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Shipping List

POET OF AUCKLAND'.''''-'"'. ENTERED IX WARDS. ACQ-rST I—Beautiful Star, s 3., 125 tons, Morwick, from Napier, with 10i)0 sheep.—Henderson & agents. I—Lady Alecia, brig, 132 tons, Flockart, from Newcastle, N.S.W.—J. S. Maefarlane X Co.. agents. I—Taw-ra, 55 tons, Kennedy, from Tauranga, ill ballast —9 passengers. —J. S. Macfarlane & Co,, agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. AUGUST I—Prince Alfred, s.s., 703 tons, H. S. Maohin, for Sydney. Passengers—Genera! Sir D- A. Cameron, K.C.13.; Colonel McNeill; I ieut. St. Hill; BrigadierGeneral Caroy, ; Mrs. Carey and servants ; Mr. Chisle't, A. (J. G.; Major Tupper: Captain and Sirs. Grower ; Captain Armstrong ; Captain Kelly ; Hiss Armvtage ; Miss M. Donald ; Messrs. Simpson ; Maehado, Anllev, Prince, Harris, Solomon, McKellar, Bullock, Weston, Cbislaff, Mr. and Mrs. O'Korke ; Mr. Byrne; Mr. G. Fowler; Mrs. Miss and two Masters Frazer; Mr. Hooker ; &• Meochuum; Squires; 1). McLean; Mies Campbell; Messrs. J. Wilmore, S. Thizer, J. Daly, G. Munro, Black, MaeDonn,-11, Stevens, Rover, McGregor; Mr. and Mrs. Turner; 3 soldiers and 1 woman —H. M. ,'lervis, agent. I—Beautiful .-tar, s.b , 125 tons, Morwick, for Napier, ill ballast —Henderson i Maefarlane, agents. 2—Ellen .Simpson, barque, 297 tons, Pool s for Newcastle, N.S w„ in —Pas-ongors—Messrs. Woodruff ('>). A. Wilkinson, T. Sampson, J. Samson, J ■ li'Nanil'-T, W. Craig. — denderson and Macfulane, :>geuts 4 —;t,; S .,lnte, ship, 1U72 tons, Wallace, for Valpa-rui-o, Willi _'t>o t'ins coals, part of c.-i, cargo.— W. < iraiiame, ;,g lit. 4—Lord v -hl y s -i., 206 t<ms, Randall, for Napier aid "uutlieru I'ort-, will 3 ea-e- d'apery, 2 cases 2 do collVo, K k.-jjs nails S bags slioi, 6 kegs iiaiU, 3 cases .Iraperv, I ea»k. 2 bal«M l-ather. 3 pkgs., 2, bales, for > apier; .1 ea-e. 5 oysters, for Wellington ; 1 2 cases. 1 box, lor L\tto ton; 2 trunks, lor Uuu-din. - a sender —Dr. Mr. .T. i liatwi.-k, Mr. J v. Ch-t-twic*, Mr. Kherson, Mr, vUui'to i, Mr. iluthie, Mc-m'S. Carr, Kensbaw; Gallagher, lleir.ilsey an 1 child, MeMu'ien, Penhorne" -Mr. Penhorue. and I soldier, for Napier ; Col Pitt, C >1. ivi-miv, Ca; t. Butler, .Mr. T. Heiiders.m, 11 r. T. itusse'll, Mr. busk, Mrs. Curry and infant. Miss Council, -Mr. MelCenzie, jr.-. Macaire, Mr. MicCabe. Mr. Mainin.;, for Wellington ; Messrs. :nni'li, Auston. and Berry, for Lyttelton; Mr- Low, for Dunedin.—H. it. jervis, agent.

EXPORTS. Per Princ? Alfred, i'jr Sydney :—1 bale blankets,; t> hulf-t erees tohaeeo. D Graham & (Jo. ; IG7 -iiek3 put noes, J. Jtfaefarlane & Co. ; 1 parcel jewellerv, H-iUtriw ; 1 trffects, Gilbert; 1 pare 1 vvji-cht-s, llte.s; 1 *<:a*cjewellery, [I.Joseph; X pare 1 papers, Ban* of New .-outh Wales ; 1 ease boots, Giifi lan & 'o- ; 1 parcel jewellery, HI. T. Tuie; 1 horse. Ma or Tupper ; *1 hor.*t±, General Carey. Per \V .vurley, for shanghai :— 50 casus whiskey, 39!) Qns-i hramiy, lOO.UuO'leet timber, to be shipped at Mcitakana, Cruickshunk, Smart and Co. WRECK OF TIIE EFFORT. By the arrival of the schooner Tawera yesterday, we learn <>f the wreck of t le schooner Effort, whilst on her pas?<ge from X«pier to this port. T;ie Etfuri met with heavy weather, during which all her sails were blown away, only the foresail remaining, aud a 3 the vessel became unmanageably thev wore coinpe le i to run her ashore at Awanui. Bav of Plenty, where she became n total wreck. The erew were a l saved, md brought up to Tuuranga bv the Capta n B ai'k, »nd arrived hero venter av from that port by the Tawera.

The Effort, it will be remembered, was coming here for repairs.—Ibid, August 2.


Tho P.N.Z. Mnd A.R.M. Co.'s 9.3 Pnnce Alfred, Captain 11. Maehin, lefl the Wharf for Sydney at 1 p.m ve-terday, with a large cargo and 51 pas-scn-jers, amongst who*n was General Six* D« A. Cameron and stalf.

Tin day being a holiday no shipping business was t an>ncted, t!iu Wharf being crowded from early morn with spectators to s?e the decorative preparations, and the departure of the gallant General in the steamer.

All the vessels in harbour, from large to small, we ega ly decorated with bunting, nmonget whi:h tho inf'sr prominent were the «hip 9 Wintertbur, Ulceus, JSombav, Lancashire Witch, Baluklava, John Dum.'an, and the m nil gtoamiirs Prince Alfred arid Lord Ashley. The other vessel-i were very tastefully dec >rated, and !o >ked very pretty.

ITpon the steamer leaving the wharf tbe cheers were ''eafenmg. and she proceeded down harbour under e.isv steam ; ys shepussed thetbip Ulcoate, that vessel dipped her ensign and fired two guns, the compliment bang returned by the Prince Alfred. I pou nearing 11 Ms s Brisk, the crew of that vessel manned the rising, cheering loudly as she passed, and Fort Britomart at the same rime boomed forth a salute of 12 guns. Shortly afterwards orders were given by Captain Machin " full speed ahead," and the Prince Alfred s on pass-d out of sight. The paddle steamers Balhirat and the Waitemata accomp tni-d the Prince Alfred as far us the North. He id, both hiving on board large crowds ot pleasure seekers. —Ibid } August 2.

ATIRIVA.L OF H.M:. S.S. FALCON*. H."M. s s Falcon, Captain Parkyn, arrived in harbour vestordav morning, from Sydney, via the South. Sea I-lands. >he left >ydnev* on the 30lh June, with English despatches for Commodore Wi-ern <n, and proceeded to Knwau, arriving there on the !7th Jaly; finding the Ourao'-a n-»t rhere, remanied only a few hours, and then sailud for longaUb -o, arriving next dtf.y, and f 'i:nd tlie 'ommodoro t'ujre. Kema'ned UQ il the 22nd, during winch ti-neth" Ominod re received ■-11 King i »e<»rge, <»f the Krh-ridly Islands, r-n board iho ( uiMQ >h, the y nds being manual and a salute Jjred ; af'er that he uined with the Commod-rand the compliment w.ts returned next day. During their btay here the officers vi>ite I the «pot where Captain Crokcr, of the favourite, was shot ana buii"d. and erected ;l new tablet uver the grtve. On the 22nu snil-d for this port, experiencing heavy we-ith- r throughout, and making tno passage under sail only. . i'.M. ss. Kalcou ha 3 brought up Captain Duff, eommandor of the Curagoa, who is going homo invalided. on account of the wounds received at the (xS.te I'a not remaining healed, ijhe has also brought a col.ectiou of pL mis f r his Excellency th*j Governor. The islands generally are reported as b-ing healthy, although several of th •• of the Ouraeoa were gutTjring sever-1\ lrom a kind oi low fever.

The following are the reported movements of the ships ori iliis .station: —11.M. s s Commodore Wiseman, O.I!., has been vMlin<r the islands, culling at N-Ttollc Island on tho way. Whilst tho Commodore and >oine of the ollicf-rs were on shore a heavy gale sprung up, and the ship was compelled to put to tea, and was absent two days before she could embark them from the islands. At Norfolk Island they came in company with the Missionary schooner Southern Cross, and {he Commodore promised Bishop Putteson to meet him at .Santa Cruz, and cruiso round the islands who>e tho lato aitack was made upon the H'.hoontr's boat. From Tongataboo ahe was to ctuise to Ovahu, round the Solomon and I'Vejei! Is! mds, and at the expiration of tkat timo the Commodore expected to bo back to Sydney in lime for tho Kngliah October mail, when he would remain there until January, avid then proceed to Melbourne irad iHobart Town.

H.M. 8.3. ksk, Capt. Luce, was to sail from Sydney with de-patchus received by the last mail for tho Commodore, on the 19th ult., and lI.M. s.s. Hchpse, now on her wav there to be docked, was to convey those received by the following mail. Bv a correct observation of the sun, it wa3 afs-j----covered that tho Di.iney shoals, approaching; Friendly lslmds, are incorrectly marked on tao.j chart, they b"ing over thirty miles to ttio eastwa~i-.| of the p'.ace indicated.—lbid, August 3 q

THE EOyELLA. _ >'_i Tiio schoon r Tiosella, Captain E. Sirilars,belonging! to the port has beeomea toUl 5,110 wen on bs!> IhTnext day b.raa.e a total wreck. The wreck whil S °Ti,o Koliija vc insuvgd here,_iW, 5, —

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 541, 7 August 1865, Page 7

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Shipping List New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 541, 7 August 1865, Page 7

Shipping List New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 541, 7 August 1865, Page 7