & Hay Ditto Ditto Furs Furs 5s. per c. f. Galv. Iron Sheets . . Sheet Iron Free Ditto Wire . . Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Ditto Ware . . Ditto Ditto

Article,-. Head of Tor fl". Rate of i uty. Gallipcii Oil. . . . Olive Oil ,5s. per c. f. Garden Engines . . Hardware ]4s. per cwt. (!;is Apparatus & Plant; Unenumerated ; I" i ee Ditto Pipes large Cast! Ditto Ditto Ditto Small Wrought] Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Ditto Composition . Ditto | j-jtto Gates—Iron . . . .! Ironmongery | Ditto Gelatine Oilmen's Storcsjos. per c. I. Gingerbread. . . .Unenumerated; l'ree Ginger Cordial . . . Spirits ,12s. per gal. Glassware .... Unenumerated 1'reo Grindery Ditto _ Dltto . Groats Oilman's Stores oa. per. e. f. •Gun Barrels . . . Firearms 5s each •Guns, Whaling . . Ditto Ditto Gutta Perclia . . . Unenumerated i' roe Ditto conjoined with Articles, mentioned in sub-section 7 of . Tariff Drapery, &c. 5s. per c. t. Ditto Goloshes. . . Boots and ShoeB Ditto Harrows Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Hay Forks .... Ditto Ditto Herrings, Preserved . Unenumerated l'ree Honey? Ditto , Dltto , Horse Shoes .... Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Hames Ditto Ditto Hops Unenumerated Free Huckaback .... Linen 5s. per c. i. Hurdles, Iron . . . Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Iron Chairs .... Ditto J?!'*' 0 Ditto Safes .... Ditto Ditto Ditto Piping.... Ditto Ditto Iron Work and Iron Blocks for Ships' use Ditto Ditto Ditto Manufactured in piece Ditto Ditto Iron standards for desks Ditto Ditto Iron Wire, galvanized Telegraph .... Ditto _ Ditto Isindass Oilmen's Stores 5s. per e. f. Jams & Jellies . . . Preserves Ditto Jews' Harps. . . ■ Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Jewellery Unenumerated 1* roe Knife cleaning Mach.. Hardware 4s. per cwt. " IjCail Unenumerated l'ree "Ditto Pipe .... Ditto Ditto Lemon & Lime Juice. Ditto Ditto Linseed Oil . . . • Ditto Ditto Liquorice Ditto _ Ditto _ Lobsters, Preserved . Oilmen's Stores 5s. per c. 1. Macearoni .... Ditto Ditto Machinery, Steam En. j & Boilers . . . .lUnenumerated l'ree Ditto other .... Hardware or Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Mancles. Iron . . . Ironmongery Ditto Me-its, Potted or Pre. Oilmen's Storesjos. per. c. f. Milking Machines . . Hardware 14s. per cwt. Morticing ditto. . . Ditto | Ditto Mining Machines . . Ironmongery | or Hardware I Ditto Xicjht Lights. . . . Unenumerated 1 Free Ditto Wax or Stearine Candles !4s. per cwt! Oatmeal i Unenumerated ■ Free Oilcloth Table Covers.! Drapery |5s. per c. f. Olives jOilmen's Stores! Ditto Orango Bitters . . . | Spirits 12s. per gal. Oysters, Preserved . iOilmen's Stores 5s. per c. f. Paint lUnenumerated Free Paper Collars . . .[Haberdashery 5s. per c. f. Pearl Barley. . . .'Unenumerated Free Popper ( Spice 5s. per c. f. Perambulators . . .lUnenumerated Free 'Percussion Caps . .1 Hardware 4s. per cwt. Picks I Ironmongery -Is. per cwt. 'Pistols and Revolvers Fire Arms |os. each. Ploughs ( Ironmongery [4s. per cwt. Preserved and Potted: ]_ Meats and Fish . . Oilmen's Stores as. per c. f. Ditto Soups .... Ditto Ditto Ditto Vegetables . . Ditto | Ditto Press, Stamping . . Hardware |4s. per cwt. Printing Materials. . i Unenumeratod | Free Railway Plant . . .' Ditto j Free Raspberry Vinegar . jOilmen's Stores 5s. per c. f. Pick Cloths .... Rivets Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Salad Oil ' Olive Oil os. per c. f. Salt Unenumerated Free Ditto in Jars. . . . Oilmen's Stores 5s. per c. f. Samples unlit for sales and use (only) . . Unenumerated Free Sarsaparilla .... Ditto Ditto Sash-making Machines Hardware 4s. per cwt. Sash Weights . . . Ironmongery Ditto Safes, Iron .... Ditto Ditto Sago Oilmen's Stores 5s. per c. f. Sardines Ditto Ditto Sausage Machines . . Hardware 4s. per cwt. Saw Mill Machinery . Ironmongery or Hardware Ditto Saw Punching Machines Ironmongery T>itto Scrim Unonumorated Free Screws Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Screw Jacks, Iron . . Ironmongery Ditto Ditto Presses . . . Ditto Ditto Scythe3 Hardware Ditto Sewing machines . . Ditto Ditto Sheaves, brass . . . Ditto Ditto *Shot Unenumerated Free Shovels Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Silver Plate .... Unenumerated Free Soda Ditto Ditto Ditto Crystals . . . Ditto Ditto Soups, preserved . . Oilmen's Stores os. per c. f. Spades Ironmongery 4$. per cwt. Starch Oilmen's Stores 5s. per .c f. Steel, Bar .... Unenumerated Free Sugar, Candy . . . Confectionery 5s. per c. f. Supports, Iron, for Wire Fencing. . . Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Syrups Confectionery 5s. per c. f. Table Covers (Oilcloth) Drapery 5s. per c. f. Tanks, Iron .... Unenumerated Free Tapioca Oilmen's Stores,os. per c. f. Tarpaulins, if uatur* ated with tar. Tents Tinman's Tools . . . Hardware 4s. per cwt. Tinware . . . Ditto Ditto Tin Plates, Unmami. facturcd ... - Unenumerated Free Tomb Railings . . . Ironmongery 43. per cwt. Umbrellas .... Cotton &c. 5s. per c. f. Van Springs .... Hardware 4s. per cwt. Vcrmicelli .... Oilmen's Stores 5s. per c. f. Vestas Unenumerated Free Vinegar Oilmen's Stores 5s. per o. f. Volunteer Uniforms . Drapery Ditto Watches Unenumerated Free Washing Maelrnes . Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Weighing Machines . Ditto Ditto Well Boring Machines Ditto Ditto Wick, Cotton . . . Cottons 5s. per c. f. Whiting Unenumerated Free Winnowing Cloths Wire, Iron Fencing . Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. Wire, Small. . . ., Hard. & Iron. Ditto Wooden Matches . . Unenumerated Free Zinc Ditto Ditto Ditto Perforated . . Ditto Ditto * For the importation of Firearms and Gunpowder and of articles in the above list marked Licenses are required under the " Arms Act." STOCK INT THE BONDED WAREHOUSES AT AUCKLAND, ON 25TH JCLY, ISO'V. Valance in Hond2Mh June, 18fi5. —Brandy, gals., 3fi,0G() ; pin. do, 2(> 76 i; rum, do,8,l"(>; whiskey do , 14,432 ; tobacco, lbs., 188 441; cigars, do., 13,463 win", gal- , -14,648. Warehoused Brandy, gals.. 7.002 ; gin, do , 1,532 ; rum, do, 8,210; whiskey, 3,11-V ; tobacco, lbs., cigars, Ho., 1 "28fi; wine, galls , 3.233. HornConsumption.— Brandy, calls, 4,i73 ; cin do, 1,971; mm, do., 3,3'i9; whisker, Ho., 1.282; tohaico, lbs., 11,341 ; cigars, do., 1,H6 ; wine, galls., ■),53S. Export and Removal Coastwise. —Brandy, galls., KP3; gin, do., 657; rum, do., 430; whiskoj, do., IG9 ; tobacco, lbs., 12,864; cigars, do., 132; wine, gall- . 30. Balance in Bondlhlh July. 1805 —Brandy, galls., gin, do , 19 667 ; rum, do , 12,54.7 ; whiskey, do, l(i,0S8; tobiicco, lbs., 165,403; cigars, do., 13,471; wine, galls., 43,313.

A Return of Imports at the Port of Auckland, from the 27th June, to the 25lh -'uly, 1S05, buth days inclusive. Auticlks. Vai.i'K. Aktici.ks. Value. £ X Agricultural Implements Provisions, viz.:— viz.:— Bacon and Hams. 3 3 '2-1-Plo'iylis, & IIarrows203 .Beef . . SOI Spades, &e. . -I- 3 Biscuits . .125 Ale, 15■ er, &e. • ''3' Butter . . 073 Arms & Ammunition, Cheese . . 209 viz.:— Flour . 23,052 Arms . . . 055 Oatmeal . . 52 Powder . . 1 Pork . . 870 Mint H P. .t,,t es . . 120 All other kinds . 15 All other kinds . '115 Apothecary Wares 1333 Quicksilver . . 10 Bans . ■ • 1578 Riee . . .371 Books . • • 7-11) -alt . . . 27-1 Boots . . • 7-jSJ3 Seeds . . . 27.1. Bones : . . 20 Ship Chandlery, viz.-.— Bono Dust . . 1009 Anehors & Chains 218 Brushvvare&Perfum'v 198 Sails & Sail Cloth 9(1!. Candles . 209 Twino . . 39 Carts & Carriages . 791 Tar ... 10 Cloeks and Watches f>00 All oilier kinds . 278 Cotl'ee, <fce. . . 31 Slates . . . 305 Confectionery . 302 Soap . . .859 Lopper Manufactures, spirits, viz. :— vis. : — Brandy . . 20 S'heatliinc;. . 550 Hi • ... 3 Kails " . . 213 Whiskey . . 5 All other kinds . 50 All "tlier kinds . 195 Cordage . . 580 Stock, viz.:— Coals . . . 2 KiK Cattle . . 0500 Corks . . .111 Horses . .115 Drapery, viz. : — Sheep . ■ S50 Cottons . . 2135 Stationery . • 3-1-61 Woollens . . 5S;0 Sumj . . .121 Linens . . 108 Sugar . . • 22SO f-ilks . . .131 Tea . • • 2>5 Slops . . • SOG Timber . . 0 iO Hats and Caps . 47S Palings . . . 355 Hosiery . . 1)0 Posts and Kails . 3-10 Haberdashery . -132 Tin. viz.: — Millinery . . 130 I'lato . . .25 All other kinds . 17f> ■) Tinware . . 5 Karthenware . . 923 Tolia— o . . . 33 Furniture . 0S5 do Pipes . .110 Fruit, viz.:— ar-> and snuff . 6 Green . • 507 Toys . . . 229 Dried . • 235 fv./pentvae . . i>2 Bolt led . . 31 \cstas . . .0/3 Glassware . . 13u5 ! Woodenware . 155 Grain, viz.:— Wine 7t> Barley . - 17 Zinc . . . lf>5 Maize . . 3999 All other kinds . 2015 Oats . . 12S7 ,"specie . . 20.05J Wheat . 10,851: Br,m . . . 21S : X'153,019 Grindery . . 11-' I lard Mil re it Cutlery 2SjO j WAiu-itorsicD. Harness & Saddlerv 1319 ; Ale, Beer, &c. . 3900 Hay . . '. -SO : Hoots . . 1051 II ops . . . 2170 C,mdles . . -15 Iron, viz. : — | Cotl'ee, Sec. . . 1-19 Bar and Hoop . 33"5 1 v>i)/cetionery . 130 sheet . . . 30 Draperv, viz.:— Pi K . . . 905 Cottons . . 2232 Galvanised . • 2 >0 Woollens . . 12"9 Ironmongery . -1099 1 inens . . 90 Holloware . • 2-7 Silks . . . 310 Nails . . .1717 Slops . . . 2"0 Inst rumen's, viz. : — Hats and Caps . 57S Musical . . 171-' Millinery . . 2->» l'lrl"s 'pineal . 30 All other kinds . 1715 .Tewellerv • • 5"5 Fruit, ,-iz. : — leal '. . . 7:1 I >1 i"d . .M9 Li a her . . . B 'tiled . .15 Machinery, viz.:— Oilman's Stores . 75'i Mining . • 7" 1 »ip ■ • ■ 55S Kailway . ■ 0 Spirits, viz.:— Saw . . . 525 Brandy . . 2930 Sew ncj . . 7 11 ('in . . P'2 AH other kinds . 5,Sl->> Hum • - 1503 Mult . . .25)0 Whiskey . • Oil. viz.:— All other kinds . _1" 8 Colza ... 39 Sunar . - • " is ' i Cocanut . . 1)0 Tea . . • 17 ' 5 Iverosinc . . 20 Tobacco • • _ 'j" l.insecd . . -159 Cigars . . - 363 All other kinds . 151 Vinegar. . • 1 ( '^ Oilman's Stores . 31o: Wine . • • 111^ Paper . . . 1216 I ~ Painters' Materials . 855 ; £30,530 Printers' do. .310; Plants . . . H2 To'al Imports £189, loo A Hktuu.v of Exports, i'e. Article. VA£F1F.. Abticlks. Valce. £ . Brushware&PorfumerylO F.x "W auehovse. Drapery 1 viz:— AloanlBeer . 4 a Cottons . 515 Confectionery • 20 Slops • vi* : — Gold • ■ S00 Cottons • '100 Hardware . 200' Woollens • "^3 Harness u Saddlery 220: l inen ■ 11 ' Ironmongery . 4); Slops . • 90 limejllic- . 120 1 Oilmen's " tores. ° I'rovi-ions, viz : — | Spirits, viz. : — Hacon and Hams SO j Brandy . . 130 Beef • • 9 > Gin ■ • 87 Bi-cuit . . 30 Hum . • If Cheese . . Ill Tobacco . • SSj Fl"nr . ■ Sll-5 Cigars . • 15 1'n'atoes . ISO ~~ Wheat. ■ • 0 £2151 Rico 10 f . . 3 For Drawhack. Ship Chandlery, viz :— Or ipory, viz. : — ('anvas . l'»0 Slop* - • 200 Timber . . 1000 Hats and Caps 80 Tobacco Pipes . 20 Soap . • 09 V'istas • • 10 „ Wool • • 000 £3)CJ £12,SOS Total Exports . £15,308

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New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 541, 7 August 1865, Page 8

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THE CUSTOMS TARIFF AND ITS INTERPRETATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 541, 7 August 1865, Page 8

THE CUSTOMS TARIFF AND ITS INTERPRETATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 541, 7 August 1865, Page 8