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Shipping Intelligence.

POET OP AUCKLAND. "Wiather—August 3.—"Wind S.W.; showery. DEPARTURES. iTanlioe, schooner, for Mongonui. , Ellen Simpson, barque, for Newcastle, N.S. m • Saucy Lass, schooner, for Mercury Bay. Whitby, cutter, for Wangapoa. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Guam.—Wintorthur, Lancashire Witcli, Craig EUachie, early. Foh Valparaiso.—Ulcoats and early. Foe Sydney.—Barwon, s.s., early ; Vernon, early. Foi the North. —Ballarat, p.s., e*rly. For the South Sea Islands. —Neva, early. For Newcastle. —Killermont, early. For Taranaki.—Little Fred, on .Saturday. Foa Rus-ell.—General Cameron, this day ; Soa Breeze, to-morrow. For Nafibr.—Celt, to-morron. For the South. -Lord Ashley, s.s., this day. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. H.M.S S. Brisk, from the Kawau. H.M.S.S. Falcon, from Sydney via the South Sea Islands. Ballarat, p.:., just launched. Bombay, ship, from London, repairing. Balaklava, barque, from London. Bella Marina, coal hulk. Bella Mary, barque, from Hobart Town. Clyde, schooner, :rom W ang-ipoa. Craig Ellachie, brig, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Deidrich Pentzien. brig, from Adelaide. Eclipse, schooner, from the North Capo and intermediate porta. Fancv, schooner, from tho Barrier. General Cameron, schooner, from Russell. John Duncan, ship, from London. Kiwi, schooner, from Hokianga. Killermont, schooner, from Tatakuku. Kate Grant, schooner, from Wangarei. Lady Alecia, brig, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Lord Ashley, s s , from the South. Lancashire Witch, ship, from Ijondon. Marion, coal hulk. Mapere, schooner, from Tauranga via Morcury Island and Wangarei. Neva, schooner, from the South Sea Islands. Resolute, ship, from Glasgow. Smuggler, cutt;r, from Wangaruru via Wangarei. Susan, coal hulk. Sea Breeze, schooner, from Russell. Tawera, schooner, from Poverty Bay via Tauranga. Ulcoats, ship, from London. Vernon, ship, from Apia (put in dismasted), Winterthur, ship, from London.

VESSELS EXPECTED. Andrew Jackson, sbip, from London, 3 d.p., 816 ; sailed May 20. Barwon, s.s., from Melbourne, 3 d.p., 9271. Dashing Wave, barque, from Newcastle, N.3.W., 3 d p., 5329. Eastward Ho! ship, from New York via Otago, 3 d.p., 920 i ; sailed 22nd inst. Ida Zeigler, Bhip, from London, 3 d p., 76. John Temperley, ship, from London, 3 d.p., 1573 ; sailed May 9. Jane, brig, from Melbourne, 1 d p. 5812. Jans, schooner, from Tanranga. TTing of Italy, ship, from London (loading) ; IvCr.7(J new code. Kate, barque, from Sydney. 1 d.p., 6539. Offlsy, ship, from Hobart Town, 1 d.p., 9108. Bob Roy, ship, from London, 2 d p., 248 ; Bailed April 23. Siam, ship, from London, 2 d p., 819. Sir George Grey, barque, from Valparaiso, 3 d.p., 6879 - Sunbeam, sbip, from London (loading), 2 d.p. 147. 3 Star of the South, s.s., from Napier. Shamrock, ketc i, from Canterbury. Success, schooner, from Napier. Zillah, schooner, from Napier. ENTERED INWARDS. ATGCST 3 —Three Brothers, 18 tons, Seymour, from Mangawai, with 100 busheU, oats, I bags shells, 3 boxes egg", 2 boxes butter, 3 boxes luggage, 1 head ctittle—s passengers.—T. Macky and Co., agents. 3 M>ry Am White, 14 tons, from Waiheki, with 250 posts, 15 ton- firewood. 3—Nile, 24 tons, White, from the Great Barrier, ■with 40 tons firewood. 3—.Julia, 15 tons, Browno, from Kikowakarere, with 23 t'>ns firewood. 3—General Cameron, 4t tons, W. Norria, from Russell, in ballast. Passengers—Messrs. Price and K'-mp.—Owen and Graham, agents. 3_Yision, 18 tons, Brown, from Mahurangi, with 3 tons flour, 1 do. bran, 1 do sharps, 8 cajes egg.- I . — 4 passengers. —Edmonds and Jakins, agents. B—Prince of Wales, 23 tons, Lawrence, from the Barrier, with 1 stone-breaking machine, 2 tons coals —8 passengers. 3—Sea Breeze, 70 tons, G. 3. Norris, from Rnsscll, ■with 26 head cattle, i ton gum. Passengers —Mr. Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and child, Mr. White, Mr. Kemp, Mrs. Burgon, 4 natives. — Edmunds and Jakins, agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. AUGUST 3—lvanhoe, 71 tons, McGregor, for Mongonui, with sundry merchandize —4 passengers. —C'ruickehank, Smart & Co., agents. 3—Saucy Lass, 38 tons, McFenzie, for Mercury Bay, •with sundries—G passengers. 3—Mary Ann White, 14 tons, Knight, for Waiheki, in ballast—2 passengers. 3—Jnlia, 15 tons, Browne, for Kikowakarere, with sundries. 3—Whitby. 20 tons, Doughty, for Wangapoa, in ballaßt —Edmonds ar.d Jakins, agents. 3—Prince of Wales, 23 tons, Lawrence, for the Barrier, with 1 stone-breaking machine, 2 tons coal, and uundries—B passenger-'. ENIERED OUTWARDS. AUGUST 3—Craig El'achie, brig, for Guam. 3—Kiilermont, brigantine, for Newcastle, N.S.W. Inwards Coastwise.—The following entered inWrads yesterday:—Three Brother?, from Mangawai ; Mary Ann White, from Wiiiheke; Nile and Piinco Of Wales, from the Barrier; Julia, from Kikowhakarere; General Cainoron and Sea from Russell Coasters OiT\VAni>s.—The following cleared and sailed yesterday:—lvanhoe, for Mongonui; Haucy La-8, for Mercury Bay ; Mary Ann White, for Waiheki; Julia, for Kikowhakarere; Whitby, for Wangapoa ; and Prince of Wales, for ih-s Barrier. The Boh Rov.—This ship is now 103 days out from Gravesend, and may therefoie now be hourly look n d for. The ship Eastward Ho ! is overdue from New Yoik via Otago and is dailv looked for The schooner Queen, at present lying in the Manuk&Uj is announced as open for freight or charter.

i schooner Celt, Captain MoKenzie, came alongside the wharf yesterday to take in cargo for Napier,, and wiil sail about Saturday next. The schooner liau'noo, Maptain McGregor, sailed vestorday l'or Mongonui. wit "a a full cargo and several passengers. The schooner Sea Breeze, Captain T3- Or. Noms, came up from the Tnmtifci yesterday, after landing 2(> head of cattle. Who at once caino alongside tho wharf, and haves again for the Hay to-morrow. The cutter Vision, from iliihurangi: Tliroo Brotheis, from Mungawai ; and Petrol, fiom Coromandel, all armed i;i harbour yesterday. The cutter Whitby, Captain Doughty, sailed last evening for Craiir's ATi 11 h, "NVangapoa, to take in a loa iof timber for the Tatuaki bridge. TJpon licr return, the Whitby will be laid upon tho berth for Malictu. Tho barque Ellen Simpson, Captain Toole, sailed last evening for Newcastlo in ballast, taking several passengers. The schooner Saucy Tjass sailnd yesterday for Men tiry .Bay, for another cargo of timber from the Auckland Saw Mi'il Company's mills. Tho brie; Craig Kllachie, Captain Wesfbrook, has all but discharged her cargo of coils ill id sails for Guam. Sho entered outwards at the 0 i.-t >ms yesterday, The brigantine Killermont, Capt. G-allois, entered outwards yestcrdiy for Newcastle, N.SW., and sails to morrow. The ship Ulcoiits, Capt. Potts, sails for Valparaiso to-morrow, and will bo followed by tho ship Resolute, Capt. Wallace, on Monday next The P.N Z. and A.R. M. Co.'s s.s. Lord Ashley, Capt. Randall, sads for the Southern Provinces this day, at noon. She takes several passengers. The p.s. Novelty, Capt Quauce, will return from Coromandel this evening. The regular trading vessels Glimpso and Kate Grant will sail this evening for Wangarei. The Little Frod, Capt. Davis, leaves for Taranaki to-morrow night. The repairs to this vessel are all but completed. Tho s.s. Barwon may be looked for to-morrow from Melbourne via tho Southorn Ports. tSho is announced to jail asaiu for Melbourne via Sydney on the Bth inst , returning to Auckland via Cook's Straits and East Coist ports. The barque Bella Mary, Capt. Copping, sails again for Hobart Town on Monday next. Tho schooner General Cameron, Capt. W. G. Norris, leaves again for Russell this evening. Tho schooner Neva, Capt Your.g, is ready for sea, and sails for the South Sea Islands to-morrow.

THE BOMBAY. Tho tender of this ship for conveyanco of invalids to England was accepted yesterday afternoon by Capt Spain, Transport Ollieor. Tho persons who surveyed tho ship expressed themselves highly satisfied with everyttiing aloft and below, especially the pa-senger accommodation. She will at once be laid upon tho berth for London, and sail positively on the 31st inst. From the well known Railing qualities of this fine ship and the popularity of her commander, ire expect to hear of a largo number of persona taking passage by her, and ivn wish Capt. Sellars every dispatch in his loading, and quick and pleasant passage home. THE BALLARAT. Tho p.s. Ballarat will bo surveyed by tho Marino Board authorities this day, t'.nd mako hor odicial trial trip to-morrow. It is expectod she will sail for tho Northern Ports on Monday next. « POST OF ONKHUNGA. DEPARTURES. Ahuriri, for Rnglan and Southern Ports. Boneta, for Waikato. Aquila, for Waikato. VESSELS EXPECTED. Mnry Thompson, schooner, O'Crmnell, from Wanganui, early. Reliance, brig, Austen, from Waikato. Woniii Wonga, s.s., from the South, early. Alexandra, s.s., from Tarnnaki. Aucklan 1, s.s., from Southern Ports, this day. YE33ELS IN" HARBOUR. Queen, schooner, from Taranaki. Clara, brigantine, from Melbourne. D'irl,, cutter, from Port Waikato, Favourite, cutter, from Wanganui. Mo-i, c.ial hulk. Volunteer, coal hulk. W. O. Wuntwortb, coal liulk. CLEARED OUTWARDS. ATGUST 3—TSoneta, ~S tons, Ch-nnpion, for Waikato, ivith G hhd*. beer, Simpson ; 3UO bags potatoes, Scherll'. —G. Hodire, agent. 3 — Aquila. 2S tons, Savage, for Waikato, with 1 crate, 90 bags tlour, 20 bajs biscuit, 4 tins pepper, 2 ca«ks coire - ", 31 mats sugar, 35 hhds. beer, 30 casks bottled do, ; 1 cask lemon klc, Steadinan ; I cask lemonade, 3 cases cordi iU, Williams ; 1 case. Dr. Wood ; 9 cases brandy, SoherU'; 2 bugs nalt. —G Hodge, agent.

3—Miuriri, s.s., 131 tons, .Tolin Floworday, muster, for Kaplan and Southern Ports, with 4 qr. tierces tobacco, under bond, for Wanganui. For Harlan — 2 hnlf-cho.its tea, Major Jl'Gregor ; 3 hluls. ale. Fuller; 1 ton Hour, 4 boxei soap. 1 box tobacco, Blondon ; 8 cases sundries, 12 mits sugar, 3 boxes raisins, 9 bags rice, S boxes caudles, 3 gunnies sugar, 1 octavo vinegar, 2 boxes pipes, 2 lia t'-chcsts tea, 'I. packages sundries, II Stuart ; 1 p.iir ours, B abont; 2 packages sundries. G-. Vance : 2 pkgs sundries, Vanse: 1 trunk, Graham ; 2 boxes sundries, Major M'Ore-'or; N packages do., Todd; 6 packages do , Gilmour; -1 cases arid 12 packages, Fu'ler; 5 packages, Wilson; 6 eases sundries, Stuart; 1 ease, -'mith; 2" bai_'S flour, Gibbnraon ; 1 parcel, do. For Taranaki —4 cases wine, 1 >flicevs' Mess, 43rd Regiment ; 2 ca»es, Gilmour ct Smith; 1 package saddlevv, Ford ; fi kegs butter, Cullagcr ; 1 pian'>, Fr-inc-ea. For Wanganui—l case, Lackhurt; 2 do. drapery, Bradley; 2 do. Woon ; 1 do. and 1 "bile do., Howe ; 1 case do.. Bevan ; 1 case do., Moore; 7 cases sundries, 1 case boots, 28 cases fruit, H. Hurley; 7 packages furniture, G cases merchandize, L. Levy; 1 case drapery, L. Howe ; 3 trunks hoots, Hurley. Passengers— Mnj r Greaves, Colonel Morant, Mr. J. Bellinglack, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan, Mr, G. Tapley, Lieutenant I'r'Ston, Mr Treverson, Mr. Runciman, Mr. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Clark and 2 children, Mr- Hnill, M"r. Lethbridge, Mr. M'Millan, Ensign Clayton, Lieutenant Jones, Dr Calvert, Lieutenant. Rowliston, Ensign Styku. Captain White, Mr. Leniont, Mr. Brabont, i-1 rank and iile. —Coombes and Daldy, agents. 'The s.s. Aliuriri steamed from the Whito BlulT yesterday for Southern Ports at 11.15 a.m. The schooner Excelsior is now loading with timber at Mr. Roe's steam saw mills at Ccrnwallis, which sho will convey to Taranaki. The euttor Aquila and Boneta, both for Waikalo, cleared the Customs yesterday. The ss. Auckland, Captain Ponsonby, is due in tlio Manukau from the Southern ports this morning.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 539, 4 August 1865, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 539, 4 August 1865, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 539, 4 August 1865, Page 4