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The New-Zealander.


Re just and fear not: Let al! the ends thou aim'rst ;«r, he thy Country's, Thy (ion’s, unci Truth's.

The Nomination for the Snperiniendency took place opposite ilie Court House, iii Auckland, on Monday last, and immediately aflerwards Candidates for seats in ilie Pro\iticia! Connell were proposed and seconded for ihe City of Auckland, the Suburbs of Auckland, and the Northern Division. It was obvious that, with a single exception. ail parlies were bent upon having the business conducted in a quiet,orderly manner, without giving vent to those personalities which unhappily arc but 100 often indulged in on life hustings. The whole time consumed in the proceedings of the Nomination of Superintendent did not, exceed an hour, and terminated with a show of hands in favour of Dr. Campbell. There is no doubt that the “Progress Party” are the belter tacticians at a Nomination Meeting. Evidently great pains had been taken to secure a show of bands. Prom an early hour of the morning, “ Progress” Gentlemen were wending their way from the conn try, for the purpose of attending the niacting. A “ gathering” took place al the White lir.i t Inn, Queen-street, al a lit!lcbefore twelve o’clock, whence some two or three hundred Progress Men sullied forth and look their stand before the hustings. Ihe opposite parly apparently had made no arrangements whatever. When ihe show of hands was called for, not one half of those present look any part in the proceeding; whether this arose from the question not being understood, or from a feeling that the result of a show of hands is of little importance, we cannot say ; hut at the subsequent nominations it was still n;or i apparent, that but a small portion of those present held up their hands. 1 he nomination for the House of Representatives took place yesterday, and as no efforts bid apparently been made, by either party, to secure a numerous attendance of adherents, the consequence was that the results of the day before were, for the most part, reversed; the Anti-Progress candidates obtaining a considerable majority. Simultaneously with the nomination in Auckland, oiiiers were going on at Onehunga lor the Pensioner Settlements and the Southern Division. It was obvious there that “ the Progress Parly” comprised but a small minority. So far, indeed, from the Returning Officer having any difficulty in determining with whom the majority voted, the show of hands for the Supcrinlendency was, we arc informed, at the least as hire to two in favour of Mr. W r hi taker. Willi respect to the other candidates on Monday a superiority was throughout apparent in favour of the gentlemen who have been classified by the “ Southern Cross” as anli-Progress Parly men. Upon the whole the nomination was throughout conducted in a business-like manner, and altogether creditably to the constituency. After all, it appears to us that nomination in the present style, gives a great deal of trouble without any corresponding advantage being derived from it, A show of hands at best but indicates the feeling of an isolated portion of depopulation, and affords no index al all to the result of the Election. It as often happens as not, that the show of hands favours one candidate, and the majority of voters another ; in the present instance, for the Supcrinlendency, the mailer, as respects the shew of hands, stands precisely as it did when Colonel Wynyard was a candidate.

Monday and Tuesday pioved stirring days in the Province of Auckland ; the former having been fixed for the nomination of a Superintendent for (he Province, as well as for the nomination of members to serve in the Provincial Council ;—and the latter for the nomination of members for the Mouse of Representatives. Willi much judgment, (he work of nomination was carried on simultaneously for all the electoral divisions, the Hay of Islands excepted. In tin* City of Auckland, Candidates were proposed tor the Superinlendency, as members for the City, the Suburbs, and the Northern Division ; whilst at Onebunga the same ceremony was observed with respect to the Superinteudency, the members to represent the Pensioner Settlements, and the Southern Division. In Auckland, the usual hustings was erected in front of the Supreme Court House, and on Monday as the hour of noon approached, a very large assemblage of Ihe citizens was attracted to the appointed spot. Precisely at 12 o'clock, tlie first writ was read by Lachlan OBricn Esquire, tlm Returning Officer, who having requested a fair and impartial hearing or the several speakers invited the electors to name the Candidates for the Office of Superintendent. Mr. W. S. Crnhamcina few minutes stepped forward, and begged to propose Frederick Whitaker Esquire as a lit and proper person to till (lie Office of Superintendent for the Province of Auckland. Mr. Alexander Black seconded Mr. Whitaker's nomination. Mr. W. C. Daldy then stepped forward and proposed John Logan Campbell Esquire as a fit and proper person for Superintendent; and in doing so look occasion to find fault with Mr. Grahamo for not delivering a speech in support of his Candidate, making up for that omission himself by a long, acriminous, personal, attack upon Mr. Whitaker. Mr. Walter Brodie seconded the nominaiion of Mr. Campbell, and entered into a critical analysis of Mr. Whitaker’s Land Regulations.

Mr. Whitaker then presented himself and addressed the constituency at considerable length, disposing first of Mr. Brodie’s allack, and then defending his conduct from the personal aspersions of Mr. Daldy—deprecating such personalities. which he himself would never employ, and which he only dealt with in his own vindication. Mr. Campbell next came forward and expressed his sentiments. A show of bands having been called for by , (he Returning Oliicer and having been declared I to be in favour of J. L. Campbell Esquire, a poll was demanded on behalf of F. \N tiitakcr | Esquire, which was declared to take place on • Friday the 2blh instant, al the Court ilouse i Auckland, and at such other places as the Re- j turning Officer shall appoint. The nomination of Candidates to re- I present the City, the Suburbs, and the Northern Division in the Provincial Coun- | cil followed. It was past 4 o’clock before i the business of the day was over; and j such being the case, it would be utterly be- | youd our present power to do more than furnish a list of the Candidates with the names of their respective proposers and seconders. For the City of Auckland. Mr.T.H. Bartley was proposed by Mr. Joseph Coghlan, and seconded by Air. A. McPherson. Mr. J. T. Boy bin was proposed by Mr. J. Cad man. and seconded by .Mr. P. Grace. Mr. Jas, Dcrrom was proposed by Mr. A. Black, and seconded by Mr. J, Cadman. Mr. A. O’Brien was proposed by Air. 11, Coolahan. and seconded by John Henry. Mr. J. O'Neill was proposed by Mr. Thomas Somerville, and seconded by Mr. H. Coolahan. Mi. Thos. Beckham was proposed by Mr. Rattray, and seconded by Mr. A. Wright, i Mr. William Griffin was [imposed by Mr. i John Dunn, and seconded by Air. John Henry, I jun. Mr. David Graham was proposed by Air. Jas. Robertson, and seconded by Air. W. Boyd. Mr. 1 hos. Henderson was proposed by Mr. Gorrie, and seconded by Air. Jas. Robertson. Mr. Joseph Low was proposed by Air. D. Sutherland, and seconded by Air. Alacready. Air. Walter Lee was proposed by Mr. W. Rowe, and seconded by .Mr. H. Coolahan. Air. I*. Schultz was [imposed by Air. C. ! Bruce, and seconded by Air. Geo. AlcVey. The show of hands having been declared to be i in favour of Messrs. Hartley, Boylan, J. O'Neill, i T. Henderson, Beckham, and Schultz, a poll I was demanded and declared in behalf of the older ) candidates. For the Suburbs of Auckland. | Air. Waller Brodie was proposed by Mr. Geo. Boyd, and seconded by Mr. T. Russell. Mr. Win, II ty was proposed by Air. J. Young i and seconded by Mr. 11. Nirol. Air. T. S. Forsaith was proposed by Alajor Matson, and seconded by Air. J. A. Gilfitlan. Mr. Merrirnan was [imposed by Air. Hugh j Coolahan, and seconded by Mr. R. Scott. Dr. Pollen was [imposed by Mr. J. A. Gili fillan, and seconded by Major Matson, j Mr. W. Rowe was [imposed by Air. 11. Coola i hao and seconded by Mr. A. Alears. Air. W. Turner was proposed by Air. Jas. i George and seconded by Air. Slecl. ! The show ol hands being in favour of Messrs, i Brodie, Hay, Merrirnan, and Turner, a poll was j demanded on behalf of the remaining candidates. For the Northern Division. I Mr. P. Dignau was proposed by Mr. W. Edge- ‘ combe, and seconded by Mr. Caldicult. j A r. f P. Donovan was pioposod by Air. Coolahan, and seconded by Mr. C. Madden, j -Mr. J. C. fiill was proposed by Mr. Caldicult, i and seconded by .Mr. W. Edgecombe. I Vr. A. O'Neill was proposed by Vr. J. Cad--1 man, and seconded by .dr. J. Mclavin. Vr. W. C. Daldy was proposed by Mr. P. 1 C.dlan, and seconded by Vr. 1). Russell. Air. Joseph .May was proposed by Vr. John O’Neill, and seconded by Air. Heath. | Mr. G. O. Ormsby was proposed by Mr. P. | Callao, and seconded by -Mr. iieuih. .' ; r. A. Iv. Taylor was proposed by Mr. John Russell, and seconded by -w. A. Stewart. | The show of hands having been declared to be in favour of A:essrs. Dignan, A. O'Neill, Daldy, and Taylor, a [toll was demanded on behalf ol the others, j The business of (he day having thus terminated, a vole o thanks, on the motion of Mr. Whitaker, which was seconded by Mr. Campbell, was given (o the Returning Officer, after which ! the meeting separated. At One rung a, The nomination of (he various candidates took place at (lie Court House, under the supervision of (he Returning Officer, T. jHa attain, Esq. There was a very numerous attendance, and the greatest order and decorum . prevailed. i Air. Campbell was [imposed as a fit and I proper person (o fill the office of Superintendent jo the Province of Auckland, by Air. Joseph AJay, and was seconded by Air. Fleming. At. Whitaker, in turn, was proposed by Vr. I William Bucklaml, and seconded by Air. R. N. : Barry. On a shew of hands having been railed for, the majority in favour of A r. Whitaker was j belli larg* an i clear. A Poll was then deman- ! ded on behalf of A r. Campbell. Pensioner Settlements. The following gentlemen were next proposed i and seconded as Members to represent the Pensioner Settlements in (he Provincial Council, viz.; Messrs. Joseph Brennan, James Farmer, Joseph Greenwood, Patrick Hogan, Thos. Francis McGauran, Cormac Patrick O’Rafferty, William Powditch, and John Williamson. The show of hands was given in favour of Messrs. Brennan, Farmer, Powditch and V\ ilj liamsou. A poll wav demanded on behalf of Ibe other candidates. Southern Division. For (he representation of the Southern Division in the Provincial Council, the following seven gentlemen presented themselves, and were duly proposed and seconded, viz. : Messrs, William Buckland, James Dilworlh, Robert Graham, 'William Coodfellow, Uolurl Bailie Lusk, William limes Taylor, and Thos. C. Williams. I he show of hands being in favour of Messrs. Buckland, Dilworlh, Graham, and Taj lor, a poll was demanded by the others. A vole of thanks was given to the Returning Oliicer, and the proceedings ol Monday closed. Yesterday the nominations for the House of Representatives took place


The nomination of members lo serve iti (lie House of Representatives look place in Auckland in front ol Hie Court House yesterday morning. Foil the City of Auckland. Mr. J. O Neill, was proposed by A.r, Somerville, and seconded by .Mr. Cooiaiian. Mr. Tbos. Beckham was proposed by Mr. Kail ray and seconded by Air, George. Mr. J. L. Campbell was proposed by Mr. Graham and seconded by Mr. McLeod. Mr. W, Connell was proposed by Mr. J. A. Gillillan and seconded by Air. H. Coolahan. Air. AY. C. Daldy was proposed by Air. Gorrie and seconded by Mr. Pollock. Air. P. Diguan Was proposed by Mr. Tbos. Somerville and seconded by Mr. Madden. I ho show of bands bein'; in favour of Messrs, lleckbam, Campbell, and Connell, a poll was demanded in behalf of the others. rou rni; Sunuaus of Auckland. Mr. Alerrirnan was proposed liy Air. Uober(sou and seconded by Air. Coolahan.

Mr. W. Brodie was proposed by McTIW,, and seconded by Mr. Nice! naaßc 'l Ur. Pollen was proposed bv Mr J A and seconded hj, Mr. W. Hole Mr. W. Turner was proposed by Mr W- iu. . and seconded by Mr. Aliison. The show of hands was in favour of Messr Manlman and Poll™. A poll .as by. the oilier Candidates. w ■ For the Northern Division. Mr. T. S. Forsaith was proposed by jj r i ( Probert and seconded by Mr. A. a ears * ' AI r. Walter Lee was propose! by \; r yy j Caldicult, and seconded by A r. John Kelly A r Thos. Henderson was proposed by j A. K. Taylor, and seconded by \;r. It. Schulz | Mr. Jos. May was proposed by Air, f) y‘ ; Nanghlcn and seconded by .or. Calhn. C ! After some little difficulty, the show of hand* | was pronounced to he in favour of Messrs. H eu | derson and May. A poll bavin? beendcinauiled ! on the pari of -essrs. Forsaith and Lee, and a vole of (hanksjhav ug been tendered to lheilei ur „. iug Oliicer on Ibe inolion of Mr. Thos. son, seconded by Air. Daldy, the inectin" separated. 3 Foh the Southern Division. Mr. William Bucklaml was proposed by M r F. . Lewis, and seconded by Mr. T. O iiriea Mr. Hubert Graham was proposed by Mr Geldard, and seconded by Mr. Gordon. .Mr. Joseph Newman, was proposed by Mr James Williamson, and seconded by Air. Janies Alackj. Mr. C. J. Tailor, was proposed by Mr. Fleming and seconded by r. c I anus. The show of hands was in favour of the two first, and a puil was demanded by the two last gentlemen. For the Pensioner Settlements. At. Bacol, was proposed by r. White, and seconded by .M r. Mahouy. Air. Farmer, was proposed by Mr. Filzpalrick and seconded by • r. Warner, Major Greenwood was proposed by Mr. Murphy, and seconded by Mr. F. C. Lewis. A r. T. F. Me'lat!ran was proposed by ?.!r. .Mc aanus, i nd seconded by A r. vi. A;adigau. .Vr. John Williamson, was proposed by Mr. R. N. Barry and seconded by .Mr. .Murphy. The show of hands was given in favour of Messrs. Farmer and Williamson and a poll was deni uided on behalf of the others. A vole of thanks having been given to tho Reluming Officer, the business of (he day lerminalcd and the meeting dispersed.

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New Zealander, Volume 11, Issue 992, 17 October 1855, Page 2

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The New-Zealander. AUCKLAND, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1885. New Zealander, Volume 11, Issue 992, 17 October 1855, Page 2

The New-Zealander. AUCKLAND, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1885. New Zealander, Volume 11, Issue 992, 17 October 1855, Page 2