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The usual fortnightly meeting of the Council took place last evening. Present : His Worship the Mayor, Crs. Humphrey, Procter, Liddle, Spence, Familton, Mainland, and Gibb*. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed, and the outward correspondence was read and approved. Permission was granted to Dr Garland to erect a lamp-post opposite his premises, subject to the supervision of the engineer. A letter was read from Mr J. R. Clement re a sum of L 5 awarded him for land taken for water-race. Draft indentures of cadet in engineer's office wore read and approved, and ordered to be executed. A report was read from the Inspector of Nuisances, stating that there was great complaint of the charges of the only nightman now licensed, and suggesting that a tariff be fixed and applications for licenses invited. A report from the Public Works Committee with reference to road to quarry reserves and work at upper end of Torridge street, was read and adopted. It was resolved that any notice required to be issued or step required to be taken, in connection with opening continuation of road from Chelmer street to join the new road to Care Valley, be so issued or taken. A quantity of correspondence re indent* ing a stone-crusher was read, and it was

ordered that one be imported from Home per Mestri Bright Brothers. The Clerk then read the following

RIPORT OF FHTANCB COICRUTTEB. In continuation of the report presented at last meeting showing the turn required to complete the pipelaying, etc., for the water work*, your Committee have now the honor to present a statement showing the estimated receipts and expenditure from or on account of the works when opened, vig. —

£8600 0 0 It will be observed by the preceding that assuming, as your committee do on the basis of applications made that water-power is availed of for motive power to the extent indicated, a general rate of 6d in the £ will be all that will be required to balance the revenue and expenditure, while in a few years the steady growth of the population should, by increasing the revenue from consumers, do away the necessity of imposing any rate at all. The present indebtedness of the town, independency of the loan for water supply, is Suite within its means, as will be seen by tie figures following. It may be premised that that indebtedness consists altogether of £35,000, viz., £25,000 general purposes, and £10,000 gas loan. As regards the latter, the gasworks revenue itself easily bears the charge, the audited balance-sheet for the year ended 31st December, 1877, showing, after providing for interest on debentures, allowance for depreciation of plant, and a sinking fund of L4OO, a balance of profit of L 7 6; while the year en led 31st December, 1878, will doubtless show mere favorable results when the balance-sheet is made up, as the account for the half-year endea Sept. 30th showed an increase of revenue for that period of Ll6B 15s. The LlO.OOO loan cannot therefore be counted as a burden, being a re-productive investment, and there remains accordingly as against ordinary revenue only the interest on the 25,000 ordinary purposes loan, after providing for interest and sinking fund on which, for the payment of all salaries, day labor, and ordinary expenses, the general revenue shows a balance available for contract works of L 2330, as is shown by the subjoined statement of municipal revenue and expenditure, omitting waterworks and gasworks.

The report was adopted. The Mayor suggested the advisability, for the satisfaction of the public of getting the report of some outside engineering authority. Cr Liddle did not think there was the least necessity, and futher believed that those who were dissatisfied would be dissatisfied still no matter who reported. Cr Humphrey thought such a report desirable. Cr Gibbs agreed with Cr Liddle. After considerable discussion the matter dropped. The following reports from the Engineer were read . — Oamaru Waterworks, Engineer's Office, Oamaru, 2nd January, 1879. To His Worship the Mayor and Councillors. Gentlemen, — I had the honor to report on the 24th ult. that there was a suspension of the works on Mr Hendersons Waterworks contract, and suggested that the solicitors' opinion should be taken as to what further steps should be taken under the contract. The solicitors having been fully instructed and advised, have had the whole case before them during the stoppage of works, and the contractor not having resumed work, although repeatedly advised and asked to do so, notice by the Corporation of intention to determine the contract was served upon the contractor's agent yesterday, and formal possession was to-day taken of the works on behalf of the Corporation. The accompanying memorandum shows the manner in which the works are now proposed to be carried on. I am advised by Mr Anderson, Christchurch, that the first shipment of pipes (600 tons) from D. Y. Stewarts manufactory, Glasgow, would be despatched at the end of last month ; and Messrs Burt, of Donedin, also advise having put the lead service pipes and fittings in hand. There is no reason whatever why the whole works complete should not be finished within 12 months from now. The river has again been very high, but has not don* the slightest damage to any portion of the works. I have, 4c., D. A. M'Lkod, Engineer.

Oaraaru Waterworks, Engineer's Office, Oamara, 2nd January, 1879. To HU Worship the Mayor and Councillors. Gentlemen, — I hare had the whole contract carefully gone orer by Mr Jebson, lately Clerk «f Works to the Provincial Gorernment of Canterbury, and Mr Kirkby, of own staff, with the riew of ascertaining the cost of finishing the works. I instructed Mr Jebson and Mr Kirkby to allow for every contingency, with full quantities and adequate prices, independently of schedule quantities and prioes, and their estimate shews that they have made most liberal allowances

Or say £50,000 or £7000 over origin*! amount of tender. — I have, Ac., D. A. M'Lzod, Engineer. After discussion it was resolved that the further consideration of the waterworks question be taken next (this) evening at 7.15. A petition from a number of residents complaining of the impassable state of Ouse street, between Reid street an^p^ Aln street, and praying a remedy, T^f was presented by Cr Gibbs, who spoke in support, and stated that the work had been previously sanctioned. It was resolved to call for tenders to garry out the work. The accounts presented were passed for payment, viz., ordinary accounts, L1231651d ; gasworks, L 53 8s 6d ; watebfM works, Lll9 19s 4d ; and the Coun^^ then adjourned until this evening.

Consumer* payment! for domestic ■apply m made up in July, 1877, on basis of then Valution Roll, viz., Thames Ward ... £560 10 11 Jetty 436 2 8 Severn „ ... 607 8 3 High „ ... 323 12 6 £1927 14 4 Or say, on present valuation ... £2000 0 0 Rent of water for motive power 300hpatL15 4500 0 0 Rents set aside in aid of revenue, say 1000 0 0 General rate of 6d in the £ on £44,000 annual value 1100 0 0


a. < u« Annual interest on LIOO.OOO, at 7 per cent. Wages, salaries, and labor, viz.: — 1 man at headworks, at £2 10s per week ... £130 0 0 Ido at Reservoir 150 0 0 6 maintenance menatBsperday 748 16 0 Clerk 175 0 0 Storeman ... 130 0 0 Occasional assist7000 0 0 ance 50 0 0 Stationery ... 50 0 0 Proportion Town Engineer's salary 100 16 0 £1533 0 0 1600 0 0


ihmab above cost M 21,500 0 0 Total ... £53,498 0 0 •epoait money in hand ... £1000 0 etention, do do 2569 0 0 0 3569 0 0 Total cost of Works ... £49,929 0 0

From fUtes, It Od in the £ on £44,000 £3300 0 0 Rente— Town sect, £1077 li 6d; Reserve*, £362 4i 6d ; Qu*rries, £17 1456 5 0 Licenses, Fees, Penalties, and Permit* 1316 10 9 Government Subsidy ... 2*200 0 0 £8272 15 9


Interest on £25,000 cent Sinking Fund ... Salaries Day Labor, incluHini at 7 q P* 7 per ... €1750 0 ... 300 0 ... 1271 15 »y of 0 0 0


Lamplighter 1228 3 0 Labor on Reserves 291 4 0 Ordinary expenditure ... 1101 10 8 Available for contract works... 2330 3 1 £8272 15 9

I Weighbridge - keeper and

The estimate thews the cost to be L 21.500 0 Oj The total amount of money paid on Hcndenon'g contract up to date i* ... 27,678 0 0 Advance* on plant and ma< teriaUi 4,320 0 0 231,916 0 6

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North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2081, 3 January 1879, Page 2

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MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2081, 3 January 1879, Page 2

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2081, 3 January 1879, Page 2