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In the House of Representatives yesterday afternoon, tho amendments made by the Legislative Council in-the River Board Amendment Bill were agreed to.

The Hon. Sir James Allen staled in tho House yesterday afternoon that the second portion 'of the Twenty-ninth Reinforcements had arrived safely at a port of call. Private Thomas Clark died of spinal meningitis on the voyage.

At a largely-attended meeting of the Oamaru branch of the Amalgamated Society, of Railway Scrvciuits, held on Monday night, the following resolution was unanimously carried, viz.:—"That this ;mccting urge upon the Executive Council the necessity of making inimcliale representations .with a view to securing an increase in wages of two '.hillings per day in order lo meet the high cost of living."

. 'A sudden death occurred at Enfield at about two o'clock on Sunday afternoon, when Mrs W. Marshall expired just after arriving at the Enfield Church to attend the afternoon service, The deceased lady had motored from her home in company with her husband, and was removing' her cloak prior to entering the church when she was scon to fall. Dr. Orbell was immediately summoned, but could only pronounce life extinct.

The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors of the Vv'nitaki High Schools was held yesterday, there being present —Messrs D. Sutherland (chairman), J. \f. Brcwu, B. Milligan, W, Sumpter, ,1, Mitchell, ai|d G. Livingstone, Miss trene Black wrote tendering her rejiglation as iiiatheinatical and science uistress of the Girls' High School, hav:ng accepted a position in Coluniba 'Allege, Dnncdin. The resignation was accepted, A large ainoui\t of rou'ine business was dealt with, find salaries and accounts amounting to i!OSS ISs 'ld were passed for payment.

The Post Office announces that iet- j ters are forwarded by the San Francisco! and Vancouver routes only unless specially superscribed. Persons .and firms in .fhe habit of posting duplicates of business correspondence to the United Kingdom should note that in order to avoid posting duplicates by the same mail as the originals the original letter should be superscribed "Via San Francisco" and the duplicate "Via Van■ouvcr," and vice versa...-The siijicricription "By direct steamer" will i!so serve to ensure duplicates going by t scpnrateToutc if originals are posj/e'llj without superscription.

The local Salvation Army Band visitoil Palmerston during tlic past weekend. The band assisted at the morning services, ami in the afternoon were conveyed by motor cars, placed at their disposal by the residents, tj the sanatorium, where they gave a most enjoyabi'i concert to the patients. Dr, Lyth entertained the visitors at afternoon tea, and on behalf of the patients and staff thanked them for their visit. -Sergeant-Major Austin replied on behalf of the band, and thanked the doeor for his hospitality. Jn the even:ng, after the church services, Ihe band <;avc'a sacred concert in 4ho Towii'llall ■ o an appreciative audience, numbering about 'IOO. As the result of a col'cctiou taken up in the building, the mm of £lll was raised for the Self Denial Fund,

The annual Bale of woik by St, Luke's Ladies' Guild is advertised to take place in St. Luke's Hall to-morrow ifternoon and evening, The aim of the ladies is to clear off the remaining £4O of debt on the church completion fund, and they confidently appeal to all parishioners and friends to help ihem in their laudable undertaking. The plain and fancy work, refreshment, sweets, oroducc, flower, and jumble stalls will be well stocked, and Hie Christmas tree, bran tub, and art gallery will be of "xccllent quality. ' The sale three o'clock, and will be open free luring the afternoon. In the evening a 'hargc of one shilling will be made (with half-price for children), when an excellent programme/ arranged by Mr Woodward, will h provided. Amen,'; 'he arti?tes are Jlesdames McCulloch mil John Eraser, Messrs Elcoate, Hurry, Tatters. Hop-i;, and the Waits hi High School Orchestra.

A series of mission so'.'v::ci whle'i r.iv 'o lie conducted under the auspices of (he-whole of the Protestant Churches of Qamaru and surrounding districts will be commenced in Hay ward's Theatre on Sunday evening next, with an afterchurch rally at eight o'clock. The services, which will extend over twelve nights, will be conducted by the ministers of the district, arid a special feature of'the mission will be the singing, which will be led by a large united choir. 'Alexander's hymns will be used, and there will be a song .service each evening. As a prelude to the mission, a united rally is to bo held at St. Paul's Church to-night at 7.30, at which the mission hymns will be used, and the singing wiU be led by the big choir. The Rev. S. P. Hunter will preside, and short addresses will- be given'by the Ven. Archdeacftn Russell and the Rev. Dtv Lawrence, On Saturday evening, at eight'o'clock, a brief, bright, openair Service will be held in Thames streot/in front of the Polytechnic.- All the town ministers will take part, in the Saturday night meeting, and the mission choir will also lead the singing. The speaker for the Sunday night meeting will be the Rev, J. Lawson Robinson. ' '".':.

rollonmg the march of cunts, the coastal ptcamers are engaging -female cdolts, ami stewards. Tlio Putikl, now trailing to Oamnni, has engaged the services of a lady cook, who, it is stated, 'is- giving every satisfaction.

The induction of the Rev. it. 11. Bl.iLto 'the.■'parish of llmnpdon will take ,plac.o to'-morrow evening at 7.1)0, in. tho /Presbyterian 'Church,. Tho •Rev. 13. l'\ Hunter will preside and induct. The Rev, P. It. Blue will preach, Rev, A, Watson will address the minister, and the Rev. P. G. Ronnie will address tho.congregation. A welcome social will be extended to Eev. E. 11. and Mrs Blair at the dose of the scr-

Quitc a flatten has been caused on (he : Bcnmorc soldiers' 'settlement lately by the advent of soint ladies. For ■ nine months Mrs E. Davcy and her " daughter have been the only women- : folk on the settlement, but two weeks ago Mrs R. B. Smith arrived and started backbloek life in real earnest, Three days later, the first bride arrived in the person pf Mrs il. S.'Wootton. '■ This was the occasion for the pioneers of the settlement to show their neighbourly . spirit and to express their kindly feel- . ings toward the new arrivals, Consequently, on Saturday night a large number of returned soldiers and Mrs y Davey paid a visit to the home of Mr and Mrs Wootton to welcome them lo the settlement, and,to make a presentation to Mrs Wootton as the first bride to come to Bcumbre. Mr J, McCreary, in a felieitious speech, welcomed the bride and bridegroom, andv on behalf of the returned soldiers presented Mrs Wootton with a handsome travelling rug, wishing.'Kcr and her husband every happiness and good luck. During the evening vocal items were rendered by Mrs Davey, Messrs Williams and McCreary, A bountiful sup- ' per followed, and the singing of "Auld " Lang Syne" closed a very enjoyable 1 ' evening,

. There was an unusually largo attendance at tliir fortnightly meeting of tli3 Alfred Lodge,''., on Monday, the N.O!, Bro. J. Fitzsimmons, presilin*. Four lirotliers were reported on '' the sick list. A candidate for membership was proposed. The Grand Treasurer, Bro. L. I). Bitchie, was appropriately introduced to the lodge by Bro. A. Crii'litoii, Ityilric't Deputy Grandmaster, and was warmly welcomed.. During the collie of sin interesting aiiil entertaining aildress, Bro. liitehie adversely criticised the Governincnt for their meagre recognition of the . splendid work being done by the various friendly socieiies throughout the Dominion, ami •.instanced the liuuii more liberal support accorded by the New South Wales and Hie lloitic Government to friendly societies. Dealing with finance, the speaker claimed that from an actuarial l point of view the 1.0.0. F. was the soundest Order in ihc Dominion. He mentioned that tho 1.0.0.F, had disbursed between £(1,000 and £7,000 in the interest of those members who had proceeded to the front, the whole of the money having been found by the Gaud Lodge Executive, 1 without asking members to contribute anything in the wav of levies. At the conclusion f' t. ' ' ' " ■■' '"' of his address Bro, liitehie was accorded a hearty vole of thangs wilh acclamation.

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North Otago Times, Volume CVI, Issue 13975, 12 September 1917, Page 4

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Untitled North Otago Times, Volume CVI, Issue 13975, 12 September 1917, Page 4

Untitled North Otago Times, Volume CVI, Issue 13975, 12 September 1917, Page 4