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AVONDALE RACES AUSSIE WINS ALL-AGED STAKES ;.Hy TeletrrafiJi.—Pres* Association) ArCKI.ANI) M:ii Ajivi] Till- Av.ftHl ill' .K. !.<•-. (."lull h Autumn Mi-i.tifi!' Lpi in..l in (i.nii.itiil u-.-atli.-i- im lis ii- i.iml- *>■■'■: HI Am.nihil... vvlii, I, ,\a mi .ili.'cl.-il In. i.mi uiulil rain. Tln-ir r :, :■,;,,! ;.l I .-n.1a'1..-.- Tl',.- r.-Slill, :,,,■: M.-u.i, n I'lat.-. i-l \iW :.-\-. : s.-\,-ii tin |. ~-■■ . i, K.-i-ii Dan..-. 7.11. 1 : .-, Horn li.-M'il.-r, tJ.'i. I" : 10 I'aifai!. 7.11, 3 Seal. li-il : liritish Kins.".- Sli-nn !•,,:,,!. i;,t- \ /.am . W "ii \>\ i In.-.. i|iia)ti-is >.l ii Iciiuli!. mi.' li-n-il. iirlwrt-n st-i-nnil lni( | iliiull 'l' -. 1.30. !li,lis..n\ ill.- Ilni-.11.-s. of 300 snvs : Iwu Illil.-S.- -2 Trail:.. 10.9 MJ.-imi,-). 1 : 7, Lnclv (".'intra. Lo.">. 2 : I l.aiiy Spalpi'-cn,'. 3. Als.. siarlt-il: -i Knnumi. 5 Luxurious. 6 N'oln Ni-iln. Won hv hail' a |..|i<_'ili : hv,- 1.-tmili*. Tiiiiv. "unit, -14

|-'olev Mei,n,rial of 600 sows : one mile and n utiarter 10 I'.ranson. 7.2 iCninmii k), 1:1 Stai Stranger. 10.1. 2 : 3 T,,\vn Hank. 7.7. 3. Also sorted : 7 Hden |l;ill. :; D-serl Clow. .V 1,, ;|„.

Shade 4 Papatti, 6 IVim-i ..-. Bonnie. : Yalko.'i. 11 Transformer. M llipo 14 Col den Krist. 13 Qinen Arch. 12 Day Ouerd Wen hv half ;i length : lieai'l Time. 2lllin 6sec'

Oakle\ Handicap, oi 250 =ovs: on mile.- 1 Ohineimin.' li.O (Brady), J ;

Respirator, 7.4. '.'. : G Uestaurant. i 0. 3. Ah.,; started: 2 Micrometer. 4 Modest Bov. 3 Aurieulns. 9 Takuianga. 7 Miss Meivia, 10 Waning Light, 9 Arch Queen Won by a length; long bead. Time: lmin 40 3-ssec.

AI.L-ACED STAKES, of 1000 sovs j six furlongs.— 1 Aussie." 9.10 (Tinker) 1

4 Prince Humphrey, 8.0 (T. Green) 2 2 Joy King. 9.7. (Weed) .... . 3 Also started: 3 Pitganelli. 5 Lysander, '6 Prod ice. 7 White Wings. 8 l.m'y Rose. Won hv threc-tptnrters of n length; i,ead. Time, lmin 13 l-sseo.

Chevalier Handicap, of 250 sovs; six furlongs.—4 Act on. 10.5 (Reed). 1: 6 Whiika King. 9.7. 2; 12 Wyoming. 8.0. 3. Also sinned: 9 Wnltzei\ 5 Welcome Heme (Green). 3 Ladies' I Soy. 2 Newhurv. 15 Catapult. 10 Appellant. 8 Pinon,'] P.ritish King. 11 Desert Knight, 7 Yallar, 13 Idtin. 16 G'lenetta, 14 Weo Marble. Won by v, neck ; head. Time, lmm 15 l-ssec.

Bailwav Handicap, of 400 sovs; six furlongs.—l Awarere, 9.0 (Tinker). 1: 4 Covent Garden. 7.4. 2: 2 Flying .Juliet, 7.9 . and 5 High Finance. 7.4. deadbeat. 3. Also smiled : 11 Loyal Tea. 3 Ivillgfield. 0 Tinokoa. 12 Subdivision. 9 The Immigrant, 10 King Emerald. 8 Aurumnvis! 7 Melissa. Won _by lialf a length : neck. Time, lmin 13 2-ssec Titirangi Handicap, of 250 sovs: oik mile.—2 Le Clmnens. 9.2 (Green). .ledges P.on, 8.1. 2: 6 High Pitch. 3.4, 3. "Scratched : P.arometer. Lh Tinii. Won by three-quarters of :, length, with the same distance between second and third. Time, lmin 40see. The totalisator investments were £42,826. as compared with £57.265 10= last venr.

CHIEF EVENTS DESCRIBED 'By Telegraph—Special to "The Mail") AUCKLAND. 14th 'April. l.e Clioucas. True lilood. and Alonson failed In parade for the holey Memorial Handicap, leaving a good field of tourteen to contest that event. When the totalisator closed. Star Stranger was elected favourite, being entrusted with £1346. the next in request being Yalkmi. £1042. and Jown Rank, who carried £941. When the harrier lifted In the Shade was turned the reverse way, i.'.den Hall being side on. while Hipo got the tapes caught in his mouth and they i,,gt a lot of 'ground. In the Shade he ing the worst sufferer. Going out of the straight Town Bank was leading P.rnnson.' YalUon, Day Guard. Papatti. Queen Arch, llipo. Star Stranger. Transformer, Eden Hall and Princess Ronnie, with In the Shade last. Along the back Ihiv Guard had charge, attended by Branson, Town Lank. Yalkon. Desert (Jlciw, I'iipatu and St.-ir Stranger, and he villi showed the. way crossing the lop. Inn j-;,!, ~at very wide entering the straiglil and lost ids position. Ibanson was Ihe leader :il ibis stage and staying „,i nicclv he got the decision by half a length from Star Si ranger, who put ill a -nod finishing run with Town Hank a bead away, third. Yalkon was fourth, the next to finish being Desert Glow. Princess Ronnie, Day Guard and Papain. AT-SSIE WINS AC ATX For the All-Aged Stakes Aussie was installed favourite, carrying £2539. Joy King £998, and Paganelii £782 were next hi request. Prociice was first to show up from Paganelii, Prince Humphrey, l.vsander. Aussie, While Wings. Joy King and Lucy Rose. Prince Humphrey, was first into the straight from Pitganelli, Lvsander. Aussie. White Wings, and Joy King. Aussie came through in liie run to the judge's box and won by three-quarters of n 'length, a length separating Prince Humphrey from Joy King ' Paganelii was fourth, then came Lucv Rose, Lvsaadei White Wings, and'Picdice. THE CHIEF SPRTNT Nancy Lee and High Pitch did not pmade I'oi the Railway Handicap, the chief sprint nice of the day, and backers made Awarere first choice, supporting him to the extent of £1876. luvillg Juliet, who carried £1215. and Fvingfield t:934, wcie yl«o a, deiiiiual Flying Juliet war, hrs.t out, followed by High Financt Awau-re Ruyal Tea and Kingfield. High i inaiice led into the stiaight t/oin I'lvn,;.' Juliet, Awarere, (",,-.-,,-it Garden, Kinglield, and Melissa l',ut win ii titty yardr. From the post Av.aicie put in his .hum and svoii by | i: ,!l a length from Covent Garden, with Flviny Juliet and High Finance, who de'id -heated n neck I'm the, bad;. Royal Tea was next, followed by Melissa. Subdivision. Tinokoa, The Immigrant, Anrumiivis Minefield, and Kmg Emerald.

METROPOLITAN TROTS CONCLUDING DAY'S RESULTS riimsTCiinini. Mth April. Tin' Metviipulili'ii Tints \\vie imtrliiil- ,.,| i,, ,|;iv. Tlli'iv was a liiipc iittciul•ii,ll'. !i!id iii»' v |,:| ' '"y w;i> ' ''""■'■ 'l'li'i- results nrc: Harvest lliiiiilic;i|i. of 300 sov? : <>no „,;|,. H Ni'lsim MiKimii'V. 2<lvils lilnl, I • |0 Nuiiinii.lwil. dOvils Mill. 2: 7 Nu 1,,,, ~,, |!„v. IS.vils 1.1,<1. .i All sI.-iHiml. \\',.ii l.v , i';l:'| it'll.uHis. Tiini'. '.'mill ."'0 '('iNt.r.l ll;iinli.-;ii>. "I 300 suvs [2M ~|; , .... j , ,„■ mil.'. I) Nlllivn (,)ii,rn. SIT (|." 1 '• ;,; nfilnii'iiv. sit. '.' : 2 Pa" Vim. I2yils Mhl. 3. SiTiiti'licd: .l«'!in Mi-F.lwvn iiml I'.i-ssii' Ln»aii. Won '»>' ilirrc lengths; onv length. Time.. 2min 10 2-ssec.

PRKSTDEXT'S HANDICAP, of 1000 s,.Vs (4.29 i lassi : two miles.— 1 Padlock, s,r ( \Y. [lughesl 1 9 Talaro. 24yds bhd .' 2 5 Queen's Own. 36yds bhd 5 Scratched: Prince Pointer. Won pulling up by two lengths: throe lengths between and third Times: 4min :'.h 5-iisi'c. lmin 25sec, 4iuin ?A 2-ssec.

Hal: wed Handicap, oi 4ISO sovs (4.36 .-in .s) ; two miles. ■> Jean Mcßlwvn. 12 vth lilnl (L*. IJ. I'.errv), 1 : 4 C resit Karl. 12'.d- bhd. 2 ; 2 Lev Logan. 12vds bhd, 3 ' S, rah le d . Avenger. Voiiug I'dake, ('■ I.•,„• Pointer. Lilly Sen. Won by a hi, -ih : ilu'ee lengths' Time. 4mm 36sec.

\\ .•!(■..uif 11:11j11 i< ap. of 400 sovs (for (111-,..- vi-iii olds) : our mil,- and il luilf. - 3 I'll-.- Advice. 60vds I>!><l .1. I!iw|. 1 : 2 Writer. 24vds l.'lni. 2 : Delight fid. s<-r. 3. Si-rjiu-hi'ci : l.v.v I'hilil, Myrtle Dillon. Won hv a ieimth and a half: out- length. Tim.-. "Siniii 25see. Writci :i:nl Prime (/iiim.s were coupled. April Handicap, of 350 sovs (4.42 rlass) • twn mil.-.-' 9 Unalnv. 48vds hlitl [C Donald,. 1 : 7 l.iulv Mat.-lilight. 24 yds ;;!,,!. 2: f> An.-. 48yds l)hd. 3. Won li\ .] 1, ;r..'i: ami a hail : onti leni'ili. '| J ii.,e. 4ini:i 23 4-55,-e. Summer liandi.ap, of 4CO sovs (4.40 ,-las-i : iv.-., mil. -. 1 Native Star. 72vtls 1,1i,1 iM. I*.. Kdwards). I . 2 Elzeav. 72yds lihd. 2 : ! I'etrolonse. Mi-. 3. Scratched : Audol.fll and Our l.adv. Won hv iwo Icimihs: 'in- length Time, 4mm 30 2 fist-.-. KI/> .ir and Voting Blake were

coupled. [1,.-!, Chi.---, Handicap, of 400 sovs (2 45) class): one mile and a quarter.— ! .Author .links. 24yds bhd 1 : 2 Princi Pointer 36vds bhd', 2: 8 Acron. 36ydshhd, 5. Scratched : Golden Devon, dad; Potts. Won by two lengths: one length. Time. 2min 42 4-ssee. Totalisatoi investments were £45,812. ilfi compared with £38.409 it. 1927.

DESCRIPTION OF CUP RACE (By Telegraph.—Special to "The Mail") CHRISTCHURCH. 14th April. In the big race at the Metropolitan Trots to-day, the President's Handicap, of ICOO sovs, the favourite. Padlock, led for n furlong, when lh>i Cole ran pica him. The pair were followed along t.he straight by Peterwah. Talero. Author .links, and Queen's Own. This order was unchanged at the mile post, but starting on'tin last lap. Padlock ran nasi with Poi Cole, and Queen's Own heading the others. Peterwah broke going out of the straight, and half a inile from home Padlock was two lengths in from of Loi Cole, with Author Jinks. Talero and Queen's Own in close attendance. A furlong further on I'oi Cole dropped out, Talero running into sei end place. Padlock was well clear at Ihe entrance to the straight and he won easilv bv two lengths, from Talero. while three length-- further buck. Queen's Own got up in lime to beat Author Jinks by a length with Block Admiral close up fifth.

TARANAKI TROTS CUP TO TUI WILDWOOD NEW PLYMOUTH. 14!Ij April. Tito Taranaki trots wore held in good weather and before a big attendance. Results:— Xovice Handicap (harness). of 100 povs: our- mile and a half.—Lady Jewell, scr. 1 : Ai-aroa. scr, 2: Lord Ln. scr, 3; Lome Dillon, sir. 4. Won by one and a lialf lengths; six lengths. Time.. 3min 37sec. Scratched: Lady Ebony. Wnitara Handicap [harness), oi* 110 sovs : one mile and a half.—Colonel Thorpe. 96vds bhd, 1: Rebecca, 108yds bhd. 2: Nelson's Request, 12yds bhd, .5; Timbell. scr. 4. Won by half a length; length. Time. 3niin 44 2-ssoc. Scratched : Leo .Mauritius. Leal Todd. Urenui Handicap (harness), of 110 govs two miles.—Hostess, scr, 1 ; Great Delphi, 24vds bhd. 2: Hell Dial, 60yds i.lnl. 3; Dealer, 12yds bhd. 4. Won bv three lengths each way. Time. 4inui 50see. All started. Taranaki Cud (harness), of 300 sovs; two miles.—Tui Wild wood. 36yds bhd, 1 : Dillon Hum. 36yds bhd. 2: Joy I'.ird. 12vds bhd. 3: Lottie Advance. 36 s ,is bhd'. 4. Won bv two lengths : half J, length. Time. 4min 39see. All start- " Moturoa Handicap (saddle). of 110 snvs: one mile.—Trustworthy, 24yds bhd 1 : Itulieator. scr. 2: (laze. 12yds bhd, 3; I itdv Ehonv. scr. 4. Won bv a head : length. Time. 2min 20 l-ssec. All started. Inglewood Handicap (harness), or i4O sovs? two miles.—Call Bov. 48yds bhd. ] : P.ingen Star. 120yds bhd, 2: Rebecca. sir. 3: Lochade. scr, 4. Won by a head : iwo and a half lengths. Time, smin 2 4-ssec. Scratched: Mokanna, Omata Handicap (harness), of 110 sovs : one mile and a half.—Dealer, scr, 1 : Hill Top. scr. 2: Ce Advanceur. 12yds I,'iid. 3: Our Nancy, 43yds bhd. 4. Won bv a length: two'lengths. Time. 2min 36 3-sscc. Scratched: Kolmar. Hostess. Queen Elizabeth. Knrewell Handicap (harness), of 125 sovs: one mile and a quarter.—Joy Bird, 12yds bhd, 1 ; Dillon Huon. 24yds bhd., 2:' r.cmv. 12yds bhd. 3: Admiral bock. 24yds bhd. 4'. Won by a length : two lengths. Time. 2min 53 2-ssee. Scratched: Wrigley, Kevin Brae, Tut Wildwood, Our Patch.

GREYMOUTH J.C'S MEETING GREYMOUTH, 14th April. The Grevmnnth Jockey Club's meetiiiq was held to-day. Results:— "Novice Stakes, of 70 sovs; five ami a 'naif furlongs.—2 St. Nicholas, 9.0, 1 } 3 Bowser 90.2 ■ 4 Killaddie, 90. 5 All stinted Won by a length. Tune lmin 3 l-ssec Hurdle Hamliiap, oi 100 sovs; one mil.- and a halt and 110 vaids.—3 Heis--1,., 11 0, 1 ; 1 Roval Land, 10 3. 2; 4 i.oul Leslie, 9.3. 3 ' Also started: 2 Gay Queen. 5 Flying Master. Won liy a length Time, 2min 59see. iVaiinan Memorial, of 150 sovs; one mil,, and n quarter.—l Fresco, 8.6, 1. 9 Carnot, 8.10, 2: 3 Killoeh, 8 /, 6 Scratched': Bronstel, . Steel Bar. The Harp. Won by half a length. Time. 2min 14 3-ssec. Faster Hack Handicap. of 100 sovs: ~,.,,.„ furlongs.—l Atone, 8.5 ll: Me. Cnm-i), 1 : 5 Sea day. B.G, 2: 7 Gasliulit. B.(j. 3. Scratched ; Killacldio [Jphthcnrtcd. Won by five lengths: t\v«'i lengths. Time, lmin 32siv. Metropolitan Handicap, of 100 sovs: six fin-longs.—2 Tip Tree, 8.5. ] ; 1 King's Jester, 8.2. 2: 4 I'ara. 7.10. 3. 'J MI stai ted : llallownoon. Calibmu. W'.ni bv a leimih. Time. 1.25 3-5. ll,'l.\M-iulii Handicap, of 100 suvs : s ,.veii furlong, 1 Bronslell, 9.8, 1 : 5 \,. I.Vsp.mse'. 8.4. 2: 4 Corn Rigs. 8.12. ;■;. .\lsn started : Si eel liar. The Harp. I'.iiukih-,ill. (!a\ Caiintlet. Won by a len-lli Time,'l.33 35. |.-;,re\vell Handicap, "f H)0 sovs: six i"llll<>rius ami a half. 3 (,>uilllirc, 9.3, 1 ; 3 Malinsey. 9.3. 2: 4 Cold Mini. 7.13. Also slarled: King Cheops. Spmle. Kriii gd Bragh. Carrigallen, Caliburn. Won by a length. Time. 1.25. The sum of £6934 was invested on

Hit l Kitalisatii] as • ompavod with £3254 last vcar.

MANAWATU ACCEPTANCES The following .11 ■<• i hi' .n ri'phiiii .-.-. I'oi llic (Jay of I lie Manawatii ini'Otin» : Woodliey Hark H.iii<lic:i{i t i,f 200 sov.s; six :l'urlon«;> -Thf K.iider, <)..'»; !<><■ ftjm pi.', 9.0; Vi f L v, HO, Mo.i Bird, 85; Kodd ,i, Orcade.;, ii.i . .Silver Trav V 3 , Cjllbninora. V ! ; :...'■,,' Wonder, 70 K,'...,> Ihmii,,. ~,-• ,250 ~v:; one i .it - and Ihm-.ptaM.-rs. - I'.n'riadier J'.iil. 11.1 : Miltll. 10.3: Howl. 10.1 : Aii'tiglit, 10.0; I,'ovai lleatlior. 9.13: Puvvhoro. 9.12: Kill,inn 9.11 : Vexat.iuiis. 9.8: .Mount Marin, lionecio. Chrissarto. 9.0. Prince; of Wales Handicap, of 400 sov.s: nine i'mlon",- —Crown Area. 8/3: Mandai.e. Yeitu'eui 8.6. .Toy Bird. 8.4; Royal D;un..i.. ii'/.: Vivo 7.13; Tri-sliam'. Dnke .-\lihu\ Oiatrix, rtltn i. Mini, 7.7 : IVrlu do F.eun. I' 7.1 : I In' Swell, IJcauinoiit . Iltiikai. Csize. A.Ml.•pair. 7.0. 'IV Matai lla.k llamli.ap. ..[' 200 sovs : Him- Unions*. 11,'inia. 8 10; llvpnotie, U.y : Spearmis: 8.8 ; Montlip. ;;.2 ; Aro pcla. 8.1 : L'l.isdrliri'. 7 13: lirai-maii. 7.8: Klvinsj Sl„.i. 7 G: (" I'ri.-n. ,'l:uk 7.5: Ahva\s. 7.1 ; Ci Snvii't. 7.0. Manawatii Sires I'n .In.-.- Stakes, of 700 suvs: seven fiu-lonjis. —Episode. 8.11 : llaasav. 8.5: Kreoliold.. CoiifPiitrato, Moortimi. 8.0; Mefullus, 7.9: Pure fJnltl

Av.apmii (;. I.] Cup. of 520 liovs ; mill- nn<l ;i i|iinrii*i Mask. niMviiionna. Star Stranger. 9.2: Hynanria, 90: l.aucjiing Priiici'. Satrap, B.G. Telegrapli Handicap, ui 500 sovs : six CiirlonMs. I?t-:v:ri Damon 9.3: Benzora, 9.4: Money Order. 9.1 : Dobbin, Biond 'Am 1 , y. 3: Fits! Acre. 7,3: Silvermine, Whoniuimii. Miss J'.ii. Thaw. 7.5: K;iifi, 7.0. I.inton Hack Handicap, of 200 mvs: seven furious;*.— Vigilance. 9.3: lb.lns Bolus. 8.12: Win-.,-'),., 8.7: Some bad, Borsalene. 8.6: Kindle. Man,, o 5; Shinin;'. Star, ;•;.>-; Ki.'il' Mart, Aurora Coreali-; 7.12 . VnhwtoY. 7 11. AUSTRALIAN RACING LIMERICK WINS KING S CUP United Pi'ues Association—By Electric Telegraph—Copyright

SYDNEY, 15th April. The Autumn racing carnival concluded :it Randwick on Saturday in showery weather. The attendance was 45.000. The track was in good order. J Exciting linishes were the order of the day. two races resulting in dead-heats. Limerick won the King's Cup brilliantly, lie was second to last at the halfmile, but moving up swiftly at the turn he joined issues wnh the leaders and prevailed by a short head. The champion's victory was a worthy finale to notable successes during the meeting and the crowd broke out in a tumult Of applause when he returned to scales. Hulls Handicap, of 1000 sovs: seven furlongs. Firs! division: Loyal Time 1. Enorgique 2. Preposterer 3. Second division: Karuma 1. Rennui 2. Boasterer

Hangar Handicap, of 100 sovs: one, mile and a quarter.—Mountain Prince 1. Rionscnp 2. Vallum 3. Second Steeplechase. of 750 SOVS; about three miles. Eastern Scot 1, Gunlike 2. (Lav Gordon 3.

KING'S'CUP. a handicap sweepstake of £2O each, with 2000 s«vs and a gold cup, valued at £IOO. the, gift of His Majesty the King; one mile and a half. Limerick, 9.5 (MeCarten) 1

Valparaiso, 7.3 (Ellis) 2 Winalot. 8.6 (Toohey) 3 Won h\ a head, with a head between second aiid third. Time. 2min 32J>sec. Eight started. Valparaiso led out of the straight ahead of Jocelvn, Simeon's Fort, and Wiiialot. Limerick was last along the back of the course. Valparaiso being two lengths clear of Simeon's Fort, Tangible and Winalot.' Moving fast Limerick ran into third position turning for home, and at the distance was on equal terms with Valparaiso and Winalot. Li a desperate struggle Limerick prevailed bv a head.

Fernhi'll Handicap.—Yodelist, 7.3. and P.almerino. 8.5. dead-beat, 1: Star War don. 8.6. 5. Seventeen started. Star Warden Itegan smartly from Panola, Simula and' Rob's March, and led into the straight ahead of Bob's Marchand Panola. Jeypltore finished fast. Yode list- and P.almerino challenged Star Warden, and runnine evenly gained Hie verdict bv a length. Time, 1.26. Maggie Mint Fell. Final Handicap.—Spearer. 9.2. and l.ovebox. 7.2. dead-heat. 1 : TJoonaln. 7.9. 3. Thirteen started. Boonala. Kitty Poddington, Justify and Honan led the Held to* the straight. Lovebox assumed control ;it the distance from Poonala. Spearer. coming fast, joined T.oveuox and gained the verdict by a length. Time. 2.6. CONGRATULATIONS FROM THE KING (Received 16th April. 9.25 a.m.) SYDNEY, This Day. At the request of the committee of the Jockcv Club, the Governor-General cabled the result of the King's Cup to His Majestv, and received the reply: "I congratulate Mr Knight on winning my cup after such a splendid race." PAPERS' COMMENT ON THE CHAMPION'S WIN (Received 16th April. 9.25 a.m.) S\ DNEY. This Day. The "Sydney Morning Herald."' commenting on Limerick's win. says: "In the most thrilling rare of the meeting Limerick had to reveal the wonderful qualities with which lie is endowed to enable him to win. It was n wonderful race. The crowd became hysterical, even reserved old gentlemen throwing top hats in the ail m the heat of the moment.

Limerick got his tutigiie under the bit early, which made the task more diifi- . nit. and it was only in the last few stride:- that lie was able to forge ahead and win."

The "Telegraph" says: "Limerick set a sea] to his fame by registering his e-ghtli successive win. He demonstrated that he is at home in all sorts of vveathe) ovei all distances, and that it matters not to him it the race i- : a handicap ni a weight-for-uge event. His Kit UM performance was his greatest. ENGLISH RACiN(j United Press Association—By ILle.itrie Teliijraph—Copyright Australian I' Association

LONDON. Id!I, April. The Ni'wbmv Cup resulted.—Ynntnvi Belle 1. Cetebe 2.. Orbindos 3 Twentv

started. Won by three-quarters of a length,, ;i short between second and" third horses.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 16 April 1928, Page 2

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WEEK-END RACING Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 16 April 1928, Page 2

WEEK-END RACING Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 16 April 1928, Page 2