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All important French Royalist Conforenco was in process at tlio Hotel Alberinarle, London, on Juno 20th, Tho chief leaders of tho party wore present, and others had been summoned from Franco. A company has been formed in London to construct i\ harbor at St Brandon, on tho Biistol Channel, for American linois, tlio port to bo linked with London by the (Jreat Western Railroid. J, C. Home, a South American morclunt, failed in London on June JO, with liabilities of L 250.000. Miss Fawcett, daughter of tho hto Professor Fawcett, carried off highest honor,'} at tho .June examination of Cambridge. She is bracketed as tho superior of tho male .senior wrangler in the mathematical tripos. Two other young women (Miss Field and Miss Lea) aro als»o among the wrangles. A great labor demonstration was made on June 7th in Ilydo Park. Forty thousand men wero in th« procession that marched to the Park, whero fully 200,000 moio people had assembled to tike p.irfc in tho meeting. On leaving tho Park Sir Harry Uavolock Allen | incurred by some moans tho ill-will of the crowd, and rv mob made a ruf>h and nearly unhoruod him. Tho polico formed , a cordon around him, and kopb back tho infuriated workmon, who threw heavy clods of earth at the oflicors. and tried to break through tho linos. Arrests woro made, and Sir Henry cantcrud off, escorted by mounted policemen. The deatli is announced of James M'Kaughton M'Garel, lirst Baron of Mn^herumorue, in his (57th yoar. Williams, Dimoud, and Co., for 10 years agents for tho Pacific Mail Steamship Company in San Francisco, wore removed from that position on Juno Ksth, and R. A. Johnson, apotntod instead. A meeting of the World's Fair nharoholders was held in Chicago on Juno 10. i 126 parsons wero present, who held proxesfor iwwlv all the stock of absent thousands. Tho number of shares voted was 303,758. A proposition vraa made to

double the capital of; tho stock, making the total 10,000,000 dollars iimt-ond of 5,000,000, and this was unanimously udopted, an was also t.lio change of namo from the World's Exposition of JBO2, to tho World's Columbian Exposition. California has applied for ft space of JO acres on tho grounds, and will appropriate from 200,000 to 1,000,000 dollars for fair purposes. Reports from Coriouto, in Nicaragua, say little work luw boon dono on tho canal, and affairs aro in a deplorable condition. Tho country is overrun with Americans and Europeans, who havo no money, and got no work. At the town of America, which tho C.vial people started, thoro is a hospital with about 100 patients, mostly Americana. Every whito man is trying to got out of tho country. The company havo made crntraots for 20,000 negroes from Jamwcia for months. British Honduras and tho neighboring republics have boon suffering from a disease so torriblo in its character that ovoryono attacked dies. At Cayo it was reported on June 19th that tho people were dying liko rotten slieop. Tho naturo of the disease is in doubt. European doctors call it yellow fovcr, but their American colleagues differ in (heir diagnosis, Tho only fact is that it invariably kills in from fivo to six days. Tho Government refused to modify tho restrictions against tho importation of American cattle, made at tho roquosb of n deputation from Scotland. French and English merchants are much exoited ovor fcho American tariff. Tho subject was brought boforo tho House of Commons on June 20. A Swedish barque from Fernando arrived at Liverpool on Jiino 9th, and reports having seen a large balloon floating in the ocean, Slavin ni»d M'Auliffe, pugilists, decided to meet in tho ring somewhere in England in October next. Tho American riflomen mot with a warm reception in Gonnany. An enormous meeting of Socialists and Democrats wat hold in Koch's brewery, at Moabit, a Berlin suburb, on Juno 14. The affair was exciting, and tho Emporor was freely criticised and censured for his rescript of policy on a false charge of libelling the Emperor William preferred by drunken students. A New York merchant named Jonoph Jonassen was arroatod in Berlin on Juno 20, and thrown into priaon, where he was detained for days, and lreated > barbarously. He intends to make a national affair of it in tho way of apology and damages. Oeorge Washington Buttorfiold, an American, has brought an action for libel against tho London News, laying damages ab LI OO,OOO, for saying that Buttorfiold had put an impudent a ud wild mining scheme on tho London market. M. do Lesseps presided ab the Suez Canal meeting in Paris on Juno 4. Tho annual report announced tho profits for 1889 at 37,212,925 francs. The not dividond ia 85 francs per share. Charles do Lossepa announced that that for 1890 would bo 91 franca, without rebate. Senhor Garcia, tho now Minister of Finance for Brazil, announcod on Juno 17th that he would burn publicly one half of thirty millions of one dollar notes illegally circulated. Baring* have arranged a loan for Uruguay of L 200.000 afc 0 par cent. In addition to fcho shore batteries at Victoria, 8.C., it is proposed to fortify strongly several islands guarding the entrance to the harbor at Esquimalfc. A waihoufc on the Canadian-Pacific railroad, thirty miles east of Toronto, caused an accident on Juno 38, which led to tho death of five men. They wero on tho locomotivo that plunged into the break. All were drowned. A freah report has been issued by the special Panama Canal Commission on tho pronpectivo earnings of tho enterprise. The annual cost of maintenance is placed at 5,500,000, and tho expensea and administration ab 1,800,000 francs. Tho annual incomo for tho first four years is to be 53, 250,000, estimated and calculated on an an average annual tonnage for that period of 4,100,000, and that tho proposed rate of charge per ton is 12£ francs. The Commission estimates that after tho first - four years thero would be an annual increase in the tonnago of 150,000 tons until the maximum of 6,000,000 should be reached. In regard to tho transfer of Heligoland to Germany, Lord Salisbury said in the Houeo of Lords on Juno 19 that thero wai» no grounds for supposing tho inhabitants objected to tho transfer except as regards thoir conscription, and this was provided against in the agreement. The Germans place great import on the strategic importance of Heligoland, and General do Caprivi recalled the fact in a debate in the Bundearath on Juno 21 that during the war of 1870 it was necessary to detach a large force to guard against a possible landing at tho mouth of the Wehr and Elbe rivers, and lay submarine mines to protect the water approaches to Hamburg and Bremen. The opinion of the peoplo of the island an regards an enforced change ©f nationality cuts no figure with either Germany cr Great Britain. A huge petition in favor of licenses (?) wrb presented to tho House of Commons on June 26th, It was got up by tho publicans, and was presented in three immense rolls of paper bearing 600,000 signatures. Sir Wilfrid Lawson created much amusement by moving that the Clerk of the House road tho petition, and verify the signatures. Colonel North, tho nitrate king, is reported to havo had wonderful luck at Epsom races, winning, it is estimated, orer LlOO.OOO. On the night of the 16th of Juno, Mr Balfour, replying to Mr Dillon, denied that the police had charged upon and clubbed the peoplo of Tipperary for lighting bonfires to celebrate the marriage of William O'Brion. The police pub out the firea because they obstructed tho streets, Messrs Schroll and Clancy (Nationalists) wanted to know how shadowing in Ireland could prevent boycotting. Mr Balfour said no one was uhadowed unices he was known to bo engaged in intimidating. Tho Government would abolish tho uystcm if Parnellite* promised to induce persons shadowed to abstain from intimidation. Mr Parnell asked Mr Balfour about the English presumption that every person accused is considered innocent until proved guilty. Mr Balfour then asked Mr Parnoll if he would undertake to guarantee tho people would nob rcpoat their crime, and was met by loud Parnellito shouts of "What crimes." Amidst tremendous applause, Mr Dillon began an exciting speech, denouncing Mr Balfour, and demanding an apology for tho use of tho word " crime." A stormy scene ensued, dur■which Mr Gill accused Mr Balfour of lying, and Mr Gladstone challenged the Irish Secretary to prove his assertion that the Liborals resorted to "shadowing." Finally Mr Balfour substituted the words "intimidation" and " boycotting" for " crime," and the House quietened.

Tho Southland County Council has obtained convictions and fine* of 6s and cost*, arenging 30s, wamet j » number of aettler* for touches of tho bv-hwH ao to width of tires on twcwheeled rthicltfli.

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North Otago Times, Issue 777, 21 July 1890, Page 2

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SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. (BY TELEGRAPH.) Auckland, July 19. North Otago Times, Issue 777, 21 July 1890, Page 2

SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. (BY TELEGRAPH.) Auckland, July 19. North Otago Times, Issue 777, 21 July 1890, Page 2